Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 233: Ringworm and scabies

To the side of the crusade, the two episodes of Almohad who stayed in place changed their formation and moved to one side. Send out cavalry and heavy infantry to guard the outermost periphery.

The three thousand cavalrymen who had detoured back to the Almohad early also suddenly appeared behind them.

They plunged straight into the camp where Almohad had pierced from behind, like sharp knives shining with cold light.

There remained Almohad's 10,000 soldiers and all the supplies of this Almohad army. Once broken. This army will not fight and collapse because of lack of food.

The entire formation of 20,000 Almohad troops also found that their camp was under attack.

They obviously didn't expect this situation, and immediately panicked. But then he stabilized amidst the officers' punches and kicks.

And the commander is extremely old. Knowing that it is too late to go to rescue now, and once rescued, it is bound to be copied by the two breads.

He made a decisive decision immediately. With a hard heart, he lost his car to protect his commander, like a gecko flicking his tail, thrown off the camp, and continued to retreat to the side.

Soon, flames appeared in Almohad's camp, and as the fire increased, Almohad's camp burned into one piece. Finally turned into a sea of ​​flames!

The blazing fire and regret charge the sky, even if it is more than ten miles away, everyone on the city can still feel the martial universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the god, the seal, the throne, the god, the world, the strongest, the strongest, the big week The royal family will kill the gods at night, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the world, the strongest, the nineth layer Throne seeks the devil, proud of the world, the Ninth Heaven, the strongest abandoning the young and big Zhou imperial clan to the billowing heat.

The camp door opened. A large group of old and weak soldiers ran out from the camp in a panic, chasing in the direction of the retreat of the 20,000 soldiers.

A group of cavalry from the armory also galloped out from the camp gate, chasing this group of people and slashing. But immediately as a reserve team, the Almohad elite corps that remained behind drove up and blocked what the knights encountered.

In the chaos of defeat, the elite army fought extremely well.

I saw that they were not affected by the defeat in the least. Under the command of the officer, it was divided into three phalanxes, and from three different directions, it outflanked the throne of God Seal to the knights. To kill them all.

Although the cavalry of Ye Danlin is brave, but an elite knight group sent by the Perelli Empire from the Armament Ye Danlin Crusade Army.

Although they are also quite elite and powerful, they are not as powerful as the armor-cutting and assault abilities of the Holy Knights. Facing the dense forest of spears, he was immediately bound by his hands and feet. In the encirclement circle, it keeps spinning around.

The battlefield was full of noise.

The shouts of fighting, the clashing of weapons, the screams of soldiers, the screams of war horses, and the thunderous hoofs of heavy armored knights when they charge. "Various sounds gathered together. It was like boiling. The frying pan is average.

Lorraine stood under the head of the city, looking down at the chaotic situation. Only then can I know exactly what level of uncontrollability on the battlefield can reach.

Due to the lack of instant communication means, and too many people participated in the war. On the chaotic battlefield, no one can confirm where he is and what he is doing. Many people ran around in a daze, like big-headed flies, following the large forces.

When the commander saw that a certain part of the battlefield was about to collapse, he mobilized follow-up troops for reinforcements. When the follow-up troops carried their weapons, panting like a dog, they ran over to the Throne of God Seal. This will consume a lot of precious time.

And often at this time, the frontline troops have either defeated the enemy or been attacked by the enemy. Let the commander of the follow-up troops only choose for himself, whether to move forward to regain the position or to retreat, and wait until enough strength is accumulated before launching a counterattack."

He suddenly realized the battlefield situation described by a general he had seen: my left wing collapsed, my right wing was retreating, and I "I was entering

When General Wabador saw this situation, he immediately gave a loud order, saying: "Except for the defending troops, other teams will go out of the city and chase the enemy."

Following his order, 20,000 soldiers of the Crusaders poured out from Hafs City, divided into three formations one mile apart, and surrounded the elite army of Almohad.

The commander of that legion was aware of this situation and immediately gave an order. The three separated phalanxes let go of the cavalry surrounded by them, and gradually moved closer.

The legion took advantage of the horror of the cavalrymen, kicked them behind their ass, and rushed them towards the reinforcements here extremely sinisterly. Trying to use their strength to let Fengbao's army beat its own people.

When the reinforcements saw the cavalry riding their horses, they rushed towards him in a panic, for fear of being dragged under the horse by them, they turned their heads and ran.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help but praised: "Pretty, this **** bitch's bastard"

Seeing that the cover mission was completed, the commander on the opposite side planned to retreat gloriously, but saw faint signs of confusion here. Stopped now.

Lorraine looked at it, and his angry nose almost crooked. Secretly cursed in my heart: *, that **** actually wants to pick another bargain.

He couldn't help strangling his horse. He shouted angrily at the messenger beside him, and said: "Let them stand it up for me. Otherwise, I won't be compensated if I die."

The messenger immediately took off the horn from his waist and puffed his cheeks. Blowed loudly.

When the order is passed down. All those troops immediately blushed.

You know, these soldiers have signed war casualty insurance with Fengye Danlin Flying Eagle Insurance Company. Even if it is Fengbao's correcting gendarmerie, it may not be useful for the insurance investigators of the Flying Eagle Company to speak.

The gendarmerie has to go through the military court to arrest people and chop their heads. But the insurance agent only needs to talk lightly. He didn't even need any old Cheng Ji vanadium nets, and the large amount of hard-earned money he had paid was gone. If he were killed or disabled in battle, he wouldn't even be able to get a single cent of his life-saving money.

After they understood, they immediately roared, turned back again, raised their spears and heavy shields in their hands, stabilized their positions, and then yelled loudly together with their throats: "Bory Li's scumbags (bastards, bastards, "whatever they scold, it depends on their personal preferences), walked around to the throne of God Seal. Go around the throne of God Seal from the side"

The cavalry saw the huge steel array with swords and guns here, and knew that once they hit it, they would be dead. He gritted his teeth, struggling for his life, violently strangling the reins of the horse, and controlling his direction.

The stream of iron stream passed by the square formation dangerously and dangerously, passing by the infantrymen. Going around the Shenyin Throne, ran to the open space on the other side, and then stopped.

That’s the case. There were also a few cavalry who reacted too slowly and crashed into the square. The bones and muscles of the collision were severely injured, but the horses rushed into the gun array and were stabbed by the sharp spears. A pair of wear.

Under the impact, several soldiers in the phalanx flew backwards, smashed a piece, and all suffered serious injuries. Falling to the ground, can't help groaning.

The army on the opposite side saw this situation, and immediately left without saying a word.

When all the officers saw that they had an advantage here, they had suffered such a big loss, and all of them were anxiously red eyes.

The whips in their hands swung wildly, and the soldiers who lashed out screamed and drove them to pursue the elite army of Almohad.

The rest of the legions composed of small and medium-sized nobles fully promoted their nature of bullying and fearing hardship. With a shout, he rushed to the front of all the troops happily.

See you in the regular legions. It was a step back tacitly. Let those miscellaneous troops rush forward as cannon fodder for pathfinder.

Sure enough, when the planer chased it out for a while, he immediately screamed again and again. Then he kept cursing.

However, while the Almohad Army was withdrawing, the rear guards, like they didn't need any money, scattered the iron brambles on the ground and set up a stubborn horse.

As a result, the miscellaneous army was caught in the trap immediately.

When they pursued, they picked up a lot of swords and supplies discarded by the Almohad. Because they were too happy, they were immediately pierced by the iron brier into a deep blood hole and lost their combat power. .

At this time, the regular army drove up and cleared the roadblocks. While pursuing the enemy, he didn't forget to laugh at his own comrades in arms.

Lorraine was also in the chasing team, but the retreating Almohad Army did not stop at all, they split into two. Withdrawing along the avenue without looking back, neither stopping to gather the ruined soldiers, nor preparing to line up to meet, just keep running.

And the Almohad soldiers who had been defeated were running across the mountains at this time, and Lorraine didn't have time to deal with them, so they let them run away.

After chasing a few miles. There was an order from General Wabador to retreat the crusaders.

Lorraine looked at the dust rising in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a great hatred in his heart, but firstly, the opponent was indeed running too fast, and secondly, he was afraid of chasing for a long time and encountered the enemy's ambush. At the moment, he can only order the entire army to turn and return to Hafs City.

Lorraine and they just started. When preparing to return to Hafs, the ranger in front of him returned to report, and the Almohad troops in front also stopped.

Lorraine understood in his heart. The general opposite seemed to be really smart, an old fritters in officialdom. It was the ghost who no longer fought with the crusaders nor retreated. It's like a piece of stinky shit. Stick to yourself firmly.

Anyway, the general of Almohad had already attacked Hafs City, and if he didn't get it, he shouldn't be blamed for not following the emperor's orders. It's just that he is not strong enough to defeat the crusaders, so he doesn't retreat, just stick to the crusades, and the crusades will run away if they chase him, and if they don't chase him, they will continue to stick. The emperor can't blame him for defeating and fleeing.

Lorraine thought of this. Instead, he laughed angrily. Said to Noramo next to him: "If it was this guy who attacked Maple Leaf Danlin last time"

He pointed to the direction of Almohad's army, and then said: "Maybe we have a headache.

Noramo was also helpless to this stalker stinky shit, took a bite bitterly, and cursed: "This cunning fox"

Lorraine looked into the distance. Seeing the billowing smoke and dust gradually fall, it is obvious that he has begun to gather the defeated troops and reorganize the team.

Lorraine couldn't help sighing. Said: "Forget it, let's go. Anyway, after this battle, he can confess to the emperor. He won't fight us head-on anymore. At most, it is just looking at the opportunity and stinging like a mosquito."

Next to Noramo also snorted coldly, and said: "It was collapsed in the first battle. From this, it can be seen that they are just a disease of ringworm and scabies, not enough to be a sir. You don't need to mind."

Lorraine smiled bitterly. Said: "The disease of ringworm and scabies, but it is also very troublesome after a long time."

With that, he turned the horse's head. Leading a group of soldiers, they retreated in the direction of Hafs City.


After the battle, Hafs' crusaders entered a tense rest.

After this victory. Everyone is wondering when the command will issue an order, go up the Shali River, and kill the capital city of Abdwad in the Almohad Empire.

The luxury of Abdwad is world-famous.

All the ten soldiers of the army had their eyes red, dreaming that they could rush to the city of Abd's Curse, and then let them go and grab it.

I heard that their palaces are decorated with gold and precious stones. The royal family also has a garden made of gold and silver. The branches, trunks and birds and beasts there are pure gold and silver.

The hottest topics of the crusaders now are the rumors of Almohad, such as the emperor’s golden toilet, the rare treasures collected from all over the country in the palace, and the bustling streets in Abdwad."

It seemed that the city was the red apple placed in front of the crusaders, waiting for them, the righteous teachers of the evil Emperor Almohad, to pick it.

Even the proud and proud mages and priests often gather together to listen to those who are said to have been to the city of Abdwad.

Encouraged or tempted by wealth and honor, all members of the crusade army devoted great enthusiasm to preparing for the expedition.

Luo Linna was very disturbed by the optimism and greed in the crusade army.

Lorraine sneered at Luo Linna's worries, and said: "Don't care about those little soldiers, when it comes to grabbing things, they are all amateurs, here."

As he said, Lorraine pointed to the top of his head, implying the generals in the Crusade Army’s headquarters, and then went on to say: “They are the professional level. The Abdwad city is definitely They take the big head and at best give the people below some scum. You didn't hear that General Wabador just opened his mouth these days and grabbed 30-50 million."

Lorraine said heartily. Regardless of whether it is the Soviet Union or Iraq, when turmoil occurs, the common people will go to the streets to grab some sand. TV sets, air conditioners, etc., can those big people orderly clean up the wealth of the entire country.

Luo Linna snorted coldly at Lorraine. Although she didn't say anything, she knew in her heart that Lorraine was right.

Thought of this. Luo Linna raised her eyebrows, and said with a sarcasm: "What?" Congratulations to Lord Lorraine. You are one of here too. "

Lorraine didn't feel ashamed, grinned, and said: "Tongxi, Tongxi. Deputy Commander Rowlingna."

Leo also jumped up at this time, holding his fat little hand. Yelled: "There is me, let's talk about it first, boss. When you go to grab something, you must bring me.

Talking about a sleeve, revealing a piece of white and tender little arm, and then bent his arm, trying hard to bulge a muscle, and then said: "Look, I have a lot of strength now. Then, You can definitely get a lot of things.

Lorraine looked at his small arms that were as thick as bean sprouts, couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said, "Okay, I see."

Leo agreed with excitement, and then asked, "By the way, boss, when are we going to grab something? Everyone can't wait."

Lorraine looked at the few people sitting there, then sighed, and said, "In fact, I really want to know this question."

Everyone couldn't help but stunned.

Lorraine saw that everyone was puzzled, and then explained: "Because Almohad's troops have been stuck to us like dog skin plasters. The headquarters is having a headache for this fist.

The noise in the past few days is about to turn upside down. They are having a headache because of the restraint of Almohad forces.

Is planning. After all, the soldiers headed southwest to sweep that force. Or Huhe went straight up and took the city of Abdwad.

Although with the current strength, the enemy would not dare to fight, and was sure of absolute victory. But it is not easy for everyone to go out, all for money. Who wants to eat the fat and eat the bones? "

Leo rolled his eyes and said, "It's not easy. Who is going to chase that unit, and the others have robbed things. Just give them some?

Lorraine smiled. Complimented: "You are really a genius."

He didn't wait for Leo to puff up his chest proudly, and then said: "If Catherine led an army to pursue and you grab something, would you give her half?"

Leo blurted out: "My sister is so powerful, she must be more powerful than me in snatching things, do you still need me to share it with her?"

Speaking of which. Suddenly felt a murderous intent sweeping from the side, Leo shivered immediately, then laughed twice, and said: "I will definitely give it to her, is this still fake? Even if she grabs it. There are more things than me, and I will definitely give her many, many things"

Lorraine couldn't help but smile. He was about to sarcasm a few more words.

At this time, a knight ran into the and rushed to Lorraine, saluting and shouting:

"There is a situation, my lord

Lorraine stood up and said: "What's the matter?"

The knight said: "We intercepted a carriage with this white flag outside the city, and the person on it said he was here for peace talks."

"Peace talks?" Lorraine was taken aback for a moment, and said to a soldier next to him: "Go and ask General Wabador to gather the generals for a meeting."

The soldier immediately led away.

Lorraine turned around. Said to the knight: "Emperor Almohad sent an envoy?"

The knight hesitated for a moment, with a strange look on his face, and said: "Maybe" maybe not, but the visitor claimed to be Archbishop Lagre. "

"Huh?" Lorraine had worked **** Almohad's political situation. Hearing this, he couldn't help but wonder. Said: "This guy is famous for fighting the emperor in Almohad. Why did he come?"

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