Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 250 I guarantee your safety! (4500 4600 are ordered plus more)

Biquge, the fastest update to restart the game era!

Listening to Wei Yong's narration, Zhong Ming couldn't help feeling emotional.

Sure enough, there is nothing new under the sun.

Technology is changing, but human nature remains the same.

Before Zhong Ming thought it was unbelievable that a so-called "Internet Rehabilitation Center" appeared in this world, but after listening to Wei Yong's narration, Zhong Ming instantly understood that there is no shortage of soil in this world.

In Zhong Ming's previous life, human beings spent thousands of years fighting against locusts, but they did not completely eradicate the plague of locusts;

It took thousands of years to fight against diseases, but various malignant diseases and incurable diseases became more and more serious;

The intrigue between people has existed since the birth of human beings, and in the 21st century, there is still no change. It is just that life is richer, everyone has money in their pockets, and there is no need to kill each other like before. , but there is no shortage of minds that should be moved.

In this world, the "Science and Technology Defense Academy" that Wei Yong went to was not under the banner of "Quit Internet Addiction".

This "Science and Technology Defense Academy" sells the concept of "defending the threat of technology".

As can be seen from the name, "Science and Technology Defense Specialization" does not mean specializing in "technology" and "defense", but specializing in "defense technology". Defense is a verb and technology is an object.

As for where the soil of this institution comes from? After the Omnic Crisis, those 40-60 years old with low education level.

After all, only a dozen years have passed since the post-war reconstruction.

During the period of the Omnic Crisis, human civilization was destroyed. Naturally, there was no good education in wartime, and this group of parents happened to be born in the wartime era of the Omnic Crisis. The influence of the general environment makes them have a heartfelt instinctive aversion to technology and omnics, or a deep hatred of pain.

Originally, the level of education was not high, and many of them had faced the war with those machines, so the attitude of this group of people towards technology can be imagined.

Many people hate all technologies across the board and for no reason.

And children like Zhong Ming and more who grew up at the end of the war, or even after the war, have an instinctive yearning for technology and an instinctive pursuit of various trendy things.

This in itself is an irreconcilable contradiction.

Among this group of parents, most of them are not well-educated and are busy with work. There are many children who come from single-parent families. s life.

Parents are busy with work, and their education level is not high. They don't know how to discipline their children, and they don't know how to communicate with them. Many times, they are used to thinking about problems with the wartime thinking of the past, and they beat or scold their children...

When children appear to be inconsistent with their expectations, they always hope to use violent corrections to "put the children on the right track", thereby inciting greater conflicts.

When the conflicts cannot be reconciled, they turn to these "helping treatment" institutions, hoping to solve the problem once and for all after sending their children...

As for these "dismantling with expectations" phenomena, there are all kinds of things.

Wei Yong's "problem" is that he was addicted to games during school. The so-called addiction is just playing games every time he returns to his home after school. Occasionally, he missed a few homework and affected his grades. Arrived at this "Science and Technology Defense Academy".

The reasons for the other children who were sent in were even more varied.

Some had close relationships with the opposite sex, some contradicted their parents, some fought back angrily after being beaten by their father, and some even didn't eat on time...

In short, any behavior that the child "does not meet their expectations" in the eyes of the parents may become a reason for being sent here.

For these people, this technology and defense college accepts all orders, claiming to cure all diseases, and guarantees that the children will be disciplined, sensible, and obedient.

As for Wei Yong, after experiencing a nightmare for two months inside, he finally found a chance and escaped.

After escaping, he certainly didn't dare to go home, but he had nowhere to go.

He was penniless, he didn't have any technological equipment on his body, he didn't have a bracelet and he didn't even have a penny. Just running out of the Technology Defense Academy in the wilderness, he was already exhausted to death.

Fortunately, he remembered the residence of his good friend Chen Yuchao.

Chen Yuchao's parents are also away from home all year round, and they only pay living expenses on a regular basis. Fortunately, H Satellite City is not too far away from the Science and Technology Defense Academy in the wilderness. Wei Yong walked for four or five hours after escaping overnight, and finally found Chen Yuchao's house by memory, and hid here.

As for why you want to hide?

Because no matter whether it was his parents or the people from the Technical Defense College, they must be searching for his whereabouts everywhere. Once found, they will definitely be sent back!

Because the escape time is not too long, only 2 days, so the people from the Technology and Defense Academy have not reported to the Public Security Department, probably they are dispatching their own manpower to search, after all, they don't want to make things big.

Once reported to the Public Security Department, Wei Yong is identified as a missing person, and will definitely be searched by various technological means, such as capture cameras on the street, etc., and I am afraid that even going out may reveal his location.

Moreover, most of his parents have already searched in various possible places for him to go, and it might only be a matter of time before they find Chen Yuchao here.

If he hadn't had a good friend in the H satellite city who could help him hide, then Wei Yong's fate would have been wandering outside for two days, being sent to the public security department by "good-hearted passers-by", and then taken away by his parents, and then sent back to the science and technology department. Defense Academy continued his purgatory career.

After all, no matter how much Wei Yong cries, who can save him from his parents?

Not only that, Wei Yong also briefly described the unimaginable torture methods in this academy.

It is similar to the methods of "adding circles", "electric shocks", "fine confinement" and so on.

Because the models of these institutions are, in the final analysis, all the same.

Their soil is that some parents who are incapable of disciplining their children are willing to pay to send their children there, and their model is to use abuse to cultivate an obedient child.

Whether it is "treatment" or "discipline", the core content is abuse.

Through abuse, let children have an instinctive fear, use this powerful force majeure to create a kind of despair that transcends everything, make these children surrender in fear and despair, and strictly do everything they are asked to do.

Most of the children are afraid of this place after they come out, and even more afraid of their parents. Because they are "disobedient", they will be sent back again at any time. So they become superficially well-behaved.

As a result, ignorant parents really feel that their children have become sensible and disciplined, and many people have sent pennants to these institutions.

At the heart of all of this is "abuse," and abuse takes many forms.

In general, the core content of abuse is how to maximize pain without leaving scars or trauma.

In many similar places in Zhong Ming’s previous life, the way of abuse was punching and kicking, which is relatively low-end, because it will leave trauma, but it doesn’t matter, because a course of treatment usually takes several months. By the time the child leaves, the trauma has long been Okay; as for the higher-end one, it is of course electric shock, because the equipment used for electric shock was originally used for treatment (although it has been eliminated for many years), but it has been increased several times by the user. A dose of several times or dozens of times will not leave obvious scars, and even medical examinations are difficult to detect, and there is no evidence to prove it afterwards.

And this "Science and Technology Defense Academy" also uses electricity, but there is no such magical electric acupuncture treatment device in this world. , not ambiguous at all.


Just simply saying some content has already made Zhong Ming feel shocking.

Jia Jia and Xiao Mu, who were on the side, were even more shocked and speechless.

Arabian Nights!


They couldn't believe that in this peaceful world, there was such a place of abuse of lynching and illegal detention!

"If you're willing to believe me, I'll take you to Ming'an City, and you go hide in my house and never let anyone find you." Zhong Ming looked at Wei Yong, "I will spend money to help you find a lawyer and the media , make this matter public, so that you never have to go back to that place. How about it?"

Chen Yuchao hesitated to speak.

Obviously, as a friend, he was worried that Wei Yong would go to a strange city with three strangers, and instinctively hoped that Wei Yong would refuse; but he also knew that if Wei Yong stayed here, his parents might find him soon. come to your door.

Wei Yong was silent for a long time, nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhong, I'll go with you, I believe in you. Just wait for me to pack things a little... Forget it, I have nothing to clean up."

Zhong Ming nodded: "Then let's go. If you need anything, just buy it there. Chen Yuchao, come on, let's leave a phone call for each other. When we settle down in Ming'an City, we will keep in touch at any time. Don't worry, hello. Friends have absolutely no problem with me."

Chen Yuchao nodded quickly, and added friends with Zhong Ming.

Zhong Ming led Wei Yong, Jia Jia and Xiao Mu to take turns to drive and run a long distance from the H Satellite City in Guanghua City back to Ming'an City.


Ming'an City and Guanghua City are more than 700 kilometers apart. Although the speed of the speeding car is very fast, it took an entire night to return to Ming'an City.

Fortunately, the two drivers can take turns when they are tired, and there is an automatic driving system, and the long-distance trip is not in a densely populated area, so the journey was safe and sound.

The speeding car stopped at Zhong Ming's rental community, Wei Yong in the back seat woke up, and looked out the car window blankly: "Are you there?"

Zhong Ming nodded: "Here we are, let's get out of the car. Jia Jia, Xiao Mu, you two drive the car back to the company and park it. From now on, this car will be used for official business, and you can drive it for whatever you need. Today I will give you Take a day off, go back to sleep, and come back to work tomorrow."

"Okay." Jia Jia and Xiao Mu left.

Zhong Ming took Wei Yong back to his residence and settled down.

One night, the boat and the car were exhausted, and Zhong Ming was also a little sleepy. However, because he ate a lot of physical fruits a while ago, his body is much better now, his body is in good shape, and he sleeps intermittently for a while at night, and he doesn't feel particularly tired.

Wei Yong went to take a shower first, and Zhong Ming took out a suit from his home clothes for him to wear. For other underwear, toiletries, etc., you can directly place an order online, and it will be delivered in the afternoon.

In addition, Zhong Ming also bought a bed. The previous second bedroom was used as a small meeting room, and there was no furniture in it. Now add a bed, which can be used for Wei Yong to live in, and he should be there by noon.

When Wei Yong came out of the shower, Zhong Ming threw his laptop to him and contacted Chen Yuchao with Zhong Ming's own account.

After everything was settled, Zhong Ming was also tired, so he went back to his room to sleep.

Wei Yong basically slept on the road, but after taking a shower, he felt a little refreshed, and turned on the TV to watch quietly.


At 2:00 noon, Zhong Ming got up, signed for a lot of things, and the bed was set up.

Wei Yong was also helping out. After all the work was done, Zhong Ming made something to eat, and the two of them ate together while watching TV.

Wei Yong still seemed a little cautious, Zhong Ming patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, don't be too nervous, just treat this as your own home."

Wei Yong nodded and didn't say anything, but as he ate, two lines of tears couldn't stop streaming down his face.

Zhong Ming patted him on the shoulder and handed him two tissues.

Obviously, for Wei Yong, he has never experienced this kind of feeling. No matter at home or in the "Science and Technology Defense College", there is only extreme coldness and cruelty. Such a free and warm life, probably he Haven't experienced it all day.

Zhong Ming didn't say too much, just settled everything at home and got ready to go to work.

"Don't go out as much as possible. If your parents or the college really look for you through the Public Security Department, they should be able to check your location through the cameras everywhere. I will find a way to expose this matter and make it public. During this time, you will live Here, don't log in to your social accounts, and don't contact your relatives and friends, after this period of time, the problem is solved and everything is easy to talk about."

Zhong Ming gave a few more instructions, and Wei Yong nodded hastily.

Obviously, now he is a real frightened bird, even if the bell doesn't tell him, he will pay attention.

In the short term, even the Public Security Department probably won't be able to find it here. Although there are a lot of surveillance cameras outside now, when Zhong Ming picked up people from H satellite city, he went directly downstairs and got into the car. When he arrived here, there were not many surveillance cameras in the community, so he could avoid it with a little attention.

Moreover, the focus of the college's search will definitely be around the H satellite city. Even if Chen Yuchao is found, now that he has left, Chen Yuchao insists that he has never seen Wei Yong, so he will not come here.

Of course, taking a step back, even if the people over there really came, Zhong Ming would never hand over Wei Yong to his parents and the so-called Technology Defense Academy.

However, this is only a stopgap measure.

Zhong Ming was able to save one Wei Yong, but there are thousands of other Wei Yongs locked up in various other similar institutions. Obviously this is a common problem, but it has not attracted the attention of most people, including the coalition government of this world, and they are not aware of the horror of this matter at all.

Therefore, the most urgent thing for Zhong Ming is not to save one or two people, but to do everything possible to make this matter a big deal through his own influence, so that this matter can get widespread attention and let everyone know. In this corner of the world, there are still a group of children who are suffering such inhuman torture!


Let out a sigh of relief, so far, all the additions of rewards, subscriptions, monthly tickets, and more have finally been added! ! !

In the past few days, the update of the book is basically maintained at 7~8000 words. Here, I am confidently asking for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and subscriptions! ! !

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