Resurrection Empire

Chapter 381 Chain Plan

But at this time, the situation in the game field changed suddenly again.

The leader of the hunting group in the second station was leading more than 300 people to retreat to his own wall, but he was attacked halfway.

It turned out that after Hu Yang captured the first garrison just now, he only led dozens of people to defend the city, and then quietly sent out more than 400 people, dividing his troops into two groups.

There were a total of 120 people along the way, which was the heavy artillery battalion.

The 310 people on the other group walked lightly in a large circle from the rear, ambush the second station hunting group on the way back in advance, and laid out a large number of remote-controlled traps along the way, and then hid in the dense forest.

When the opponent marched by, this surprise army first detonated the trap and then charged out brazenly.

Although the strength of both sides was equal, this was done deliberately and unintentionally, and they used traps to inflict heavy damage on their opponents, and their elite levels were not at the same level.

The Second Station Hunting Group only lasted for three minutes before collapsing and fleeing in all directions.

Hu Yang's arrangement was in the eyes of the players and the audience throughout the whole process. However, they could not communicate at this time. These people could only watch it with anxious eyes, but they were helpless.

After the other 3rd and 4th station hunting groups received the news of the attack, they did not plan to rescue them. They immediately changed their direction, quickly selected nearly two hundred elites, and pounced on the first place with full power. station.

The person who made this decision was Tang Xiangyun's spokesperson.

At this moment, he had an idea in his mind, this woman Hu Yang was really scary, and if she kept going like this, he would be defeated sooner or later.

Her ambush seemed successful, but it actually left the defense around her empty and exposed herself to danger.

Now we have to turn around and kill her within the first station, and everything will be fine. Now or never.

Countless people in the players' auditorium saw this scene and just sighed.

Tang Xiangyun was furious, but could only say nothing.

In this small space, more than two hundred well-equipped hunting group elites rushed all the way and appeared outside the first station wall in just a few minutes.

As expected, there were only sporadic gunfire sounds on the city wall, and a few pitifully few bullets flew.

How could such weak firepower stop the two hundred elite hunting groups who were desperate to survive.

More than thirty seconds later, two hundred elites bravely charged in despite the thin defensive firepower on the city wall.

Looking at the dozens of figures on the other side of the city wall who were panicking and trying to escape, spokesman Tang Xiangyun who took the lead was secretly happy, thinking that Populus euphratica would definitely not be able to escape now.

But in the next moment, a warning sign suddenly occurred in his heart, and he felt something bad was going on.

It turned out that he finally saw clearly what those "defenders" who shot to block him were.

The "defenders" were not human beings, but pieces of damaged armor in the shape of a human being. No one could move up or down. Only the gun hanging on the arm armor could still be fired.

From a distance, this thing does look like a human being, but at the end it is just an abandoned unmanned combat machine remotely controlled by Populus euphratica.

As for the fleeing "people" in the distance, something was wrong. Their movements were very stiff, but uniform.

The spokesperson immediately activated the high-power scanner stolen from others to observe those people's true bodies.

This instrument alone is worth four thousand Source Star Coins, and its original owner was eaten up and wiped out long ago because of his weak combat power.

The scanner first modeled and then imaged, and the spokesperson saw clearly the true faces of those people. They were also just simple targets covered with clothes and made of a few simple transmission devices.

The smell of this trap was so obvious, how could he not understand it.

"Fell into a trap!"

He howled wildly in his heart and turned around suddenly. He didn't even think about ordering others to retreat, he just planned to retreat first.

Unfortunately, before his power engine took effect, there was only a loud noise coming from behind, and a rolling heat wave came like a flood, swallowing him and the other hunters around him instantly.

As a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, the violent vibrations even reached the players' viewing seats. Even the holographic monitoring system experienced a cutoff in information flow and no real-time images.

It was not until about tens of seconds later that the backup camera urgently deployed by the club management flew over the first station again that the picture was restored.

At this time, the wall of the first station was already in pieces, and a huge pit with a diameter of nearly fifty meters appeared on the ground.

There is nothingness in the middle of the giant pit, and the rolling magma is churning.

The soil at the edges has also melted into magma.

Further afield, you can even see crystals formed by the rapid cooling of splashed lava.

As for the more than two hundred elite hunting groups that were floating above the giant pit, they had already evaporated without a trace.

This is indeed Populus euphratica's serial plan of an empty city within a plan.

At the beginning of the ambush operation to snipe the hunting regiment of the second station, she had already led her subordinates and surrenders who had accompanied her to complete the empty city plan to quietly evacuate the first station.

Before leaving, she had people pile most of the cheap ammunition captured during the previous attack on the city wall under the city wall, and made dozens of camouflaged robots that could be operated by remote control.

The hunting group never escaped Populus euphratica's plot from beginning to end.

Zhou Ya said to Ren Zhong in an extremely shocked tone: "That man is dead. You won the bet with Tang Xiangyun."

Ren Zhong said calmly: "Yes."

"It seems that the number of contestants will soon drop to two thousand. Once you reach the semi-finals, you can consider redeeming Hu Yang. It seems that you can get a talented subordinate this time. Congratulations."

Ren Zhong smiled and cupped his hands, "Thank you."

"Hu Yang should be the best military commander under your command, right?"

Ren Zhong waved his hand, "Not counting, he can probably be ranked in the top five."

Zhou Ya: "Huh?"

I went over it silently in my heart.

After comprehensive consideration, he still believed that even if he and Qian Wangshen, who formed an army aside, Zheng Tian, ​​who was good at both large-scale combat and small-scale special warfare, was obviously better.

Yu Jin also performed better in special warfare.

Yuan Qinhu, who has grown up recently, is also very good.

Although Zhou Ya didn't believe it, she didn't question what he said.

The scene turned back to Hu Yang. At this time, she had led dozens of elites into the second station and completed the rendezvous with the artillery battalion and ambush regiment.

This process is a long story, but in fact, less than half an hour has passed since Hu Yang led his team to attack, and the situation on the court has been completely changed.

At this time, after absorbing many prisoners, Hu Yang's staff not only remained undiminished, but even continued to expand to nearly 800 people.

The new personnel came from two sources, namely the more than 200 rebels previously absorbed in the first station, and the more than 100 prisoners captured after the second station was captured.

The more than 100 prisoners were not at ease at first, and some even thought of waiting for an opportunity to escape.

At this time, Populus euphratica did three things.

First, play the previous scene of the elite hunting group's firepower suppressing the many deserters from the first station who originally wanted to join them, so that the prisoners can see the true face of the hunting group.

Second, let the deserters who rebelled against the hunting group in despair and were taken in by themselves tell them their experiences and thoughts to stimulate empathy.

Third, the footage of more than two hundred elites, including the two remaining giants of the hunting group, being evaporated on the spot by high-explosive traps was released to demonstrate their strength.

When Hu Yang completed these three things, the prisoners in the first station did not need to be reminded. They naturally knew that those who understand current affairs are heroes and surrendered decisively.

Hu Yang simply ordered these people to be freed on the spot, and issued basic light weapons and ammunition to each person.

At the same time, the remaining low-end members of the hunting group in the third and fourth stations finally learned the bad news from the front line.

Some middle-level members began to fight for power. Civil strife broke out suddenly, and the remnants of the hunting group quickly disintegrated themselves in the internal fighting and dispersed into more than twenty small makeshift teams, which were no longer viable.

During the civil strife, the number of remaining members of the hunting group dropped by more than a hundred.

The dispersed hunting group also failed to achieve the effect of scattering stars all over the sky, and was soon pursued and intercepted by the self-rescue alliance who took advantage of the fire.

Prior to this, the Self-Rescue Alliance basically accepted all comers who came alone.

But this time No. 38 adjusted his strategy and turned to inhumane killing.

After analysis, Zhou Ya believed that No. 38 looked down upon these low-end personnel who had a low status in the hunting group.

Ren Zhong was unconvinced, but he had two conjectures in his mind.

Either No. 38 has reached the upper limit of the number of people he can mentally control, or No. 38 has had enough and plans to quickly reduce the number of contestants to less than 2,000 and enter the semi-finals, creating opportunities for those outside who want to redeem him.

Since then, the situation in the game field has completely evolved into a confrontation between the Populus euphratica army and the self-rescue alliance, and there is no longer a hunting group.

Nearly twenty minutes passed. During this period, the self-rescue alliance launched multiple attacks on the second station controlled by Hu Yang. Both sides suffered casualties, but there was no winner.

The time has reached eight o'clock in the morning, and it is communication time again.

Ren Zhong only briefly communicated with Hu Yang and told her that the next focus was to fight against the self-rescue alliance.

Hu Yang followed his advice fluently and kept every word Ren Zhong said in mind.

Shortly after the communication time ended, a harsh bell sounded, indicating that the game officially entered the second half.

Dozens of spotlights distributed in a circular pattern in the sky lit up and began to cast red light on the ground, forming a circular red light curtain.

A sweet female voice came from the radio, reminding the contestants that they must complete their movement within ten minutes and move outside the red light curtain. Those who are still left behind after the timeout will be directly executed by automatic weapons.

In short, the game has shrunk.

This rule forces the contestants to get closer to each other in order to maintain the intensity of the fighting and improve the viewing experience.

Populus euphratica is not very lucky.

Although her second station is relatively close to the middle of the game field, the randomly locked circle is actually on the other side.

Ever since, Hu Yang had to lead people to leave the station and move to the other side.

At this time, the Self-Rescue Alliance had already appeared at the junction of the safe zone and the red light curtain, and set up a position, vowing to block Hu Yang and others from the safe zone.

Hu Yang dispersed the team slightly in advance, put it into formation, and gradually advanced, making a gesture of fighting to the death.

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