Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 787: Expansion before the war

This meeting is just a supplementary statement, general mobilization before the war.

There is no need to say too much, and there is no need to envision a battle plan.

War is unpredictable, and no one knows what accidents will happen in the next moment. They can only take one step and count one step at a time.

In the hood, Tan Ya looked slightly upright and said: "After the recruited army arrives, the sergeants at all levels must take over the rights and implement the management mechanism. Before the fleet departs, you must complete the "adaptation" training to leave you time. Not much!"


All the phantoms responded in unison.


As Tan Ya's words fell, the blue light flickered.

Every phantom disappeared one by one.

Outside, in the huge bay, countless hulls stand on the sea.

There are wooden ships and warships of the First Army.

There are also transport ships entering and leaving the bay.

Not long after dawn, even at this time, the transport ships between Bentley and Nanlin Island did not stop in the slightest. They would always enter the dock busy, filled with cargo, and then leave under the **** of warships. Go to Bentley, thousands of miles away.

In order to maintain the logistics needs of the army on the mainland of Bentley, the few transport ships can be described as quite busy, and occasionally idle tank landing ships will also serve as the important task of transport, running between Bentley and Nanlin Island.

In the bay, the huge heavy cruiser floated quietly.

In the bridge command room, a meeting has ended.

With the departure of sergeants at all levels, only Tanya and Davis remained in the huge bridge command room.

As the only tenth-level sergeant under Tanya, Davis' mission is very simple, that is, to stay with Tanya and be responsible for the transmission of orders. He is also a staff member who advises Tanya.

Leaving the command room, Tan Ya returned to the bridge and sat down in the captain's seat.

As soon as she sat down, Tan Ya took a tiny palm computer from her waist.

Through it, Tan Ya entered the database of the First Army and opened the service recruitment interface with her own authority.

Once the permission is granted, Tan Ya can do many things in the data terminal of the First Army.

Army recruitment is just one of them.

The existence of the data terminal made the First Army seem very digital in terms of rights.

Whether it is an ordinary soldier, an officer, or a general, there are personal accounts in the data terminal.

This account number is not a number, but an individual.

Facial recognition, retina, and fingerprints, there are countless ways to verify identity.

Everyone's identity, level, and rights are clearly listed in the data terminal.

How much power can be seen in the data terminal.

The data-based system simplifies everything.

Therefore, in the First Army, even though they are wearing power combat uniforms, the screen in the helmet can show who the opponent is, what kind of identity, status, and rights they have, and whether they are superiors.

In peacetime combat, the silver screen of the helmet will also show what each soldier is going to do, and the orders of superiors will be displayed on the silver screen of the helmet as soon as possible.

It can be said that the data-based system of the First Army makes a huge military system very simple and clear.

Looking at the rows of military units on the small screen, Tan Ya's expression was lost in thought.

Among the military units of the Allies, some units cannot be owned by the current conditions of the First Army.

Things that are too sophisticated will have higher requirements for logistics.

For the current First Army, it’s not that the more advanced the better.

Practicality is the most important thing.

An armored division, as the core main battle tank is essential.

Among the branches of armored units, only the Guardian tanks are most suitable for the First Corps.

It's advanced enough, it's also solid enough, its firepower is strong, and more importantly, it's cheap.

Tan Ya didn't think too much about the main battle tank, so he chose the Guardian tank first and entered 150 in number.

Due to the environment of this world, there are not many places suitable for heavy tank operations, and there is not much need in terms of quantity. In urban operations, 150 tanks are enough.

The next step is the auxiliary combat armor. For this item, Tan Ya didn't think much about it, and directly chose a multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle.

As a kind of panacea for the Allies’ combat light armor, the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle is extremely applicable. The multi-purpose weapon station can not only be equipped with various weapons, but its large body can also carry a small team of members. , And more importantly, its protective ability is very good, it can be as low as a bomb with less power.

In terms of quantity, Tan Ya imported 300 vehicles.

In urban combat, the combat capability of flexible light armored units is very strong, and there is a great demand in terms of quantity. Although 300 vehicles are not many, they are sufficient to support the demand in this war.

There are no major requirements for the rest of the transportation vehicles. Although there are many types of military trucks, they have basically the same functions. Just choose one of them.

After a selection of transportation vehicles and various logistics vehicles, Tan Ya entered 750 vehicles in terms of quantity.

The standard armament of an armored division can be said to be over.

Next, Tan Ya opened the long-range fire support unit.

For the long-range artillery, Tan Ya did not hesitate and directly chose the Calamity self-propelled artillery.

This type of artillery, the First Army already has experience in using it, and it can be said that its behavior mode is very suitable for this world.

Its unique suspension system can adapt it to any terrain, making it a very good unit.

In terms of price, it is also reasonable. Although the logistics requirements are somewhat high, it can barely cope with the existing conditions of the First Army. There is no problem with a small amount of equipment.

In terms of quantity, Tanya imported 30 vehicles, although not many, but sufficient to cope with the war.

After the army unit is over, the navy is next.

Although Tan Ya had already had a fleet, most of them were combat ships, and there were almost no logistics ships.

This is impossible. The three overseas countries of Austria are more than 3,000 kilometers away from Nanlin Island. To transport troops to their destinations across such a vast sea area, logistics ships are only indispensable.

After some choices, Tanya's recruitment for the ship has been determined.

Three tank landing ships.

Three large troop carriers.

Three large transport ships.

Two large integrated supply ships.

With billions of funds, the recruitment of logistics ships is already the limit.

If you recruit one or two more ships, you will exceed this number.

In terms of money, Tan Ya calculated well and did not exceed the limit, but she was close to the limit.

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