Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 323 Unique Advantages

Biquge, the fastest update to restart the game era!

"...You want to make your own live streaming platform? Mr. Zhong, that's not how money is made." Tang Ying felt a little dizzy.

Zhong Ming smiled: "Am I the kind of person who spends money as soon as I hit my head? I have thought about this matter for a long time, and I will tell you in detail later."

Tang Ying's doubts are normal. In the eyes of most people, the live broadcast platform is already a red sea with fierce competition, and entering the venue now is like throwing money away.

The live broadcast platforms have already gone through a round of fierce money-burning battles. In the end, only a few live broadcast platforms survived in the entire Huaxia District, such as Linghu Live, and most of the others were cold.

From a global perspective, it is basically a situation where the big live broadcast platforms dominate the world, and the small platforms can only linger.

Tang Ying didn't doubt Zhong Ming's financial resources. It's not difficult to simply build a new live broadcast platform, but the key is where does the platform's traffic come from?

To put it bluntly, what the live broadcast platform ultimately needs is the audience on it. As long as there are enough viewers, it will be able to win the anchor. If there are more anchors, there will naturally be big anchors, so that a virtuous circle can be formed.

If there are no viewers, even if you spend money to poach a big anchor, it will be quickly lost.

Tang Ying was also puzzled by this point, Zhong Ming didn't seem to be hotheaded, so why exactly?


Zhong Ming's plan to be a live broadcast platform is indeed not a hothead, but the result of careful consideration.

In other words, this was originally part of his layout.

The current live broadcast platform does have a solid structure. After a large platform like the Linghu live broadcast platform has been established, most of the viewers have been attracted, and the viewers who have the habit of watching live broadcasts have basically converged on a few large platforms. The financial resources of several big platforms are getting richer and richer, so they have money to dig more big anchors, and a virtuous circle is gradually formed.

Other small platforms were basically squeezed out because they couldn't make ends meet.

The reason why Zhong Ming wants to be a live broadcast platform is very simple. Games and live broadcast are two inseparable wholes, and they are naturally closely related.

From the beginning of the birth of the game, "game-players" and "game-watchers" were born at the same time. Even when playing chess on the street, you can always see a group of people pointing around.

Including traditional sports, "competition" and "watching" are also two very key attributes, and both are indispensable.

This is especially true in the game industry. The popularity of many games is precisely because of its explosive live broadcast effect.

Live broadcast is a piece of fat. Even if you don’t consider the direct economic benefits it can bring, you must also consider the invisible benefits it brings, such as the popularity of games.

If Zhong Ming owns a very large live broadcast platform in his own hands, then after the new game is released, he can give an order to the anchors under him, and the game will be promoted immediately, without having to contact those anchors one by one , and gave them money.

As for the live broadcast platform how to do it?

it's actually really easy.

Other live streaming platforms that died halfway had various causes of death, some were due to a broken capital chain, some were due to overstaffed company employees waiting to die, some were due to poor publicity and poor management... But in the final analysis, there is only one real cause of death: no traffic.

In other words, the audience of the platform is not large enough.

Traffic is the foundation for the survival of live broadcast platforms. With traffic, there will be income, popularity, and big anchors; without traffic, there will be nothing.

Many platforms spend a lot of money to poach big anchors from other places, hoping that these big anchors can bring traffic to the platform.

Now entering the market, the biggest question is, where should the traffic come from?

According to the general operation, it can only be crazily spending money to poach people, from similar platforms like Linghu Live. But this will face a problem: the audience is very sticky to the platform. After getting used to a certain live broadcast platform, most people don't want to change it.

Therefore, this seems to be a deadlock for the newly entered live broadcast platform, and the input and output are completely out of proportion.

But it is different for Zhong Ming, because he has traffic.

The entire Shimmer game platform is his traffic.

Zhong Ming's method is very simple, that is, live broadcast of Shimmer, directly into the Shimmer game platform!

The program of the live broadcast software is not very big at all. In fact, it is equivalent to a built-in TV station. As long as it can realize the most basic functions of video transmission, barrage, gift giving, etc., there is no threshold at all.

And Zhong Ming used the resources of the Shimmer game platform to live broadcast, and there are many advantages that other live broadcast platforms simply do not have.

First, convenience.

For other live broadcast platforms, viewers need to bookmark webpages or download live broadcast platform programs. You don't need it for Weiguang live broadcast, as long as you open the Weiguang live broadcast platform, you can see the content of the live broadcast room.

On other live broadcast platforms, viewers only click on it when they want to watch the live broadcast. However, for Weiguang live broadcast, players only need to log in to the game once, and they will watch the live broadcast room once; as long as the Weiguang live broadcast platform on the player's device is online, the following anchors will be issued air tickets to them after they go online.

Integrating the game platform and the live broadcast platform has a natural advantage in player attention.

Second, accurate positioning.

Other live broadcast platforms require players to choose the games they care about, and many platforms also deliberately do big data to analyze which live broadcast content players have watched more recently, and push live broadcast content in a targeted manner.

But there is no need for Weiguang live broadcast at all, because whatever games the players play can be directly reflected on the Weiguang game account. For example, if a player has been playing "Xuanjia Project" for a long time recently, then it is enough to directly push some live broadcasts of "Xuanjia Project".

Moreover, the game details page is directly combined with the live broadcast section of the corresponding game. For example, if a player is interested in a certain game, he can directly click the live broadcast tab on the game details page, and then he can see all the anchors on the platform who are live broadcasting this game. , without the need to open other live streaming platforms and search for games.

Again, there is no threshold for anchors.

As an ordinary player, if you want to live broadcast on other platforms, you need to download a special live broadcast tool, and you may face an embarrassing scene of no popularity after the broadcast starts. But in the case of Vivo Live, the live broadcast tool can be directly built into the Vivo game platform, and even in the game, it supports live broadcast or recording at any time.

At the same time, after the new anchor starts broadcasting, the Weiguang game platform will directly read the in-game data and generate corresponding filtering conditions.

For example, a player feels that his skills are not bad and wants to start a live broadcast.

If he is on other live broadcast platforms, he needs to download live broadcast tools and verify his identity. After opening the live broadcast room, he gradually accumulates popularity. For a long time, he seems to be playing stand-alone. Seeing that there were not many bullet screens, he quickly backed out.

If you want to become popular, you largely rely on the recommendation positions given by the platform. This cycle goes on and on. Even if the anchor itself has good skills and the effect of the program is good, it may take a long time to become popular.

In the low-light live broadcast, the anchor has already verified his identity in advance, and if he wants to start a live broadcast, he only needs to click a button in the game.

Moreover, after the broadcast starts, the program will automatically generate filtering conditions based on the in-game information. As long as the audience filters according to similar conditions, they can find this live broadcast room.

The biggest problem with traditional live streaming platforms is exposure. The distribution of exposure resources between different anchors is extremely uneven and unreasonable. Some top anchors are at the top of the list all year round, and most viewers will see these anchors when they go in and see them. Suffering from not being discovered, it takes a long time to get ahead.

This is because the traditional live broadcast cannot read the in-game data, and can only rebroadcast the game screen, so some data analysis is naturally impossible.

If the player broadcasts live on the Weiguang platform, with the support of game data, the "tagging" of the anchor can be extremely accurate.

Take "Xuanjia Project" as an example, through the live broadcast and in-game data analysis of the player, many labels can be attached to him:

How is his marksmanship and what is his hit rate? Which character and gun do you like to use?

What is the average number of kills in the last 100 rounds? What is the total number of champions?

Does he talk a lot during the broadcast? Is it the talkative anchor, or the cold anchor?

What is his real rank and comprehensive strength score?

Is he a hard-hitting anchor who actively seeks out someone, or a steady anchor who prefers to grow?

Through a large amount of in-game data and live broadcast data, these newcomer anchors will also be labeled with many labels, such as: "King of guns, accurate marksmanship, Sienna specialization, sniper rifle specialization, passerby game killer king, likes solo queue , Talking anchor, 2800 points, 7.3 kills per game, etc.

In this way, when the players saw the tags in the live broadcast room, they immediately had a general understanding of the anchor's style.

Or, if the player wants to watch a certain type of streamer, such as those who like to watch sniper or watch Sienna, they can directly use tags to filter keywords, and a large number of eligible streamers will be screened out at once.

After the screening, many unpopular new anchors naturally appeared in the screening list, gaining exposure from the players.

With the "guarantee" of platform data, viewers will also be happy to discover some new anchors.

At the same time, with these game data, the live broadcast platform itself can also "estimate" the value of a new anchor through a certain algorithm.

For example, specific values ​​such as accurate marksmanship, more kills, more talking, high real rank, etc., will weight the anchor's score, and the anchor with a higher score can get a relatively good position and increase some exposure. .

In this way, a benign mechanism has been established, so that new anchors who join the platform can get good exposure opportunities.

Even many players may not have the idea of ​​starting a live broadcast at the beginning, but if he plays really well, the system will prompt him to suggest starting a live broadcast, and will use various material benefits to attract him to start a live broadcast. The potential anchor base of light live broadcast is much larger than other live broadcast platforms!


Therefore, Zhong Ming told Tang Ying not to renew her contract with the Linghu live broadcast platform, which was the result of careful consideration.

When Shimmer Live was just launched, there was definitely a need for important anchors to control the scene and bring traffic. Tang Ying's influence is beyond doubt.

But Zhong Ming didn't plan to poach anchors on a large scale, at least not at a price higher than the market price, that would be uneconomical.

Compared with other live broadcasts, the Weiguang live broadcast platform has two advantages, one is its own audience, and the other is its strong hematopoietic ability.

Every player on the Weiguang game platform may be a potential anchor, and the conversion rate is much higher than other live broadcast platforms. Therefore, what Zhong Ming has to do is to find new anchors, and then support them with one hand, so as to create a virtuous circle.

Zhong Ming would not do such a thing that he spent his life trying to find a big anchor, but failed to make a profit for several years.

Of course, after picking up these new anchors, how to keep them is a problem. Zhong Ming's solution is higher gift share, dynamic salary contract, long contract period + liquidated damages.

First of all, the most basic gift share, other live broadcast platforms take 50%, Zhong Ming plans to only take 20% to 30% (20% for small gifts, 30% for big gifts).

Other live streaming platforms have a single source of income, but Zhongming is different here. One of the great functions of the Shimmer live broadcast is to supplement the functions of the Shimmer game platform, and at the same time, it can also play a role in promoting the game. Considering the hidden benefits this live broadcast platform brings to Zhong Ming, it is completely useless to subsidize some question.

The low commission for gifts will be a very tempting option for many anchors.

Secondly, in terms of contracts, the signing period is longer, and the fixed salary and liquidated damages are all linked to the popularity. In the contract signed with the anchor, the anchor will have a fixed basic salary, but if the popularity exceeds the original expectation, then according to the corresponding gear, the basic salary will also be raised accordingly.

For example, if a small streamer reaches the level of popularity that only the top big streamers have within a week, then the basic salary he earns will be directly equal to that of the big streamers.

In other words, there is no distinction between big contracts and small contracts. Everyone's contracts are similar, but the basic salary is different. But as long as the popularity can reach a certain value, even if you sign a small contract, you can still get the income of a large contract.

At the same time, Zhong Ming will use the reputation of Weiguang Interactive Entertainment as a guarantee, and will not engage in locking popularity and popularity. The popularity may increase due to certain factors (such as newcomer recommendations), but it will definitely not be lower than the real popularity. .

Of course, others cannot verify this point, but with Zhong Ming's reputation, there are definitely not a few people who are willing to believe it.

At the same time, the liquidated damages for long-term contracts are also linked to the anchor’s income and popularity. Small anchors have less liquidated damages, but earn less; big anchors earn more, but also have more liquidated damages. If a host becomes popular and is poached by other platforms, then he can also claim sky-high liquidated damages, so that other companies won't get the fruits of hard work for a long time.

Moreover, this live broadcast platform has another great advantage, that is, it will grow with the expansion of the Weiguang game platform.

In the future, the Shimmer game platform will launch more and better games, and the game content and the number of games will increase rapidly. Many other manufacturers will also choose to hand over their games to the Shimmer game platform for joint operation. The higher the penetration rate, the more viewers and potential anchors the live broadcast platform has, which is the biggest advantage that other live broadcast platforms do not have.

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