Release that Witch

Chapter 994: Soul trial (middle)

Although there was a moment, he wanted to vomit a sentence, "You are also a member of Tadalin? Disrespect and disrespect," but eventually he endured.

After all, it is still in the interrogation stage, and it is inevitable that it will damage the majesty. Moreover, in the state of spiritual resonance, the linker will transform each other's thoughts into a language that they can understand. If there is no corresponding vocabulary, they will choose the words that are as similar as possible, so even if it is a common statement, the expression is not necessarily the same. the meaning of.

However, the devil did not answer his question, but fell into extreme contradiction.

"No, this doesn't make sense! You guys haven't entered the heavens and seas at all, how can they get the fragments? It's not the area where you can go! But if not, why do we fail? Lies, they all lie to me, Kabradabi will never admit it!"

Before the interrogation, Roland knew that the beginning of the transformation was the most vulnerable stage of the devil. According to Zoe, the extraction of the soul by the core of the magic would cause great discomfort, so that it could not control his emotions. The news was spoken, so he stepped tightly. "Do you need me to remind you further? You want to ambush my army, but you are forced to show up and fight. If you are not close to the position, you will be killed and injured. And you will bring your hand. Trying to save the defeat, just hit the ground and was attacked by the goddess of witches, even the time of yawning failed to support. Now the person who defeated you is in front of you, as long as you think about it, you can fully see from her perspective To the weak and not the wind."

The face of "you" high-level devil has become extremely ugly.

The exchange of consciousness is faster than everything. Apparently after hearing his words, Zoe has already shown the battle scene in his mind.

"If you don't admit it, you can't change the fact that you are defeated. This shows that the impossible in your mouth is nothing more than a joke." Roland said ironically, "If you don't set foot in the sea, you can't get the fragments. You might as well talk about it." What, if not unified, how can I answer your doubts? Maybe in our eyes, it is not so precious."

"You are just making me laugh, bugs," Kabradabi's voice was full of anger. "The source of the battle of God, the key to the continuation and promotion of the community, you actually say it is not precious!?"

What Pasha suddenly thought of, "Wait, is it like a red crystal with a sharp cone shape? If it comes into contact, it will be taken to an extremely empty hall and see some incredible Vision?"

"The relics of the gods!" Tilly also whispered.

"You actually call it a relic of the gods? It is a low-energy reptile," the devil dismissed. "That is the inherent inheritance of the ethnic group. The relationship with the gods has not swallowed it, the ethnic group will be upgraded; if it is lost, the ethnic group becomes him. The nutrients of the family! Now that you know where you are stupid? When the group of underground widows is destroyed, how can you crawl these species and how can you touch this reward?"

Roland jerked in his heart, and it turned out that this was the reason why the other side could not obtain the debris or the relics. As a total of four civilizations displayed in the picture, since the elimination of the family can capture the relics, the human beings did not have the chance to gain the possible underground civilization disappeared during the first war of gods. At that time, human beings were struggling with the devil. Have the energy to participate in another battle of genocide?

He looked around and found that the expressions of the people were extraordinarily dignified and apparently realized the importance of this information.

First, it confirms from the side that the Tachira witch had guessed "Because a stone that doesn't know what purpose, has killed each other for hundreds of years? The gods are too ruthless." Roland remembers that Wendy had sent such feelings. But now it seems that the relics not only determine the survival of civilization, but also have immeasurable value to other competitors. Under this premise, it means that there is almost no possibility of reconciliation in the battle of divine.

Second, from the point of view of the high-level devils, they are undoubtedly one of the beneficiaries of the upgrade. Although it is not clear about the specific process of devouring the relics, it can attribute the merits of evolution and new weapons to the relics, which makes Roland think of the inheritance of knowledge. Is the heterogeneous devil and giant skeleton that appeared in the glory scene related to the underground civilization?

This is far more than the industrial revolution. If the former requires a large number of industrial workers and the accumulation of means of production, until the technology breaks through a node, it will lead to rapid progress in productivity, then this inheritance is no different from the martial arts novels. As long as you get a relic of civilization, you can plunder all the accumulation of the loser. If this is the truth behind the promotion, it is too terrible.

Finally, as a competitor in the picture, humans are indeed too far away from other ethnic groups. Take this piece of information, even though it is of great significance, even if it is completely different from the secret, even if you understand the weight of the relic, it will not have any effect on the outcome of the war, but you can’t beat it. Who knows it? Anything else. It can be just such a content, but human beings always have only a vague outline, and they have not completely united in the past millennium, resulting in a defeat and defeat.

At the moment, I can only say that human beings have wasted too much time for infighting.

Roland licked some dry lips and swept through many new questions in his mind, choosing one of the most critical issues.

“Is this all from the arrangement of the gods? So you will also call war a battle of gods”

"Do you understand God's thoughts so much?" Probably the silence was too long. When you spoke again, the voice of the high-level devil had calmed down a lot. "Well, it seems good to let you die. Listen to the bugs. The war is not about the gods, it is only about the ethnic group itself. The final upgrader will open the way to the source of magic, and gain the power of omnipotence. In front of that power, I mean God! Of course, all this is low. Reptiles have nothing to do, your destiny is destined to perish!"

"Where did you know this?"

"Why, do you think that Kabradabi will continue to talk about it?" The other party sneered.

"What do you mean?" Roland suddenly felt that something was wrong, "Zoo?"

"This female is temporarily unable to hear your voice. I used the trick of transferring my soul to disrupt my position. Then I will peep at my thoughts by the worms who read the heart. You have really made little progress in these hundreds of years. "I don't know when, Zoe's voice has become cold and ruthless." In the face of my Cabrada than playing magic tricks, it is simply looking for a dead end. Although I can't control this body, it doesn't mean I can't use it. magic!"

"Carmela!" Roland screamed at the sleepy island housekeeper.

"It’s late, say goodbye to this female!"

With a scream of laughter, Zoe suddenly closed his mouth, and Camilla Darry looked pale, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. "The soul of the sacrificial warrior... disappeared! ”

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