Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 771: trivia

Before the war, in the three military commander defense zones of Bentley, except for the capital, the other small cities were all squeezed. Whether it was the city hall or the army guarding the city, it was just a tool for collecting money.

Of course, there will not be too much money among the tools for collecting money.

Less than a third of the agreed time, the Rebels had already controlled six cities, plus the two cities captured by the First Legion, which means that in Bentley, the First Legion had actually controlled them. Eight cities.

Although these eight cities are scattered all over the country of Bentley, they are only temporary.

Today, the military government of the Bentley nation has given up all the small towns so that the capital is guarded.

Those small cities that have lost their guards have no ability to survive in this troubled world.

They either instigated a rebellion under the persuasion of the rebels, or faced the frontline of the First Army.

Where to go, there is not much time for them to hesitate.

Li Meng believes that with the current situation in Bentley, within a month, all the small towns in Bentley will be instigated by the rebels and join the rebel camp.

By then, the three capitals of Bentley will be isolated.

At that time, no matter how unbreakable the defense of the capital is, it will not be difficult for the First Army to end the war.

The situation is very good.

Seeing this, Li Meng felt very good.

If in the capture of Bentley, fighting can be reduced and killings can be reduced, the First Army’s rule over Bentley will undoubtedly be much easier.

Li Meng knew very well that a war that was too **** would bring hatred.

Although war is always indispensable for killings, it can reduce hatred, and Li Meng will not deliberately create killings.

As the blue glow disappeared, Li Meng turned off the projection device.

Standing up, Li Meng left the throne and walked outside the hall along the stairs.

For Li Meng, how to spend the leisure time is the most important thing.

Today's First Army Corps has a very large scope, not only in Nanlin Island.

Every moment, events related to the First Army are happening.

There are small things and big things.

However, Li Meng's subordinates were too capable. When he was granted enough freedom, Li Meng, the principal, would have nothing to do. He could only watch the development of the situation from the rear.

Due to the special system of the First Army and Li Meng's special identity, there is no need to be like a human being in power. He is always testing his loyalty at all times and is busy every day to stabilize his power.

Li Meng only needs to sit firmly in the rear and guide the direction of the military group of the First Army at a critical moment.

When leaving the hall, Li Meng in the corridor suddenly stopped.

In the corridor, Li Meng looked pensive, he thought of Clelia on the "Emperor".

After so many days, I don't know how she is now.

Keeping her in a small swimming pool is not an option.

Turning around, Li Meng looked at the two women behind him, and said: "Go and call Sakiya, I will wait for her in the courtyard!"


In response, one of the two women turned and left.

The other person continued to follow Li Meng towards the courtyard.


Establishing a chamber of commerce is not an easy task. In order to withdraw the rights from the Soul Language Mall and Soul Language Bank, early in the morning, Chen Yan followed Wendy to and fro in Qingcheng.

After leaving the temple, I first took a car to the base to meet with the senior sergeant of the First Army. At the same time, another purpose was to enter personal information in the data terminal of the First Army.

Then set off from the base to the security team headquarters.

On a main road in Qingcheng, a black car was driving.

With the passage of time, the First Army has done a good job in details.

In cities, all military units are slowly disappearing.

Like before, the scene of that kind of huge army behavior on the streets will no longer be seen in the future.

In the gradual improvement of the political system, the base in the city is expected to serve as a security mobile force headquarters, and is the only security guard department in the city with heavy weapons.

Of course, the members of this department can only be the soldiers of the First Army.

After the emergence of security guards, the security team will be transformed into an unarmed police department.

In addition to the gradual disappearance of military units, the First Army is also making corresponding arrangements for the popularization of vehicles.

"The changes in Qingcheng are really big! I remember that before I left Qingcheng, the road was not only in dilapidated conditions, but the buildings were messy and rotten."

Sitting on the soft seat and looking at the buildings on both sides of the street outside the car window, Chen Yan couldn't help but let out a general.

The expression is very cheerful.

Although she has become a dead person, Chen Yan remembers her memories clearly.

Chen Yan has never forgotten those poor and difficult days.

Nowadays, the changes in her hometown, even if she has become the dead, she is happy and gratified in her heart.

Wendy, who was sitting by the side, gave Chen Yan a curious look.

Wendy doesn't understand Chen Yan's mentality.

Compared to the dead, to Wendy, ghouls are more like humans.

Having the seven emotions and six desires of mankind, but also the desires possessed by mankind.

All actions are the same as human beings.

"But! The road looks a bit empty."

Along the way, there are very few vehicles on the road, almost none.

Occasionally, there will be a military vehicle whizzing by, and the frequency it encounters is quite low.

Withdrawing her gaze from Chen Yan, Wendy said calmly: "Qingcheng is poor and white. For most people, if they want to get a car with their income, it is simply wishful thinking to accumulate within a few years, and only those who succeeded. Merchants have the ability to buy vehicles."

Wendy continued, "The first legion of car sales is under consideration. Now, the only problem facing the first legion is the choice of power, whether to choose a power stove or a gasoline-burning engine. ."

Before the two, the First Army actually preferred the power furnace.

Because in this world, oil has been eliminated. Although there is still oil in this world under the earth, who would waste energy to extract oil than the convenience of the original crystal.

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