Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 789: Sakuya's careful thinking

During that time, many people in Qingcheng who had been injured by pirates received a large amount of compensation.

For the pirates, it is worthwhile to be able to exchange money for their lives.

In the view of the First Army, since the contradiction between the two parties can be resolved with money, the criminal law does not care about lighter sentences.

Of course, the light sentence in the eyes of the First Army is very harsh in the eyes of others.

Looking around at the crowd, Sakuya continued: "Later, I will recruit the landing troops needed for this cleanup mission. Once the army arrives, the sergeants at all levels must do the relevant reception. You don’t have much time. The fleet will depart tomorrow morning, and the landing troops must follow suit and prepare for landing operations at all times!"

"Jiro Yamada!"

Looking at the person in the front row, Sakiya called out.

Hearing General Sakiya's call, Yamada Jiro stood up.

Loudly: "Yes!"

Looking at the standing Jiro Yamada, Sakiya said, "Before the fleet departs, you will be responsible for the military arrangements!"


Holding the military salute, Yamada Jiro responded loudly.

Waved to Yamada Jiro, Yamada Jiro sat down in Sakuya's motion.

Looking around everyone again, Sakiya said coldly: "This mission is our first large-scale battle. My only requirement for you is to complete your respective missions. The only thing you have to do is to obey orders and obey absolutely!"


Under Sakuya's stern words, everyone in the audience stood up neatly and responded loudly with a military salute.

With a light wave of the little hand wearing the iron armor gloves, Sakiya said coldly: "Go! Do what you should do!"

Everyone was silent, left their seats in silence, and walked outside the meeting room.

When dozens of figures left one by one, there was only Saya in the huge conference room.

In the meeting room, Sakiya didn't stay long. When the last figure left the meeting room, Sakiya also stepped forward, leaving the podium and out of the meeting room.

Back in the bridge command room, Sakiya sat down on the captain's seat.

Immediately, he opened the display folded on the handguard and entered the data terminal of the First Army.

The elimination of pirates in the Nansha Islands this time is not an easy task.

The difficulty is not to say that the pirates have the power to fight the First Army.

But the complex sea environment of the Nansha Islands.

Due to the large number of islands, in the Spratly Islands, the distance between each island is very close, and some are close to each other.

In the sea area between islands, there are often submerged reefs and the water is rushing.

If you are not careful, the ship can easily run aground and even collide with the reef in the water.

Once this happens, it is often the end of the ship's destruction.

In this environment, it is very beneficial for the pirates, because familiar with the environment, they can use the sea area that large warships cannot pass and escape safely.

The emergence of this situation is very unfavorable for the First Army, and it will delay the completion of the clearance mission for a long time.

For this eradication task, if we want to be foolproof, we must recruit the military in a targeted manner.

In addition to landing operations on islands, a unit that can move freely in shallow waters is also needed.

However, the first thing to consider is the basic arms for landing operations.

In the Rising Sun Empire, ordinary soldiers are "Imperial Warriors". Although they are called "Warriors", like soldiers in other countries, their main weapons are firearms, and the katana is only a secondary weapon. The imperial warriors are He has extremely high attainments in swordsmanship and is extremely good at melee combat.

As a soldier, the main component of the army, there is a certain demand for quantity.

Although the battle to clean up the Nansha Islands will generally only take place at sea, and the fighting on the islands will not be too intense, Sakiya does not intend to make a fuss about the size of the landing force.

At least one division is needed, with a scale of 15,000 people.

Because it was a battle to seize the island, Sakiya would not emphasize heavy armor, but focused on amphibious combat equipment.

After some choices, Sakiya has decided on the recruited units.

As for the navy, Sakuya did not increase combat ships, but only added two 5,000-ton tank landing ships and an integrated supply ship.

In addition to the two amphibious landing ships already owned by the fleet, one troop carrier is sufficient in terms of transportation.

As for the army, 15,000 "imperial warriors" and 100 tsunami tanks were recruited.

The Tsunami Tank of the Rising Sun Empire is an amphibious unit. Although it is a heavily armored unit, it has good speed on land and in the water, and is very suitable for island capture operations.

In order to cope with the shallow waters of the Spratly Islands, Sakuya also recruited five 2,000-ton littoral combat ships.

At this point, the recruitment of arms can be said to have ended.

There is not much left of 500 million funds.

After clicking the confirmation on the silver screen, Sakiya refolded the display.

In the captain's seat, Sakiya was lost in thought.

After the recruitment of the arms, the army was able to arrive soon, and the problem of military strength was solved. The next step was to clean up the Nansha Islands.

Sakiya didn't find it difficult for this task, the only thing needed was time.

Compared with the Nansha Islands, Sakuya cares more about the three overseas countries of Austria.

In the First Army, General Natasha was responsible for the war in Bentley. Once Bentley was occupied, Natasha would become the chief executive of the place, becoming the first legionary history of the First Army, and Bentley also Will become Natasha’s military station.

In the south, the First Army opened a second battlefield. Once it controls the three overseas countries of Ogeria, General Tanya will undoubtedly become the administrative governor of these three countries, and these three countries will also become the military of General Tanya. Stationed area.

In the first legion, there are only three generals, two of which are about to have their own territories, but only she, Sakiya, does not have her own target territories.

Spratly Islands?

This is just a small place and cannot be an administrative place for one party.

Although the three generals are all under the master, Sakiya also understands that the three behind them represent different forces.

Although these three forces are not on the earth, they are influencing the First Army at any time.

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