Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 791: New action

The words paused, Li Meng's expression was indifferent, and he continued: "Moreover, the Death Sect should also show up more in this world, let them promote the existence of the Death Sect!"

The master originally had this purpose.

Wendy nodded clearly.

Regarding the development of the religion of death, the master has not moved at all.

Even in Qingcheng, the existence of Death Sect is basically unknown among the civilians.

The civilians in Qingcheng only know that there is a temple with a strong religious atmosphere on the back mountain, but they do not know who the owner of the temple is, what they believe in, what doctrines are spreading, and what status they have in the First Army. .

Wendy has been thinking about when the master will truly develop the death religion.

Unexpectedly, the answer came so quickly, the development of the Death Sect had already begun.

Although it was only the first step, Wendy believed that the darkness of the death **** would soon spread the world.

When the First Army, a militarized armed organization, is fully operational, the power that bursts out is extremely astonishing.

From planning to implementation, the time required is extremely short.

Under absolute orders, the war machine of the First Army was operating at high speed in an orderly manner.

Early the next morning!

When the civilians in Qingcheng were still asleep, there was already a boiling scene in the mist-shrouded bay.

The army did not arrive yesterday. Due to the large number of recruits and the complexity of the arms, the "Ayre" side needs time to prepare. This preparation is a whole day. In the early morning of the next day, the recruited troops arrived through the portal one after another. .

When the darkness faded and the light enveloped the earth, the army completed its transmission.

In the huge bay, on the calm sea, countless steel ships stand tall, one by one, one by one, at a glance they can be seen densely.

Surrounded by the mist, the bay showed a shocking scene.

Among the many hulls, white and silver gray are separated.

At this time, in the huge dock, tens of thousands of soldiers and armored units are waiting.

One after another, troop carriers and tank landing ships lined up outside the dock waiting to enter the dock.

Their mission is very simple, it is to load the army waiting in the dock.

After repeated expansions, the dock has become the largest building in the port.

It covers a vast area, and the longest distance between north and south has exceeded one kilometer.

There are already more than ten docks built in the water, and the part on the shore is like a round base connected to the dock. Its sealed structure makes the dock look like a short colander.

As early as more than ten days ago, the dock has been completely completed and the internal equipment has been installed.

Although the current port is still under construction, military and civilian docks have begun to take shape, and the progress has been completed by about 60%.

The progress of the buildings behind the pier is a bit slower than that of the pier.

Although buildings are rising from the ground, there is still a long time before completion, and the progress is only about 40%.

It may take a long time for the ports in the bay to be open for use, at least about two months.

"Woo! Woo!"

At this moment, in the mist-shrouded bay, the long sound of siren suddenly appeared, echoing again and again between heaven and earth.

In the sound of the whistle, the peaceful bay suddenly boiled.

The sound of the ship's engines suddenly "rumbled", and amidst the roar, the white fleet that had already been prepared set off.

Under the lead of the first ship, the heavy cruiser, more than a dozen giant steel ships of various sizes broke through the water, sailing on the sea, and headed away.

The riot continued for a long time, and when the white fleet disappeared into the bay, the mist-shrouded bay fell into calm again.

Soon after, in the mist-shrouded bay, three silver-gray destroyers left the bay with them.

Three destroyers, carrying three missions, will go to their respective countries.

After the messenger regiment left, Tanya in the port was also seizing the time to prepare the army. Tomorrow, the fleet must set off, and the time interval between it and the messenger regiment should not exceed one day.

At this moment, the war machine of the First Army has been operating at high speed. With the new operations of the First Army, the situation in the South China Sea has once again become chaotic and blurred.

Time is passing, when the mist in the bay dissipates and the sun rises above the sky, the port is caught in the bustle of construction.

At this time, in the temple on the back mountain of Qingcheng, Li Meng, who got up early, stayed in the pavilion all day long.

"Sakuya has already set off, right?"

In the seat, Li Meng asked Wendy beside him while looking at the tablet computer in his arms.

With a slight change of expression, Wendy replied softly: "The fleet has already set off this morning, and it has been almost two hours since now."

After the words were paused, Wendy added another sentence, saying: "There is also the envoy, and the warship carrying the envoy has also set off."


Putting down the tablet computer in his hand and placing it on the stone table, Li Meng lay leisurely on the seat and fell into contemplation.

Li Meng thought of the Heroes Association.

Because of the Association of Heroes, the First Army opened a second battlefield.

Because of the second battlefield, the First Army could not help but solve the hindrance of the Nansha Islands first.

The current changes in the South China Sea can be said to be caused by the Heroes' Association.

The intervention of the Heroes Association caused the First Army to take a series of actions. At this moment, Li Meng was very curious what the Heroes Association would do?

The idea of ​​the First Army to fight the three overseas countries of Austria, this news will not be spread in a short time.

What will the Heroes' Association do during this time?

Reconciliation has failed.

Li Meng knew that with his explicit refusal, the Heroes Association could no longer consider the possibility of reconciliation.

Today, there are only two paths before the Heroes Association.

Either force is involved in quelling the war in the South China Sea, or Bentley is persuaded to surrender and negotiate with the First Army.

Compared with the second possibility, Li Meng believed in the first possibility more.

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