
Chapter 476: 29.11 Storm Cover

Cosmic calendar August 849.

The Super Battle came to many people's expectations, but the way it came was to let the federal elite grasp their brains.

In Saturn's equator, a very large cyclone is forming at the equator. The life cycle of a general natural cyclone on the equator is seven days, and this cyclone has developed fully for eleven days. Then all the way west, towards the coast of Qianchuan.

This extreme natural phenomenon, well, since it is extreme, it means that it is rarely recorded in the database, and the analysis of federal artificial intelligence is based on the existing data for rational analysis. Naturally, the analysis will not be messed up in the database.

On the eve of this battle, the federal artificial intelligence also learned the data from a small number of coastal monitoring stations, only to find that the salinity of the ocean surface of the Arctic Ocean has changed in a very short time and directly cut off the ocean current. The heat capacity of the three-meter water layer is the heat capacity of the entire atmosphere. This inertial system has changed, and it coincides with the peak period of the Eastern Ocean hurricane in July and August, so it is a conditional boost. The super typhoon is just-all pick stars: "Yes, it's the next thing."

This large-scale climate interference capability is actually a side result of ocean construction.

For the past five years, Qiu Jinhui's infrastructure construction on the seabed has used the technology of subsea thermal drilling power stations developed 150 years ago. However, the practicality of this technology has not been applied on a large scale due to cost issues.

The technical cost of human beings sometimes needs to be stimulated by war. Completion of technical scale will greatly reduce the cost and eventually become practical. For example, in the early stage of World War I, it would be difficult to seize the market if the ammonia synthesis process was absolutely free. The required reaction kettle and the cost of workers are so high, how can it be better to directly dig bird droppings saltpeter. It was also the blockade of the German Second that allowed this technology tree to completely mature and become mainstream. Before the Third World War, coal synthetic oil technology had matured, but the oil dug in the Middle East was too cheap, and coal-to-oil technology had not had an initial market.

In this war, the Federation will block the industrial society in the ocean area, and let the advancement force the submarine energy network technology to a great success. After industrialization, a large number of people became organized. In the work summary, all aspects of this subsea parallel power station were dug out.

One of the problems is that when geothermal heat is continuously produced in the industrial process, the phenomenon of salt water separation will occur. If it is not treated, the concentration of salt water in an area will become higher and higher. It is continuous. For example, the haze is very problematic beyond the natural dissipation degree. These thick brines, not to mention the threat to submarines, will become tracers of enemy nuclear strikes if they accumulate too much.

This process must be resolved.

Because the dense brine has a large specific gravity, it cannot be discharged like a chimney in the atmosphere. If the construction pipeline is discharged upward, it will flow down like a liquid.

There are two ways to solve the problem. The first is to build parallel pipelines on the ocean floor to drain the salt water a bit. Of course, because all the ocean bottoms are good places to build thermal power stations, the salt content will flow from high to low. The pipeline must be very, very far.

The second method is to make plastic bags with a diameter of 150 meters. It looks as big as an airship, but in fact it has a capacity of one million cubic meters. Inject concentrated brine and add a little air to let it float naturally. After reaching the middle ocean, the blade robot inside scraped directly, and then the automatic coiler retracted the broken plastic bag, and the million tons of high-salinity seawater was scattered.

Qiujin will cut off the ocean current. I used this combination of the first method and the second method. During the battle preparation period, a large amount of wastewater was stored on the ocean floor for about two years, and the average salinity content exceeded 2%. ten.

Now on the eve of this battle, nearly 25 billion tons of 25% salinized wastewater has risen to the stratosphere with the help of more than one billion large plastic bags in July.

A super meteorological disaster has occurred.

On August 13, the super typhoon moved directly towards the eastern continent. The satellites in space can only see the vortex of the clouds flashing electric light when detecting below. On August 16th, the East Mainland was just affected by the astronomical tide. This is the offensive time selected by Jun Xingxing.

[All pick stars: "Well offensive, of course, when you are not convenient."]

Storms, storms, and legions ready to go.

On the 16th, at nine in the morning, the first wave of flowers entered the sea. In the deep sea, a huge fleet of 3,624 submarine warships floats on the continental shelf of the eastern continent. Then it began to deform and erected the "Sails".

This is a drum-type sail. At the speed of the drum, the wind speed of the hull is adjusted. Physics: Magnus effect. Common phenomenon: The star kicks a turning banana ball. The efficiency of using wind energy is very high. This design is now not to covet wind energy, but to help large transport ships stabilize their navigation attitude. As for the shortcomings that are easy to be detected, such a large storm prevents the federal detection system from starting as normal.

[Every star is picked: special environment, need wonderful design. 】

The large transport ships of the beneficiary arrived at the landing point very stably in the wind and waves. The steel deck opened directly, exposing the military cabin with flashing lights, a hemispherical, two tons, and a chafer-shaped mech from the battle bay Slide out.

Directly touching the gap between the defensive nodes, it was like a scalpel dividing an anesthetized cow. The federal 3000-kilometer coastline cut off all information within 30 minutes.

Please note that the current fighting is not that the commander is fighting, but the grassroots are fighting.

Super typhoon was an irresistible disaster in the past. Now its huge clouds and super strong winds have created a block of information. It has always been a natural condition to prevent large-scale battles in the federal regular military surveys.

Fighting under these conditions, the "ears" cannot hear sounds up to 100 meters away, and the "eyes" cannot distinguish kilometers targets. Just like in the mountains of the 1930s, across a hill, you can't see if there is any army in another place, this place simply does not have the conditions for large-scale battles.

Therefore, when a bald head came to encircle the 16-word troops in the Laoshan District, it was not a question of how many troops to increase. It's about the ability of the grassroots to respond to the strain!

Human grass-roots non-commissioned officers in the begging club wore mechanical mechas, drove half-track jeep, and approached 14 cities with carbon fiber mechas. -It is very difficult to touch these cities. Touched the city by comparing street shots on high-precision travel maps around the world with street signs shaky in the wind and rain.

As a species, human beings have many abilities that are not strong, and these inefficient abilities will not be included in artificial intelligence that pursues energy efficiency. Therefore, when artificial intelligence and some human functions are blind, artificial intelligence is often blind, and humans can find a way.

A typhoon is not a good weather. It is not friendly to humans, but it is even less friendly to artificial intelligence.

Millions of intelligent troops cannot now come out and maneuver, and can only deploy operations around places with strong urban sensing areas. Satellites and drones, all of the information positioning failures during the storm, the magnetic compass was disturbed by lightning. The whole Donghuai area defense was chaotic.

Many artificially handicapped arms are not fixed firmly, and are directly blown into waste by the wind.

And the attacking troops who joined the club just like chopsticks made this pot of porridge thicker.


15 pm.

In the Qianchuan area of ​​the Federation, the three cities of Pearl City, Haifeng Port, and Jinyun Port were completely out of contact. The reason for the loss of connection was that the troops who had joined the Association in the storm digged the wires and cables. The same situation appeared in other urban areas as the storm moved.

Su Tianji, who was being nursed in the Lunar Meteorological Mountain Base, was called to an emergency to end his dormancy. He opened his eyes and immediately received the news of the storm attack from the artificial intelligence.

He looked at the huge coastal map under his feet, and how the cities were flashing red or yellow. After dozens of seconds, I finally couldn't help but erupt: "Defense? Oh, use defense to persuade him to attack, and use defense to make him passive? Who is he? He is a star picker! Celestial Tower wins a child Started! He was born to like finding other people's loopholes. He can't attack us. I'll be easier to defend him than to attack? "

He ordered the artificial intelligence to connect forward communications, and asked to enter the Yuqun area to take over the combat module.

A few minutes later, messages from space connected to his communications.

The battleship controller Yu Qian, who was on standby over Qianchuan, appeared on his interface and said in a tone of the report: "Commander Su Tianji, you have proposed to end the vacation."

Su Tianji scolded the horse back in his heart, but on the surface solemnly saluting and uploading his state information at the same time, he responded: "Yes, the situation ahead is like this, I don't think I should stay in the sword pavilion."

Yu Yan nodded as if, and stunned Su Tianji: "General Su, may I ask you a question?"

Su Tianji: "Please say."

Yu Yan likelihood: "The offensive plan you proposed last year is to penetrate the continental shelf, gradually enter the various sea basins, and then establish a stronghold, strangling for space for club activities, right!"

Su Tianji nodded: "Yes, the long-term blockade plan on land has clearly shown fatal shortcomings, and we must adopt a proactive strategy!"

Yu Yan looked at the commander with a sigh of relief.

A year ago, there was a fierce clash between the offensive and the defensive.

The attackers demanded federal approval of the Great Siege Plan. That is, the commander took the initiative to attack, invested a large number of engineers to maintain strongholds at the bottom of the sea, and compressed the survival space of the beneficiary club.

The defensives emphasize land defense, with commanders dominating sea and sky military superiority and dominating repression. Because the signal is convenient for land, it allows intelligent construction of defenses.

Su Tianji and Rong Jixuan, a newly married couple, have divergent views on strategic ideas!

Su Tianji led the offensive, and he was proud. Ten years ago, he compared him with Jun Xing ’s commander career as a commander. Everyone laughed—everyone knows that Jun Xing ’s talent is genius, but he abandoned the army to study. He Su Tianji is a full-time commander, how can the two be compared. However, after a long time, unknowingly, the outside world always said so, and a paranoia just soaked in.

Of course, Rong Jixuan saw her husband's heart, and of course she was also very sane. In her opinion, this strategic situation now has a unique social advantage in the deep sea. It is impossible for the Federation to approve a large number of engineers to execute the deep sea. Robbery strategy! Her husband is obviously an eagle, but now he is going to enter the water to fight the giant fish. The result of this fight is to increase the reputation of Jun Zixing. Will make her husband deeper and deeper.

Yu Yan seems to be Rong Jixuan's handkerchief. Naturally, she knows Rong Jixuan's distress. After receiving Su Tianji's application for entering the theater in advance, she has to sigh.

The plume on the battleship seems to be sighing from the planet's overhead view toward the raging storm in the Qianchuan continent: "Wise player, who are you? You guys are really harmful!"

As soon as the words fell, an alert was issued on the battleship. Over the storm cloud, there were signs of missile groups that did not belong to him. Yuyan likely sent the situation to the ground immediately, and at the same time controlled the battleship to launch laser weapons.

A nuclear flash had already appeared, interrupting the sentimentality of the battleship controller.

Small scene:

In the holographic command cabin of the Frontier Fleet, all the stars picked unmanned observation fighters at the top of the clouds and found the battleship in the sky, muttering: "Don't be idle, hi together."

On the space interface at the top of the command cabin, a large number of wave-riding missiles, like Xiaozhang looking for her mother, walked in a trembling orbit and rushed towards the space battleship. Approaching forty kilometers, a nuclear-excited particle beam strike was launched.

After seeing the battleship shot and hurriedly fled. All the stars picked up before turning their attention back to the coastal areas.


East of Qianchuan, under the big storm cloud.

The Battleship is now maneuvering on the sea, and there are a batch of unmanned battleship clusters around the battleship, forming a laser anti-satellite cluster. Such a cluster has begun formation, and as soon as the weather conditions improve, sea-based anti-satellite operations will begin immediately. At the same time, build your own UAV cluster communication chain.

If the Federal Space Fleet wants to annihilate such maritime clusters, it must re-deploy a large number of satellites in low-Earth orbit, but this takes eight days, and this battle does not take eight days.

All the preparations are ready, and Jun Zixing, who is in a good debugging state, is waiting. At the same time, he also pays attention to the news from the combat corps in the frontline storm.

Of course, under storm conditions, the front-line video battles are also delayed, which makes all the stars who are used to fast combat a bit anxious, of course, all the stars also know that the higher commanders opposite must be more anxious than themselves.

In this big offensive, Jun Zixing lamented: "This is a bad battle, but at the level of the bad battle, we are stronger."

Within 24 hours, Qianchuan's 1.2 million square kilometers had an average precipitation of 300 millimeters, a large number of depressions, and rivers had expanded dozens of times, which had become the country of Ze. In many cities, subways are flooded. In street fighting in coastal cities, the Dragon Guards were beaten by a ladybug-type weapon for a 7 to 1 exchange ratio due to design issues.

For each river channel, Qiujin will use the prepared zeal warfare hull to seize control rights, set up temporary monitoring stations, and lay intelligent mines at the same time, using the water network now in all directions to complete the control of the traffic line. A large number of speedboats carry rocket clusters, forming a very deterrent mobile heavy firepower in the Ze zone.

All of this is a tortured foreplay for the upper commanders, and sooner or later the storm clouds will dissipate.

Once the information was restored, it was that the commanders started to compete. Su Tianji stared at Jun Tianxing, why did they not look at Su Tianji?

The federal offensive and defense battle a year ago was of great concern.

Jun Xingxing said to Pollen Gatley: If the federal government chooses to attack this way, it can fully prove that grass-roots training is useful for victory in the war. If they can wake up in time, even if they make progress, they will turn left again. We don't need sorrow when we are defeated, because we have been here!

If the federal government chooses to rely heavily on artificial intelligence production for its defensive warfare policy and stubbornly negates the importance of lower education, then-only by seeking to advance will save the planet. To fight, you must fight and win. "


Behind Jun Xing, there are batches of staff members who are busy collecting data. In fact, they do not need to intervene. The artificial intelligence on the side completes the collection of battlefield data sent back by the troops in front of Jun Xing. And these too young staff officers refer to artificial intelligence work procedures at every step when completing their work. They started to understand the commander's model from the most basic structure.

In recent years, in addition to the rebirth of Bolun Gatteli and Lie Ming, 634 people also chose to regenerate to varying degrees.

The origin of these people is similar to that of Polun Gatelli, and they are all above the middle level. Although they were lacking in their efforts during their teenage years, they also accumulated a little physical development data.

In the negotiations with the Federation, the Qiu Jinhui, although it was not successful in most aspects, still had to come to the data in these people's databases. In fact, before the war, some political factions in the Federation did not want to give it, but most of the executives were very arrogant and unwilling to let down the truth that suppressed progress.

So far, most of the confederates of the Federation have insisted that it is the people who seek to join the Association to fall on their own, and they blame themselves. The descendants of the Water Star rebel commanders are consistent, and the artificial intelligence thinks that the primary accumulation of genetic data in the middle tiers of these cities is not enough to change the overall situation. Continue to maintain the guidelines for the exchange of prisoners of war.

These data saved Jie Xingxing a lot of trouble! In the process of social development, the hardest part is not how many people follow, but whether someone can go through at first. As long as they go through, someone will follow.

The social path designed by Jun Xingxing for Qiujin is the regeneration system.

When the social advancers do not work hard enough, they want to start over again and pursue a better self without worrying about the shortcomings of their knowledge being forgotten. Educators will be very enlightened and patiently give enough guidance. Be able to be bold, assured and focused, retain the information that you think is important, and carry out the second redevelopment and accumulation based on the data accumulated in your previous life.

Talent is no longer a wealth that can be monopolized forever, and people can have more opportunities. Accumulation is definitely to accumulate. Imagining what is gained without doing anything is bound to be unacceptable, but we must allow self-accumulation to replace generational accumulation.

Although the road of regeneration is difficult, it can make a large number of people with unwillingness lose their memories, and the differentiation may be more serious. But at least there is no irreparable lack of birth. Many teenagers have picked stars, and will make every effort to encourage and develop this model. The curtain of his command system was opened to the first courageous people.


Back from politics to the battle at hand.

The strategic objective of this battle is to lay down cities, transfer populations toward the ocean, and expand the vitality of social competition. Because any adult can regenerate, return to the original state and start again. He can run once, twice, and three times. As long as he runs, as long as he keeps running, he can always catch up with the goal.

Jun Zixing stared at the interface occupying the cities above. In the interface, the officers of the beneficiary were holding stun guns and quickly urged the citizens to separate men and women and board the armored vehicles. The speedboats in the river also transported people to the port area one after another.

"The storm cantilever in the sky is still moving slowly, covering the earth. It takes 72 hours to retreat. But after 36 hours, the storm will be intermittent, at that time—" All the stars standing on the map of Qianchuan took breath Slightly heavier: "I'm going straight away."

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