Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 764: collection

The exploration mission this time is in addition to exploring the underground space.

Vanya also has another task, which is to collect the vegetation that emits various colors, detect the ingredients, and distinguish what kind of organic matter.

When entering the water, despite the isolation of the powered combat uniform, Vanya still felt a kind of pressure.

That is the flick and resistance of water. Under the resistance of water, all movements in the water appear extremely slow.

It is much more laborious than on land.

A target at a depth of about 70 meters was selected. Under the impetus of the propelling backpack, Vanya was diving in the water.

Behind him, three mobilized soldiers followed closely, staring at the figure in front of him intently.

The water is very clear, even if you are in the water, you can see far, far away.

At a distance of a hundred meters or so, there are countless vegetation emitting various colors. At a glance, they are densely packed, like lanterns hovering in the water.

Lanterns have different colors, including orange, yellow, and green, except for black and white, and red.

The scenery is very beautiful.

The water is flooded with light, which keeps the bottom of the water away from the darkness. Although it is slightly dim, it does not affect the line of sight.

A distance of tens of meters passed in a flash, and under the flick of the water, Vanya approached the selected target.

Vanya stopped in front of a vegetation glowing orange.

The vegetation in front of him is huge, five meters in diameter, like a sphere, and like a jellyfish.

The surface of the sphere looks very thin and semi-transparent. When viewed from the outside, the orange light is obviously emitted from the inside.

At this time, the three mobilizers who had launched together had already arrived behind Vanya.

One of them said: "Sergeant Vanya! What should I do now?"

How to do it?

Without much consideration, Vanya took out a dagger from under the armor of his thigh.

Holding the dagger in his right hand, he stabbed towards the spherical vegetation.


The sharp dagger pierced the sphere.

A stream of bubbles rolled out, rising to the surface of the water, mixed with a large amount of orange liquid.

Seeing the sphere rupture, Vanya quickly took out a small bottle from his body, protruding the inside of the sphere from the punctured place.

When the hand was taken out of the sphere, the small bottle was already filled with liquid.

At this time, with the outflow of the liquid in the body, the light emitted by the spherical vegetation has dimmed a lot, almost extinguished.

Obviously, it was the orange liquid that glowed.

Without the orange liquid, the spherical vegetation becomes a cyan plant.

"this is……"

From the torn hole, under water pressure, the orange liquid has all flowed out, losing the light source.

But in the spherical vegetation, there is still a faint light source, which has attracted Vanya’s attention.

Putting the bottle filled with orange liquid, Vanya held the dagger again to pierce the spherical vegetation.


Under the sharp blade, the surface of the spherical vegetation was torn a few meters long by Vanya.

With both hands opened the slightly tough gap, Vanya looked into the sphere.

The sphere is hollow. After the orange liquid flows out, the sphere is filled with water.

In the center of the sphere, where the roots were connected, Vanya saw something that looked like a pearl. It was orange, with a very smooth surface, emitting a faint orange light.

"what is this?"

It is huge, half the size of a fist, and looks very beautiful.

Without thinking about it, Vanya swam into the inside of the sphere through the torn opening.

Originally, Vaniya thought it would be more difficult to remove the orange pearl, but the result was unexpected.

The orange pearl was not connected to the vegetation, and Vanya easily picked up the orange pearl.

Looking at the orange pearl the size of a fist in his hand, Vanya was puzzled.

On the surface, it looks a bit like an orange original crystal.

But the original crystal is a mineral, not something born of vegetation.

Putting away the thoughts in his heart, holding a half-fist-sized orange pearl, Vanya left the sphere.

No matter what it is, it can only be known by returning to the ground and undergoing some testing.

"Go! Go back to the surface!"

When leaving the sphere of vegetation, Vanya gave the order.

Propelled by the propelling backpack, the body went towards the water.

Seeing this, the mobilized soldiers followed closely.

This time the exploration mission has been half completed.

After that is a basic understanding of this underground space.

Explore how big it is, if it exceeds ten kilometers, this exploration mission can be said to be over.

With the existing equipment of the First Army, it is still impossible to conduct comprehensive exploration in this underground space.

After all, the threat of bones is too great, once encountering that kind of creature in this underground space, it can be said to be nine deaths.

Not only bones, but also puppies, and other types of polluting beasts. In this environment, it is difficult to survive the threat of polluting beasts with the existing equipment of the exploration team.

The water is disturbing.

In the irritating spray, the metal arm stretched out from the water and grabbed the side of the boat.

With the help of the mobilization of soldiers on the boat, Vanya returned to the rubber boat.

At this point, more than an hour has passed since the launch.

Looking around, because of the stone pillars, the scattered rubber boats can no longer be seen.

Taking off the backpack behind him and sitting on the bow, Vanya waited peacefully while watching the surroundings.

"I hope nothing will happen!"

Looking into the distance, Vanya secretly said in his heart.

The underground space is still too dangerous.

Once noticed by a certain polluted beast, the exploratory team will die of nine deaths.

In the process of evacuation, I don't know how many people will be sacrificed.

In Vanya's worries, time passed bit by bit.

The underground space is very quiet. From the exploratory team's dispersal to the return, it is always quiet.

There was no warning of gunfire, nor any other changes.

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