Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 783: Tanya's return

"Okay! Hurry up and send the news back to the headquarters, our mission has ended, and it's up to the association's decision."

After speaking, Yalan sighed as he looked at the distant coastline: "This South China Sea, after all, can't escape a war. In the future, the South China Sea will probably become more lively."

To Arran's words, Claver nodded thoughtfully.

If the reconciliation fails, what the association will do next is still unknown, but Clive knows that the association will not just leave it alone.

The expedition to the "Southern Continent" is the highest priority in the Hero Association. The Association will not allow the South China Sea to be in war for a long time. The possibility of armed intervention is very high.

The sea is vast and boundless.

On the rippling sea, the anchored ship moved amidst the roar of the engine. Amidst the many flags fluttering in the wind, it slowly moved northward, and soon disappeared at the end of the sea.

The arrival of the Heroes' Association was just an emergency.

The First Army did not make everyone aware of it. Whether it was meeting or sending off, they all proceeded quietly and low-key.

It has no impact on Nanlin Island or Qingcheng.

As usual in Nanlin Island, another day was spent in an orderly manner.

Time was passing fast, and a few days passed in a blink of an eye.

In Bentley, the "one month" agreement with the Resistance is getting closer.

In Bentley, the situation of the First Army is very good. Under the tense action of the rebels, nine cities have announced their separation from the military government and joined the rebel camp.

Although the First Army only controlled the two cities of Bali and Amway, but counting the cities controlled by the Resistance Army, the First Army actually controlled eleven cities.

In Bentley, excluding the three capitals, there are 23 small cities.

Eleven cities, in other words, the First Army actually controlled nearly half of the territory of Bentley.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the Resistance Army will abide by the agreement with the First Army.

If you don't comply, everything is in vain, and there must be a killing.

The situation in Bentley is stable and will not change much in a short time.

And on Nanlin Island, Li Meng in the Temple of Houshan in Qingcheng is now with the returning Tan Yagian.

Four days have passed since the envoy of the Heroes Association left.

Four days later, just after noon, Tan Ya, who received the recall order, returned to Nanlin Island and returned to the temple.

In the large and secluded pavilion, Tan Yaduan in a black dress was sitting on the stone bench, with beautiful eyes looking at the owner on the seat.

Not long after she sat down, she did not know the purpose of the owner's recall.

Speaking slightly, Tan Ya asked, "Master! Why did I recall me so anxiously?"

Li Meng did not answer immediately, but asked: "You should know about the visit of the Heroes' Association a few days ago, right?"

Tan Ya nodded lightly.

Although she didn't know the specific situation, the data terminal of the First Army had an explanation of the incident.

Upon returning to the port, under the reminder of his subordinates, I scanned the information about the incident visited by the envoy of the Heroes Association and learned the general situation.

Looking at Tan Ya, who had a bumpy figure, Li Meng said lightly: "This Heroes Association wanted to reconcile this war, but I clearly rejected it. According to the Heroes Association, everything they did was for the "Expedition Domain". They wanted to suspend the war in the South China Sea, so that the expeditionary forces of mankind would have no worries."


With a cold snort, Tan Ya said with a cold expression: "What does the future of mankind have to do with our First Army? And this matter is probably just a rhetoric from the Heroes Association. He wants to put righteousness on the head of our First Army."

With a faint smile, Li Meng very much agreed with what Tan Ya said, and nodded: "I think so too. The war in Bentley will not last too long. How can it affect the expeditionary forces of mankind? Even if it affects, it is also Our First Army is not willing to borrow the way."

As if thinking of something, Tan Ya looked at Li Meng and asked: "Master! You called me back for the Heroes Association?"

Li Meng nodded, and said: "Yes! The Heroes Association failed to reconcile, and the possibility of armed intervention is not ruled out. Once the Heroes Association intervenes, the war in Bentley will probably change again."

Yes, once a third party joins this war, the situation in the South China Sea will become even more chaotic.

By then, even the First Army will be quite uncomfortable.

After pondering for a moment, Tan Ya said: "Our First Army already knows a little bit about the Heroes Association. If the Heroes Association wants to intervene in this war by force, the military power they need will only come from these few countries."

Tan Ya went on to say: "We are the Kingdom of Sidu in the southwest, Kyoto in the north, the Republic of Shaka, and the Kingdom of Orleans. Among them, Kyoto can be ruled out because Kyoto is a country without a nation, the highest ruling. Although Guan is the highest-ranked hero in the Heroes Association, she generally does not care about things, nor does she have the energy to care about external affairs. The most likely ones are the Kingdom of Sidu and the Kingdom of Orleans. These two countries are close enough to the South China Sea, and the nearest is only a few. Ten nautical miles, close to the South China Sea."

"Among them, the hero behind the Kingdom of Orleans ranks sixth in the Association of Heroes. His name is "San Saichiro". He is good at using swords and is known as the "Juggernaut" and has a great reputation in human society.

"The hero behind the Kingdom of Sidor is ranked ninth, named Geir. For this man, the First Army has not collected enough information to understand him."

Since the First Army entered Nanlin Island, it has begun to understand the human society in this world.

For several months, some secrets may not be known, but the First Legion has already understood enough about common sense.

Among human beings, the Association of Heroes is very famous, and those heroes are even more public figures. You don't need to know too much at all, and you can know its information by just asking.

Looking at Li Meng, Tan Yarou said: "I think the Kingdom of Orleans is most likely to become a third-party power in the South China Sea war, because the Kingdom of Orleans is an island country. Although its national power is strong, its territories are small and restrict the country’s As it grows, the Kingdom of Orleans is committed to expanding its territory and is very active in the Heroes’ Association. Maybe it will use this opportunity to implement a prying heart on Bentley."

Speaking of this, Tan Ya sneered and said: “The Heroes’ Association has clear regulations that the heroes who have disrupted human society have the right to dispose of themselves. That is to say, once Orleans participates in this war and gains If you win, you may become the master of Bentley."

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