Release that Witch

Chapter 925: Air defense program

In fact, Roland’s key issues before it were followed by air defense forces.

As a person who has seen modern warfare, the importance of air superiority is almost inscribed in his mind as the creed is due to the breadth and depth of the sky, so that the dominant party can choose to attack from any direction and at any time. And before the radar did not appear, such an attack can be said to be invincible. If there is no reliable air defense capability, it is tantamount to idiots to dream of building a bombardment position under the devil's eyes.

Now he can be sure that when Luo Jia fled back to the Winter City, the devil had more than once reached the border of the West. Otherwise, it is impossible for them to judge that this is a city dominated by ordinary people, and try to reapply with the threat of the first war of gods.

However, whether it is a post on a desperate mountain range or a demon witch who is on the front line for early warning investigation, there is no slightest awareness. If it is not Sylvie who took over the warning work, I am afraid this round of attacks will not occur until the enemy appears outside the city wall. The first army can react.

This has fully proved that under the current technical conditions, the vast sky will be the biggest loophole without the winter city defense.

After all, the Air Force is an unimaginable concept for this era.

Roland has been considering air defenses when he knows that the devil has a beast that can fly. Unfortunately, no one can expect the devil to appear so early, so that the planned desperate defense line, telephone network, and new weapons development are all No one can be really done.

The failure of the First Army to achieve the results did not surprise him. The revolver rifle was used as a transitional weapon to supplement the dead zone of artillery and machine guns, and it was still useful when cleaning the battlefield. However, its shortcomings also highlighted the limited pressure. The accuracy is not high, and the range is close; if there is no special loading hand, the shell of five rounds makes the firepower delivered per unit time very limited, which is not conducive to the straggler warfare. In addition, the air-to-air shooting has lost its usual stable fulcrum, and it cannot be adjusted by judging the error of the bullet point. The hit rate can be imagined.

It is not impossible to improve this situation in a short period of time. The easiest way is to make changes to the above points.

The phasing out of the runner rifle and the replacement of the new bolting rifle are already planned. Some parts still require Anna processing, so only the small-scale precision shooter team is equipped. But with the introduction of a new generation of machine tools, workers are becoming familiar with new manufacturing methods, and can also be processed and assembled without relying on witches. Once the yield rate is guaranteed, it is not a problem to upgrade this part of the production capacity.

However, it is difficult for some strong men to rely on a few rifles for air defense alone, and the contrast and the range of the former, although the accuracy and range will increase, the rate of fire will decrease. In addition, the tracer with complicated structure is unbearable for the bullet production line that is running at full capacity. Even if the technical research is started now, it is feared that the evil moon will pass when the mass production can be stabilized.

Therefore, the rifle can only be used as an aid, and the first army needs a targeted air defense weapon.

The advanced fire control route Roland estimated that there was basically no play, and the cover of the barrage became his only choice.

The easiest way to achieve this is to convert the Mark I heavy machine gun into an anti-aircraft machine gun. This is also a historical practice. There is no need to add any burden to production and logistics. Only by designing a set of high-level dual-purpose brackets and sights can you get a certain Low-altitude defense capability.

He did not use water-cooled casings when designing the Mark One, but a light air-cooled barrel, which was also considered for subsequent renovation.

The heavy machine gun has a high rate of fire, a long range, a powerful range, and a short ballistic trajectory is not obvious. It is just enough to deal with the madness of a limited throwing distance. If the devil attacks the wall, there are two Mark type machine guns that can shoot against the air. Maybe the results will be completely different.

After the announcement of the meeting, Roland did not return to the office immediately, but went to the mathematics institute first.

This new courtyard is located at the southern end of the castle district and echoes the chemical laboratory next door. Most of the members are members of the astrological association. However, under the aura of the study of the sages, many urban residents who have completed the primary education curriculum have recently entered the work of the mathematics institute, and even more than one or two percent of the recruiters have joined the alchemy association.

Roland speculates that this is probably due to a frequent explosion in the laboratory.

The scholar of the diffuse star greeted him in the hall.

After the ceremony, the chief astrologer excitedly expressed the depth and beauty of mathematics.

"Your Majesty, please forgive my rudeness. The analytic geometry that you gave me before is a gods! I never thought that one day the world would be so clear. It has nothing to do with the brightness of the eyes, but a person's Ways of thinking. Even if I am aging until my eyes are dim, I can no longer look up to the stars, and the world is still clear. For example, the hair you are curling now is pure numbers and symbols in my eyes, as well as your robes and long Boots..."

Seeing the other party can't stop for a moment, Roland had to interrupt him. "The contents of the book, have you mastered it all?"

"I don't dare to say certain, but most of them should be fine," the diffuse star converges. "In the past six months, apart from the computing tasks you explained, everyone is busy with a huge job. That is All the stars observed in the past are re-recorded in the form of equations. For this we have established star-space coordinates, and we have also determined that the Star of Destruction is the Red Moon you said, and there is no sign of any movement."

In the past, Roland also paid attention to the Red Moon. After all, its arrival symbolizes the beginning of the war of divinity. However, now that the devil has appeared, it is meaningless to pay attention to this countdown star.

"I have a new computing task that you need to do, and the sooner the better," he said directly. "But this time is not just a simple arithmetic, but also to solve the actual problem with the First Army."

“Do you mean writing a gun shot like last time?”

“More complicated,” Roland shook his head. “You have to work with the craftsman to make a device that predicts the movement of the target. It is controlled by two mutually influential equations, one describing the horizontal displacement and the other describing Vertical displacement. I have a rough design idea here, but the specific parameters need to be determined after your actual measurement."

This is a simple high-explosive sight prototype. By setting the heading, distance and other parameters of the target, it can give the high angle and advance angle required by the gun body, so as to spread the rain on the path of the enemy to complete the air. Blocking. It does not require any electronic equipment, the structure is fully mechanical manual operation, the only need is a calculated shot table, and the most basic algebraic geometry knowledge. Rw

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