
Chapter 531: 32.6 Matrix Technology

The shuttle facility of Zhongsheng Civilization is very large, and the geometric network of the entire solar system spanning one light year is the main body of this facility.

And the **** star that Zhou You arrived at is the key part of this facility. A lens with a diameter of 6,000 kilometers is suspended in a straight line between the high-energy star and the sun.

The spacecraft quickly lowered Zhou You directly in front of the lens. Zhou You saw that she was approaching the lens surface instantly, and she mentioned that her throat was gone, and she was afraid that she would be crushed into mud by this tremendous force. In fact, Zhou You was not smashed into flesh, but was broken down into information particles in an instant across the mirror.

Then on the side of the sun, powerful gravitational waves shot directly towards this lens.

The moment when Zhou You's body fell into the lens and turned into white light, the gravitational waves arrived, and the vast light was excited from the lens. Illuminate the smaller half of the solar system.

Zhou You turned into a light, and began a large hourly voyage.

As soon as Zhou You entered the lens, he disappeared immediately! That's right, it disappeared in the physical sense, all the quantum tunneling of all matter to energy, no pain, because the pain information is not as fast as this annihilation.

And Zhou You felt that he had suddenly entered a void world, and almost thought he was back in that high-dimensional world.

However, soon, the intelligent system in this space reminded Zhou You that he is now in the cosmic shuttle beam facility.

Here, the influence of classical physics rules is weak, some rules of quantum physics are very obvious, and time is different because of the sub-light speed state. Zhouyu spent only two months in the optical bridge, and compared to the time velocity of the gravitational field of most stars in the Milky Way, this voyage has taken more than thirty years. (The time inside and outside the optical bridge are based on the internal atomic clock.)

Optical bridge system: Coordinate system Aquila star area, space direction 34334, a distance of 1,700 light years, the ordinate time is an offset of 6,000 years, ...

This system has a lot of words.

The spatial orientation is easy to understand. This ordinate offset of 6,000 years is to return to the concept of ordinate bifurcation.

First, suppose a cosmic plane space, a and b are two points of the universe. If a can reach b in an instant, the ordinates of both sides are on a plane quantity.

At this time, b had a historical bifurcation six thousand years ago, and parallel space b2, which means that it normally reached b1 with a, which is a pair of parallel spaces, and a must be offset to reach b2.

Purpose of offset transmission: It means that the parallel timeline is abnormal! So go over and take a look.

There are many causes of so-called abnormalities, which may be the interference of civilizations outside the region, or it may be that someone accidentally left high-tech objects in the process of traveling through the stars.

Oh, here to say, the alien civilization level is strange, and the humanity is easy to collapse.

For example, in the obscurity era on the eve of the bell sound civilization, the situation of the Wind Star was the collapse of humanities. After the Chenhe civilization struck the stars, the local civilization developed, resulting in diversification. After the return of extraterrestrial forces, the batch of idyllic groups left behind, engaged in anarchy, immediately demolished all the structures that civilization should have. At the end of the pastoral, it immediately became the feudal family era.

As the highest civilization of stars, Zhongsheng civilization is extremely powerful. Transform a large number of unmanned planets into habitable planets.

But high standards of humanity can only be maintained by those 'eternal life' people who have been regenerating and dividing since the bell rang.

The high humanistic individual of the star civilization is now dissatisfied even with the main star on the timeline, how could it be possible to fill other planets.

But what about these habitable planets? Can't it just be empty? Therefore, human beings who were cast into the will of the starless civilization will be planted in the past! Let its society evolve naturally.

The Chenhe civilization did the same. The Zhongsheng civilization expanded into their field, and the two sides started some discussions about the standard of historical evolution.

Although the civilization evolution standards of the Chenhe civilization and the Zhongsheng civilization differ in various conceptual standards after the industrial age, in feudal and primary industrial societies, the attitudes of both sides are highly consistent:

The attitudes of these habitable planets do not need to interfere as long as there are no major natural disasters (such as super-asteroid impacts) and abnormal human disasters.

Such phenomena as dynasty change and nomadic invasion are all classified as normal phenomena.

However, the nomadic people suddenly rose, smashed the farming civilization, and then maintained technological advantages for decades. Then they monopolized women's resources in fertility. No one has overthrown this deformed system for decades. Abnormal human accidents, there must be **** in it.

The major cause of abnormal human calamities is the most strictly prohibited abuse of optical bridges in higher civilizations.

This is a personal criminal act that undermines the axioms of the civilization of the stars!

Explain in detail the abuse of optical bridges:

When Zhongsheng civilization cultivates the initial civilization, it will always be found that the development of some civilizations has been destroyed for no reason. This is because the Star Civilization opened the golden finger on the lower civilization and did what should not be done, amplifying the bad shortcomings of the initial civilization.

For example, in a civilization that originally did not have the concept of oracles, the concept of oracles was created, and after the concept was created, a caste system was created. What the **** is that?

Of course, the civilization of stars cannot maintain high humanities on each planet, so most illegal behaviors cannot be found.

Most abuses of higher technology are defined as minor damage.

For example, triple the various physiological attributes of a carbon-based human in indigenous civilization into a superhuman. Then the elite feudal cavalry rushed the Hanmen political forces to pieces and established a family feudal dynasty for hundreds of years. As long as this behavior is adequate, the civilization of the stars will not delve into it.

Because the wheel of history stops a little, it will be restored.

but! Like the planet that Yu You is about to arrive, what happens is absolutely intolerable.

There began to split the parallel timeline 6,000 years ago, but within a hundred years there was a very unusual phenomenon of technological transition.

From the cold weapon era to the semi-mechanical and semi-organic life symbiosis.

The manufacturing level is a state of World War I, with propeller fighters and multi-foot tanks in the form of flying insects, but nuclear energy is used in the production system obtained by the ruling class.

The base population has fallen sharply, while the privilege level has become increasingly stable, and it doesn't matter if the system remains in the feudal knight era!

After seeing the brief description of the mission information, Zhou You commented: "What is this doing!"

According to the convention law of the Star Civilization, if this is done by someone from the main civilization area, it will be directly assigned to these lower planets.

There is celestial-level intelligence behind it, so if celestial-level intelligence cannot explain the reason, forcefully order it to regenerate completely.


Facing an interfered civilization. Zhongsheng civilization has a series of operating procedures:

The first is to send investigators to investigate the situation.

Secondly, the indigenous people who support this planet have a historical mission to counter this bad interference.

Third, the situation could not be investigated. The transformation of the local hero failed, and Zhongsheng Civilization directly signed the death order. After annihilation from top to bottom, it made room for the new civilization.

Note: It is possible for Zhongsheng civilization to sign the death order, because its subordinate civilization has reached a certain level, the morality is distorted to a terrible level, and the death order signed by Zhongsheng civilization is not more than ten.

For example, three thousand years ago, when a satellite civilization entered the interstellar world, the entire upper layer began to be enthusiastic about the absolute control of thinking.

The bell sound civilization could not find out what the reason was. When the arc prism system was sent to its galaxy, a bond angle of water molecules was changed directly, and all life greater than 30 centimeters in this civilization was completely destroyed.

Added: this kind of cruel means, neither Star Civilization nor Star Civilization War will be used.

One reason is that it is unconditional to use. This kind of high-tech development has too many restrictions. For example, microwave ovens can completely kill bacteria, but microwave weapons are placed on the battlefield and destroyed by a single shot. They can only be suppressed under their own absolute advantage.

The second reason is that it is not necessary. The contention between wisdom and wisdom is that the interests and the right to speak of one's own group, and the unwarranted destruction is the loss of morality and reason.

Civilization will be sterilized only if there is a possibility of total loss of wisdom and ugly and destructive existence.


After reading the information, Zhou You had a clue.

First, I go out for business and have a mission and a mission.

Second, do not do whatever you want. In the time of the big time, civilized moral laws are still binding. Once you cross the red line, you will face punishment.

Of course, since it is business, it is obviously necessary to give high-tech that matches with the civilized investigators.

In the first shuttle process of Zhou You, he first came into contact with the top technology of the star civilization-matrix technology.

On the technical level, this technology has a gap-level progress with the high-energy nano and heavy nuclear elements seen in the previous life.

Zhou You does not yet know the specific implementation plan of this technology (as a new generation, it has the right to 'freely explore' unknown areas), but according to the basic theory of science popularization, we can know that this is a 'leverage system'.

When the optical bridge shuttles, part of its own material will reach the target planet, while some particles will remain in the optical bridge. And this became a cosmic lever.

The force of 'leverage' comes from the movement of stars in the universe.

So in theory, the star civilization has no shortage of energy. The universe has been expanding. This is an infinite energy source. Celestial intelligence can mobilize the power to tear a planet in an instant.

Of course, in fact, it is impossible for the humans of the star civilization to easily perform the meaningless behavior of tearing the planet.

Energy is infinite, but matter is not infinite. Material is readily available on carbon-based planets, but it is extremely rare throughout the universe.

Dispatch the expansion energy of the universe, and a large amount of material in the lever will be flattened into a vacuum in an instant! The price is just a slight slowdown in the expansion of the universe.

This big tear should only appear at the end of the universe's material era. If the expansion energy is abused, it will consume the non-renewable material resources of the universe.

Therefore, the star civilization has set strict restrictions on ordinary shuttlers. Otherwise, superficial young people will abuse the matrix, and it will become a dark forest scene if they are not allowed, and the planets will be straightened! Scared the star-level industrial civilization into a bunny, afraid to break through.

Of course, lower civilizations don't have to worry too much about star destruction. All large-scale operations to destroy star energy require long-term calculations by Blue Giant star intelligence, and the existence of this level cannot allow ordinary civilized investigators to abuse light moment energy.

(This is equivalent to if all residents of a city spend Ma Yun's money violently, it may increase the price of an area several times, but "Ma Yun becomes silly" and the probability that the people of a city will spend their own money is basically zero.

Zhou You is now open to matrix technology, but at the same time it is restricted according to certain standards.


In the light bridge, Zhou You felt countless light spots flowing backward. In his body, which seems to be a mixture of energy and matter, the light spots are constantly escaping.

In curiosity, Zhou You found that he could grasp and control a light spot and move it, just like a volley painting, and made a flower.

Of course, if the lines are constructed into a three-dimensional structure of the gear, it will be rotated with a little push, and then a lever will be given to this gear, which can drive other things in the space.

Zhou You: "This thing is fun."

However, Zhou You discovered that the line constructed by himself had faded and disappeared completely after being illuminated for a period of time. This mode of conductive mechanical force collapses.

Zhou Yu wondered, "This thing won't last long?"

Smart introduction: The maintenance of matrix leverage requires substance. If the material is completely dissipated, the lever will lose the effect of conducting energy. This is a necessary conduction loss. Please make sure that the conductive structure you make can always be supplemented with material.

Zhou You: "How to add material?"

Intelligence did not say, it is obvious that Zhou You is required to judge and explore by himself-cannot find out? Fools don't deserve high technology.

Zhou You can only try. After several architectures, I found that no matter what kind of structure, there is a continuous dimming trend, but as long as I keep in touch with one end of the structure, although the structure will dim with complexity, it will not disappear.

Zhou You summarizes the principle: as long as you link all the structure's lines and wires to your body, alas, this will keep the entire structure bright, and you will not spill light spots on your body. The material flow emitted by the body basically maintains this lever gear structure.

Zhou You was shocked.

In continuous testing, Zhou You found that the longer the line of leverage that he built, the more material he consumed. The amount of body overflow should be limited.

Citizens higher than themselves will be allowed to shuttle through the optical bridge with more material.

And in theory, if too much material is shuttled through the optical bridge, the measurement operation required during the ejection process on the lens will be much more difficult.

Therefore, the right to use the optical bridge for celestial level intelligence matching is because the celestial level intelligent operation of the star infrastructure system can do it, not the civilization opens the back door for celestial level intelligence!

And Zhou You is now a complete character from the stellar infrastructure. The current permissions are permissions that are really allowed by adults. So design it well.


How does Matrix Technology play?

The Zhongsheng civilization had three genres before fifteen thousand years ago.

The first: directly build the body to strengthen itself, according to its own body structure, constitute a powerful lever.

Beginners have to form a network of their skeletons and connect their levers to the muscles. Muscles can accumulate strength in the same way as staircases accumulate gravitational potential energy, and as long as they are released according to motor nerve commands, the body can instantly gain ten times the human body quality.

As for the dense lever surface on the skin surface after the upgrade, it can really resist various kinetic energy injuries. ——The intelligent body that came out of Carbon Star liked to play like this.

The second kind: directly build a cluster of absolutely vertical lines, which is one or two light years. With this cluster of lines constructed from the beginning, the more complex the cut structure (the higher the pixels), the more complex the information that can be transmitted. Obviously, this kind of information cluster is used to conduct material information.

For example, a piece of carbon is placed in front of its own information cluster. The base there received its own instructions and quickly sent a message to turn the carbon into a diamond.

Material information projection technology. ——People of the magnetostar faction like this genre.

The third type is to create something from nothing. The direct lever system constitutes a huge production system. First, thumb-sized nano-production particles are constructed, and then the nano-production particles draw a lot of energy. In the next step, the leverage system is upgraded to a complex manufacturing tool system.

Portable manufacturing department base. ——Early explorers of Saturn take this genre as orthodoxy.

As for the contemporary, those who are new to matrix are mostly in these three ideas.

Perzin and the system responsible for this piece did not inform Zhouyou Matrix Technology in advance. In fact, they are also interested in what kind of tendency Zhouyou will make. This is the same mentality as watching ‘children age and catch the week’. The two guys also bet on the right to name two organic planets.

And Zhou You--

After a long build, the structure is finally complete!

This is a spherical area with a radius of three kilometers. Such a huge line, more than 99% of which flashes unobservable light, which indicates that the conduction scale is very small, just like spider silk, it can only sense the fluctuation of the coverage.

This spherical area is divided into 67,800 layers, the inner circle is dense, and the outer circle is evacuated. In the layer of **** formed by these lines, there are one sliding track link, and many small **** can move in it. In the innermost layer, the volume of the small ball is only a few centimeters. However, when it comes to the outer layer through a sliding track, it can expand to one meter. There are a total of 360 small balls.

Obviously, this is the structure that scopes the fluctuations of external energy. And the upper ball area is used for precise locking.

Zhou Yu, who is in the center of the large ball area, looks at the subball areas that revolve around him like celestial bodies.

A sense of accomplishment came naturally, proudly on his hips: "Two months into the field, I am the Holy Great Wall!" However, feeling a little less, so he raised his hand and nodded at the light bridge system hidden in the space: , Applaud me! "

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