Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 752: Wanmi Tiankeng

Humans have an instinctive resistance to darkness.

This is nature, the nature deep in human genes

Thirty minutes later, there were several blue light spots like starlight in the darkness below my feet.

The destination has arrived.

The strange sound above also attracted the attention of the exploration team on the platform.

When they looked up, with the help of night vision goggles, they saw the figures that were sliding down.

It was Sergeant Vanya who came with the backup troops.

Seeing this scene, the exploration team on the platform sighed with relief.

Darkness makes people nervous and feels a depressive atmosphere. When the number of similar species increases, the pressure on the heart will decrease.

Human beings are social creatures, and the power of groups is endless, and it also brings confidence to people.

"Boom! Boom!"

With a bang, the backup troops landed on the platform one by one.

With the arrival of backup troops, the huge platform suddenly became lively.

In the darkness, the figure was shaking, and the blue gloomy light was shining.

That is the light from the sensor on the helmet of the mobilizer.

"You are welcome, Sergeant Vaniyah!"

When they stepped on the platform, a mobilizer greeted Vanya.

Looking around, the huge platform caught Vanya's eyes.

On the screen in the helmet, the capture program is distinguishing what it sees.

Rocks, rising light green gas, and mobilized soldiers moving on the platform.

Withdrawing his gaze from a distance, looking at the mobilized soldiers in front of him, Wanya said: "I have brought four rope sling equipments. Install them immediately. Before the arrival of the backup equipment, how deep this sinkhole must be. To find out!"


Under Vanya's order, the troops that had just arrived immediately took action.

Every few people carried a rope equipment to the edge of the platform and installed it.

In the darkness, the mobilized soldiers were moving, and the blue gloomy light flickered.

After a sound of "ding-ding" impact, the rope-skiing device was fixed on the edge of the platform.

The pale green gas slowly rose from in front of him, standing on the edge of the platform, Vanya looked at the end of the line of sight outside the platform.

Darkness, there is a deep darkness at the end of the line of sight.

After taking a look at Vanya, he withdrew his gaze. Looking at the mobilizer beside the back of the sliding rope on the edge of the platform, Vanya nodded and said, "Go! Let down the rope!"

In silence, the mobilized soldiers began to act.

Pick up one end of the rope and throw it out of the platform.

In the sound of the "shuttle" rotating, the rope sliding device was trembling, and the rope was quickly being laid out.

The green indicator light on the sliding rope device flashes rhythmically, reminding people that the device is running.

The sound of "shuttle" kept ringing, and the mobilized soldiers were also concentrated on the edge of the platform somehow, watching the sliding rope equipment in operation, waiting patiently.

ten minutes later!

"It's already two kilometers!"

In the darkness, the sound reverberated. This did not break the tranquility on the platform, but an unspeakable and unclear atmosphere appeared. It was an atmosphere of tension and surprise.

"Three thousand meters!"

"Four thousand meters!"

With that report after report, the atmosphere on the platform has been compressed to the extreme.

"Five kilometers!"

"Six kilometers!"

As the words of 6,000 meters just fell, in the numb expression of the mobilized soldiers, the rope sliding device suddenly flashed a red warning.

Red alert?

"It has arrived, a total of more than six thousand two hundred meters, and the red indicator light flashes, indicating that there should be water at the bottom of the tiankeng."

As soon as these words came out, all the mobilized soldiers on the platform breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, if we continue, they even wonder if this sinkhole will pass directly through the mantle.

Although at this depth, there is still a long distance from the mantle.

But more than 10,000 meters deep, it can be said that this is beyond the range that humans can involve.

Fortunately, their First Corps has advanced equipment, closed powered combat uniforms, and additional oxygen tanks. As long as the underground temperature does not exceed the limit that the powered combat uniforms can withstand, there is no problem with activities in underground space under 10,000 meters. of.

More than 10,000 meters?

Calculating the depth of this tiankeng, Wanya was secretly speechless.

He had never seen such a deep sinkhole.

There are also polluting beasts. All the way down, there are no passages in the rock wall. This shows that the polluting beasts come from the bottom of the tiankeng. How do those polluting beasts survive under the condition of insufficient oxygen? ?


Thinking of this, Vanya was stunned and hurriedly tested various indicators in the air.

After a period of detection, the detection indicators are displayed on the screen.

The temperature is suitable, and the current temperature has reached 23 degrees Celsius.

The amount of oxygen is moderate, a few zero points less than the ground. This gap can be ignored.

It stands to reason that under five kilometers underground, the amount of oxygen is already very scarce.

But nothing has changed, which doesn't make sense.

There is only one possibility, that is, there is oxygen at the bottom of the tiankeng 10,000 meters, otherwise it cannot explain the current situation.

Without thinking about it, Vanya now understands that any guessing is unnecessary. As long as he investigates it himself, all the puzzles will be revealed.

Vanya gave the order.

"First, second team, prepare to follow me on the exploratory mission. Remember, you must check whether the power is sufficient and prepare more reserve batteries. It is easy to go down, but it is difficult to go up. Once the power is exhausted, you will have a hard time!"



Two voices responded successively.

Immediately, the words of the two rang out in the darkness.

"The first team! Get ready now, ready to go!"

"The second team, prepare now, and get ready to go!"

Amidst the commands, riots broke out again on the platform.

The mobilized troops for the exploration mission were concentrated on the edge of the platform, where the rope-sliding equipment was located.

"Sergeant Chief! It's ready!"

When it was ready, the captains of the teams reported to Vanya.

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