Resurrection Empire

Chapter 387 Infinite time, infinite possibilities

When you are weak, you have to use all your strength to move a brick.

When you are strong, it is easy to move a mountain.

About twenty minutes later, Ren Zhong met the delegation from Locke Group.

Unlike the other four companies, Ren Zhong has never had any dealings with Locke Group. The two parties basically didn't understand each other, so there were more people from the Locke Group this time, a total of eight people, five men and three women.

In the past, Ren Zhong had interacted a lot with black-haired, black-eyed people of the yellow race with the Han surname. He once thought that there were only Chinese people on the Origin Star.

Later, Ren Zhong met a blond and blue-eyed "foreigner" in the Qishan Desert tribe. He changed his perception and determined that it was because his activity area was too narrow and his knowledge was not comprehensive enough.

Later, Ren Zhong visited more people, learned about the conditions in cities and towns around the world on Source Star, and gradually came into contact with many other races. But in most areas, people who have more social resources basically have Han surnames.

Ren Zhong analyzed the reason, and it should be due to the bloodline inheritance of the nine frozen elders. Later, he came into contact with Hewitt Augustus and determined that there were "foreigners" among the nine major groups.

Of the eight people sitting in front of him now, only two have typical Asian features, while the other six all have obvious European and American features. Their Mandarin is surprisingly fluent.

"Hello, Mr. Ren, I am Frederick Locke, Minister of Commerce of Locke Group. These are my assistants..."

The person speaking was a middle-aged man with fluffy red hair, a hooked nose, and sunken eye sockets, and he looked a bit stern.

Ren Zhong: "Hello, Mr. Frederick, hello everyone."

As a Yuanxing energy giant, Rock Group has not developed fossil energy or nuclear energy. Its main products are batteries of various specifications. Its main business is the production, recycling, repair and recharging of batteries. As for the energy source for recharging, according to historical records, before interstellar trade, the resources were basically dominated by the beast beasts. Some discharge beast beasts acted as human generators, and some beast beast chips became the core components of the battery—— Batteries. However, as the population of Source Star gradually increases, the original resources of the beasts can no longer meet the demand.

At about this time, the Yersun Group brought back a large integrated generator from space, and also brought a large number of ultra-durable battery cell semi-finished parts. Since then, under the impact of alien black technology, Locke Group has completed a comprehensive transformation and built dozens of large-scale rechargeable space stations in space relying on integrated generators. These space stations provide most of the energy required for the operation of the entire Source Star civilization.

These powered space stations orbit the Source Sun, are unmanned, and have never malfunctioned. The instruction manual provided by Empire also contains a clear warning that unauthorized disassembly is prohibited, otherwise there is a risk of explosion. The Locke Group strictly complied with the requirements in the instructions, implemented the use principle to the extreme, and did not care about the principle of the rechargeable space station.

Frederick opened a file and said: "Mr. Ren Zhong. We noticed that you are developing internal combustion engines and developing large quantities of oil and coal resources, right?"

Ren Zhong: "Yes. And currently I have reached cooperation with Tanggu Group, Amethyst Mining, Yuanxing Military Industry and Shenxun Group."

Frederick: "You already said this when you communicated with us two hours ago."

Ren Zhong: "Yes."

Frederick: "But we have different views on this. You should know that you are trying to enter the territory of our Locke Group. In fact, even if you don't contact us today, we will find you in two days."

Ren Zhong: "Huh?"

Frederick: "We ask you to stop developing oil and coal resources, and stop developing internal combustion engines and steam engines."

Frederick Locke's wording was very connotative, not "hope" but "demand", leaving no room for serious discussion.

"But the energy quota provided by your company is no longer enough to meet my development needs." Ren Zhong said without changing his expression.

Frederick: "If we determine that you have demand, we can increase the battery quota for you. As long as you stop developing internal combustion engines."

Ren Zhong asked with a smile: "What if I refuse?"

"Then we may have to completely cut off the battery supply to you."

As Frederick said these words, the atmosphere in the scene suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Ren Zhong's face also fell, "I can promise not to sell internal combustion engines, nor to sell fuel and coal to others, only for my own use. This will not affect you, right? Mr. Frederick, don't you think you are too strong? Is that enough? I need a reasonable reason."

Frederick Locke turned his head and nodded to a middle-aged woman next to him who seemed to have dyed purple hair.

The woman's name is Riley Lee, a biracial woman who works as an environmental resources assistant under the Ministry of Commerce.

Riley Lee pulled out a document and projected it on the conference room wall, "According to our estimates, if you exploit and use a large amount of oil and coal resources in the atmosphere and continue to increase the scale, there will be significant changes within five years. The air quality of Yuanxing affects the stability of Yuanxing’s ecosystem.”

"What?" Ren Zhong was confused on the spot, "Don't all citizen settlements, including county towns, have canopy systems to ensure air quality? Is there such a thing? Is it possible that you still care about the quality of life of the deserted people? "

He thought it was ridiculous.

Under the exploitation of these citizens, it is difficult for the desert people to even survive. At this time, a high-ranking citizen suddenly appeared and was concerned about air quality, which made Ren Chong feel particularly ridiculous.

Riley Lee didn't pay attention to Ren Zhong's surprise and just clicked the button. The picture on the projection screen changed. On the screen is a statistical table of citizens’ travel destinations. Lai Li: "I'm not talking about deserters. According to statistics, more than 70% of citizens go out to towns and natural scenic spots for vacation every year. Poor air quality will affect the health of these citizens."

Ren Zhong: "..."

On a planet where the average life expectancy is only over 40 years old, a person is talking to himself about physical health. crazy.

When the topic reached this point, no one needed to explain. Ren Zhong already understood the other party's true intention. These are all fabricated excuses in order to limit one's all-round development and hold one's energy lifeline in one's hands.

Ren Zhong looked at Frederick Locke again, "Mr. Frederick, is there still room for negotiation in this matter? Can you play a decisive role in this matter?"

Frederick was a little unhappy, "Of course."

Ren Zhong suddenly narrowed his eyes, "In other words, if we negotiate well, I can still develop internal combustion engines and get more energy modules from your company at the same time?"

Frederick looked at Ren Zhong with stunned eyes: "Are you threatening me? Why should I agree?"

Ren Zhong shrugged, "I mean if... if... Is it possible for the result I mentioned to happen? With your power, Mr. Frederick, can you do it?"

Frederick: "Yes, but it seems you should wash your face and wake up."

Ren Zhong took a step back and distanced himself slightly, "Now I am cooperating with Shenxun Group and Yuanxing Military Industry to complete the recovery plan. They are obliged to solve my worries. I am just a small local wealthy businessman and I have no respect for your company. Cause any threat. I think it’s you who should calm down, you are too overbearing.”

Frederick Locke suddenly became nervous.

His intuition told him that something was going to happen, but his reason told him that this was in Xia Yuanjing City, and he was an eighth-level citizen. No matter how crazy Ren Zhong was, there was no way he could do anything to him.

He didn't quite understand where this sense of threat came from.

The next moment, Ren Zhong suddenly exploded an electromagnetic shock bomb.

A harsh scream was heard in the room, and Ren Zhong, holding a dagger, suddenly rushed forward.

Just five seconds later, Ren Zhong suddenly attacked and killed all seven other people in the conference room, leaving only Frederick Locke alone.

Looking at the blood splattering on the wall, Frederick trembled and pointed at Ren Zhong, "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Even if there is no 'net' now, others will definitely know that you killed us, and you will be sentenced Death penalty! Even if you are related to the recovery plan, you will definitely be sentenced to death! My brother will not let you go!"

Ren Zhong walked in slowly, "Maybe, but I don't care. I just want to chat more with you."

Frederick: "What are you talking about?"

Ren Zhong: "Talk about life. Talk about ideals. Talk about the little secrets in your heart."

About half an hour later, Ren Zhong killed Frederick Locke with a knife. Afterwards, he quietly closed the door of the conference room, returned to the villa at an extremely fast speed, took away the box containing the Chifeng Armor, and went straight to the Xiayuanying City Spaceship Dock.

Fifteen minutes later, the alarm sounded loudly at the Yersin Hotel, but at this time the heavy responsibility had already driven the personal airship away.

During this period, he received a communication from Ying Hao.

Ying Hao angrily asked him what he was thinking and why he wanted to destroy his future. However, Ying Hao refused to scold Ren Zhong, but told Ren Zhong that he would try his best to mediate, and even went to the association's military headquarters in person to request that the military headquarters could only capture him alive and not kill him directly.

Later, Ren Zhong also received a notice from Ma Xiacheng, who asked him to quickly go to Shendu City. He will do whatever it takes to save his life.

But Ren Zhong did not go to Shendu City as Ma Xiacheng wanted, but went directly to the small town of Floren in the second continent.

This is one of the many small towns he acquired from the Tanggu Group just over two hours ago.

As early as that time, Ren Zhong had already sent Zheng Tian, ​​Yu Jin, Bai Feng, Ma Xiaoling, Chen Hanyu, Shi Lin, Wang Qiao, Hua Yuelan and other elites to take a fast airship from Xinghuo Town and arrived at the local area.

Thanks to Ying Hao's mediation, the railgun suspended in the sky did not fire, and Ren Zhong successfully drove the airship nearly two thousand kilometers away from Xiayuanjing City.

Then, he lowered the height, threw the airship on the spot, and flew forward with only the red front armor equipped with additional propulsion devices and several more energy modules.

Fortunately, the Chifeng Armor has a deformation function and can be switched to a low wind resistance mode. When sprinting at full speed, the speed is not much slower than an airship.

When the Source Star Special Forces found the airship, Ren Zhong had successfully reunited with several others in the small town of Floren.

Spreading out the map, Ren Zhong pointed at the city of Yersun, which is only a thousand kilometers away from the town of Floren, and said: "You have only one mission, find a way to send me into this city. I will solve some things there. .”

As a senior assassin, Wang Qiao shook his head repeatedly, "It's unrealistic. This is the capital of the Yersun Group. Even without the 'net', Yersun City has the largest amount of alien products accumulated, and its defensive strength is second only to the source. Beijing City. No one can sneak in silently, or even if you sneak in and cause trouble inside, you can't escape unscathed."

Ren nodded, "Yeah, I know."

Wang Qiao: "Then you are still going?"

"Who knows the result if you don't try it? Don't forget, the key to the recovery plan is still in our hands. Hua Yuelan, has the interference transmitter been adjusted?"

With that said, Ren Zhong looked to the other side.

Hua Yuelan, who was standing next to a huge machine about two meters high, hummed and introduced: "Yersun Group has partially connected to the new network. I can indeed penetrate our Mengnet and use appropriate interference to deceive it. Security monitoring system at the entrance and exit of the city gate.”

Ren Zhong nodded slightly, "Okay, next I need you to do two things. Chen Hanyu, you have to restore your original appearance and show up in the satellite county next to Yersun City. You guys are responsible for protecting Chen Hanyu's safety." As for me, I will ambush an airship flying out of Yersun City. When I take action, you will immediately go to Florentia Town and wait for me to rendezvous. After rendezvous, Chen Han said that you will change my appearance into The appearance of the citizen I attacked. Then I approached Yaersun City again. When I was about to enter the city, Hua Yuelan, you activated interference in time to reduce the performance of the security surveillance system."

After he finished arranging these, others asked him how he planned to come out and how he would respond.

Ren Zhong thought for a while, then looked at Zheng Tian, ​​and said: "Ying Hao once wanted me to be his army commander, and I will tell him that in fact, you, Yu Jin and Hu Yang combined are better than me. "

Some of his answers were inappropriate.

But everyone understood his intention.

He is asking for help.

Zheng Tian was shocked, "This is not..."

Ren Zhong interrupted her, "This is an order and must be executed."

Another two hours passed, and Ren Zhong, who was not wearing any equipment and was only wearing civilian uniform, was undergoing manual security inspection by the guards at the entrance of Yersun City.

At this time, he had learned from Mengwang that the Yuanxing army had completed the takeover of the Ren Group and was looking for many high-level officials who had fled early.

"Okay, Mr. Liu, please go in quickly. There are more and more people queuing outside. Damn it, why are there so many people out of the city suddenly, and there is something wrong with the equipment."

Ren Zhong held his head high, put on an arrogant look, walked into the city of Yersun, and then disappeared into the darkness.

Ten minutes later, he met Xiao Xingyue, who had been waiting here for a long time.

Xiao Xingyue angrily shouted when they met, "What on earth are you thinking about? Do you know who Frederick Locke is?"

Ren Zhong: "I know."

"Then you still killed him? Even if you are dissatisfied with the demands made by Locke Group, you can definitely find us to renegotiate. Why bother?"

Ren Zhong chuckled, "That's too slow."

"What's the meaning?"

"You will know in the future. Xiao Xingyue, thank you, you are still willing to help me in this situation."

"Shut up. I will immediately arrange for someone to send you quietly to the military industrial city."

"No, I have to go to the headquarters of Yersun Group."

"What! Are you crazy?"

There is unlimited time for the task, and he wants to pursue unlimited possibilities.

From the moment he fell out with Frederick, he decided to get back to his once free-spirited self.

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