Resurrection Empire

Chapter 451: Outbreak, weapons test [Thanks to Deep Sea 2 for the huge reward! 】

In the dark starry sky, the armed battleship No. 0001, which turned on the medium propulsion engine afterburner mode, dragged out a long plasma flame tail, streaking across the void like a comet.

This command ship has left the orbit of the Source Star and is slowly advancing towards the middle of the orbits of the Source Star and Source Venus.

In the command room of No. 0001, Ren Zhongzheng stood in front of the three-dimensional star map with his hands behind his back, looking at the star map visually, and imagining and deducing the next developments in his mind. .

Although precognitive hallucinations are a bit useless, he still wants to master this ability more reliably through active practice.

This is his "bad habit". He hates anything that is out of his control, including his own abilities.

The former military officials who were originally sent here to perform inspection duties have long been controlled and imprisoned in prisons at the rear.

Ren Zhong and Li Yang's actions were so sudden that these people didn't even have the chance to raise an alarm.

Of course, they really can't send anything out. After all, whether it's the radio communication based on the recovery plan or the ghost particle communication based on the former "net", Sun Ai's ghost particle communication is now under Ren Zhong's control.

He has successfully made the old popsicles who originally controlled everything fall into information islands.

Except for the command of the Tracer spacecraft and the Frozen Legion, the old popsicles actually have nothing.

At this time, there was a busy scene in the responsible command room.

New Starfire Army soldiers are quickly taking over.

Some shipboard personnel who were originally affiliated with Yuanxing Military Industry were still a little confused. They didn't know how to face this new situation and could only adapt reluctantly.

They vaguely felt that there was something wrong with what Ren Zhong and others were doing, but they did nothing and just waited and watched.

Over the years, they have also become accustomed to completely taking orders from those in high positions.

Even if there are any disputes and disputes among the top management, that is still the business of the top management. You do not need to think independently, let alone consider sides.

It doesn't matter who gives the order, you just need to obey the order.

This is the result of the fact that for many years, Elder Frozen and the Yuanxing Business Association have completely relied on the assistance of "Net" in various fields of social management.

After all, any appointment or dismissal made by "Net" to anyone must be correct and cannot be doubted. "Net" does not need to explain to anyone, "Net"'s decision is the final decision. For these more basic people, the frozen elders don't have much of a presence. They are out of reach.

Qian Wangshen, the temporary adjutant beside Ren Zhong, was responsible for issuing specific instructions.

"Adjust the radio communication channel to channel 13, set the encryption mode to classical encoding, and use the eighth decoding scheme."

After Qian Wangshen finished speaking, the radio operator from Spark Academy next to him first completed the basic channel and encryption mode settings, then took out the silicon chip U disk that had been prepared from his pocket and inserted it into the newly installed interface.

Since then, the armed battleship No. 0001 has disappeared from the communication system established by Elder Frozen.

Ma Xiacheng in Shendu City can no longer obtain any information related to the No. 0001 armed battleship.

But in this operation, radio communications, which had high hopes, were downgraded.

The farthest ship from the armed ship No. 0001 is even outside the orbit of the source Neptune, and it takes four hours for radio signals to reach here.

Even if there are many relay satellites orbiting the source sun along the way to ensure that the signal strength will not be attenuated, the relay satellites cannot accelerate the radio, and it will still take a long time.

On the surface of the planet, light speed communication can achieve ultra-low-latency video communication across the hemisphere, but when the spatial dimension is enlarged into space, without even leaving the star system, it is completely insufficient.

Therefore, in this heavy-duty operation, the real key task was handed over to Sun Ai.

Operations in the radio field are just for confidentiality, and the relevant technical preparations have long been completed in the recovery plan.

If you don't use it now, it will look like you did it in vain in the first place, which would be quite embarrassing.

Sun Ai has already rebuilt the ghost particle communication network, and there is even a pseudo-network system on the surface of the source star that has one-tenth of her computing power as a synchronization extension. Both communication capabilities and computing capabilities are very excessive.

Sun Ai had already taken over the brain systems of the old popsicles and began to use computer-simulated pictures to deceive their cognition.

For example, at this time, Ma Zhongfei and others happened to click on the video surveillance on battleship No. 0001.

The scene in the video is peaceful. The task of doing meritorious service in the fleet is indeed to lie lazily in the command room with hands in pockets, bored and free.

But this was of course an illusion. At this time, Ren Zhong was staring at the star map, looking at his watch from time to time, and then counting down in his mind.

"Time is up."

"Ten, nine...three, two, one."

"here we go."

Ren Zhong said to himself.

As he spoke, a change of force and power was simultaneously launched in the command rooms, control rooms, bridges, weapons control rooms and other areas of the 12,000 space ships of the Great Migration Fleet.

Ren Zhong and Li Yang said that they could solve the problem in ten minutes at most, which was not a boast.

Starting from the eighth minute, the first green dot dyed red appeared on the star map.

This means that the armed battleship has been taken over by someone responsible.

Ren Zhong zoomed in and looked at the number of the battleship, No. 0007, the one Zheng Tian was in charge of.

Then, one green dot after another turned red while flashing.

For nine minutes and fifty-one seconds, all four thousand green dots were dyed red. No one was spared, without exception.

The progress of the other eight thousand transport ships will be slightly slower, but no accidents will happen.

When the armed ship has been controlled, the transport ship with little strategic capability can only be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and there is no point in resisting.

Time continued to tick, and five minutes passed.

The armed warship farthest from the Source Sun was the first to stop its planned maneuver, stop in space, and turn around, aiming its bow at the location of the Source Venus at this time.

Another half hour later, the giant beam cannon on the head of the battleship completed charging and fired a beam of light with a diameter of one hundred meters.

The emission lasted for one second, just enough to generate a cylinder of light that was 300,000 kilometers long and 100 meters in diameter, heading straight towards the source Venus.

Six seconds later, the cylinder passed an asteroid and accurately passed through the gap between the asteroid and the armed battleship above it.

Almost at the moment when the head of the cylinder rushed past the bow of the armed battleship, the second beam of light also started from the head of the battleship and went straight forward.

"The main gun beams of the first and second armed ships have been synchronized successfully. This scene is very spectacular, but it's a pity that you can't see it with the naked eye now. The two light beams with a length of 300,000 kilometers are almost completely moving forward in parallel, which is quite pretty."

In Ren Zhong's mind, Sun Ai, who provided real-time information support throughout the process, said this.

Ren Zhong nodded lightly, "This is what it should be. After all, my plan is complete enough, and I have precise arrangements for the firing time of each battleship. The atomic tremor clock I asked them to bring can also be accurate to 100,000 points. In just one second, the steps from ignition and charging to launch are also handed over to the computer.”

Sun Ai: "So the advantage of machines is that they are better at completing these delicate tasks?"

Ren Zhong smiled: "No matter how delicate the work is, someone has to give it creativity. Who would have thought that a battleship built by a C-class tracer colony would actually have precise fire focus operations several light hours apart, and bombardment Is it the target or the Tracker spacecraft?"

Sun Ai: "Yes. The galaxy-level main gun on Ying Ye's side has also begun to charge. The manufacturing process of some energy modules is not accurate enough, and the energy response to the external release is a bit large, and may be automatically destroyed by the tracker's spacecraft. The detector I brought caught it, and I have blocked it in advance."

Ren Zhong: "Okay. You see, this is the difference between humans and machines."


A large net surrounding Old Popsicle and the Frozen Legion has been woven and is being closed.

Time still passes little by little.

Sun Ai only regularly reported to Ren Zhong the synchronization status of the beam cannon.

More than three hours later, Sun Ai told Ren Zhong that the galaxy-level main cannon had been launched, and a huge beam of light with a length of 600,000 kilometers and a diameter of more than five kilometers was leaving the direction of the source Jupiter and heading for the Tracker spacecraft.

Behind this super-large light pillar, only tens of kilometers away, there are more than two thousand smaller light pillars going forward.

Thirty-four minutes and twenty-one seconds later, armed battleship No. 0001 finally fired a shot.

More than ten seconds passed, and Ren Zhong, who was in the command room No. 0001, finally saw this spectacular scene with his naked eyes.

Diagonally above him, an azure ultra-long light pillar advanced, advancing continuously.

Behind it, orange-yellow light pillars gathered one after another and overlapped, chasing the blue light pillar in front.

At this time, many orange and yellow light pillars have touched each other and merged seamlessly.

It was like a meteor shower.

Ren Zhong looked to the other side, where there was an increasingly smaller orange origin, which was the beam energy launched by No. 0001.

At the same time, reports from different armed warships sounded on No. 0001.

The general content was basically the same. These warships were telling him that they had completed the first main gun concentration test of the Great Migration Fleet.

The commanders on those ships did not know that they were attacking the seeker spacecraft where Elder Frozen was located. They just honestly carried out their orders, locked a void coordinate, and pressed the launch button.

One minute and 37 seconds later.

The energy that gathered 3421 orange light beams and a galaxy-level main gun accurately hit somewhere in the orbit of the source Venus satellite.

There was originally nothingness here, but at the moment when the blue light pillar touched it, a ripple-like change suddenly appeared here, and ripples appeared to the outside world.

The blue light pillar was exploded. The huge energy bombarded up, as if it hit an invisible wall, and then spread out, just like water hitting a rock.

Less than a second later, the sharp cone formed by the focus of 3421 orange light beams pierced the center of the ripples, and turned into an electric drill-like object, burning away inside, and then exploded. , forming a hook structure just like a solar flare.

This was all relayed by Ren Zhong through Sun Ai. The simulated picture observed by the optical and energy tidal cameras lurking on the nearby armed warship looked kind of coquettishly beautiful.

But it is as short-lived as fireworks.

Soon, the explosion subsided and the sun-like halo dissipated, leaving only a round metal object floating there quietly.

It's obviously a huge flying machine, full of mechanical beauty.

The special metallic luster also shows that its material is different from all known materials on the Source Star.

The people on dozens of armed warships lurking not far away were dumbfounded.

This is the first time in thousands of years that the Tracer spacecraft, which secretly controls the direction of the Origin Star civilization, has been exposed to everyone's eyes.

It is so huge that it has completely exceeded the limit of ships built by humans on the Source Star.

The old popsicles who were knocked upside down raised their heads and looked around in confusion, and quickly collected the information provided by the spacecraft's brain.

They had no idea what was going on.

Obviously he has recovered the information flow perception ability of "Net", why was he directly hit by this energy weapon without any warning.

This unscientific!

Of course, they did not blame the performance of the energy detectors, gravitational wave detectors and other equipment provided by the seeker spacecraft.

The reason is simple. The flying speed of energy weapons is the speed of light.

In addition to information flow, the ultimate perception speed of all other detection and communication methods is the speed of light.

When the spacecraft gives an alarm, it means it has been hit. In an interstellar war, such an alarm is meaningless.

What they don't understand is who is attacking them and what their intentions are.

Ying Feng read the ship's self-inspection report at an extremely fast speed, and then said: "The force field shield has temporarily failed due to overload operation, and the energy system has been damaged due to instantaneous overload operation and requires cooling and repair. We are temporarily I can only rely on the armored shell to resist enemy attacks, and I can only use the medium engine to accelerate slowly. I have set the acceleration and cannot be hit a second time! In the attack just now, especially the first one...wait... Is that a galaxy-level main gun?”

Ma Zhongfei said angrily: "We have to ask the apostle what is going on!"

At this moment, the apostle whom everyone said had a heavy responsibility was issuing a key order to all the battleships with the help of Sun Ai.

"Intruders were found, biologically modified civilizations, suspected to be sublimates. They can disguise themselves as human beings, and can read history, which is very deceptive. Attack!"

As soon as Ren Zhong said this, everyone in the battleship felt a little confused.

They don't understand why there are invaders coming, and they are alien civilizations.

The history of Yuanxing is divided into three layers. Most people know the first layer, which is the theory of the origin of Yuanxing.

There are still a few high-ranking citizens who know about the second level, which is the escape ship from ten thousand years ago.

Only a handful of people know the truth, which is the truth about the thousand-year-old colonial production base.

At this time, most people active on various battleships, except for the military officials who have been controlled, only know about the second level at most.

In this second layer of history, they know about the empire, they also know about the enemies of the empire, and they also know that there is not absolute peace in the deep space of the universe.

As a colonial galaxy on the frontier, encountering the pursuit of enemies of the empire is not only reasonable, but also slightly surprising and confusing.

But if the person who issued this order is Ren Zhong, the leader of the Ren Group and the new supreme marshal of the fleet, then there is no need to worry about that doubt.

At the same time, Qian Wangshen also ordered: "According to the instructions of the marshal, the enemy's ships will lose their high-intensity maneuverability within half an hour, and our forward fleet will entangle them. Move forward at full speed! Prepare for a boarding battle. !”

Brother Shenhai is so awesome, I’ll give you a reward of 170,000 coins! fierce! ! ! Thank you!

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