Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 185: You sing white face, I sing red face

Bei Lin felt his scalp numb when he looked at the vehicles and estimated the equivalent of the explosion. If this exploded at the gate of the city. The city gate would be blown to pieces.

He intentionally drank it on the spot and captured everyone. But after thinking about it, I immediately rejected it.

Lorraine looked at the clever-faced coachman sitting high in the carriage, and said in his heart: These people dared to sneak into the city in advance, they must be warriors with determination to die.

If they find it wrong. Under the wickedness, once you learn "Brother Deng, a good example, play a human bomb in front of yourself. Detonate those explosive crystals. Although you can keep the city gates, you will be bombarded with no scum left. Now! What should I do?

It is obviously not a good way to expose the opponent on the spot and force the opponent to jump the wall. But if you don’t expose each other and watch them blow up the city gate, it’s not even better.

Time, his mind turned sharply, but he couldn't think of a good way.

But when he thinks of the explosive crystals in the car, it feels like a time bomb that has been beeping Dada, making his scalp numb, his back chilled, and he is extremely uncomfortable.

In order to avoid the other side being suspicious. Luo Lin forced himself to endure his uneasiness, put his hands behind him, and then turned around the cars.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the personnel of the car dagger carefully, his eyes swept across their faces, trying to find out the flaws of the opponent as much as possible, so that he could start from it.

At this moment, the big man walked over again with the smiling face.

Although he has been in the military for a long time and has not studied for a few years, he still has a long experience. Know what the inside of these officials are. You don’t even need to turn over the "Encyclopedia of British Folk Encyclopedia". You know: Lorraine's so-called "cleanliness. In fact, and "cheap," are opposites.

Like Lord Lorraine, the more he keeps saying that he is "clean and honest, the more he wants money than corrupt officials. How else can he show their integrity?"

However, after listening to Lorraine's suggestion, he was much smarter this time. He followed behind Lorraine and waited until he walked out of sight of the fire, and no one noticed before and after.

He looked at Lorraine’s face cautiously, and said with a flattering smile: "This lord. I do many business in Bandol, and I have walked countless places, but I never expected to meet you as an adult and you are as clean and cheap." Uh, Qingzheng Honest officials. This is a little bit of our care, please accept it. "

With that said, he took out a check from his arms, and deliberately illuminated it with a series of zero numbers in front of the distant fire, and then respectfully handed it over to the God Seal Throne.

Lorraine immediately shook his hands with anger. He looked around, then lifted his leg and kicked to the throne of God Seal, pointed at the nose of the big man, and cursed angrily: "Well, you are a bad guy, I don’t know Master. I’m upright and honest. What I hate most in my life is you guys who are morally corrupt and have two bad money. Do you think it’s great if you have money? Can you settle everything with two money? Master, I’m very Principled, clean and honest"

After the big man had a kick, although his face was still smiling, there was a hint of spite flashing in his eyes. He looked at the sky anxiously, and then reached out to touch his waist.

Lorraine shook his heart, yelling badly, knowing that he must find a way as soon as possible and can't drag on any longer.

But he still looked the same. He kicked the throne of Shenyin heavily again, and then he cursed: "You Jin. Asshole thing, he even used a piece of torn paper to coax your young master, do you know? Master, I’m studying finance. I dared to save my treasure in front of me. Now it’s in a mess, and the banks are closed. Where can you let this master go to change money?"

While cursing, he quietly stretched out his hand, touched the musket handle stuck in his back, and if there was something wrong, he killed the opponent on the spot.

At this moment, he had already made up his mind in his mind: Even after fighting a dead fish and breaking the net, he was blown to pieces, and he couldn't let the convoy approach the city gate half a step.

Otherwise, the city gate will be blown down and Almohad’s army will take the opportunity to attack, and this thousand-year castle carrying countless honors will be plunged into a sea of ​​blood.

Lorraine cursed while hiding himself in the shadow of the carriage. Squinting his eyes, he watched Nafuhan's movements carefully.

After hearing what he said, the big man paused after touching his waist, and then slowly pulled it out.

Lorraine immediately jumped in his heart. I knew in my heart that if the other party couldn't bear his temper, he took out the knife and rushed over with a loud shout. He, as well as the dozen or so unknowing guards next to him, had to be buried with them.

He didn't blink, staring at the movements of his hands. The corners of the staring eyes twitched uncontrollably.

At that moment, every muscle in Lorraine's body tightened, and there was a desperate urge to blast the opponent, but he still gritted his teeth and endured it.

Sure enough, there was nothing in the big man's retracted hands.

Lorraine sighed secretly in his heart, he really made a bet just now.

He quietly retracted the hand that was pressing on the handle of the gun, shook it slightly, and immediately felt a thin layer of sweat in his hand, which was extremely damp.

Knowing that Lorraine made things difficult for him, he was so angry that he could hardly help but burst out.

He was afraid that the anger in his eyes would reveal the secret, so he bent his waist up, lowered his gaze, and continued to laugh with him: "My lord turned out to be studying finance, and he is indeed very knowledgeable. I really am at a loss for your advice. , Only then did I know that this check could not be used during the war.

Lorraine raised his head high, "Li" sneered in disdain, then said in official language! "I said you are drunk reading this." Are you sincere? If not, don’t go out of town and get back to me as soon as possible

Master Shao, I was uncomfortable standing in the wind and freezing, it was almost like a popsicle. I really have a headache. I fell ill on the joints of this battle, and delayed my master. I defeated the bad guys of Almohad and earned a world-leading feat? You bastard, no matter how many heads you have, it’s not enough to pay."

The big man laughed with him, smiled dryly twice, and then said: "Sir, wait a moment. I'll be back soon.

With that, he turned around, ran to a horse quickly, untied a small purse from the horse, and then turned back.

He came to Lorraine and offered the purse respectfully, with a helpless tone: "Sir, this is our last bit of money. If you don't like it anymore, we really don't have it. There are other ways."

Lorraine heard the ominous words revealed in his words, and his heart shuddered, but on the surface he was still calm. He took the purse and said with a smile: "Master, who am I? I have known for a long time that you **** are not Teach me a hard meal, not being honest. You actually gave me an ambush. You really blinded your dog."

As he spoke, he opened the purse, and saw the gold inside, all shining gold coins, he couldn't help taking a deep breath. He secretly said in his heart: There are still so many gold coins hidden. No wonder everyone likes it. View. All of these espionage agents are fat streams

Lorraine glanced at Bandol, then slowly closed the purse." His thoughts turned sharply: the other party took out so much money at once. It is impossible to use the excuse of blackmail to delay time. Otherwise, he must Will be suspicious. What should I do now?

He was thinking about paying. Just listen to the voice of Bandor next to him: "Sir, sir, sir, are you okay?"

Lorringer looked at it for the first time, and saw that Bondor's eyes showed hesitation, and he was obviously suspicious.

Bandol stared into his eyes and asked softly, "Sir, what's the matter with you? Nothing.

Lorraine stunned, hurriedly smiled, waved his hand, and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Master, I'm just thinking that I have so much money, enough to buy more than a dozen maids. I feel a little worried, no Know what to spend."

Bandol sighed and said, "Sir, trust me. With your handsome appearance, and the money in your hands, you will be sad in the future."

He squeezed his eyes trivially. And Lorraine glanced at each other.

The two laughed knowingly.

Bandol laughed. While watching Lorraine, he cursed secretly in his heart: Wait a while, after completing the task, I must use a knife to cut you into pieces of meat with my own hands to vent my hatred!

At that time, not only will you stop worrying about women anymore, you will not be able to pee your pants, so I will take your last name.

Lorraine laughed at the side, and said in his heart: You are a thief, you are so brave, you dare to play Master My Infinite

Don't look at you smiling so happily, you must be very hateful in your heart, maybe you still want to cut the young master.

Ah's dreaming

No matter what, even if my master, I fight you to die, I definitely can’t let you **** go forward again.

Lorraine cares about his own determination. He originally thought that at this moment, it would be like in a movie, with countless tall and mighty hero images to inspire him. However, he found that his heart was full of reluctance to give up life, and nostalgia for everyone.

He sighed in his heart: The silly girl of Vera can only let Catherine take care of herself. The only hope is that she will not eat too many snacks, she will grow too fat, and she may not be able to marry in the future.

When he thought of this, he laughed sharply, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Bandol tightly, holding the musket in his hand, and shouted loudly, "Left and right. Give me."

Bandol looked at him with bad eyes, and his heart stunned.

He took a step back alertly. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the hilt hidden in his waist, and only waited for Lorraine to say an inappropriate word, and immediately killed him on the spot.

Just in this picture, when he saw the nervous Shixuan on the spot, blood was splashed on the spot, he heard a clear voice next to him, and Tianyin said angrily: "Hun"

The two couldn't help but froze.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the voice and said, "What's the matter with you? What about your boss? Did he ran off to drink again during duty? He came out soon to see me, dare to be a second late, be careful of my aunt. Let the military team. Take off his pants and beat him hard."

Although the voice was angry, it was still crisp and soft, like a yellow oriole who had just emerged from the valley, and it was extremely beautiful.

It makes people feel uncomfortable, and can't help but feel a little strange, whose voice is this? How can you listen so much?

Lorraine took a step back and turned to look.

I saw it under the high torch. A young girl stood there angry.

She was dressed in lake-colored clothes. The face is like a crescent moon, and the eyebrows are swept away. The eyes are slightly blue, like stars. Cherry sip. Seemingly happy and frowning. The brown shoulders are beautiful, the skin color is like mutton white jade, and the snow is radiant. The beauty is peerless, the net is graceful, and both, like a fairy in the palace.

It's not Adele, who is it?

She stood there, constantly pointing at the group of soldiers, scolding them **** and at a loss.

Lorraine suddenly felt relieved.

He rolled his eyes, thinking about it. Said to the big man: "Wait here for a while, I will deal with the woman on the throne of God Seal, I will let you out"

After speaking, he turned around and hurriedly greeted him.

He is on his side. On one side, he used a sound enough to wake up the hibernating ants. He said loudly, "My lord, why are you here? I also said I want to see you"

He came closer and whispered reproachfully, "Why are you here?"

Adele snorted coldly, squinted at him, and lazily slapped the official voice: "Sir, Captain, although the sky is freezing, but you can't just walk away. I recognize you, but the one above your head. Three-foot military law is not recognized"

Then he lowered his voice and said, "What's the situation now? Catherine and the others said that the situation was wrong, and Vera was also anxiously turning around. But they were all afraid of showing their feet, and later the best acting lady volunteered. Come forward. Up."

Lorraine "Haha. He laughed twice and said loudly: "My lord laughed. I have been dedicated to my duty. "

Then he whispered: "They guys have explosive crystals in their cars. I want to take the opportunity of going out of the city to blow up the city gate. I'm thinking of a way."

Adele's heart shuddered, and he took a breath of air-conditioning, then raised his head, glanced at the carriage, in an official tone. Loudly said: "What's the matter with these carriages? The soldiers are in danger now, so be careful not to run away from the spies."

Then he whispered anxiously: "Can you do it? If this is really explosive, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Lorraine glanced back at the carriage, saw Zhong Lu and Yan Ji show a nervous expression, and then patted his chest heavily. Said loudly: "My lord, don't worry. These people are friends with me. They are all familiar with each other before. If you dare to use your head to vouch for, they will definitely not be spies!"

Bundall listened to his arrogant words, and immediately felt that his money was not in vain, and he whispered and cursed: "This dog"

He made up his mind in his heart: For Lorraine's friend's sake, wait for a while to catch him, and Yi'an will give him a good time. By the way, there is that beautiful woman. Grab her too, and then "I don't know if her voice will be better on the bed,

Thought of later. Unconsciously, his mouth was a little dry, he licked the corner of his mouth, showing a sordid smile on his face.

But he didn't know that Lorraine was talking to Adele in a low voice: "Since you are here, cooperate with me in a play, maybe you can take them in one fell swoop."

Adele stomped on the beautiful moccasin boots, then turned her beautiful eyes and slapped him, and whispered, "That's great. What do I need to do?"

Lorraine smiled. Whispered: "You sing white face, I sing red face, it's that simple

As he said, he bent over. Pretending to be low-bodied and talking to her.

"No problem." Adele smiled charmingly, then whispered: "Yes. Did you have a look with the nasty woman Silmelia?"

Lorraine couldn't prevent it. My heart jumped immediately, and I couldn't help but lose my voice: "What did you say?"

Adele whispered: "Don't say it is too high, they are watching. Tell me the thug, do you have a look with her? Otherwise I will disturb you"

As he said, his pretty face was stern. He raised his head high. From a distance, it seemed that the ruthless Shangguan was sternly rejecting Lorraine.

Lorraine reacted and couldn't help but smile. Why did this grandma become suspicious and jealous at this critical time?

Adele still raised her head, squeezed a voice from between her teeth, and urged in a low voice, "Hurry up and tell the truth, I won't blame you. Otherwise, the big deal, I will die with you. Also save the cheaper one. Bad girl"

What kind of person Lord Lorraine is, even if he is caught and raped in bed, he will say that he is a high-level gangster waiting for the train. How could she be overwhelmed by these words of mystery.

He quickly replied: "No. Really not. Absolutely not.

Adele snorted immediately and said: "I believe you are the only one to blame"

But that tone told Lorraine that she was duplicity, and she escaped again.

Lorraine pretended to have a few good words again, feeling that the time was almost up, and then he waved to Bandol.

Bandol waited for a long time beside him, already impatient. He looked at the door close at hand, and he had the heart to take a risk, killing all the guards here, and then drove the car towards the door.

The few people next to him also kept winking and urged to start.

However, thinking of Lorraine's phrase "Let you out of the city." In the end, he forced himself to endure it. I secretly said in my heart: Now the danger of doing it is too The opportunity is right in front of us, maybe it will be achieved after a while.

At this moment, he watched Lorraine beckoning to himself, and hurriedly walked over, saying: "My lord, your name is

Lorraine looked at Adele, and then whispered to him: "I said Lao Bang, if you just took out the money early, I would let you go early, and everyone would be fine. It's fine now. Trouble."

Bondor's heart sank. Turning his head to look at Adele next to her, her eyes flashed immediately, bewildered by her beauty for a moment, and seeing the contempt flashing in Adele's eyes, she immediately woke up.

He settled down. Said: "Sir, what do you mean"

Lorraine said: "You were a step slower, and you were blocked by this wicked lady. She had to check your people, and said that there were spies. You have two paths now, one is to turn your head back. Two. Just get all of your people out of the car, and then let her watch it again. Just walk around a cutscene. What do you think?"

Bandol's heart shuddered. Looking at Lorraine, murderous intent was in his heart, and he thought silently: I still have a third way, which is to kill you. Then rushed past with a horse and a whip" (to be continued)

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