Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 797: The power of the devil

Speaking of this, Claver's expression was very ugly, and she said solemnly: "This time the recovery is probably the most difficult one."

Arran couldn't say anything to Clive's words, just staring at the overwhelming fog in front of her with solemn eyes.

The power of the devil is powerful, and it is also the most weird. Its ability to "corrupt" the soul is the natural enemy of all intelligent creatures. It can be deprived of consciousness and become a manipulated puppet, and it can be transformed into a devil and a human being. The fallen one in the game becomes a toy in the hands of the devil.

Speaking of this, Claver sighed and said: "This time the association does not know what it thinks. There are more than 100,000 humans in the Nansha Islands. If those humans are deprived of consciousness by the devil, just rely on How can the four of us solve it? Without an army, this task simply cannot be completed."

Arran didn't think so when she was discouraged by Clive.

She has a slightly playful expression and a look of disdain, and she said coldly: "Don't you understand the meaning of the association? We only need to defeat the incarnation of the devil and get the statue back. As for the human beings who have been corrupted by their "mind", the association I don’t care about this trouble. Have you forgotten the First Army? If it can cause some trouble to the First Army, the Association would still be happy to see it."

Politics is politics, and its methods are always disgusting.

It is not uncommon for heroes to fight among heroes, and this is what Arran hates most.

Having an identity, a fame, and every move will be used by politics.

Hearing what Arran said, Cleaver suddenly realized.

She didn't expect this, but she didn't have the agility of Yalan.

After such a mention, Claver knew it instantly.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement on the deck behind the two women.

On the deck, a group of people came out of the cabin, not knowing what they were doing, fiddling with some instruments.

This attracted the attention of the two women.

When looking back, two figures walked towards them.

Of course the two women know who they are.

Geyer, ranked ninth, and Jerry, ranked eleventh.

Looking at some busy figures on the deck, Claver frowned slightly, and said to the two who came over: "You want to do things under the camera? The existence of the devil is a secret among humans. Who gave you this? courage?"

With a faint smile, Geyle in a long coat leaned against the side of the ship next to the two women. He shook his head at Claver's words, and said: "The signal here is not very good. If you want to do something under the camera, Without that condition, don't worry, their mission is very simple. They just record the scene of our fight with the devil. This is the requirement of the association. Bringing those oil bottles is not what I want."

Jerry, who stood upright on the side, looked at everyone and said coldly: "Okay, let's not gossip, let's think about how to complete this task. According to the information obtained by the association, the abnormal changes in the Nansha Islands have already occurred. One month's time, that is, our opponent this time has been strong enough, strong enough to defeat or even kill us."

Jerry's words were undoubtedly a cold scene killer, causing the expressions of the three to sink and become solemn.

The four of them knew the horror and weirdness of the devil. When they were students of the Martial Arts Academy, they personally went to the devil’s lair to experience it. Just on the edge, the power and weirdness of the devil made them unforgettable. It is impossible for any martial artist who came out of the martial artist academy to know the terrible devil.

And the Seven Demon Gods are the kings of the demons. Their strength is extremely terrifying. Even the Queen who ranked first in the Heroes Association has been injured by the Demon Gods. If she didn't escape by chance, she might be injured in the Demon Capital.

Although it is just a statue, once "it" has absorbed enough power, even if the strength is only one percent of the body, it is not an existence that can be ignored for the four.

Seeing the three people’s expressions so solemn, Geyle comforted: “Don’t worry too much. It’s only a month. It takes time to condense in a powerful force. Although the devil is powerful, he wants to be in such a short time. It is absolutely impossible to have the power to defeat us. For the present plan, we should set off as soon as possible and find the "source" as soon as possible without giving it a chance to gather strength."

Everyone nodded, this is the most effective way now.

The longer the delay, the stronger the enemy will be, and the delay cannot be delayed.

Seeing everyone's agreement, Igel said: "If this is the case, then prepare early. In the mist, there is not much difference between day and night. We will set off in two hours."

The time is late, noon is past, and night will fall in a few hours.

There was no objection to Iger's proposal.

Looking at Eagle, Arran asked, "Where to go? There are four pirate towns in the Spratly Islands. The "source" will only appear in the places with the most human beings. That is to say, these four places are possible. If one town is one Zhensou, too much time wasting."

Hearing this, Jerry on the side warned: "It's best not to separate. With our "strength", if we face the incarnation of the devil alone, there is only a dead end."

Igel agreed with Jerry’s words very much, saying: “Yes, this task requires us to work together to avoid any possibility of acting alone, and not to give our opponents a chance to defeat us one by one. The first search Let’s choose the town of Lavas, which is the closest to us and the largest of the four towns."

Arran did not refute what the two said.

She didn't intend to act alone, and she also knew that this mission was too risky to fight alone.

She cares about time.

The four pirate towns are scattered throughout the Nansha Islands. The distance between them is a few hundred kilometers and thousands of kilometers away. If you search one by one, it will take too long, which undoubtedly gives the "source" its strength. time.

Although there is no objection, Yalan also has something to say. She looked at Eagle and said calmly: "If you search one place by one, it will take months to search the four towns. If we are not lucky enough, in the end, A "source" has been discovered in a town. By then, will our power and energy be used to subdue it? The search for the four towns must be resolved in terms of time, otherwise, we will only fail."

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