Release that Witch

Chapter 1328: Human inheritance

"Is the book scroll, is the dress changed?" Outside the locker room, Ling asked. "If you need me to help, please don't hesitate."

"No, no, I... soon enough." After the partition, there was a slightly nervous voice in the book.

Roland couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This is the first time he saw the scrolls showing such uncertain emotions. In the past, she was always shocked, and she did not care what she did. This also made him look forward to the look of the book after a new dress.


The partition was pulled open and the scrolls carefully came out of the locker room.

"Is this okay?"

Roland suddenly felt bright.

I saw a slim blue turtleneck sweater inside the book, which perfectly showed the contours of the upper body. On the outside is a black and red embellished half-length robes. The robes start from the lower part of the shoulders and extend to the calves, quite a bit of evening dress. The chest is open, with the inverted v-shaped at the waist, the towering chest and the flat belly line are half-hidden, and at first glance there is an indescribable beauty.

The overall clothing is mainly in dark tones, and there is no sense of contempt, but it is extremely solemn. Adding the pair of black-rimmed glasses on the face of the book and the black bun on the waist and the waist, it adds a few mature and intellectual beauty to her.

“It’s beautiful,” Felice exclaimed. “Even if it’s in a witch, it’s enough to be praised.”

"I said that I chose it right!" The spirit was quite smug.

"But... will it be too exposed?"

The book subconsciously covered his hand on his chest.

"Where, isn't this wrapped up tightly?" Farn laughed. "You can accept the dress at the party, let alone this improved winter dress."

"And in the world of dreams, everyone wears it like this. I am right, squat?" The spirit followed.

Roland shook his head with a chuckle, and although there were underwear and long sweaters in the bottom, this kind of split-and-shoulder jacket would be a bit uncomfortable compared to the robes she often wore. "The key is not how other people wear it, but the book's own opinion." He paused and looked at the book. "Do you think you like this suit?"

The book looks at himself in the glass mirror - that is what she has never seen before, even if the two worlds are very different, but this kind of thing can always cross countless divides and resonate with people's hearts. She can't admit it, she likes the dress now.

"Yes... Your Majesty," she whispered back.

"That's it." Roland called the shopping guide. "I have all this set."

"Sir, you have a real eye, these are the latest models this winter, and this lady is a perfect match!" The guide took out the calculator for a while, "a total of 24,000 yuan, please come here payment!"

"Hey--" Roland's breathing has been stagnant for a moment, which is almost equivalent to one-third of the price of a van. However, Haikou has already boasted that it is too late to retreat. He looked to the spirit, "How do you choose when you choose clothes?"

"The number on the label is big!" Ling spit out his tongue. "The students in the school said that only the price in this world will not lie."

Roland couldn't help but help.

"Your Majesty, these expensive?" asked the book and whispered, "If you have to..."

"I am the creator of the dream world, how can I be stumped by money, little meaning." He forced himself to look like he did not care, bought the clothes, "Next, the second floor of the mall for dinner!"


The three goddess of witches unanimously cheered.

"Your Majesty... Test it?"

"Reassured," Roland waved his hand. "The time flow here is faster, so the actual delay will not last long. What's more, you are the first time to come to a dream. Of course, you must enjoy enough before you want to eat, even though you say!"

Anyway, the big heads have already come out. After that, they can’t spend much more. They simply let everyone happy, he thought.

The book looked at the four people who were uplifted, shook their heads with helplessness and laughter. "I understand."


When you came out of the bustling shopping malls, everyone had already eaten them all the time.

Under Roland’s leadership, the group almost swept all the food and beverage outlets and saw that there was a good point to order – from the hot crab yellow packets to the ice cream mixed with nuts, every pair of books. It’s all delicious. Although some foods are not available in the winter city, compared with the rest of the food, it is almost the same as the small cars and steam trucks.

Even if she tried to control herself, she only kept a good eating.

"This kind of world... It’s so good..." Strolling through the spacious streets, the scrolls snarled in the night sky. Even if the stars have been covered, the city is still shining. A street lamp illuminates the street, and the snow flies under the soft light, like an elf that adorns the night. “The city is both glamorous and bright, and everyone on the face is filled with a smile. It looks like a dream... Can we build the reality into this way one day?”

"Of course, as long as we have enough knowledge," Roland said with a hand on his back. "This is also the biggest difference between the two sides - Bianbu Town can be transformed into a winter city without knowledge, so no winter city will change one day. Become a dream world. The key to unlocking this process is now in front of you."

"My...before?" The book was smashed.

"Yes." Roland raised his mouth. The reason for bringing the book here is not just for shopping. After crossing the road, the group stood in front of a beautiful building. I saw a golden plaque hanging at the gate, which read the five characters of the "City Library."

Entering the museum, the book can not help but marvel.

The spacious hall is the size of the central square without the winter. It is directly above the roof of more than ten meters high, like a transparent patio. The escalators that run automatically around the area carry people up and down, while the five-storey corridors are stacked around the hall. The countless bookshelves are lined up, and each shelf is full of books.

Obviously, the books of the entire gray castle...even the four kingdoms are added up, and they are not comparable to the books here.

The book involuntarily placed her hand on her chest, and she clearly understood why she was here with her.

"This will be a place that you will always come in the future." Roland smiled. "Take the key to the world for me."

She took a deep breath and bowed down to Roland, solemnly saying, "The book will not live up to your entrustment."

This is destined to be a long and time-consuming task, and it is difficult to see any results in a short time.

But change has always started in such a small place.

Knowledge is like nourishment.

As long as you scatter, you can catalyze people to grow.

He has been promoting the progress of this matter before, and it is also for this purpose to send Ling and others to the school, and the promotion of the book will undoubtedly accelerate the process.

The so-called ten-year tree, a hundred years of tree people, Roland believes that after a hundred years, people in the real world will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes.

Whether it is a devil or a witch.

At that time, they will use their own hands to create a new "dream".

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