Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 795: The punishment of car cracking

The huge harpoon gun was pushed by the soldiers, and the sharp diamond-shaped spear head was aimed at the "ghost badge" that was looting on the destroyer not far away.

At this time, the heavy cruiser was very close to the destroyer, and the distance was only tens of meters.


With a roar, the soldier controlling the harpoon gun pulled the trigger.

In the ups and downs, there was a sudden "shoo" abnormal noise on the deck.

I saw a black shadow in the air flashing, carrying a steel rope, and a huge harpoon shot out.

In the sound of "whistling", the sharp harpoon "chi" was inserted into the smooth head of "Ghost Zhang".

The four-meter-long harpoon was almost completely submerged, and the remaining part was less than half a meter.


The pain on his body made it mad and let out a painful roar.

The roar is huge, very harsh, reverberating in the world.

Eight huge tentacles danced wildly on the deck of the destroyer.

Every lash will deform the place of collision.

One can imagine how powerful it is.

"Turn the direction and move forward at full speed!"

All the incidents only happened for a moment. Seeing that the harpoon nailed the "Ghost Chapter" firmly, Sakiya in the bridge command room immediately issued the order.

With an order, the heavy cruiser, which was approaching the destroyer at high speed, quickly turned its direction. The hull tilted and passed by more than ten meters away from the destroyer at a very exaggerated angle.


In the hoarse sound of the metal, the steel rope connected to the harpoon instantly tightened as the heavy cruiser moved away.

Pulled by the heavy cruiser, the huge "ghost chapter" was pulled back into the water amid the roar.

The moment he entered the water, accompanied by the falling of his huge body, a huge wave of water suddenly rose.

On the sea, the huge "ghost chapter" was dragged forward by the heavy cruiser.

It was struggling, trying to get into the water, but the sharp harpoon nailed it firmly, making it impossible to get rid of.

Its immense power caused the heavy cruiser's waterline to drop by a large amount in an instant, and its pulling force also greatly reduced the speed of the heavy cruiser.

In the sound of the huge engine "roar", the heavy cruiser, like an old man's cart, was quite slow.

At this moment, another cruiser approached the heavy cruiser.

"call out!"

With a roar, the harpoon gun on the bow deck of the cruiser fired.

I saw a black shadow in the air flashing, with a long steel rope, a huge harpoon inserted into the body of the "Ghost Zhang" being dragged on the sea with a "chick".

When the harpoon was inserted into the target body, the cruiser turned slightly and moved away from the heavy cruiser.

It was planted by two harpoons, one connected to the heavy cruiser and the other connected to the cruiser. When the two steel ropes were separated and pulled to both sides, the result can be imagined.

This is a punishment of car splitting.

In the eyes of many eyes, the "ghost chapter" dragged on the sea is attracting the last moment.

When the steel ropes were tightened, the two ships sailing slowly on the sea gave a sudden stop. On the sea not far behind the two ships, a billowing green liquid suddenly appeared. The amount of liquid was so much that it stained a large area of ​​green. The sea.

When the resistance at the other end of the steel rope disappeared, the speed of the two ships increased a lot.

The battle is over.

After some observation, in the bridge command room of the heavy cruiser, Jiro Yamada said to Sakiya: "The target is dead, the battle is over!"

It's really a trouble.

Hearing Yamada Jiro's report, Sakiya couldn't help but think of the terrifying big guy.

If it were not for the foresight of the First Army, large harpoon guns were installed on all warships.

Otherwise, it is not so easy to eliminate the "ghost chapter".

The "Ghost Chapter" is a sea beast in the water. It has a natural advantage in the sea. As long as it swims in the water, there is no way to deal with it.

If you want to destroy it, you can only nail it with a harpoon when it emerges to prevent it from returning to the water. Once you catch it, the weapons on the warship will be able to perform adequately.

At this time, Yamada Jiro said: "It is recommended to give up the salvage. Although the "Ghost Chapter" is powerful, the probability of the rough stone in their bodies is infinitely close to zero. Salvaging it, we can only get a useless corpse."

It's really a useless sea beast.

Sakuya originally thought that such a huge sea beast would have to use high-grade rough stones in his body, but he did not expect such a result.

No wonder the ghost chapter is an extremely annoying troublesome ghost for humans.

Because after fighting with Yifan, I found that I can't get the slightest benefit from the dead body of the ghost. Is there anything more depressing in the world than this?

Since there is no rough stone, Sakuya wouldn't consider the possibility that was so small that it was close to nothing.

On the captain's seat, Sakuya said to Yamada Jiro: "The order goes on, so the warship moves closer to the first ship and keep going!"


Encountering the "ghost chapter" is just a short battle for the fleet.

When the battle was over, the warships separated from the battlefield and scattered in a large area began to move closer to the main ship.

After a while, the white fleet once again appeared in the vast sea, sailing on the sea with an invincible momentum.

The sea was disturbing, and the fleet passed all the way, leaving a long-lasting white mark on the sea.

Starting from Nanlin Island, to this day, two days have passed.

Because there are some shallow waters on the route to the Nansha Islands.

Since its departure, the fleet has only sailed during the day, while floating on the sea at night to remain silent.

For humans, the threat of sea beasts is too great, and even the First Legion cannot ignore this.

In the water, sea beasts have a natural advantage, no matter how advanced the weapon is, it is an irreparable disadvantage for humans, and of course the First Army is among them.

The sea is endless, and at a glance, you can only see a world of water, as if there is no end, stretching to the distant skyline.

The sea is wavy, undulating.

Ships sailing on the sea also follow the undulations of the sea, with the pointed bow tearing the sea surface, riding the wind and waves, and advancing aggressively.

Even if it is a huge heavy cruiser, when sailing on the undulating sea, it will feel a clear sense of "shaking" inside.

It's just that the "shaking" is not violent, but very gentle under the buffer of the huge hull.

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