Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 279: During the UN meeting

Lin and the others have been farting for a long time, and now they are only suffering from low back pain and shy ribs. At this time, after hearing Sister Aubach's words, they wanted to refuse.

But when he raised his head, he saw the classic and insurance salesman's expression on the old **** stick's face, and he stunned in his heart and hurriedly touched his wallet. Now that the hard is still there, then I let go of my heart.

Obahhem watched his small movements, and then he twitched his mouth. A spark burst out of his dim old eyes, and then he calmly said softly and cordially: "Count, I'm asking you something. Help us. Are you busy?"

He saw the embarrassment on Lorraine’s face, he couldn’t help but paused, then his voice changed again, and continued to add: “I’ve always been in the academy. I heard that my family has robbed a lot of things, just Norman’s The main battleships were all shipped three ships. And all of them have not paid personal income tax."

Lorraine was taken aback, looked at Obachem's face, hurriedly beat the spirit, accompanied the smiling face, and said: "Dean, look at what you said, I am also a member of the academy, no need to say any kind of help or not. . Whether it’s you. It’s General Wabador or Lester Sorcerer,

Lester had seen him displeased earlier. He snorted angrily next to him, with a provocative expression on his face, and said, "Bastard boy. Why did you put me in the back? Any other magician? Seriously, it was the Forbidden Magician who wrote me down. Live, otherwise I will beat you up next time, and then turn you into a clam"

As he spoke, he opened his eyes and looked up and down at Lorraine obliquely, as if Big Big Wolf was looking at Pleasant Goat, trying to find out which angle to start the fastest and most ruthless.

Looking at his appearance, he immediately knew "Magic is the most annoying. This sentence is not without its origin.

"The reputation of a magician is ruined by an old **** like you." Lorraine looked at his arrogant appearance and couldn't help but muttered a few words in his heart, but he did not dare to provoke the old guy, so he could only be with him right now. Smiling face, said: "Yes, yes, yes. It is my negligence. It is the legendary great forbidden magic wizard, Lester."

Lester snorted coldly and said, "Boy, you missed a big one." The word is the great master of forbidden curse. And why did you arbitrarily add a "in the legend,? What does that mean? Yes, it is not. You added the phrase "in the legend." What means? "

As he spoke, he moved his hands and feet, as if he was going to be singled out.

Lorraine couldn't help but hesitated, feeling very strange: Did the old guy take the wrong medicine? Why do you pick your nose and eyes vertically? Or say, "He found that Adele slept in her bed last night?"

When he thought of this, his heart suddenly jumped. I glanced at Lester's expression, but it was a little different. If the old guy really knew it, he would say nothing and directly use the Forbidden Curse to deal with himself.

Lorraine let go of his heart a little now, and then continued to laugh with him, and said, "This." In the legend. The meaning of is just like "limited edition, product, it means rare and useful. You see, no matter what it is, one plus "limited edition, after that, it seems to be much more precious." At the very least, the price is a lot more expensive. And like you, such a great forbidden magic mage, without adding one, how can "in the legend" show your power? "

Lester stroked his chin, thought about it for a while, and then had to admit that Lorraine was right. When I was young, I went shopping with my girlfriend. It was obviously the same thing, but with the words "limited edition, and no" limited edition, the price was different. And that thing, the more limited edition, the more slaughter, and the better it sells.

This is standing next to Obachem and Wabador, both of them constantly exhorting. Lester snorted lightly, and then said: "Forget it, give you both face, I will let him go for the time being."

With that, he flicked his sleeves and walked out of the square first.

Obachem and Wabador couldn't help but smile at each other. They all knew that Lester, as the curse magister, usually made sense. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand the essence of magic and become a curse magister.

But as long as he sees Lorraine, especially when he sees his hard work, watching the growing up, now Yu Li Tingting, Chu Chu moving, beautiful Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao mall Taobao women's winter clothing The coat is generous and bright.” Lorraine’s grandson’s daughter was hooked by Lorraine. Even the soul was hooked away. He almost eloped with him. Of course, it was furious and not angry.

How do you think Lorraine is not pleasing to the eye.

What's more, Adele's mother and her daughter eloped with someone because she was not optimistic.

Old Lester was sad. But I hate that bastard.

Later, when Adele was one year old, he was already deep in his heart, secretly swearing: No matter what methods are used, he will never let that kind of history repeat itself.

Real Bachem looked at Lorraine. Then he turned to one side, stretched out his hand and made a please gesture, and said, "Come on, count. I will show you a tour of our newly established United Nations under your proposal."

Lorraine was taken aback, looked up at Obahem, and found a strange smile on his face, which made him feel strange. There seemed to be something wrong in it, but he still politely let Aubach's mother pass, and then followed them, accompanied by the two, and also walked out of Guang.

He followed the two of them along the avenue, and after passing through the gate of the fortress, he walked along the avenue for a while, and then stopped at a wide gate.

Lorraine felt a little familiar. I couldn't help but raised my head and took a closer look. It was then that I came to a small theater that I used to often visit.

I thought I was a screenwriter at first, and I came here from time to time to chat with the actresses under Adele.

Pretending that I have unknown skills, I took their white tender hands to help them see their palms; pretended to be blind, touched their beautiful little faces, and touched their faces.

Later, everyone became more and more familiar. He was about to plan. He used his own three-inch tongue to persuade them with his eloquence, so that they could dedicate themselves to art and play with himself. sweetheart. La, "Two little bees. Wait, these are very pure, clean, conservative, and traditional yellow games. At this time, those Almohad people came over.

Thinking of this, Lord Lorraine's original encounter with the Almohad, and some guessing mood, suddenly turned into a stone. Nothing else, from this perspective alone, those Almohad should die ten thousand times, and then step on ten thousand feet to make them, even their grandchildren, immortal. turn

He just thought of this when he heard a loud noise coming from the theater. But through the thick door, what was said inside, but it was not very clear.

But the swearing sound with dirty words. And the classic "Three Character Classic", but you can still hear it clearly.

Lorraine was taken aback, and looked at the Archbishop Obachem inquiringly.

Obahem heard the scolding inside, and couldn't help but smile again, saying, "Yes, this is the UN headquarters we established. They are in the middle of a meeting."

With that, he stretched out his hand and pushed the heavy door open.

Lorraine immediately felt a loud and deafening noise, rushing toward his face. It's like a "Uh, no, it's like countless heads with rabies, avian flu, AIDS, plus the three-headed **** dog with endocrine disorders barking together."

The atmosphere is extremely hot

A joint organization between countries with the universality of the Julian civilization, referred to as the United Nations.

At the beginning of its establishment, it responded to the call of Heye Danlin to crusade against the Almohad Empire and sent it to the Banye Danlin army in the form of mercenaries. The purpose is to make a trip to the Almohad Empire and make a black brick.

Later, because of the victory over the Almohad Empire. Everyone saw the huge profits. Under the auspices of General Wabador, they sat down in the spirit of equality, friendship, negotiation, fairness, justice, and so on. A series of praise words that represent the good wishes of the world. , The principle, sit down and divide the spoils.

But after dividing the spoils, everyone found out. This time I played it so "Hey, it!"

Low investment, quick results, risky and extremely high rate of return.

Where can I find this kind of business?

As long as it is under the banner of "peacekeeping." Everyone has money to pay and contributes vigorously, and then it will not take long before they can sit and divide the spoils. It is better than going out to robbery, uh, no, it is already better than robbery. Even better.

Because of robbery. A little carelessness reveals his identity, but his reputation is bad.

And even if it succeeded and took a lot of money, it still had to be pricked in the back by the ordinary people because of the failure of public security. They knew it before, but in front of Huang Chengcheng's gold coins. But it can only be shameless, pretending not to hear.

Being a nobleman is very expensive.

The castle must be repaired, the war horse must be good, the armor must be maintained, the wife must buy oriental silk, the son must also have education funds, and the daughter must have a dowry, let alone a mistress and raise three. Because there is no family planning. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange work for those brother-in-laws who do not know where they are coming from." These are all costs and need to be managed.

The most damning thing is that not only the king has to collect taxes. Moreover, the dead backs of the Holy See also forced to apportion from time to time, reaching out to themselves in various names. Today, we have collected a donation for the children who are out of school, and tomorrow we will show love to the victims in a certain place. The day after tomorrow, in order to give a gift to the goddess Hera on the Full Moon Festival, another event,

In this circle, if you don't engage in robbery, this is the most classic and traditional method of violent transfer of ownership of goods that has been handed down since the existence of mankind. Everyone has no choice but to play "negative equity."

Now they have such a convenient, fast, and quick way to bulge their own pockets. Of course, he was unwilling to give up.

At present, apart from dividing the spoils, everyone strongly recommends that a permanent institution be established. So that everyone can easily "maintain the peace" in the future, otherwise it will be reorganized every time, which is too troublesome. Too inefficient. And grabbing things is not so enjoyable.

And the country that did not participate in the Crusade against the Maple Leaf Danlin also saw the huge business and opportunity benefits in it at this time, and regretted it.

At the same time, they also realized the huge crisis in it because they were not careful. Maybe I will be stared at by those **** to "maintain my peace. At that time, I can't even cry."

They also did not dare to neglect at the moment, and sent envoys one after another, asking to join the United Nations.

And the senior leadership of Xie Ye Danlin Academy. Because of the Almohad invasion this time, he was also caught off guard. Although Lorraine stood up and led the old, weak, sick and disabled, he luckily defeated Almohad's 70,000 elite soldiers.

But what if at that time, there is not a military commander like Lorraine?

Maple Leaf Danlin collapsed in the flames of war, and countless precious classics representing civilization were burned. The billowing black smoke hit the nine nights, and the red blood of the residents and students sprinkled every inch of the ground, flying thousands of years of red. Sip the battle flag falling and withering in the wind,

At the thought of that terrible consequence, everyone immediately shuddered, and their tails were all upright.

After learning from the pain, the reason they are now being invaded is all because they were too outside the world to make everyone forget the danger of Maple Leaf Danlin. In order to expand their influence, they also agreed with the enthusiasm and urgency of many countries. It also represents the voice of justice and the wishes of the most people.

Although in later generations, people have a very high evaluation of the United Nations because of the existence of this organization, they can conduct dialogue and communication as much as possible, give up unnecessary wars of attrition between each other, and preserve peace for the human world. Has accumulated tremendous strength.

Later, this could react as soon as possible from the demons sneak attack. Then faced that strength and tyranny, overwhelming. Millions of Mozu coalition forces responded actively, mobilizing every force, united in a city, and won the arduous and epic greatness.


But in the eyes of people at the time. Those guys are all a bunch of guys who can eat people and don't make shit, add three levels to the bastard, and bubbling pus.

Because of the wars in various countries over the years, they all have a lot of grievances. They are hostile to each other for reasons such as robbing other people's daughters, invading each other, assassinating generals of another country, etc.

It was better because I couldn't see each other before. But now we met together. Of course, it can only be a jealous jealousy to show that the ugly face of the enemy is extremely jealous! Therefore, every day is spent in that big conference room, all arguing loudly and even fighting each other.

Moreover, these scumbags relied on that they were ministers and possessed diplomatic immunity, and they were drunk and making trouble in Banyedan ​​Village. Gathering crowds for gambling, etc., all kinds of very unhealthy entertainment activities, itching smoke.

It made the check team of Jianye Danlin a headache. In order to catch those bastards, they were tired like a dog every day. How long does the tongue stick out.

Even the iron-faced judge, the highest-ranking officer of the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy's check-up team Jason, who is a pervert who takes arresting people as the greatest pleasure in life, also went to the academy's senior officials to report repeatedly and demand a raise. Otherwise, I will strike, jump down from the academy tower, and die to those people

Lorraine followed Obachem and General Wabador and walked into the theater. Immediately found that he was surrounded by the huge noise. There are countless tweeters screaming in the ears, and the eardrums are buzzing.

He saw that the dancers in the middle of the theater had disappeared and were changed to the appearance of a speech platform, and the fan-shaped audience seats were now all seats for representatives of various countries.

Those seats are now full of people.

Everyone stared at each other, like fighting roosters, their faces blushing with thick necks, and they kept yelling.

Lorraine resisted the discomfort and listened for a while. Those envoys were nothing more than clamoring with each other, like "Believe it or not, I will protect your peace, I will fight your **** with your peace." Try" "Guwazi is so fierce" "You shovel

And so on and so on in various local dialects. But the one who listened most was the most classic "Sanzi Jing".

Seeing the chaotic scene, Obachem seemed to have seen too much, and now he only raised his eyebrows slightly. But General Wabador couldn't help being taken aback. I think that when the spoils-sharing meeting was held in Almohad, the appearance of those professional soldiers making troubles seemed to be less fierce than these civilian officials.

Aunt Aubach stood in the corner, smiled at Lorraine, and said, "It's still light now. After a while, they might still move."

When he talked about this, there was a great chaos. I don’t know who is unable to communicate with each other in the current language. Under his impatience, he already picked up the guy. Plan to use force to communicate with the other party.

Not to be outdone, the other party picked up the guy. The two parties played ping-pong together.

With this action, everyone at the moment was awakened. Everyone rolled up their sleeves, then copied the guys one after another, and then jumped into the court to kill each other.

For a time, the sound of weapons colliding, screaming, and howling became a whole, which was extremely lively.

Obahem watched these normally well-dressed nobles in the melee, and from time to time they were violent. Without the manners that aristocrats should have at all, he couldn't help but sighed and shook his head, and then said: "Is it true? This scene will be staged once a day."

He paused and saw Lorraine staring at a gray-headed and thin body in the court, but Ren Shi was very bravely waving the abduction skills in his hand, hitting the old nobleman who was screaming and screaming next to everyone, immediately said: "You know? Now it has spread in the academy, nicknamed these people. Take Noral as an example."

Talking. One pointed to the old nobleman who still wielded abduction skills and fought fiercely, and said, "Although it has been forbidden to bring weapons when entering the arena. But he took advantage of his old age. When entering the arena, he brought abductions. Skill. Refers to the east to fight the west, the guide to fight the north. Known as a generation of swordsman, a set of "Dugu Nine Swords" is invincible in the world.

Lorraine heard that, his jaw was about to fall in shock.

Immediately after. Just saw another chaos on the other side. I saw a chubby woman in a red dress reaching out into her clothes very sturdily, untied her underwear, and then took out the big breast reed and filled it with hard objects. Then it waved like a wheel. Within ten feet. No one dared to approach.

Obahem continued: "See, that woman, she belongs to the Borina Empire. She is called "Iron Sha Meifeng." It's not just that bra and whip dance. Buddha blocks and kills Buddha. Demon blocks and kills demons, and also trained a set of peerless martial arts one "Nine Yin White Bone Claws". Once she gets close to her and is scratched by her, it is **** on the scalp at the moment, it is terrible! "

Although Lorraine knew that it might be a little messy, he didn't expect it to be this way. Now he couldn't say a word that was already shocked. He could only support his chin with his hands to avoid falling. Pained my toe.

Oberham paused, then looked at Lorraine, and said, "My dear count, I think since you proposed the establishment of this institution, you must have a good way of fighting against each other, right?"

Lorraine then reacted. He immediately replied quickly: "No, there is no good way. Let them fight and wait until they have enough. If they have no energy, they will sit down honestly. Other than that, there is no good way.

He paused, and then said: "Oh, yes, I suddenly remembered that I have to go to a donation meeting for out-of-school children. I will leave first."

Finished. Turn around and leave.

General Obachem and Wabador looked at him as if they burned their ass. They quickly slipped away, and they looked at each other and smiled bitterly. This mess was taken care of by myself!

Lorraine slid out of the conference arena quickly, feeling very grateful in his heart. Fortunately, he slipped fast. If they were caught by them, he would have confessed his life.

Although the contradictions between those countries and the envoys are very great, seeing that they have not moved the real swords and guns, I know that it is not an irreconcilable step, and it can only be temporarily vented by them. Although I have some military merits, there is no need to fill that large clove of garlic and seek hardship.

He stood at the door, seeing that it was still early, and he hadn't thought of where to go. Abel, who had been staring at him a long time ago, grabbed the Throne of God Seal, and asked Silmelia to cut raw pork.

When it was released, Lord Lorraine had a tyrannical body, but his legs were already weak. It was the daughter of the goddess who was very satisfied and radiant. It's like the little fox that Tiao Chuan ate a chicken. After a busy period of time. Lorraine finally remembered his current identity, a freshman in the strategy department of the Maple Leaf Danlin Military Academy.

And because of his tuition and success, Lorraine only took classes for a few days in the strategy department, and all the rest of the time went truant.

If it hadn't been for the **** of a duel game before the winter vacation, Lorraine wouldn't have stayed in the academy for a few more days. As a result, he had caught up with the Almohad people looking for trouble.

If there was no such thing as Lorraine's previous gatherings in the Maple Leaf Danlin, he would not have the opportunity to lead the Maple Leaf Danlin to defend their college.

At the time, Maple Leaf Danlin Academy left a few officials in charge of chores. After working hard for half a year, it was just in time for the New Year. Everyone couldn't wait to pack up their packages and rushed home.

Before the holiday, the Military Academy took public funds under the pretext of visiting and studying, not knowing where to go to that beautiful place.

And Lorraine had a big talk at the time about writing "On War", and it was a lot of trouble. In Leo’s words, the boss talked about these guys and stunned them. Actually, it was. In order to skip class.

Because Uncle Lorraine dared to openly challenge the pickets, and repeatedly choked Jack's dead-faced guy with disgrace, the students and teachers in the academy still admire Lorraine a little. Two hundred and five to Lorraine’s level, it’s still safe. There are not many guys who have survived safely, he definitely has real skills.

Therefore, when the Almohad came to attack the city, everyone thought, Lorraine was blown so hard, maybe, maybe, probably have a little real ability.

Plus this. The two stunned children dared to challenge the dragon and the lich, and let him go up to the top, should it be ok?

Under the technical guidance thought of the dead dao friend immortal and poor dao, at that time the academy left a few of the highest positions, pulling Lorraine on the wall of Danlin Mechanical Leaf.

Lorraine did not disappoint everyone's hopes. Even far beyond the expectations of these guys.

These few department-level cadres who were not well-known in the ordinary times finally had the capital to show off: that. Lorraine, you know that it’s right, yes, that’s Lorraine. I think at the beginning, I was able to recognize people and promoted Lorraine to a leading position against all opinions. My contribution to Fengye Danlin is also great, and I strongly demand it. The college gave me a promotion title, a salary increase, a secretary, and a car.

The half after Lorraine. The semester was very busy in Almohad, but when the mission was over, the Allied Forces of Maple Leaf Danlin were disbanded, and this semester was only halfway through. The career of Lorraine freshman is not over yet, Lorraine now The classrooms, books, and Jianli's senior sisters are waving to themselves again.

I thought of being accompanied by a few girls. With a heavy purse hanging around his waist, he leisurely spent the remaining three years of college life. Lorraine was very satisfied, this is called life.

After the Fengye Danlin student army was disbanded. Those who were still in school went back to school, and those who had graduated packed up and went home. Lorraine’s luxuriously decorated office building in the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy and the group of female secretaries of the youth warriors were beaten by General Wabador. The wasted title was accepted and replaced Lorraine. He was now in the luxurious office on the top floor, drinking coffee with his feet up.

Everyone is recovering their peaceful life as soon as possible. Looking at the familiar faces who once fought with them, they are walking through the streets of Banye Danlin with their books, thinking that they will be like these people soon. Lorraine is satisfied. Sighed.

Following a familiar road and among the crowds, Lorraine walked into the Maple Leaf Danlin Military Academy. Along the way, people kept saying hello to Lorraine, and some people kept pointing away from far away: that is Lorraine. , The legend of our military academy.

Isn’t Mage Academy Bull Cha? Isn't the pastor's college lewd? At the critical moment, you still have to listen to the command of our military academy, so try your best. A bright tomorrow is beckoning to us.

Lorraine walked into the small classroom of his strategy department, and the classmates who were chatting together in the room saw him, yelled and squeezed up, and yelled in front of him: "The one who beat this girl will not take us. play"

"The boss doesn't mean it too much. We won't bring us in the war, especially the victory."

"Brothers press him."

Lorraine was also shocked when he saw the classmates rushing over aggressively in front of him, but then he settled them with one sentence.

Lorraine smiled at them and said softly: "I have a gift for you.

These people rushed to Lorraine, squeezing Lorraine and said with a flattering smile: "I'll just say it, the boss won't forget our brother. Who of you suspected the boss's character just now. Take the initiative to stand up."

"Cut, isn't it you?" The people around all raised their hands and compared their middle fingers, then kicked the guy a few times.

Lorraine and his classmates gave a strong hug one by one.

"Boss, it's not that we said you, you are too interesting, you are so good at Almohad, don't bring us together."

"Really, we didn't catch up with the defensive battle. We ran back to the academy to join the coalition army. Those guys actually said that we belonged to the strategy department and didn't let us go. Isn't the boss also in the strategy department? They said we were. A freshman, isn't the boss also a freshman in the first grade? I dare to say that our hair is not full, and I wanted to take off my pants and let her see."

"Damn, did you take it off at the time? Now it's a hairy use."

The guy was crying and said, "The opposite is a female military policeman, do you dare to say I? She is too hurting self-esteem."

Lorraine and everyone laughed. Lorraine said, "I can't help it. The people in the military police choose the person, I dare to speak there. This year, I have squatted in a small black room almost half of the time.

I remembered what happened to Luo Mo last semester. Everyone sighed together, and a guy next to him said: "It's worthy of being the boss, who has been fighting the pickets for so long. Compared with them, Almohad is at the level of elementary school students."

At this time, the instructor Jack of the strategy department walked into the classroom with a few books in his hand, and said as he walked: "I will go back and sit down for all the lessons. I will have the exam in two months. Let's see how you guys pass. ."

Instructor Jack threw the book on the podium. Looking at the students below, I felt a bit different from usual, as if there was one more person.

In the first year of the strategy department, there are only two cats and two kittens. After a few months, Jack

The freckles on the face were all clear. Suddenly, a Lorraine heart came out, one:, I feel a little different today.

Instructor Jack glanced at the classroom and saw Lorraine who was leaning on the chair comfortably and preparing to go to class, and said strangely: "He? Why did you come, Lorraine?"

Lorraine shrugged. Said: "The coalition forces are disbanded, of course I have to come back to class, or why should I go?"

Instructor Jack nodded and said, "Oh, too. Then let's continue class."

Instructor Jack picked up the book on the podium, opened the net and looked at it, then dropped the textbook, and said: "No, Lorraine. You are back now, what should I teach you?"

Lorraine said: "Whatever, I only took half a semester of class."

Instructor Jack reluctantly said: "What else can I teach you? Your original officer is several levels older than me."

Lorraine said: "But haven't I already been fired? I am now a student in our class again.

The other students booed and said, "Yeah, we warmly welcome Boss Lorraine back to class.

Instructor Jack raised the textbook in his hand and said: "You son, look for yourself, the textbook we are using now is written by you, and the analysis of the battle cases I use in class now, you fight. You know these things better than me, I still What can teach you something? Why don't you come and teach us."

Lorraine scratched his head. Said: "Then either I will continue to write a book? Instructor. I came to Fengyedan ​​to apply for school. You have to let me get my graduation certificate. You know, the employment pressure is so great now, without a good degree, people will be lost. Despised."

Jack said with a black face: "You are embarrassed to learn, but I am ashamed to teach. If everyone knows, I, a man who has only been a captain, teaches a corps commander here, and I won't be laughed at.

Lorraine smiled and said, "Okay, okay, instructor, they just let them say it, I don't care what you care about. Besides, doesn't it seem that you have a high level of theory when it spreads out like this? You taught me half of it. Semester. I have learned enough to go to war. If I have been with you for three years, I won't be able to equal the demons.

Spread like this. The future of our strategy department is infinitely bright. Just wait for the registration next year. "

Jack said:, son, if you don't have to attend classes here, our enrollment rate next year will be very high. If you squat here every day, wouldn't it be obvious that we are incompetent? Is this stimulating us people who do nothing for most of our lives? . "

Lorraine pretended to be stupid and said, "Is there?"

The students around nodded at Lorraine.

Lorraine smiled and said: "No. Instructor, I also paid the tuition anyway. I signed an agreement to receive four education in Jiye Danlin. I am not going to class now, where can I go?.

Jack said, "It's time to go there. Oh, I understand. Your kid is going to enjoy a few years with me."

Lorraine said: "This. Let's forget it. You can fulfill me, because I have made such a big face for our strategy department."

Jack snorted and said, "For the sake of the reputation of our strategy department. There are no doors. I can guarantee that none of our strategy department faculty dares to teach you. Okay, you should go to Dean Wabador. . If you can tell him to give you a position, you can continue to get away in the college."

The following classmate said this: "Instructor. You can’t let Lorraine go. Our strategy department has been elated for so many years. This time, brothers are out picking up girls. Finally someone is looking at us. For our lifelong happiness, or Let Lorraine go to class with us."

"Yeah, instructor. Brothers messed with you, you have to take care of us." There was a wailing voice below.

Jack looked at their rascals and said dumbly: "You are all guys who want to be officials in the future. It's okay to be a little self-improving. Besides, I can't do this thing. Lorraine should go to the dean. See what those old guys will say. They should have arrangements for you."

Lorraine said helplessly: "Well, I'll talk to Dean Wabadol."

Lorraine had to leave the military academy first and go to the office of General Wabador.

When I came to this gorgeous office building, I thought that it belonged to my own territory a few months ago. Now that those lovely secretaries have been taken over by Wabador, I got angry and kept cursing this old guy. .

Seeing Lorraine walk into the office building, the staff here all gathered around, especially the charming little girls. Surrounded by Lorraine's side, he kept acting like a baby, leaving Lorraine's saliva with joy.

Walking up to the top floor, watching the former full-time secretary wink his eyes to open the door to himself, Lorraine only sighed regretfully and walked in.

Sure enough, Dean Wabador placed his bipod on the table, half-lying on the chair, holding a wine glass in one hand and a document in the other, humming a little tune slowly.

Saw Lorraine coming in. Wabadol threw the papers in his hand and said, "Lorraine is here. Pour whatever you want to drink, red, white, and strong."

Lorraine walked over to the Divine Seal Throne and picked up a wine glass, sat in front of Wabador, and put the empty wine glass on the table. Said: "Don't hide, take it out."

Wabador laughed and said, "You kid also learned to be and took out a wine bottle from the table. Pour it on Lorraine.

"I've been waiting for you all morning, thinking you should come too." Dean Wabador said, "I was driven out by Jack."

Lorraine pouted. Without saying a word, he drank his glass and sighed, "Good wine, come again."

General Wabador distressedly poured another half of Lorraine and said, "You kid, this is a waste. I just have one bottle. When I came to work today, I looked at the students on the road and remembered about you. Thinking that your kid will come over today."

Lorraine shrugged. Said: "They don't want me to go to class anymore, what should I do?"

Dean Wabador said with a smile: "I don't want to leave me alone. What status do you have now, if you are a small legion commander, you must be called an admiral. If you are older, a provincial governor It’s not too much. If they are there to teach you again, they won’t be considered by their colleagues in other colleges to be scornful.

Let's go, let's go to the chamber, this matter is not easy, I have to discuss with the two old guys. To be continued)

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