Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 206: Big livestock?

Lin and Catherine said hello. Then he turned around and wanted to know something, turned around. Said to her: "That's right. Nicole, tell everyone, grab something, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, don't kill me if you see that you still have a breath when you take things back."

Catherine couldn't help but shook, and exclaimed in a low voice, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she murmured: "This is truly a man worthy of entrusting his life, justice, bravery, and such a compassionate man. heart,"

When she thought of this, she heard Lorraine continue to say: "If you can save it, you can sell it for a lot of money in the future. Don't waste it. Those are all strong labor, worth several large animals."

Catherine stopped immediately. He said in his heart: I actually believe that this **** is a good person? Really blind. Even if the sun rises from the west, this **** will still keep looking at the money

Lorraine saw that the look in her eyes was wrong and could not help wondering: "What's the matter with you?"

Catherine lowered her eyes and said softly, "No. Nothing, I'm fine."

Lorraine nodded and said, "It's fine if it's all right."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and gently covered the fur for Catherine, which was brisk and gentle, yet extremely natural. It's like the kind of tacit understanding that a couple of years have.

suddenly. Let the girl's heart fall suddenly. Catherine's eyes were immediately filled with a deep, unshakable tenderness, just staring at Lorraine infatuated.

Lorraine didn't realize it, looking at the clothes Catherine was wearing, and then continued: "You, a dignified princess, have few decent silk clothes. After this battle is over, we will divide the stolen goods, bah bah bah, After dividing the spoils, go and buy a few."

He paused, thinking of something painful to him, he couldn't help cursing in hatred, and said: "The **** gang of silk is more expensive than the bank, *, why don't they grab it. Maybe I will open a silk shop later

As he spoke, he turned his head and saw Vera ran to the side again, smiling with a smile. I couldn't help but roared and said: "Vera. Stop playing. Let's go. Let's drive Kai away. When you look back, let me see you so unfairly and be careful that I deduct your salary."

Vera immediately stuck out her tongue, then patted her hands and threw the snowballs away. Then followed Lorraine's side and ran to the port quickly.

Catherine stood in the snow. Looking at Lorraine's away back infatually. I couldn't help feeling distraught and muttered: "It's the person I really like, who runs so fast."

Leo was holding a snowball fight with Vera, and she smashed a snowball in her head, "Hey, there was a sound, coming out from the side.

He blinked his big dark and smart eyes, looked for a long time, and then said dissatisfiedly: "Sister, everyone's eyes are not blind. Why do you open your eyes and talk nonsense,"

Before he finished speaking, he felt another tremor in his head. In pain, he immediately let out another scream, and squatted on the ground with his head in his hands.

Leo held his head and rubbed it twice, then raised his head angrily, looking for Catherine to settle the account, and immediately saw her flushed with anger, her hands on hips, making a teapot like a teapot, her head bowed, bullying Staring at himself.

"Ah" Leo made a sudden heart attack. His big eyes rolled, and then he quickly put on a smiling face, haha ​​test to talk. I heard the voice of the sky screaming in my ears: "I told you that I asked you to stay in the castle. Are you deaf or have your brain flooded? Do you want me to expose you again? ?"

Based on years of experience, Leo immediately heard that Catherine was really on the verge of surging. He shuddered and shouted, "Okay, I see.

This is going back. Don't spank me"

Talking; holding his head like a frightened little rabbit. He hugged and bought land in the knee-deep snow, and rushed back in a panic.

Catherine looked at his back and couldn't help but snorted proudly. Murmured: "This little bastard, really should find a chance to clean up."

The guards around couldn't help but laugh at each other, they all knew. Although Catherine said it was fierce, in fact, like all sisters who loved her brother, she protected him firmly, lest he see the dead body in that place and know the truth of the world prematurely.

The **** truth is full of the weak and the strong.

Catherine had been standing in the snow watching, waiting for Leo's little shadow to disappear behind the castle gate, then turned and walked towards the camp.

As soon as she walked into the camp, she immediately saw that almost everyone was busy there, working extremely hard. Collect weapons. Touch the wallet, find the treasure, tear down the tent. Grab the flag"

Although the vast majority of people live in Maple Leaf Danlin and their families are not poor, it is said that the current economy is not prosperous and inflation is severe. To earn one more point, it is better to earn one more point.

Let's talk about it again. When I came back to the guests at home, I took out a few weapons, military flags and other souvenirs, and then told them that when the Almohad Empire’s Million Coalition Army was besieging the weapons at Danlin, there was a shortage of major generals in the city. At that time, my old man came forward. Single-handedly, they will be wiped out with a wave of hands. How to "sing" the advertisement and then look up at the bright moon in the sky, drink up the wine in the glass, and finally sigh in the wind: "Ah, lonely"

Full of invincible demeanor of a generation of masters.

Is that a matter of face?

What's more, there are some crew members whose ships were destroyed. Those guys have been running at sea for many years, but they are not fuel-efficient lamps. Many people have occasionally guest appearances as "pirates. This is a low-tech, often despised, but very promising career."

They started working, but they were extremely clean. Even the clothes on the corpses of the soldiers are not let go.

A lot of the frozen guys were stripped naked by these hardworking and brave people in just an instant, and then thrown naked on the snow.

Annoying Catherine walked all the way. You can only cover your eyes with your hands, so as not to grow pinholes.

As she walked, she said loudly to everyone: "Everyone, see if there are any alive. If so, hurry up and save them."

It's okay if she didn't say it, she said. Right now, I heard a low scream from the camp.

In order to save time, the ruffians brought a little more stuff back, and when they saw the alive, they immediately killed the thing. So as not to cause trouble to the upper body.

Catherine heard the voice and immediately understood it, Huarong couldn't help but lose her color. Because no matter when, this torture of prisoners of war is not allowed.

Moreover, because of the complexity of the geography. There is no unified pattern.

Even as the highest ruler, there is no way to play the word hell, nor is it possible to play the word hell. On the other hand, the bricks and beasts here also maintain relative objectivity and fairness. What you write is more credible.

Therefore, it can be said that "Historical pen is as hard as iron," The "Historical Records" is called a swan song because of its unparalleled "actual record. Spirit, but Tai Shi Gong has also caught up with his own childhood. And then The rest of the twenty-three history. How many people will really believe in the pen-cutting spring and autumn?

Say a digression: from the classmate Liu Xiaobei in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Not to mention that he played the management buyout of Xuzhou Mutao boss in the name of benevolence.

Just say that it was to protect the people. The fire burned Xinye and led everyone to the Changjiepo. It looked singular and thrilling. But think about it carefully, is this actually different from Dong Fatty and Dong Dazhuo’s classmate who set fire to Lorraine and threatened the people to move to Xi’an?

Although Catherine did not know what the Katyn tragedy was, nor did she know what Auschwitz concentration camp was. I don't even know the glorious deeds of the shooting and killing of World War I veterans in Washington Square with Xiaohao who later became president. But I know that once this kind of thing is recorded, no matter how noble and showy it is. Fame also stinks in the streets and becomes a stain in life.

Therefore, I can't take much into consideration. Hastily rushed into the barracks.

As soon as she entered the gate of the camp, she saw a man holding a pot he had looted from nowhere, and hitting the head of a soldier on the ground who was still alive.

Catherine hurriedly stepped forward and shouted to stop him: "Stop, don't kill anyone anymore. Enough dead."

The man was taken aback and raised his head.

Only then did Catherine see that man’s face was frosty and dark, and he looked like a simple old farmer. She couldn’t help feeling strange, but seeing that the soldier under his knife did not move, but his eyes still turned occasionally, indicating that It is a living thing.

She hurriedly said again: "Did you hear what I said? Don't kill anymore. Put down the knife quickly. He is not dead yet."

The man grinned honestly and said slowly: Miss, how do you say that he is not dead? He is clearly dead. Don't believe me. He is already dead. "

As he said, he waved the pot he wanted, and slowly knocked it on the soldier's head.

There was a chill in Catherine's heart. He hurriedly stepped forward to Hu Bu, reached out his hand to **** the pot from his hand and took the throne of God Seal, and threw it on it. Angrily shouted: "I said I can't kill, but I can't kill!"

The man blinked inexplicably, then spread his hands helplessly, and murmured: "Okay, okay. Don't kill. Anyway, there are a lot of people around, I'm just too busy."

He said, ignoring the life and death of that soldier, picked up the pot from the ground, Shi Shiran walked by.

Catherine couldn't help but stunned. "Where are you going? Now that you see someone alive, why didn't you save him?" The man in the advertisement stopped immediately. Then he turned around, pointed to the soldier on the ground, and shouted angrily: "These gangsters shamelessly attacked the Maple Leaf Danlin, invaded us, and killed people and set fire here. With this, 10,000 deaths are alive. It's fun enough if I don't kill him. Do you want me to save these craps?

Miss, which country do I say you are from? "

After hearing his angry accusation, Catherine couldn't help but was taken aback for a while, and took two steps back.

At this time, the happy other people who were robbing them also heard the movement and rushed over.

They were heartbroken that Catherine had blocked her own money. Both cheered and applauded loudly.

"Well said, said too good."

"Yes. To these bad guys just can't be guests"

"Yeah, which side are you on?"

Catherine looked at the crowd. Immediately there was a burst of bitterness.

She rolled her eyes, then fluttered lightly, saying, "If these people are saved, they will be a great labor force. Maybe they can support several large animals. Even if they are sold, they are worth a lot of money."

Seeing the crowd cheering, the farmer was bold enough to accuse Catherine, and his spit of condemnation flew wildly. Suddenly hearing Catherine's words, he immediately woke up with a pat on the forehead. Said: "Yes. These guys are all young and strong, with a little practice, they can definitely be worth a good price."

He gave Catherine a stern look, and shouted angrily: "If you said that earlier, wouldn't these things be all right? I've killed several of them, so how much money will you lose?"

He said, as if he was afraid that others would take it away, he stepped over to the Throne of God Seal, dragged a thigh of the soldier, dragged him out extremely roughly, and then set up a fire beside the soldier. While baking and warming up for him, he reunited his tent and found a living person to rescue him. At this time, the rest of the people also understood.

Due to low productivity, although this big animal is not comparable to a Ferrari, it is similar to a big Jiefang.

Compared to things, they are too valuable.

Therefore, everyone shouted in unison, and then dispersed separately, looking for the living everywhere to save their lives.

In order to save the lives of these poor soldiers, some people even scrambled.

Catherine was amused when she saw the crowd.

She shook suddenly and woke up suddenly. Lorraine taught herself this method.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but froze for a moment. Could it be that Lorraine's Unexpected Prophet had anticipated this situation? Or should he be truly compassionate, knowing what to do to save these people?

At this moment, she almost adored Lorraine.

Immediately afterwards, Lorraine's smirk made his palms itchy, and he wanted to make a few hard hits. Catherine dismissed the idea immediately. That guy is the one who is in the eyes of the money, and he is a real-life bastard. If he is sorrowful, the chicken will pee.

She remembered this famous **** by Lorraine, her face blushed, and then she showed a faint smile. There was tenderness in his eyes, standing in the snow. Get crazy, remind the intermission

"Ah" At this time, the out-and-out **** was standing on the bow of a battleship and sneezed into the dazzling sun.

He rubbed his nose and said, "Who is thinking of me again, it's Nicole or Shirme Ziya"

Then he turned his head and shouted at the sailors behind him: "You all give me a little bit of dexterity and hurry up and hang up the sails.

that whoever. Don't be lazy there. Go to the castle, give me a hurry, let those who carry the crystals run faster, and if the boat leaves after a while, let the grandson cry alone."

Under his loud command, everyone was busy with their feet not touching the ground, how far their tongues were spit out, but they also knew that these tasks were tied to their own bonuses, so there was no complaint. Instead, it runs faster.

Lorraine nodded, then stomped the battleship under his feet heavily, and nodded in satisfaction when he heard the dull echo from the thick wooden planks. Then he scolded those Almohad people's rice buckets.

Those people patronized and fled. Seeing that the sails of the ship were damaged by the hurricane and unable to sail, I immediately gave up. There was no cannon to destroy it, so he chose such a big bargain for nothing.

You know, this is a battleship, and it is also a battleship of the Almohad Empire known for its navy. They are all made with meticulous craftsmanship and costly.

Each ship is worth tens of thousands of gold coins. Even reselling on the black market is enough for a windfall.

Thinking of this, he stomped his feet again and shouted angrily: "Brothers, hurry up. Countless treasures are waving to us.

As long as we take their **** and catch up, one such battleship will be one. I will keep everyone in the captain. I just don't want to be a captain, so I changed the money and it was enough to cover a few. Mistress, have lived a lifetime comfortably. "

Everyone suddenly agreed, pouting their buttocks and working harder.

After a while, the ship has been refurbished and all the utensils have been properly placed.

The crew and sailors have been running the boat for many years. Experience. In addition, there is no big difference in ship operations. They also understood it after only a while. You can do it skillfully.

Everyone saw that they were all ready. Can not help shouting loudly, reporting back to Lorraine.

Lorraine took a look, and then his brother roared and said, "Where are the crystals we want? What about the explosive crystals? I didn't mean to go back and get them. Why haven't they come back yet? Send another person to the Throne of God Seals. Hurry up. A little bit, a little bit faster. *. If you let them go, everyone will have no money.

Immediately, several wizards rose into the air and flew in the direction of Fengye Danlin.

They turned around, and then hurried back. Exclaimed joyfully: "Come, here. The carriage has come."

Hearing the good news, everyone on board cheered immediately.

See you right after, several carriages waded knee-deep snow, and drove hard toward the port. Under the stimulus of the huge bonus, the poor horses pulling the cart were panting with exhaustion and tried their best, but they were still unrelentingly drawn with countless blood stains by the coachman. It makes people feel heartache.

Lorraine saw how they were walking forward, very strange, so deep snow, what are those guys happy, can actually drive the carriage over. It's crazy enough. The people on the advertising boat saw the carriage slower and slower. They couldn’t help but were in a hurry. They all looked like boars in love. They slapped the plank of the boat hard while pulling their throats, and shouted together: "Quick, quick, quicker, faster"

At this time, hearing a scream, the horse pulling the cart finally released its strength and fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone immediately roared loudly: "This **** horse is fast, fast, fast. Let's get down."

They cursed and rushed down. Then one by one. Run to the side of the carriage, unload all the crystals on the boat, then carry them on his shoulders and carry them all on the boat.

Lorraine saw that everyone was ready. Then he pointed to the distant horizon and shouted: "Mr. Sheng, we are out"

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