Resurrection Empire

Chapter 677 Thought Extraction

There are many things that Ivan doesn't understand.

Just when Ren Zhong was about to crush his head, he suddenly stopped.

In fact, Ivan didn't know what was going on, he was just secretly happy in his heart.

Ren Zhong's killing intent is not just a show.

He really planned to kill himself.

But Ivan knew that if he didn't confess, he would die, and if he did, he would die even more. He himself didn't know what to do.

But what Ivan didn't know was that the reason why Ren Zhong wanted to kill him was not only related to the previous festival, but Ren Zhong also noticed another thing.

In Ren Zhong's view, the so-called Chosen One is actually just a tool of Zheluo who looks like a quasar but is actually a zero weapon.

In order to accurately control the pattern of the four human races in the Gupan Galaxy, prevent the premature demise of the mechanical empire, and prevent the failure to fully drain the computing power potential of the Gupan Galaxy when the return-to-zero weapon explodes, the makers of the entire plan will use some critical turning points in time. , to adjust the balance by artificially creating the chosen ones in the mechanical empire.

The extraordinary knowledge and abilities acquired by these chosen ones often do not come from their own abilities.

These people are clearly just vessels selected by the Zero Weapon.

Based on past historical data, Ren Zhong has realized more clearly that the so-called Chosen One is actually not a person, but a generation.

Even if they are infused with Quasar knowledge, these people may still die young.

However, the return-to-zero weapon must ensure the survival of the mechanical empire and cannot allow support to be interrupted midway. Therefore, after the original container dies, a new replacement is often quickly selected near the person and infused with memory and knowledge. Let him become the new chosen one.

In the past history, there were indeed many cases where the so-called candidates died and the people around them suddenly emerged and became the real ones.

The Mechanical Empire doesn't care about the process of evolution, it only cares about the results.

Anyway, as long as he dies midway, it can only prove that this person is not genuine. The selection and determination of the chosen ones are often based on results.

Therefore, when the task is on the road, a plan has already been made.

He will prepare a cloned brain for Ivan Romanov.

It's a clone of that original state.

Ren Zhong believes that when Zero Weapon chooses a container, it doesn't care whether the person is a complete person, as long as it finds a carrier that can contain knowledge.

Then, Ivan's knowledge gained from the quasar is likely to be seamlessly transferred to this cloned body.

First of all, since there is no regular icosahedron electron cloud law in his mind, it is impossible for him to be selected as the container.

Secondly, this cloned brain is highly similar to Ivan's own brain. It is simply a perfect substitute and has a natural attraction to quasars.

This is a rule that Ren Zhong has learned through analyzing history and science.

Although this clone has almost no complete consciousness, it doesn't matter, he doesn't care, this is the effect he wants.

Without his own active consciousness, Sun Ai uses quantum scanning to extract knowledge directly by analyzing the quantum entanglement laws of the brain.

The basic intention of his series of operations was to break through Ivan's psychological defense and get him to take the initiative to explain Jin Shi's situation.

After confirming that Ivan was indeed relying on the uniqueness of the Chosen One and had no intention of confessing on his own initiative, Ren Zhong was already murderous. But it was at this time that his eldest daughter Ava, now the Red Blade Legion However, the chief mentalist inside suddenly sent him a new report through Sun Ai.

After learning the basic concept of remotely extracting energy from the ancient black hole in the static subspace, she followed up in time to learn the information flow micro-sensing technology related to the fifth-level god particles newly mastered by the Red Front Legion.

After combining the two, the resonance of the microscopic world driven by the information flow can be used to achieve quantum entanglement resonance with the quantum laws of brain thinking based on the rules of the icosahedral electron cloud.

In this way, it is possible to bypass all means of psychological protection and directly forcibly read the other party's complete memory. It is more accurate than psychological examination, and the amount of information extracted is larger and more detailed.

Ava believes that even the Chosen One's mental defenses can be broken through. Because the technology used by Zheluo in the zero-return weapon itself only reaches the information depth of the fifth-level god particle.

After realizing this, Ava immediately reported to Ren Zhong.

Ren Zhonghe also quickly stepped back from the brink and spared Ivan Romanov's life for the time being.

But Duke Ivan, who narrowly escaped death, had no joy at all in surviving the disaster.

His life still hangs by a thread, and there is nothing he can do about it. He also secretly tried countless methods to contact the outside world for help.

However, Ren Zhong possesses a completely transcendent technology, and it is so disappointing to be crushed by technology.

Even if Ren Zhong only carries a small Red Front Armor, he can still completely destroy the security system and super network auxiliary brain on Ysula with the help of Sun Ai.

In the eyes of the surveillance personnel of the Ysula Star Research Institute, Ivan Romanov was lying comfortably in the sleeping freezer at this time.

The fidelity of the virtual image is hard to distinguish between real and fake, impeccable.

Ivan is also a man who calls the sky and the earth unresponsive.

"The food prepared in your freezer is quite sufficient, so you don't have to worry about starving to death. Next, you will be responsible for taking care of my daily life. As for your work standards, please refer to your previous treatment of others. Just ask for it. If you fail to execute it at all, I will make you feel the pain. I believe you know very well that death is not the most terrible thing."

Ren Zhong looked at Ivan who was fixed on the medical operating bed. While saying this, he took out an extremely thin probe and gently and deftly inserted it into Ivan's brain. He said again: "Lie down, Qian." Don't move around. If you move around and the sampling fails, you will lose more than just one neuron."

Ren Zhong did not inject Ivan Romanov with anesthesia.

It’s not that he didn’t do it, or that he was too lazy to do it, but because this was also one of Ivan’s bad tastes.

Moreover, Ivan's method is much more cruel. When the person is awake, he removes the cells in the human body in groups of a thousand, one by one.

As the saying goes, the devil is as good as the devil, and Ivan likes to use other people's methods to manipulate people to satisfy his own quirks. Ren Zhong had no quirks, he just changed his mind temporarily and was bored enough to let Ivan experience the experience.

Ivan's vocal cords trembled with difficulty to make a sound, and he hummed to express his understanding.

He didn't even dare to nod.

Then, the tip of the probe opened like a sprout, spreading out countless threads.

These silk threads bend flexibly under the drive of bio-based motors, gently tearing apart the axons and dendrites that connect a selected neuron cell to other cells bit by bit.

Even though this only involved the operation of one cell, due to the special location of the operation, the pain Ivan felt was like an explosion in his mind, amplified thousands of times.

At this time, faced with an existential crisis, Ivan Romanov finally showed a bit of the demeanor that a genuine Chosen One should have, and he actually held it back and did not move during the whole process.

After about fifteen minutes, the fibers extending from the top of the probe finally turned into a long pocket, completely wrapping the fragile neuron cell, and then slowly pulling it out.

In order to prevent cells from being squeezed and damaged by the gaps in the skull, some electric drill-like frosted layers were formed in the middle of the probe, and then began to rotate to slightly expand the gaps in the skull so that the pockets surrounding the cells could pass through.

During this process, since the captured cells have been protected, Ivan was actually able to struggle when Ren Zhong performed this operation.

But he didn't know it, and he kept on struggling.

After the bone grinding lasted for a full ten seconds, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to struggle desperately.

However, Ren Zhong had already completed the cell sampling. He only allowed the probe to quickly retract, and then put the neuron cells into the single-piece culture machine with fully automatic culture function that had been prepared in advance.

With his own technique, he can actually operate it manually. From culture medium incubation to manual assisted mitosis, he can complete a whole set of processes by himself. But now that there are precision machines controlled by Sun Ai, why bother to do it yourself?

Afterwards, Ren Zhong crossed his legs, went to the side and opened the communication tablet, boredly looking at the recently popular literary and artistic works in the Red Front Legion.

The needs of different times will give birth to different cultural attributes.

When the Red Front Legion was still wandering, the starry sky martial arts with chivalrous spirit were popular within the clan. Many literary and artistic creators have openly admitted that most of their story inspirations come from Ren Zhong's resume and characters.

Nowadays, the Red Front Legion is located in the Hundred Regiments Star Region and is booming, but it is sitting high on the Diaoyutai, watching the other four tribes fighting to the death.

Under this environment, the main theme of the literary and artistic works within the Red Front Army has shifted to the field of philosophical speculation such as thinking about the past, present, and future of mankind.

Unfortunately, no one knows the real truth.

These people's conjectures about the origin of mankind are still based on the Source Star, and no one is aware of the existence of Zheluo, the real ruler hiding in the dark, which makes Ren Zhong a little disappointed.

Although Ren Zhong already had an idea, it would be helpful to pass the time by observing other people's thinking. It might also be of some benefit.

About three or four hours later, Ivan Romanov finally recovered from the severe pain. He reluctantly stood up and looked at Ren Zhong, who was sitting with his legs crossed. He said with complicated thoughts: "Marquis Chifeng, have lunch." What?"

In order to survive, he learned really fast and worked very hard.

Ren Zhong raised his head and looked at him, throwing a metal circle casually.

The metal ring fluttered and fell on Ivan's head. It first quickly repaired the micro-wounds on his head, then tightened slightly, and countless capillary biological threads spread from inside, as if they were growing on on his head.

Ivan knew that this must be some kind of control equipment.

This is what he played too.

Ren Zhong grinned, "I want to eat spicy brain pudding for lunch."

Eight months later, Ivan Romanov finally found relief, ending his life that could not be described as sinful, wonderful, or complicated.

When executing him, Ren Zhong did not give him any additional torture.

no need.

Ren Zhong actually doesn't like torturing people.

He has achieved his purpose.

About two months ago, Chifeng Academy of Science successfully built a brand-new thinking resonance device based on the technology of level five divine particles.

Relying on Ren Zhongzai's positioning and guidance, the resonance team formed by Ava in the Hundred Cluster Galaxy successfully extracted the complete thinking spiral from Ivan's brain.

Sun Ai can use bionic calculations to compile the laws of these spirals into human memory.

Immediately afterwards, after Ivan Romanov was forcibly hypnotized, his memories began to be extracted.

The extraction process lasted two full months.

Miraculously, this extraction only found Ivan Romanov's own memory, but not the external knowledge that belonged to the Chosen One.

This proves one thing. The knowledge that Ivan was instilled is not installed in his own brain, but is installed in his brain like an implanted chip, and then he can retrieve it independently.

Later, Ren Zhong gave Ivan a happy surprise.

As he surmised, less than three hours after Ivan Romanov's death, the cloned artificial brain had increased in mass by about an electron.

This change in quality came suddenly and without warning.

This proves one more thing, human memory does have weight.

But it is also possible that Zero Zero Technology used remote resonance to place a "chip" weighing only one electron into the brain through the air.

Next, Ava's workload increased dramatically.

Although the scientific and technological level of the Red Front Legion has surpassed the four Gupan tribes, no one can have too much knowledge, but it is very difficult to translate.

Ava and Sun Ai had a lot of time to slowly craft this cloned brain, but the difficulty of compiling information was greater than the difficulty of reading the human brain's memory.

It’s not that the technological level of memory infusion mastered by Zheluo surpasses the potential of the human brain, but because, in the Gupan galaxy, except for Ren Zhong, the city lord and the residents of the nameless city, there have never been real humans. .

In the Machine Empire, no one will mourn the death of Ivan Romanov.

Because Ren Zhong modified Ivan Romanov's cryo-sleep requirements.

The Empire's Chosen Guards have registered him, indicating that his period of slumber will last twenty years.

This is "Ivan"'s own request.

Originally, this was against the rules, because he had to review the projects being promoted by the Starfield Research Institute at least once a year on average, and compare the research progress with the knowledge data in his memory to avoid mistakes and omissions, wasting scientific research resources and dragging down research resources. schedule.

But Ren Zhong, the fake Chosen One, is much more reliable than the genuine Duke Ivan.

He didn't even need to search his memory. He only needed to look through the early research progress of the Starfield-level Research Institute, and then asked the Red Front Legion to prepare an academic advisory team for him, and then regarded this mechanical empire as "the whole world." The "Hope of the Villagers" research institute gave a clear and thorough look, and then thoroughly predicted the technical hurdles that may arise in the next twenty years.

In the name of Ivan Romanov, he submitted a twenty-year plan to the Machinery Empire that was similar to a tip.

In this tip, the troubles that the institute may encounter in the next twenty years are summarized in detail, and then a clear answer is given based on Ivan's style.

The Chosen Guard, who has already received this tip, is still in shock, even a little unbelievable.

What is certain is that in the next twenty years, the Machinery Empire will continue to be shocked by this tip. With the behavior of the Chosen Guards, some might say that Duke Wenle has transformed again and become a higher-level Chosen One, but there is no way that they will rejoice over it.

But eventually, they will learn that the person is dead.

Ren Zhong took that fresh brain and embarked on a journey, heading straight to the Huangpu Nebula, which was five light years away.

In the center of the Huangpu Nebula, there is a huge star.

Compared with other stars, there are more than 60 habitable planets in this planetary system.

On average, there are more than 20 billion people living on each planet.

This planetary system alone has a population of 1.2 trillion.

This is the biological science center of the Mechanical Empire.

The cold-blooded Marshal Clone Manufacturing Facility where Jin Shi is imprisoned is located here.

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