Release that Witch

Chapter 1012: Livya

Passing through a strip of snow covered alleys, listening to the snoring from the soles of the feet, Livya's chest is getting warmer.

The winter in the north is always a look, the sky is dark and gloomy, like a slate that is pressed against the top of everyone's head; the earth is shrouded in white snow, and everything loses its original color. Coupled with the cold and hunger that comes with it, this monotonous scene is hard to be annoying.

But she saw a color that she had never had before.

That color is even more embarrassing than the rainbow, even in this snowy season, it is as eye-catching as the sky.

The closer it is to Livyan, the more she can't wait.

At the end of the light, she pointed to the hut she rented.

If it is not for a livelihood, she doesn’t even want to leave it.

That is her child.

She and the crystallization of Gordon Wimbledon.

With him, she seems to have the whole world.

Thinking of this, Livya's footsteps could not help but be a little faster.

However, when she turned into the last alley, her heart was suddenly stunned.

I saw more than a dozen footprints on the snowy ground. From the perspective of the orientation, they entered the courtyard from another lane and went straight into the courtyard.

And she stayed in this compound for the time being.

The neighbors here are ordinary civilians, not to mention the evil moon. Even in the spring and summer, there are very few guests visiting. Why are there so many footprints in plain white?

Suddenly, Livya only felt a dizzy in her head, and then an unspeakable fear came to my heart.

No, calm down... She keeps telling herself that maybe it’s just a bunch of robbers who are going to robbery, or the refugees who have fallen to this place are as bad as outsiders, which is the last hope for her.

But the first glance after walking into the compound, even this hope no longer exists.

At the door of the house she rented, she was full of patrols wearing soft armor. One of them was dressed as a knight, and the badge on his chest represented him from the Kant family who ruled the North.

"Do not!"

Livya didn't know where it broke out, and she dropped the milk cake that she couldn't easily buy in her arms and bowed her head to the door!

At that moment, she was ready to be killed.

Even without the other party, as long as the sword is pulled out in front of her, she will hit it!

Unexpectedly, they seem to be indifferent to her appearance, just slightly open the body, let her straight into the house.

The door slammed Livia, who was flustered. The cold ground smashed her skirt like a disc, but the pain from the knee was negligible. She crawled into the little bedroom with tears, and when she wanted to see the last side of the child, she found that the expected scene did not appear.

A blue-haired woman sat on the bed and teased her child with a blank expression, and the nanny who usually took care of the child stood respectfully, as if the other person was the Lord.

Then the woman looked up and her eyes swept over her. It only made Livya understand that this person and she are definitely not in the same category. Even though she has an unforgettable appearance, how can it be done? Link her to a common woman. Mild, tender, charming, sensual... Those words that belong to women are not suitable for her. Even with her children, there is no motherhood in her eyes.

Rather than saying that she is teasing a child, it is better to say... she is teasing a toy.

"First time," the other slowly said. "My name is Itisconde, you should have heard my name."

Northland Pearl Livya heart shocked, she is the eldest daughter of the Duke of Kant, the rumor that can lead the Cavaliers to charge the strange woman? The name of the pearl in the north can be described as nobody knows, no one knows, even Goron has mentioned her many times.

Some even said that she was more difficult to deal with than the Duke himself.

"I have seen adults," Livya swallowed, leaned down and touched her head. "I want you to come, I want..."

Itis set her hand, and the nanny next to her immediately took a gift, then left the bedroom and closed the door between them.

At this point, she already understood that the nanny she had found was basically arranged by the Kant family.

They have long discovered the secrets of their children.

"A long story is short, I was taken by the sire of the King, bringing the blood of the Wimbledon family back to the Winter City."

"And... secretly kill him?" Livya said hard.

"If you just want to erase his existence, you can do it anywhere, you don't have to work so hard," Isis untied the wrap of the child's head and revealed the shallow gray hair. "There is a need to hide the ear, only That's it."

Livia couldn't help but stunned. She really couldn't understand what the other person said. "Adult, I don't quite understand..."

"This matter is not as complicated as you think," Northland Pearl shrugged. "You, have you heard of witches?"


After listening to the other party's remarks, Livya spent a long time to connect the two things together, and the conclusions obtained were even more incredible than the Arabian Nights! Roland Wimbledon is determined to marry a witch, so I plan to pull out the children of Goron to calm the public opinion? She doesn't know much about the nobility's doorway, but she also feels that this method is too unreasonable.

The other party is a king. Is it really necessary to do this?

She gritted her teeth and braved her courage. "Adult, please forgive me. I can't believe that I have such an idea now, but it doesn't mean that it will be like this in the future. If there is any change, Xero is his..."

"Sherlow? Is this child's name?" Itis raised an eyebrow. "You don't seem to understand your situation. Your order is absolute. You only have two choices. Take a fortune and go high. No longer ask about this matter, or go with him to the Winter City, but can no longer appear in the name of his mother, but a servant of a noble family."

Livya felt tears in her eyes. Yes, her identity was too humble to be a part of the royal family. "Who will take care of him instead of me?"


"Hey?" She jerked her head up, and the tears licked into her mouth.

"Your Majesty is not so unpopular. If you choose the latter, in addition to changing your identity, nothing else has changed. You can still stay with him and watch him grow up. The noble family has been attacked by the church. Destruction, and Goron’s fiancee entrusted the child to you before dying is the whole story.” Itiston paused. “In addition, this news has already been announced in other territories, and the northern border is not Exception, just wait two or three days, you can hear the whole content of this news. If he wants to get rid of you, why bother?"

The meaning of the North Pearl is... Does it work to make her feel at ease?

Livya held her chest and couldn't help but reveal the scene of the night. She was looking for the four princes at the time, and the other party actually extended a helping hand to her. Although he may have an ulterior motive, if it is not this, she is afraid that she will die in the poison of the tavern owner.

She took a deep breath and wiped her face and stood up from the ground. The long-lasting kneeling position made her legs numb, but she still controlled her body. "Northern Pearl, I ask... Does this child have a chance to become a king?"

"No." There was a hint of fun in the eyes of Itis. "Before you set off, you have to explain it. You don't have to have illusions, no hope, no disappointment. Of course, this is forbidden."

"No, adults, I will not be disappointed to let him grow up safely, that is my greatest wish." Livya's voice is getting slower and slower, as if every word must use the strength of the whole body, "But always He did not solve the problem of His Majesty's heirs. In the future, if he changed his mind and decided to set up a real Crown Prince, the latter would definitely regard Sherlock as a thorn in his eyes. At that time, he would not be able to live!" She looked directly at the other side. Speaking word by word, "I know that I can't change anything, but if you can't tell me a reasonable answer, please kill me here!"

"Oh?" Eyes squinted.

That is the taste of bloodthirsty.

In front of the other side, she is as weak as a lamb.

Even so, Livya still stood up and did not give up. "If not, this day will become a reality sooner or later. I will personally bring the children of Gordon Wimbledon to the end, I can't do it, adults!" ”

Of course, there is no answer. Even if there is, the other party does not need to tell a humble maid. She can only do this... Sorry, Gordon, Livya closes her eyes and waits for the blade to cut the coldness of the throat. Sorry... dear.

Like feeling the coming parting, the child wakes up from his sleep and cries.

She did her best to stop her from blinking.

She is afraid that she will not be able to make this decision as long as she takes a look.

However, this blow has not arrived yet.

Until Itis smirked, "You can swear."

Livya looked at each other incredulously.

Then Beidi Pearl opened his mouth and silently answered the answer. It was a more incredible answer, even beyond her imagination, but somehow she believed the other person's words. Probably when falling into the vortex, even a straw will be a hope of life-saving, let alone her almost stunned.

Rather than being persuaded by the other party, it would be better to say that she persuaded herself.

Itis threw the crying child to Livya and turned and walked outside the door. "Get off in three days and get ready for your luggage."

"Adult..." just as she passed by, she murmured. "There is a tavern owner in Glentown, and an unknown guard of Goron, probably knowing this."

"I will handle it myself, you don't have to worry." Itis did not return.

When the North Pearl leaves, Lifia hugged the child tightly, fearing that he would disappear, while the latter was quiet and buried her head in her chest.

In the violent heartbeat, she couldn't help but ask herself, is that really possible?

In the silent conversation, she clearly saw the answer that the other party said.

It is a simple word, but it has a fascinating magic.

"eternal life".

This is the king's answer.

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