Resurrection Empire

Chapter 351 Urgent March

Hundreds of tanks produced by Starfire Military Industry, which appeared for the first time in the world, formed an array and pushed forward mightily, rolling up smoke and dust all over the sky, heading eastward with the blue-brown sunset behind their backs.

Ren Zhong looked at this scene, feeling a little overwhelmed and unable to control himself.

In this timeline, he swallowed up the entire Wang family's sphere of influence in advance, occupied the three towns of Chongyi, and invisibly resolved the corporate war.

Therefore, this expedition was in a sense his first war.

Different from the past few corporate wars, at that time he used the power of one town to fight against the nine-town alliance in Yangsheng City.

Under such a time background, he still won the victory with overwhelming momentum.

Now he is using the power of his eleven towns to fight against the seven-town alliance, and has already completed the integration of resources. He has adapted to the disconnected era at a speed far superior to his opponents, and after several months of accumulation.

Judging from the comparison of strength, Ren Zhong's forces have an overwhelming advantage against the Shaxian Seven Towns Alliance, and the possibility of defeat is zero.

The Seven Towns Alliance's highest goal is not to defeat him, and they don't even dare to hope.

What they want is to use the hostages in Chrome Carbon Town to gain a chance to get both sides back to the negotiating table.

But the Seven Towns Alliance thought that it was itself the one who started the war, but they didn't know that the whole thing was under the influence of responsibility from beginning to end.

Ren Zhong has no intention of negotiating at all, he just wants to take the first step of external expansion here.

From the perspective of the scene, Ren Zhong is a "passive" victim, but from the essence of the matter, he is the real mastermind behind the scenes.

"The task is heavy. The air combat force has completed equipment adaptation training, and fifty two-seat modified fighters have also been prepared. According to the combat plan you formulated before, they will set off on time at 11:30 in the evening for a slow-speed flight close to the ground. , and arrived at the scheduled attack position at half past 00:30."

A message rang in his ears, it was Ju Qingmeng who had returned to Xinghuo Town long ago.

Ren Zhong hummed, "I will take off on time at midnight and meet them."

Ju Qingmeng: "One more thing. The new motorboat of the ground mechanized force is named Spark-1. So what should the name of this fighter plane be?"

Ren Zhong thought for a few seconds, "A mighty dragon. A mighty dragon. A flying dragon."

Ju Qingmeng was slightly stunned, "Weilong? Why?"

"Don't you think the whistling sound after its high-power propulsion engine is started is very loud and sweet? It reminds me of the ninth-level ruin beast in ancient legends - the dragon's special skill, Dragon Roar. Right?"

"It makes sense, then that's settled."

After hanging up the call, Ren Zhong sighed secretly.

There is no doubt that many people will die tonight.

As the real manipulator behind the scenes and a revolutionary leader determined to change the times, he has already figured out the truth.

Of course he knew that war always kills people and revolution requires bloodshed.

He also knew that if he did nothing and just settled down to be a rich man, the desolate people on the Origin Star would have no future and would surely die sooner or later.

So, the current "small bloodshed and sacrifice" are nothing compared to the larger goal.

However, truth is truth, knowing is knowing, but he always has a strong sense of guilt in his heart. As long as he closes his eyes, the ruins of ruins and mountains of corpses and seas of blood under the raging flames will appear in his mind, and it seems that he can hear it in his ears. The shrill wail of a person before death.

In his subconscious mind, he still thinks that his hands are stained with blood.

This blood knows no difference between friend and foe.

Whether it was current enemies, future enemies, or the blood of his own people, he didn't want to see it.

But no matter how intolerable he was in his heart, his actions were still cold.

Ren Zhong's actual behavior and mentality were seriously distorted.

This is his human instinct.

He even knew the origin of this twisted instinct.

Zheng Yu was born in the 21st century, grew up under the red flag, received traditional education, and experienced a peaceful social atmosphere.

The life experiences in the first half of his life shaped the foundation of his three views and established the tone of his life.

But after coming to Yuanxing, he came into contact with the atmosphere of another completely different era.

He was deeply shocked by this era where humans cannibalize humans and animals cannibalize humans.

Everything on the Source Star is subverting his original three views and reshaping his personality.

His experience was inherently complex and contradictory.

After internalizing the two life experiences, his twisted mentality was naturally shaped.

And even if he knew the problem, he had no intention of changing it.

Ren Zhong believes that if one day he can face the scene of corpses everywhere calmly, it means that he has lost his humanity, and just like those citizens, he no longer regards other human beings as the same kind.

This also means that the dragon slayer turned into a dragon after all.

Ren Zhong was horrified by this prospect and felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

But he had to face the reality, that is, it is impossible for human beings to accurately control every thought of oneself, nor to perfectly control one's own psychological changes, just like no patient with depression deliberately or actively suffers from depression. disease. They couldn't even think about it.

When the disease comes, patients with depression know very well that there is something wrong with them, and they will repeatedly warn themselves, saying to themselves in their hearts "This is not good", "Cheer up", "Nothing is insurmountable, I can definitely do it" ", "Even if it is for XX, I will come out" and other words of positive empowerment.

They could see the abyss not far ahead and knew they should stay away, but in the end many people still slipped down.

Ren Zhong is very clear about these.

He also knows that he has richer experiences than anyone else, has stronger willpower than most people in the world, and has even withstood the fear of death.

But when the object of death was replaced by someone else and he became the "butcher", he found that the situation became more complicated.

This is a greater test for a kind person.

Ren Zhong sighed, returned to the window on the other side, looked up at the twin moons rising in the sky, and murmured to himself.

"How did those pioneering ancestors feel when they learned that their comrades died because of their own decisions, and when they heard about the results of annihilating tens of thousands or even more compatriots with the same skin color and language at every turn?"

"Will they feel pain and regret? They will at first, right?"

"What kind of will and determination allowed them to endure this kind of self-blame? And what kind of determination allowed them to issue the order to let their comrades go to the rear to die again when they faced a desperate situation after enduring the grief?"

"Imagine a scene. When their team is being chased and intercepted by the enemy, they must send some people to the rear to attract the enemy's pursuers, gain room for the other people to move, and save the fire. After they discussed and argued, What do you think when you watch your comrades go to die one after another?"

"They will also be forced to weigh who is worth more to live. Then life, in a sense, becomes valuable again."

"The nature of this value measurement is actually contradictory to what I am pursuing."

"So, how do I manage my thinking?"

After lowering his head and thinking for a long time, Ren Zhong slowly raised his head.

After immersing himself in historical scenes, he found new ideas.

That is to establish an absolute belief for yourself and move forward without distraction for this belief.

If letting others sacrifice and living your own life can bring everyone closer to the end of your faith, then let others sacrifice first and move forward with their dreams.

If it's your turn to sacrifice and let others live is more beneficial to everyone, then die yourself.

As long as all revolutionaries stand under this creed, then the fairness of life will still exist.

In the battle of making decisions day after day and year after year, the revolutionaries' abilities are getting stronger and stronger, their accuracy in weighing the pros and cons is getting higher and higher, and their will is getting stronger and stronger in the face of blows.

No matter who dies or sacrifices, they can always adjust quickly after grief and move on.

Only such revolutionaries are "professional".

Yes, if we regard revolutionaries as a profession, there are also professionals and amateurs.

"Then, now I must be the most professional one."

At midnight, Ren Zhong flew into the sky riding the red front armor that had just completed its self-healing.

Thirty seconds later, a formation of fifty fighter planes flew from the direction of Spark Town.

Ren Zhong first accelerated slightly and moved in the same direction as the flight formation.

Fifteen seconds later, he and the leading fighter plane in the flight formation reached the same speed, and he made a spiral flight in the air, floated below the fighter plane, and the fixed hook popped out of his back, and he was mounted on the fighter plane.

"You were seriously injured earlier, and you are just recovering now. You are still far away from recovery. Is it necessary to work so hard?"

The voice of formation captain Ma Xiaoling rang through the communicator.

In order to put this secret weapon into practical use as quickly as possible, the first batch of fighter pilots are all mecha warriors of level four or above. Ma Xiaoling is the captain who does his duty.

After Ma Xiaoling was sent to Wangdong Town in the morning, he was carried onto the airship that Ju Qingmeng and Sun Miao took back to Xinghuo Town. Now he had a good sleep.

Ren Zhong tried to move his joints inside the Chi Fengjia, and felt a wave of discomfort.

"Fortunately, I can bear it. This time we have to destroy the Seven Towns Alliance in one go, which requires high-level combat power. Even if I can only perform at 50%, I should be able to influence the situation of the battle."

Ma Xiaoling secretly spit, "You, the boss, are working too hard."

"The boss is the boss, and that doesn't stop me from charging forward."

"Speaking of which, the medicine you got from Shenxun Group is really powerful. Now we are not tired at all and are full of energy. It is much more effective than the medicine used to stay up late before."

Ren Zhong smiled, "This is the benefit of letting Shenxun Group build the project team base in Xinghuo Town."

Ma Xiaoling: "Well, you always have your own considerations."

At 0:30 in the morning, the flight formation passed through the valley south of Chrome Carbon Town.

The formation did not go to Chrome Carbon Town, but continued eastward.

In the process, Ren Zhong received intelligence sent by the armored troops led by Yuan Qinhu and Liang Qifa.

The fully mechanized elite troops of the Fifth Route Army will arrive in Chrome Carbon Town in an hour, that is, at 1:15 in the morning.

The team is currently traveling smoothly. Although they are occasionally blocked and harassed by ruin beasts along the way, they can deal with them easily.

There were scouts from the Seven Towns Alliance who were caught, but they were all removed in advance and jamming bombs were used to block the other party's information transmission.

As for Chromium Carbon Town, the situation improved after immigrants officially joined the war.

The defenders took advantage of the danger and took advantage of their equipment to make up for the numerical gap between the two sides. The stalemate has remained until now.

However, the current situation is developing in an unfavorable direction for Chromium Carbon Town.

During the day, the seven-town coalition had nearly 80,000 reserve troops that had not been used until after ten o'clock at night, when these troops were gradually released into the battlefield.

Here in Chromium Carbon Town, most of the combat-effective people have never rested from three o'clock in the afternoon until now.

Even if there was treatment from the town hospital, he would still have to rush out as soon as he recovered.

By now, some people with both good and bad luck have been in and out of the town hospital more than ten times.

To make matters worse, about a quarter of the town hospital was destroyed in a previous firefight.

Although an engineering team made emergency repairs, damage to the equipment was inevitable, and dozens of medical staff died.

The emergency capacity of the town hospital has dropped by more than 30%.

From every angle, the defenders were exhausted.

The opponent's new force is waiting for work, but our own side is at the end of its battle.

Under this ebb and flow, the defenders gradually fell into a disadvantage, and most of the city defense artillery on the top of the city had been damaged.

Most of them were defeated by the opponent's strong attack, and a small number of them were defenders who couldn't do anything. In order to prevent the turret from falling into the enemy's control, they simply detonated the ammunition and died together.

In Liang Qifa's words, from now on, casualties will continue to increase. No matter how tenacious the people of Chrome Carbon Town are in their fighting will, they can only last for three hours at most.

By that time, the town's nearly 100,000 professionals will be wiped out, while the other side will still have at least 50,000 troops left.

Ren Zhongze told Liang Qifa not to panic.

"The next task for you is to preserve as much strength as possible and not to implement any counter-offensive strategy that will increase casualties."

Liang Qifa responded honestly.

Two minutes later, Ren Zhong received a notification from Ou Youning.

Liang Qifa's headquarters was found by the enemy and raided.

The deputy manager of Chromium Carbon Resources was killed and Liang Qifa was seriously injured.

The command responsibility was deferred to Ou Youning.

At 00:31 in the morning, a formation composed of fifty Veyron fighter jets and Ren Zhong himself found the temporary camp of the 300,000 follow-up troops of the Seven Towns Allied Forces stationed under a mountain range.

According to the concept of the seven-town coalition, when the 200,000 vanguard troops capture Chromium Carbon Town, these 300,000 people will be added to build Chromium Carbon Town into an iron wall.

Therefore, the equipment of this part of the army is mainly baggage, and the personnel are mainly low-level professionals.

These are just bargaining chips that the Seven Towns Alliance is prepared to use on the negotiation table, but now they are discovered by Ren Zhong in advance.

In just one moment, the pattern of war was completely rewritten.

"Hit! Beat their headquarters! Beat them to death!"

Ren Zhong gave the only order in simple language.

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