Li Meng's return did not alarm anyone.

After leaving the "Emperor", he took a low-key speedboat back to Qingcheng.

At the Qingcheng River Military Wharf, as many speedboats appeared from the river and docked on the wharf, the movement caused a slight attraction to people in the port.

But it’s just a few more glances. At the pier, I don’t know how many soldiers of the First Army come in and out every day. Once the soldiers of the First Army leave Qingcheng, they will take speedboats. For speedboats running on the river, The civilians in Qingcheng have long been used to it.

The weather today is very good, although the sky is floating with a layer of clouds, but the sun can also be clearly seen.

The temperatureless sunlight seeps down from the clouds and stains the sky of Qingcheng with a layer of gold.

Leaving the speedboat, Li Meng slightly raised his head and glanced around the port when he stepped on the ground of the pier.

After many days in Shibei, the port is still prosperous, and the walking figures are still endless, densely packed.

On the other side of the port, at the edge of the forest, a huge gap appeared, dividing the forest in two.

That is the road under construction.

A road that connects Qingcheng and the bay port.

After more than a month of construction, the road has begun to take shape.

However, it will take a lot of time to "pass".


Although it was known that the commander had returned, when he saw that the commander was walking out of the speedboat, the mobilizers on duty at the dock were still shocked, and hurriedly greeted them, holding a military salute.


Replied softly, Li Meng said, "Is the vehicle ready?"

"Yes! It's ready!"

When the commander left the port, they were notified and prepared in advance.

Putting down his forehead hand, a mobilized soldier said: "Commander! Please follow me!"

After speaking, the mobilized soldiers led the way.

Taking a step forward, Li Meng followed.

At this time, from the three speedboats, all the nuns have boarded the dock.

Twenty-three days ago, there were more than 100 nuns who left Qingcheng, but now only a few dozen have returned.

Her nun stayed in Bentley, and they needed their help in the war in Bentley.

"Commander! Recently we have added a lot of vehicles, including military, civilian, and various types of engineering vehicles. When buying vehicles, we also chose a car for the commander. Although military armed vehicles are safe enough, But the comfort is too poor, and, as a commander, you cannot always run around in military vehicles. This is too demeaning!"

As he walked, the mobilizers leading in front said to Li Meng.

For nearly a month, Nanlin Island under the control of the First Army was not standing still, and some details were slowly being perfected.


Li Meng smiled silently at what the mobilizer said.

It seems that his men are very concerned about etiquette.

When the words of the mobilization soldiers fell, everyone had already left the dock.

When crossing the gate, on the road outside, a row of parked vehicles of all sizes appeared in Li Meng's eyes.

One, two, three, four, there are five cars in total. The front car is a black car. It has a slender body, a smooth surface and a curvaceous appearance.

Behind the black car are four dark gray buses. The bus is bloated and square. The most striking thing is the five and a half-person high wheels on that side, which makes the bus look huge.

"Commander! Get in the car, please!"

Under the guidance of the mobilizers, Li Meng took Sakiya and Wendy into the front black car.

According to the mobilizer, this black car will be Li Meng's exclusive car.

The nuns boarded four dark gray buses, more than forty nuns, and four buses full of 55 people. It can be said that one bus can hold all the nuns. On the one hand, it is generous enough.

"This car is not bad!"

Li Meng in the back seat of the black car gave a compliment after observing the interior of the car for a while.

From the outside, the size of the black car is not small, and the interior space is unexpectedly generous.

Sitting in the car does not make people feel bound.

It also looks very luxurious in terms of decoration, with leather seats and a small refrigerator.

As the temperature in the car adapts, the air conditioner must have been on.

Sitting in the driving seat was a mobilizer, still in the dark green power combat uniform.

Sitting with Li Meng in the back was Sakuya. As for Wendy, she sat in the passenger seat.

Hearing the praise from His Highness, Sakuya on the side took the words and said: "This "Stetan" brand bulletproof car is also famous in Ayr. Leaders of all countries basically use this kind of car as His Highness. The car is also suitable."

At this time, from the rear, a bison armed assault vehicle passed by the side of the convoy and stopped in front of the convoy.

In the beckoning of the driver in the Bison armed assault vehicle, the "engine" roared suddenly.

The vehicles in the convoy started their engines.

With a "strong" engine roar, the bison armed assault vehicle that opened the road in front moved.

The team followed closely behind.

Led by the Bison armed assault vehicle, the huge convoy headed aggressively towards the city gate.

Along the way, pedestrians avoided, attracting countless eyes.

In the eyes on both sides of the road, there are envy and doubts.

What I envy is that beautiful car, that kind of transportation is rare in Qingcheng, and no one wants to own a car of their own.

What is puzzled is what identity is the person in the car, and there is such a big battle.

For the changes in Qingcheng, the old gates seem a bit outdated.

When the convoy passed under the city gate, the city was a wide avenue.

During several months of construction, the roads in Qingcheng have been perfectly completed, and the two intersecting main roads in the city have passed.

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