Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 754: Behemoth

The temperature is high, reaching 45 degrees.

But the oxygen content in the air is more than twice that of the ground.

More than twice, this shows that this underground space has the ability to breed giants.

In terms of standard indicators, the size of various organisms on the earth is related to the oxygen content.

Of course, this refers to the period before the destruction of the earth’s ecological environment.

The size of a pure organism is linked to the oxygen content.

In this era, when the air is flooded with pollutants, the ecological chain of nature is destroyed. Under the factors of evolution, new species will not be constrained by the oxygen content in terms of body size.

But in the same environment, where the oxygen content is higher, the size of the organism will undoubtedly be larger.

However, Vanya somewhat doubted the accuracy of this common sense.

Because before the appearance of the tiankeng, the polluting beasts that emerged from the ground were not large in size, and were smaller than most polluting beasts in the forest and sea on the ground.

"There is movement in the water!"

Suddenly, the soft cry of a certain mobilizer rang.

Under this voice, the exploration team became nervous.

Vanya also put away his thoughts and looked at the water nervously.

No, there was no movement. At first glance, the water surface 100 meters below the sole of the foot was quiet, and there was no movement in the water.

"What do you see?"

Wanya asked.

"I don't know, I don't know what it is, but I saw it, it drifted through the water, and then disappeared."

The mobilizer's answer made Vanya a little nervous.

If you see it, it must be some kind of polluting beast.

At this moment, when the exploration team was watching the water nervously, the abnormal sound suddenly changed.

The water was rippling, and suddenly a black shadow appeared on the water from the north, and they walked against the waves and stirred up countless sprays.

The sound of "crashing" attracted the attention of the exploration team.

Using the focus function in the helmet and zooming in on the screen, the exploration team saw what the dark shadow was.

It is a polluting beast. The polluting beast that gushed out of the ground last time is the same species as the polluting beast that attacked the harbor.

"look down!"

With a soft cry, the exploration team withdrew their gazes from the distance and looked at the water under the soles of their feet.

In the water below, countless figures appeared.

They have a slender figure, like ants, swimming back and forth in the water.

Under the brilliance of various colors, their figures are crushed in black, and the number is countless.


In the splashing water, under the stone pillars tens of meters away, they rushed out of the water and climbed up along the stone pillars.

They have four legs, with claws on all four legs, which allows them to climb on vertical stone pillars.

Luo Yi continued to see the figure rushing out of the water, and within a few breaths, the huge stone pillar was enveloped by the black figure.

"Turn on the power of the restraint device and prepare to evacuate!"

This scene greatly changed Vanya's expression.

Obviously, these polluting beasts are coming towards them.

With an order, the exploration team started to move nervously.

Tightly connect the power supply of the restraint device.


In the slight sound of mechanical operation, the restraint device on the waist of the mobilized soldier trembled slightly.

The electricity has been connected, the micro power has been activated, and the exploratory team can leave this place with just an order.

At this time, just as Vanya was about to order an evacuation.

The mutation happened again.

The water surface on the soles of the feet was suddenly disturbed, and the figure of a giant in the water was looming.

Its appearance caused the polluting beasts in the water to scurry around. Even the polluting beasts climbing on the stone pillars jumped into the water. The slender figure, like a diver, fell into the water from a height and splashed. There was a lot of water column.


A deafening sound suddenly sounded, and the surface of the water suddenly surging, stirring up a huge water column.

From the water column, a huge figure rushed out of the water.

It has a huge, hideous and huge mouth, and each row of sharp teeth is the size of a car.

Under the impact of the water column, countless polluting beasts were knocked into the air and soared with the water column.

In the huge open mouth, countless polluting beasts were struggling, roaring in horror.

But as the huge mouth closed, everything fell silent.

When the upward momentum disappeared, the giant beast, half of its figure exposed to the surface of the water, fell to the surface of the water following the stirred water column.


When the huge body touches the surface of the water, it is like a 400 mm caliber cannonball exploding, causing waves of water tens of meters high.

This is hunting, the huge polluting beast is preying on the smaller polluting beasts.

Seeing the murderous and **** scene underfoot, the exploratory team looked incredible.

It is too big. The upper half of the body that just jumped out of the water is probably no less than 50 meters long. The huge mouth looks like a crocodile, but it looks a bit narrow. The teeth are sharp and extremely sharp. The huge body looks like an extinct dinosaur. , But no forelimbs, only a pair of back with undercut claws.

It does not have the carapace possessed by ordinary polluting beasts, but its thick skin defense power seems amazing. It is covered with prey that it preys on, but the smaller black polluting beasts seem to cause no harm to it.

The disturbance in the water continued.

Small black polluting beasts fled in droves, while the behemoth was chasing after him.

Because of its existence, the water surface on the feet of the exploratory team was undulating, forming waves of several meters high.

Looking at the **** hunting scene below, the exploration team was dumbfounded.

Vanya even forgot to give an order to evacuate.

The riot in the water continued for a long time.

Following the small black polluting beast ran away.

The water surface at the foot of the exploration team gradually calmed down.

Watching the commotion in the water subsided, Vanya breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the behemoth looked terrifying, it was precisely because of its existence that it eliminated the trouble they caused.

Vanya was very sure that if the giant beast did not appear, the black polluting beasts would definitely chase them.

Maybe it will gush out of the ground again along the sinkhole.

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