Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 236: Who are we fighting for?

Ask for a recommendation and ask for a monthly pass. Lorraine led two thousand cavalry, galloping away.

It's less than ten miles away, and it will arrive in no time.

Lorraine came closer. Tightened the reins of the war horse and stopped. Look carefully at the low, broken city wall in front of you.

The wall of Vibos was only ten feet high, and Lorraine rode on the horse to see. It seems to be able to climb up by probing a hand.

Large tracts of black city walls were recorded, showing the appearance of pits and pits, and there were already withered vines on the walls.

In addition. There is also a large bunch of dry and withered bristlegrass standing on the top of the tower, standing stubbornly in the cold wind.

After watching many people in the expeditionary army, they were all very surprised how it grew to the top of the city.

Lorraine moved his gaze away from the dilapidated city wall, which seemed to have not been repaired for nearly a thousand years, and looked towards the city gate.

I saw that the gate was open, and the gates made of logs were also rotten pits. Look through the city gate hole. On both sides of the street facing the city gate were low-cut khaki buildings. Some roofs had big holes broken, and a few had already collapsed.

The street was deserted and deserted, there was nothing to do, only a few dead leaves were "swish". The sound of cold wind was blowing, rolling back and forth.

Lorraine and the knights trembled.

Luo Linna was brave, but couldn't help taking a breath, and said, "Is this a ghost city?"

Lorraine turned around and commanded loudly: "Go and see in the air, this place is too strange.

A mage flew up in the air and looked around the city.

He watched. He said loudly, "There is no one on the wall, hell, there is no one in the city, eh? No, a few people came here."

Luo Linna said below: "I have seen it too, hurry up and let me down, Selder, just your eyes. Even if an elephant runs in front of you, you may not be able to see clearly."

There was a burst of kind laughter from the crowd.

At this moment, several officers in Almohad uniforms were seen walking through the empty street. Passed through the low city gate and walked towards this side.

Lorraine saw that they were all empty hands, just pulling a scooter behind the team. That car is bulging. I don't know what is installed.

Seeing them coming here, the officers and men of the Crusade Army couldn't help but backed away, shouting loudly: "Stop. Stop quickly, or they will release arrows."

Immediately afterwards, he drew bows and arrows, prepared spells, and was ready to attack. As long as there was something wrong, he would shoot those few on the spot.

Lorraine sees here. A look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, these rascals were under their own teaching. He was not dazzled by a series of victories, and he was still clever.

They dealt with those people, it was a smell of American soldiers dealing with human bombs that might come by.

The people on the opposite side heard their warning, looked at the dense arrows here, and the light flashing in the hands of the wizards next to them, and immediately knew that if one of them didn't respond properly, these guys would really kill people. Therefore, they immediately stopped.

The first one of the group and the guy with the highest rank shouted: "Don't fire, don't fire."

As he said, he raised his hands to indicate that he had no weapons, and then he raised his hands cautiously towards Lorraine.

Immediately, several soldiers rushed up with swords and swords. They carefully and adeptly searched him, and then they escorted the man over.

Lorraine folded his hands on the saddle, then bent down and put him in a comfortable posture, looking at the man with interest.

The man stroked his chest with one hand. Then he bowed to the end, his forehead almost touched the ground, and he made a humble manner.

Lorraine tapped him with a whip in his hand, and said, "Who are you guys?"

The man replied with a respectful voice, "My lord. We are all guards of Vibos.

An officer next to Lorraine said, "It seems that the defenders of Vibos are here."

Hearing this, other people laughed with the arrogance of the aggressor.

The Almohad lowered his head deeply, just staring at his toes.

Lorraine also "hehe." laughed, and then said to the man: "Then you know who we are? "

The leader replied: "All the adults are the crusaders of Xie Ye Danlin."

"Oh," Lorraine nodded, nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Then you also know what we are here for?"

"Yes, sir." The leader replied honestly: "Everyone came to crusade the emperor. In return for his undeclared war, he sent troops to attack the Maple Leaf Danlin."

Lorraine snorted and pressed the sword with his hand. Angrily shouted: "Since you all know, what are you doing in front of us? Do you think I will not chop off your dog's head?"

The officers nearby were also shouting with anger.

Seeing that these soldiers said that when they turned their faces, they turned their faces. In this chaotic army, they really wanted to chop off their heads. It was also very neat.

A layer of cold sweat oozes from his head, and then he bows deeply. Gong Sheng said: "My lord, on behalf of the ordinary people in the city of Vibos, I pray that the general will let us go."

Luo Mo looked at him up and down a few times, mockingly said: "It's a big tone, the city lord of your city, where is the guard? I think your grade seems to be the role of the captain, when will it be your turn to be like this guy and Ben Sir Sir Alex?"

The Almohad sighed for a long time, "Wang Dao!" Returning to your lord, weep, the officials in the city have already ran away, rich and slightly... They fled, now there are only a few thousand in the city. Ordinary people, we don’t want to bury that damned emperor. "

The crowd was stunned for a while.

An officer scolded angrily. Dao Er "all gone again? He*, these Almohad bastards, slid faster than rabbits. Where can the brothers find money?"

The officers around Lorraine also complained loudly.

They expressed their great indignation towards the people's livelihood here. How come these **** people are so poor that they can’t get anything if they want to grab something. They really lost money. The economy is in recession. If this happens, next year’s life might be even more difficult.”

After hearing them, these invaders complained for the people of the empire about bad life, no money at home, etc., the Almohad felt a little funny and some very funny.


But at the same time, he was even more scared. The gangsters really wanted to come here to kill people and set fire to grab money and things.

Lorraine listened to the chaos behind him, waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Okay, okay. Looking back, you have a chance. Don't complain to me here. It is not I who made the people here become paupers."

A group of military officers suddenly woke up, and immediately faced the emperor of the empire and the high-ranking officials there was another burst of "straight lady thief, bastard. It's not easy to die. The pig gong sucking blood on the common people...

The foul language in it made the female magician Luo Linna listen to her, frowning constantly.

Lorraine ignored the ruffians, turned his head, and continued to ask the opposite leader: "When did they run?"

I recalled that taste. Then he replied affirmatively: "Five days ago, I heard that a big man came to Vibos that day, saying that all the troops in the north were killed by the Chiye Danlin people, and then all the officials and tax collectors packed their things. Rolled the money in the treasury and ran south."

Everyone listened to the side, and they couldn't help but yelled again.

Under hatred. This time they have moved from a personal attack to a punishment after catching a person, like a sky lantern with a thousand swords, a tiger stool, the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty, the ironwork * female cannons, and the body is painted. honey. Put it next to the ant's nest and so on.

The vicious heart is extremely vicious, and it makes people daunted. It shows that the persecution of human beings of their own kind is forever ending, this great philosophical and social issue.

After listening to their curses, the sweat on his forehead became more diligent. Bend down deeply, for fear that those rascals, under their anger, shifted the target and vented their anger on him.

Lorraine saw his worries, but didn't explain much, and continued to ask: "Then why don't you run?"

The collar smiled bitterly and said: "My home is here, and my family is in the city. Where can I go? Even if I run away. Penniless and in a foreign country. Unaccompanied. , Can starve to death alive. It's better to stay here. Even if I die, someone will be buried. I won't be dragged by wild dogs."

He paused for a moment, his eyes showed deep anger, and he cursed in a low voice: "That **** dog emperor, why doesn't the great **** drop thunder and lightning to kill him! Bringing this great disaster to the people?

He paused, seeing Lorraine’s smiley eyes, he immediately woke up, hurriedly bowed again, and said: "We heard that Danlin Xieye does not kill people in Hafs City, so I came to pray for your mercy. Pass the city of Vibos. Forgive the people all over the city."

Lorraine was taken aback, and said, "You say to forgive me, then forgive me? Wouldn't I lose face in this way? Does my army listen to you or me?"

Ling immediately shivered, and hurriedly said, "My lord, please let me know."

After finishing speaking, quickly waved to the men behind.

The two people behind leaned over in a hurry. The pallet was about to be pushed, and the guards next to him saw him, and immediately the police shouted loudly.

Lorraine saw two boxes in the car from a distance, so he made a gesture.

A cavalry immediately rode forward. Then lightly picked the spear and opened the box. Then he stabbed heavily in the box a few times, and then he dialed his horse back. He said without expression, "Sir, there is no problem."

At this moment, the two Almohad were in pain before pushing the car and walking over.

Everyone looked intently and saw that the lid of the car opened wide, exposing the contents. They are all gold and silverware such as stoves and candlesticks, and most of them are silverware.

An officer next to Lorraine blew his whistle contemptuously, while the other curled his lips and cut with contempt.

The leader noticed that their attitude was wrong, and hurriedly said in a respectful voice: "Sir. These are all the things we can now take out in Vibos City.

The adults walked into the city, and there was nothing left except the lord’s house. The tax collectors robbed us of everything. Can't pay the tax, go straight into the house and grab the host

After speaking, he sighed gravely.

Lorraine took a look at the box, and was no longer interested.

He waved his hand happily, and said to the officers under his hands: "Forget it, these are all yours."

These things look a lot, but they are actually not worth a lot of money. Uncle Lorraine is now sitting on the Flying Eagle Company, and there are dozens of gold coins up and down in a minute. At this point, I still don't care about it.

All the military officers looked at those things, but they were also very unconcerned. They all gave a long sigh. Then he repeated Lorraine's words to his younger brothers.

And the soldiers under them looked at them, and they were extremely shameless at the mess.

Secondly, everyone has made a good plan to go to Almohad's capital, Abdwad, to grab a special grab. Therefore, you must not let these tatters occupy the place where you will put gold and jewelry in your pocket in the future.

Because according to military tradition, it is unlucky to do that. As long as the pocket is opened, you may only be able to grab some worthless things in the future.

So on. No one took it, but kicked the broken car to the side of the road. In case it hinders the march of everyone.

Lorraine looked at the empty, ghost-like city, and then said to his opponent: "Bring two squadrons into the city and take a turn. Pay attention. Check if there is anything unusual."

The officer yelled, and walked away.

Soon, hundreds of knights, armed with swords, guns, bows, and crossbows, whizzed through the gates and galloped towards the city, the sound of iron hoofs like thunder. The dust on the quake-stricken city wall fell straight down.

Lorraine took a look, and then asked the collar: "Are there any Almohad's troops around here?"

This time, the leader didn't even think about it, and replied very simply: "My lord, they are all gone, and all the 80 defenders in the city are gone."

Luo Linna was stunned for a moment, wondering: "Eight" eighty, defenders? There are only 80 defenders in this city"

The leader smiled bitterly, and said, "Yes, my lord. There should have been 500 soldiers in the city of Vibos. The lord of the city had paid nothing and only set up 80 people. He kept deducting our money. Two months of wages, It's only half payment.

Even so. Also, from time to time, he has to deduct wages harshly. And every one or two months, he will have his last birthday, let us give him a red envelope as a gift

Everyone in Lorraine couldn't help but glanced at each other, all with a strange look.

The man paused and turned back to the topic. Pointing to the surroundings, he continued: "Look, my lord. There are either river beaches or hills nearby. You can't hide people at all. If you don't believe me, send someone to patrol. You will know at a glance."

Luo Linna turned away and looked at the city wall in front of her, and then laughed.

She shook her head and said in disbelief, "Lorraine, what kind of enemy are we fighting? Even in the country like this, they even attacked Ye Danlin. I suspect that they are crazy, so they did this."

Lorraine remembered something and said disapprovingly: "Using foreign wars to divert internal conflicts is a common method used by politicians.

As far as I know, because a bunch of dwarf turnips can't eat enough, even their daughters and wives rush to work as prostitutes to make money. That's it. He was also fooled by a brick house and ran to fight. And the brick house is still a nerve"

Leo listened next to him, and he couldn't help being surprised, and said: "Why are they so short-sighted?"

Lorraine shrugged. Said: "Who knows? Maybe they are inadequate."

Lorraine thought for a moment. Then he asked, "What other city is around here?"

The collar pointed to the upper stream of the river and replied: "My lord. There are still a few cities along the river. I think they are all similar to Vibos. When the adults arrive, there will only be a bunch of poor ghosts.

It is estimated that officials and rich people can run first.

We have also heard that some governors have established themselves as kings, and now in the land of Almohad, no one can block the power of the adults. "

As he said, there was a kind of difficulty and bitterness in the words.

Lorraine listened. But he sighed and said softly: "You are wrong, at least there is one person. There is another person who can stop me."

The cavalry team that entered the city quickly circled the city, and then all came out cursing.

"I have seen it. My lord." Wei's officer ran to Lorraine, saluted him, and then said angrily: "Damn it, half of the houses in the city have collapsed. I've ran a trip. These people are poor and only have a handful of bones left. I really can't see any oily water."

Lorraine smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, gentlemen, you can think about it. Those people have searched for things, brought them into Abdwad, and waited for us to get them. This saves money. It took a lot of time for all of us."

Everyone immediately grinned and laughed.

Lorraine then said to the leader: "Tell you people, during the crusade march, no one is allowed to go to the river bank, otherwise it will be killed."

He said that. There was a restless warhorse under his hips, and then he added: "Yes, there is another case that my soldier disappeared or was assassinated near here. As long as there is one person. Understand, as long as one person meets. Attack. Don’t blame Lao Tzu for slaughtering you."

Speaking of later, the tone became stronger, bringing out Sensen's killing intent.

The group hurriedly bowed down and bowed to salute, and said, "I will obey the adult's life."

Lorraine snorted coldly, then shouted angrily: "We"

The cavalry team immediately agreed, turned the horse's head, the back team changed to the front team, and started to retreat one after another.

At this time, Lorraine and the others saw that the doors of the houses on both sides of the originally deserted street opened one after another, and the people of Almohad ran out of the house, screaming and running towards the city.

Leo couldn't help being surprised when he saw this situation, and asked, "What are they doing?"

Lorraine took a look, then turned his horse's head, and said without looking back: "Snatch things, I didn't hear that guy said that there are still a few decent houses in the city, and we won't enter the city. Of course they have to grab one. happy."

Leo listened. Can not help furious.

He scolded angrily: "Damn, who are we fighting for?" Read! )

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