Reverse Growth Superstar

: 250: All-Star Disturbance

The game between the Lakers and the Grizzlies did not appear to be a lore, and no player had too strong data.

Kobe had 24 points and 9 assists, just one double-double. Bynum had 15 points and 12 rebounds, but his less than 40% shooting ruined it all. Link has 17 points, 8 assists and 6 rebounds. This game is Link's new season low score. Gay had 19 points and still didn't break through 20. Randolph had 6 points and 5 rebounds, he almost became a fake starter...

But it was precisely this game in which there was no lore, and the stars did not play amazing data, but it became the highest-rated game that day!

Kobe's final three-point shot was blocked by Link from the side, and it was broadcast by major TV stations and became one of the most classic moments of the season.

Although Link's stats are not that amazing, but his key defense at the last moment is talked about by people. It is said that after the end of the game that night, Kobe specially practiced 500 shots for himself in the blocked position. Watching this news, Link really felt sorry for Kobe.

"Actually, you didn't miss the key ball because you missed the shot, but because you were blocked. So strictly speaking, extra training is useless..." Link muttered to himself, but Kobe This kind of paranoia, where can he manage so much, he just needs a way to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

In any case, the game with the Lakers finally ended safely, and Link finally let out a sigh of relief. His "Happy Sunday" was passed safely.

The day after the game with the Lakers ended, the league officially announced the results of the first round of the NBA All-Star Weekend.

After the first round of voting, Magic center Dwight Howard ranked first with 754,737 votes, once again sitting on the top of the vote.

Seeing Howard's high popularity now, Link can't help but sigh, it's really thirty years in the east and thirty years in the west.

Ranked second is Kobe, who was just blocked by Link and lost. Although he is second, the gap between him and Howard has been widened. As of the announcement of the results, Kobe's votes were "only" only 690,613 votes.

And what Link is most concerned about is naturally the result of the vote of the Western forward team!

What makes Link a little disappointed is that he is still third, unable to surpass Blake Griffin, and the gap with the first Kevin Durant is even greater. But fortunately, Link is not far from Griffin!

In the first round of voting, Kevin Durant won 633,538 votes, ranking first in the Western Conference forward group. The second Griffin had 394,264 votes, but the third Link, only nearly 5000 votes less than Griffin! When the number of votes is based on one hundred thousand or even one million, the difference of 5,000 is simply insignificant!

Griffin was selected for the All-Star Game last season, and his popularity is terrible. After Paul joined this season, Griffin was able to appear in the top five daily with various aerial relay dunks, just like a popular harvester.

But compared with last season, Griffin's improvement arc is very small. It can be said that what he was like last season and what he is still like this season. How I played last season, and how I played this year. His statistics are even slightly degraded compared to last season. Therefore, the freshness of the fans to him is not so strong.

Even if it is a violent dunk, you will get tired of watching it every day. Because of this, Griffin's popularity has declined compared to last season.

On Link's side, the opposite is true. In terms of record, the Grizzlies have played 6 wins and 2 losses this year, ranking among the top three in the West. In terms of data, Link still has 20+5+5 data, which is a lot more amazing than last season. Not to mention the performance, the zero seal Westbrook, 40 points triple-double to get Rose, plus yesterday’s critical moment of the "death twist" against Kobe...I haven't played ten games in the new season, but Link has had several impressive performances.

On the basketball court, Link gives more freshness. He can complete some offenses that could not be done last season, and play defenses that could not be done last season. In short, Link is always amazed.

Link has gradually entered the public's field of vision from a niche player. Therefore, his popularity is actually growing faster than Griffin.

When everyone thought Griffin's starter was stable, Link killed it halfway.

"He will become an All-Star starter, and I believe Link has such strength."

"In NBA history, there was only Ben Wallace who could enter the All-Star starting lineup as a failed draft pick. Let's see if Link will become the second one!"

"It is not easy for a draft pick to survive in the NBA, let alone an All-Star selection."

"So far in NBA history, only three undrafted picks can enter the All-Star Game. They are Ben Wallace, Brad Miller and John Starks. Among them, they can become the All-Star starters. , And there is only a big one! Bruce Bowen? Raja Bell? These are indeed well-known undrafted players, but they have never had any relationship with the All-Star Game."

"No matter what happens in the end, this Chinese kid is making history."

Link was stunned when the official voting results of the league came out. Unexpectedly, he, who is ranked third in the Western Conference forward group, has actually gained such a big attention. People talk about him more often than talk about Howard, the king of votes.

It seems that the identity of the draft pick is sometimes better than the number one pick. The selection of the No. 1 pick to the All-Star seems to be a matter of course, and people are too lazy to discuss it. And the same is selected for the All-Star team, the attention received by losing the draft can be much higher.

Although most fans are happy to see this "sparrow turning into a phoenix" thing happen, the Los Angeles media is an exception.

They naturally don't want their No. 1 pick to be overwhelmed by a losing draft, not to mention that Link has just defeated the most popular player in Los Angeles. After the continuation of San Antonio, the Los Angeles media also stated that it had put Linkla on the blacklist-a hard blacklist.

All Los Angeles is waiting for an opportunity to refute Link. But what they didn't expect was that this opportunity soon appeared.

After finishing the game with the Lakers, on January 10th, the Grizzlies ushered in their second matchup with the Thunder this season at home.

This time, Westbrook didn't lose the chain. He made 12 of 20 shots and scored 30 points very efficiently, which is a shame.

With Westbrook supporting the offense, Durant can put more energy on the defensive end.

So on the Grizzlies' side, Link encountered Durant's full pressing 8 of 16 in the game, 20 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists. Link's performance can not be said to be bad, but distance helps the team to win, there is indeed some distance.

Randolph still didn't play today, and the Grizzlies suddenly lost a lot of offensive points. Although Speights, who started the first game for the first time this season, scored 10 points, his power is naturally not comparable to Randolph. Link couldn't help but eventually the Grizzlies lost the game.

100 to 95, Thunder and Durant succeeded in revenge, and this young guard finally let out a sigh of foul.

However, everyone did not expect that after the game, the most excited is not the Oklahoma media, but the Los Angeles media!

The famous Clippers correspondent John Buha said on Twitter one minute after the Grizzlies lost, "If Link's votes eventually surpass Blake Griffin, it will prove the All-Star voting mechanism. There is a big problem. Because from any angle, Blake Griffin is a stronger player. By the way, Griffin scored 22 points, 14 rebounds and 2 blocks today. The Clippers Also won the game."

This dynamic immediately aroused widespread discussion and attention. It seems that an All-Star storm is quietly brewing.

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