Release that Witch

Chapter 918: The only certain thing


Three days later, when Tilly saw the four tired faces, the heart that had been hanging was finally put down. From their gray-faced appearance and strong smile, it can be seen that although there are many accidents and thrills in this trip, in general, it is safe to go back in the wrong direction and be discovered by a large number of devils. It’s lucky enough.

But looking at the ashes without remorse, she was not angry in one's heart, and the comfort of her mouth became a blame for the hard state.

"I didn't expect someone who had been in the wild to fight through the battle, and even the direction could not be distinguished." The five kings did not have a good air. "How did you get from Hermes to the Grey Castle King?" It’s really rare to go straight to the extreme south.”

"Oh... at that time, there was always a chase in the church. I knew it when I tried to ask for it." Ashes spread his hands. "And this time I think the deviation is not too far, at least I can see the remains of Takula. If they are dispatched on a large scale, they will always notice..."

"Without enough red fog, they will not be able to strike out on a large scale. We must be attacked by fearful beasts, and this perspective can only see their tails at most!"

"Everyone is safe and sound, and it is a very desirable result, and this position may not be as bad as imagined." Pasha interjected, "Roland has sent back the first witches yesterday, including Sylvie, if The early warning problem has been solved. This rear perspective can also help us judge the size of the enemy and the reinforcements. So... go back to rest first."

"Oh? Is there news in the Northland?" Ashes raised his eyebrows.

"Otherwise it's not just that I said that you are two simple words," Tilly snorted. "It's really... go!"

"Wait," the ash stunned, and first looked at Pasha, and then came up with a slap in the face, and then rushed over to her side.

"What happened?"

"No, nothing." Gray screamed.

Returning to the Witch Building, Tilly just closed the door and was hugged by the other side.

"make you worry."

"Is Pasha saying this to you?" Tilly did not return.

"Hey, have you guessed it?" The latter was slightly stagnation.

"Look at your expression, I know what is going on." She opened her ashes. "If I didn't guess wrong, Pasha said that I haven't had a good rest for the past few days. Before the core of magic, it is inevitable that the mood will be unstable, so that you don't mind my attitude, come back and comfort me."

"...very powerful, all in the middle." Ashes exclaimed.

"So, apologize?" She turned back.

"No." The extraordinary witch shook her head.

“No?” Tilly’s eyes widened. “So I worry if it’s right?”

"That again, I can't let you go to the dangerous place. This is the decision I have made."

"Ember, you don't know anything," Tilly was irritated. "The risk can be calculated, measured, and evaded. The performer is part of the calculation, even if the plan is perfect, the bad performer. Will it make the situation a mess, understand? If it is me, the bridge-breaking action is simply not dangerous!"

"Calculate, measure, evade... you are more and more like Roland. Wimbledon," Ashes shrugged.

"Don't shift the topic," the five kings are unmoved. "Is this not the case?"

"But the accident is unpredictable, even if the chances of it happening are very small, I hope that I will bear the burden. After all, there are too many accidents in my life." The ashes leaned over and put their hands on Tilly's shoulders. Because of the height difference, she only has the ability to look at the other side. "The reason for not apologizing is also very good. Since I choose to stay here and fight with the devil, I will get more and more dangerous situations. If I can’t come back. Isn't that owing a lot of apologies?"


"Listen to me," the gray face is very serious. "I can do less than your brother. It is too difficult for me to think about the witch's way, so this is the only thing I know is right. If you are willing to go back to the island, I can naturally promise not to worry you anymore, but not here. Of course, if you worry me, I will not apologize."

Tilly found that she didn't know what to say. Looking at the ashes of the black-haired gold, she felt that the other party was inexplicably reliable at the moment.

Obviously this is not the case!

"Cough," she said at the beginning. "This time, even if you will, you will repeat the whole thing in detail. I want to find out where the problem is. Now let's go to the bath first, the body smells fast. I am dead."

"Know it," Ashes breathed a sigh of relief. "Would you like to wash with me?"

"Free talk!"

Looking at the extraordinary who left, Tilly extended her right hand and spread her hand.

The place that was pierced by the ring was completely healed, and almost no signs of injury were seen, but the sudden sting of the sorrow still has some memories.

Fortunately, the situation that I was worried about did not appear.

Probably just too much thinking about myself, she thought.


When Luo Jia woke up from a long slumber, he felt that there was an unspeakable comfort on his body, just like immersing in the warm spring, and the dizziness and pain were missing.

That's right, Nana Wa. Pine is back... She vaguely remembers what happened before she fell asleep. The lovely little girl ran into the room panting, seemingly didn't rest on the way, seeing herself say The first sentence is "Sit in peace of mind, and it will return to normal." In addition to her, there are partners of the adventure group, they have a lot of words on the bed, but she could not write down a sentence.

After all, the feeling of Nana's magic flowing through her body is really comfortable.

So now I am already good? I have to thank her very much.

Luo Jia opened his eyes, but the first thing he saw was a gray-haired man.

She groaned, "big... chieftain?"

"It's me," Roland nodded. "How is the feeling of healing?"

"I can't say it," she tried to move her finger down. There was a hint of oysters, and the consciousness conveyed without any hindrance. "It seems that there is no problem. How long have I slept? Nana Va? And... your hand ......"

"Oh, just feel interesting, don't care," Roland took his hand back from Luo Jia's ear. "I have been very curious about how they feel when they feel it. Will it make you feel... well, it's extraordinarily itchy. class."

"No, that's just the ear," Luo Jia said. "If you don't dislike them, I don't care."

After she finished, she still shook her long ears.

"For the time being enough," the chieftain coughed twice. "You slept for about three days. This is also the normal adaptation time of the body after a serious injury. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't sleep, but it will be extra fatigue and discomfort."

Luo Jia was a little surprised, "Three days..."

"If the sun does not release the symbiotic species, you can sleep longer," Roland smiled. "Wake up because of physical reminders, you should feel hungry when you are."

"Right, there is Miss Nie, I have to thank them..." The wolf girl wants to get up, but she is gently pressed by the other party.

"These can all come slowly," Roland smiled. "But before that, I have to do something to thank you on behalf of No Winter City. Luo Jia. Burning fire, no winter city will reward you."

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