Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1354: Welcome to hell

At about 9 am on November 23rd, Julian calendar year 837, a violent explosion on the main road of the thunderbolt, Leiburg, opened the curtain of thunderstorm turbulence.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

The carriage of Thunder King Skulachman was blown to pieces on the street.

At that time, he was on his way to the Demon Temple in the city to participate in a meeting led by the five great royal families and nobles to discuss the issue of peace talks with the Lingshiren.

The bomb was previously buried in the road he must pass, and when he passed, it was detonated.

The shock of the violent explosion destroyed a nearby house and shattered the glass of a house within a hundred meters.

At that time, the smoke rose into the sky, and most of Thunder Castle could be seen.

When the curious people arrived, they only saw that all the bluestones originally paved on the street were lifted, and there were fragments of carriages and incomplete bodies everywhere.

The carriage of the ruling Prince Skulachman was protected by many guards in the middle, and the explosion point was next to his carriage.

There were at least 30 people in the area of ​​the explosion, and now there was only a large crater half a meter deep.

All four horses were blown off their legs, their internal organs flowed out, and they fell into a pool of blood, and they were screaming and struggling. The white and shiny hair of the purebred Aberton horse was stained with blood.

The situation at the scene was extremely miserable.

After the guards who survived the explosion came back to their senses, they looked for the ruling Prince Skulachman in the debris and wreckage like crazy. According to the lightning law, once the master was killed, their guards and attendants were All are to be buried.

If the master’s son wants to express his filial piety, or angry at the incompetence of these guards. Maybe even their family members have to be killed and buried.

But these poor people rummaged through the whole place, but in the end they only found a few pieces of the ruling prince's clothing material-the explosive effect of the explosive crystal was so good that the bones of the ruling prince were lost.

When Prince Royantal, the son of the ruling Prince Skulachman, got the news, he immediately began to retaliate indiscriminately because of his anger.

He originally wanted to ride in the same car with the ruling Prince Skulachman, but before leaving, gave him a daughter.

Therefore, Prince Royantal temporarily changed his schedule and went another way.

Whenever he thinks of the tragedy he saw at the scene, he always shudders. If it were not for luck, he would have been blown to pieces like his father.

The samurai of the Bassoromia family surrounded a few blocks nearby, then arrested everyone in the block and tortured them to find clues.

Even the people who couldn't ask for any news were beheaded by the irrational Basoromian family members and buried for their patriarch.

The dark mage who came later, from the remaining breath in the air, was sure that the explosive was a bursting crystal, weighing no less than one hundred pounds.

But it can only be a few big nobles who can take out so many burst crystals at once.

But there are too many people who can be suspicious. There are enemies of the Basolomiya family, as well as the Basolomian family's own people. The struggle for inheritance rights between the royal and nobles has always been **** and cruel.

But no matter who did it, it meant a full-scale civil war.

The Bassoromia family frantically prepared for war. After two days of silence, they took the lead in fighting against the old enemy Tidamian family. Although there is no evidence that the explosion was caused by the Tidamian family, the evidence is that this thing is Is it important to deceive the dead and ignorant people in the countryside?

As long as you think who did it, then it must be who did it~!

The Tidamian family did not show any weakness.

The guards of the two sides started a **** fight on the street.

Originally, the other forces were still on the sidelines, but they were so immortal. During a **** battle, I don't know who killed the red eyes, rushed into a nearby house, and killed all the people inside. And this house belongs to the youngest son of the Alva patriarch.

In this case, the Alva family also had to join the battle group. With his participation, the situation expanded rapidly. The remaining two forces were also entrapped in.

Leibao was suddenly bloody.

No one expected such a sudden situation, and everyone was caught off guard.

The negotiating team far away in Akadrin was not immune. The news came that the representative of the Basoromia family picked up a chair on the spot and smashed the head of the representative of the Tidamian family, if it hadn't been pulled away by the psychic. , Maybe strangle him to death. Negotiations had to be temporarily suspended.

The ups and downs of the situation made everyone lament the impermanence of the world.

The Lingshiren were at war with the Thunderbolts, the Thunderbolts themselves were at war with their own people, and the human coalition forces were watching from the sidelines, and it was a mess.

I am afraid that the wisest politician will not be able to solve the current chaos of the Semi.

Leishan’s various families attacked each other, and all of them had red eyes. Even if someone wanted to stay sensible and stopped, but facing the current chaotic situation, in order to protect themselves, they had to join in—this It seemed that he was in the middle of a ferocious wolf pack. If he didn't take up a weapon and tried to kill him, then he would never live tomorrow.

As far away as Ling Xian, as the top manager of the Republic zhèngfǔ, the person directly responsible, President Brad did not worry about the chaotic situation.

On the contrary, President Brad is in a good mood.

Because of his good son-in-law, Lord Lorraine, deputy commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, left, left Akkadrin, and left the Semitic continent.

The big rock that had been pressing on top of his head finally took the initiative to move away, and President Brad suddenly felt like breaking free from the barriers, widening the sky and swimming in the ocean.

The sky was clear, the land was vast, and the air was fresher. Even looking at Merlot felt that he was cuter than before.

In a word, now~!

President Brad's mood has never been so good.

Now, the president of the entire Semitic Republic has the final say!

Uh...maybe even including the daughter of the president, Miss Fiona, who is nicknamed the princess.

With the further exploration of the coalition forces in the northern wasteland, Lord Lorraine couldn't sit still, and personally rushed to sit in the northern wasteland.

At the same time also took away the jīng sharp of the Republic zhèngfǔ, the Caribbean Division.

President Brad left them in order to participate in the final battle against the undead high priest.

In this millennium battle, they cannot be missing from the Semites.

In Ferguson's words: This war is a great anti-fascist... well, a great war against the undead. It is a war between light and darkness, justice and war.

After the Semites joined the coalition forces, it was also clear that under the leadership of the Lord, the people of all ethnic groups in the world finally abandoned their previous prejudices, united closely, and then fought side by side, supported each other, and fought **** battles... In the end, a great victory is bound to be won and an indelible and glorious chapter will be written in human history.

Without the participation of the Semites, although Sir Alex Ferguson is also confident that he can achieve victory, without the phrase “people of all ethnic groups in the world”, it will be obvious that Sir Alex Ferguson’s ability to “make people with virtue” is somewhat insufficient and not perfect. .


At the beginning of November, when the Expeditionary Army was still struggling with lightning flashes, the Caribbean Division had already deployed Akadrin.

They didn't know the destination of the expedition. The above was just an order. They were temporarily incorporated into the human coalition and obeyed Lord Lorraine's command.

The Caribbean Division didn't think there was anything abnormal with this order, they had been under Lord Lorraine all the time.

On the contrary, it is the real superior of the Caribbean Division, but the military command has always been a soy saucer.

The soldiers of the Caribbean Division were very dismissive of them and did not obey their command at all.

The whole division boarded the transport ship, followed the stream, and rushed back to Caribbean City in a few days.

At this time, half a year has passed since they left.

Although it didn't take long to leave, when they got home, the soldiers found that the city in front of them was no longer their familiar hometown.

The urban area has more than doubled, the farmland on both sides of the road has disappeared, and they have all become factories. There are countless dense chimneys, and heavy black smoke is emitted all day long.

Although the streets of the city have been expanded once, because of the increase in population in the city, they have become more crowded than before.

And people’s wages have risen again. Although this is a good thing, the bad news is that the bride price for marriage has also risen sharply, far ahead of the increase in wages.

This situation made the soldiers who made two small sums of money so easily and planned to marry a daughter-in-law to be a little angry and a little bit sad.

General Melun kindly gave the soldiers a day off to visit their families.

Amu went home to visit his mother and fiancee, and ended the marriage by the way.

His wife's belly is too big to cover it, and if he doesn't come back, his fierce old man should go to Akadrin to tie someone.

However, due to the tight time for Fengzi to get married, this also objectively helped Amu save a large amount of betrothal gifts. The comrades who came to attend his wedding saw all of them gritted their teeth with hatred and breathed fire with both eyes: this lucky dog Bastard, why are all good things caught up by this stupid boy?

After a busy night, early the next morning, Amu had to cry goodbye with his wife at the dock in the Caribbean.

In the bitter cold wind, the woman standing on the dock, waving a yellow handkerchief, couldn't help making everyone present feel sad.

The huge fleet carrying several coalition armies and the Caribbean Division sailed out of the port and sailed into the vast sea.

At the same time, dozens of war fortresses formed a spectacular team that passed over the fleet and flew to the northeast.

The transport fleet escorted by warships first headed east, and after a few days of sailing, they suddenly turned north and galloped all the way with full sails.

The soldiers of the Caribbean Division watched themselves driving into the depths of the sea day by day, but still did not know where they were going or what they were going to do.

Only from the thick winter clothes and leather boots and gloves that everyone received before boarding the ship, they guessed that the place they were going must be cold.

In mid-November, the weather was so cold that everyone put on thick winter clothes. The harsh cold wind made the soldiers of the Caribbean prefer to hide in the cabin under the stench rather than walk on the deck.

The bad weather, the boring life on board, the unpleasant stench from a sloppy man in the cabin, and the thoughts of his wife and unborn children made Amu very irritable.

He crushed the letter half-written in his hand again, threw it behind his head, and then refused Rami's invitation to play cards. Then he wrapped his clothes tightly and walked onto the deck.

There were only a few crew members on the upper level, and the cold air was inhaled into the lungs, making Amu jīng excited. Looking around, there is a forest of sails around, everything is the same as in the past ten days.

Amu was depressed and secretly said: I don’t know how long this difficult journey will take. Are they really going to travel around the world, like Anderson said?

At this time, a few black smoke appeared in the northern sky, and someone shouted: "Land~!"

Immediately afterwards, the loud bugles kept ringing, one after another, very lively.

The fleet began to change its formation and lined up to enter the port.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a soldier shouting: "We are here, we are here..."

In that voice, the soldiers who had been hiding in the cabin swarmed up to the deck. Amu was surprised to see that Lamy was also squeezed in the crowd, with sticky notes on his face and a large handful of paper in his hand. card.

After holding back at sea for more than half a month, these army soldiers were all crazy.

A faint green line appeared in the north, and the shadow of the mountain could be seen. The soldiers waved their hats and jumped in excitement, celebrating that they would soon be able to get down to earth.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the fleet finished the last segment, and the transport ship carrying Amu and the others leaned on the simple dock.

Amu was mixed in the crowd and squeezed off the boat. When his feet touched the ground, he almost cried.

The others were as happy as him, and couldn't help but jump twice on the rock that would not shake, and strode into the dock.

Adjacent to the wharf is a wide temporary camp.

A cubic-sized wire cage was filled with earth and rocks, and then piled together to form a city wall. This kind of simple city wall extended several miles from east to west.

The temporary camp is large enough to store tens of thousands of troops. There are many guards and machine guns on the walls.

Amu carried his gun and followed the officer into the camp slowly.

Everywhere in the camp were barracks made up of wooden boards. The soldiers who came and went in a hurry, their faces were solemn, and there was an unknown smell in the air.

The atmosphere in the camp made Amu very uneasy. He remembered what the human soldiers guarding the gate had shouted to them when he entered the door: Welcome to hell~!

Fifteen thousand Caribbean soldiers faced the cold wind and crowded in a clearing surrounded by barracks in the middle of the barracks.

The soldiers of the coalition army lazily watched with their guns.

General Melun stepped onto the podium piled with earth and rocks, looked at his soldiers with ambition, and shouted into the microphone: "Proud, my dear brothers, we are here to fight the undead high priest~!"

The soldiers of the Caribbean Division were all dumbfounded, and General Melun who looked at the stage at a loss was shocked and speechless.

When I wake up, the first sentence of all Caribbean people is: "I cross!"

General Melun was arrogant, waving his arms and shouting loudly: "That old, undead **** is hiding in a corner of the north.

Our task is to find him, catch him, and then run him to death~! "

Amu looked at Melun not far away sadly and secretly cursed: Your grandson said lightly, that is the undead high priest, the undead high priest~!

There is a feeling of being deceived in my heart, and I can't wait to shoot Melon on stage.

Not only Amu, but the members of the Caribbean Division were scolding his mother at this moment, ignoring that Melun's mother was the sister-in-law of President Brad.

They are here to fight, which is correct, but it does not mean to fight the undead high priest.

Who is the undead high priest?

The number one strong under the stars means even more powerful than him.

The most powerful wizard of darkness and necromancy in the world, an old monster who has lived for two thousand years. He waved his little finger and could wipe them out in minutes.

Counting on them a group of large-headed infantry with rifles and grenades, is this possible?

General Melun seemed to be worried at all that his soldiers would not be able to kill the undead high priest. On the contrary, he was full of confidence. He was very proud of being singled out and participating in the action on behalf of the Semitic.

It is already a certainty for him to stay in the history of General Melun, and he has done a good job. Maybe in the future, after Brad's death, he may also run for president.

"Everyone has two days off." General Melun said: "Tomorrow there will be a staff of the coalition army to give you a lesson, everyone must listen carefully to me, take notes, and take an exam in the future.

This is related to your lives, well, disband~! "

Amu lowered his head and said nothing, secretly thinking in his heart: It's better to give the child a name as soon as possible. I don't know if he can go back alive.

Beside him, Lamy also lowered his head and muttered vigorously: "It's over, this is over, we are dead."

Even Sylvie, who is usually serious and serious, doesn't bother to stop Lamy.

Everyone came to the barracks assigned to them with their own thoughts It's not bad here, the barracks are still new, exuding the smell of sawdust. The room that is thirty meters long is packed with double-decker camp beds. The stove in the middle was also burning vigorously, and it didn't feel cold at all.

Amu threw the backpack under the bed and fell into a daze looking at the top bunk, while Lamy and a few friends and friends discussed in a low voice the situations of encountering the undead high priest.

Physical fatigue and divine anxiety struck together, and everyone was depressed.

They now finally understand what human beings mean by "Welcome to hell" when they enter the door. Isn't it **** where the undead high priest is?

The dinner was prepared by the chefs of the human coalition and sent to the barracks. The meat was stewed with potatoes.

The tall and fat chef enthusiastically filled every Caribbean’s rice bowl until he couldn’t fit it, and then said loudly: "Eat, eat, you won’t be able to eat this kind of good meal."

The Caribbean soldiers couldn't laugh or cry, knowing he was kind, but how discouraged they were. (To be continued.)

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