Reverse Growth Superstar

: Twenty-nine: Go forward bravely

  Zike Upshaw, 26 years old, will celebrate his 27th birthday in one and a half months.

   is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 98 kilograms. He is an ordinary defender. If you try to search for things related to Zick Upshaw on the Internet, then unfortunately, there is nothing except to introduce that he played at Illinois State University and then returned to the NBDL after going to Europe for gold panning.

   This is Zick Upshaw, a 26-year-old, older, average-statistical guy with a skill higher than tens of millions of people on this planet, but a low salary.

  He should have a better future, maybe he can get a 10-day short contract with his three-point shooting percentage. Then, by virtue of being in the NBA, maybe you can get a longer contract extension, maybe a year-end salary?

   At least when he can't run or jump high, he can proudly say to himself: "I was an NBA player and I realized my dream."

   He should have infinite possibilities, but all of this disappeared at the moment of his cardiac arrest.

   "It's hard for me to believe that the next chapter in his life is out of sight in this world."

   This is what the blue team coach Conor said to reporters, and it is also the one that impressed Link the most.

   After Upshaw's death, only the local Oklahoma news reported the incident very hotly. In many other places in the United States, it is not even known that a professional player died in the game. No wonder, Link never heard of any news related to Zike Upshaw.

   There is no universal coverage even in the United States. How can this kind of news spread abroad?

   People continue to commute, and the NBA continues to perform. The earth is still spinning, and life continues.

   No one would have noticed such a player. After all, he is too small compared to those familiar players.

   He is not like James who can carry two people to complete dunks every night, unlike Kobe, who can kill the game again and again at critical moments in cold blood. He doesn't have a luxury car to sell, and all endorsements and commercial activities have nothing to do with him.

  He is a player who plays on the court, struggles to survive on the Oklahoma Blues, and is a earning and supporting family player.

  A rich man who looks at playing in the NBA every night, and a guy who dreams of fighting in the NBDL, nothing more.

   Or, to use a word that Link can more empathize with-a low-level player.

   After attending Upshaw’s funeral, Link returned home and looked at the street outside the window.

   "Go forward bravely."

   The words Upshaw wrote to him in the letter have been wandering in Link's heart.

   was played by Carl Jones and Morey, and was swept out by the NBA. Link thought that his career had been bad enough. But all this is nothing compared to Upshaw's efforts.

   After returning from the Rockets, Link automatically returned to the Oklahoma Blues, holding an annual salary of $13,000. From 50,000 in 10 days to 13,000 in a year, this gap is not something everyone can bear.

   But Link is not afraid, because he will go forward bravely.

   The Rockets incident also made Link wake up from a good dream. From the first day of the journey, he met the kind Upshaw and the fair coach Conor.

   But Carl Jones and Morey made Link realize that not everyone in this world will help themselves, and not everyone will treat themselves well. He can no longer trust a person so easily, especially in a circle with huge interests like professional basketball.

   Link's basketball ability is reversed growth, but his experience is not. After all, Link is just a college student who just came out of society.

   Well, one bite to eat, one wise. If he encounters a manager-related problem again in the future, he will definitely consider it carefully.

   Link clenched his teeth, and the next chapter of Upshaw was no longer visible. But he will continue to work hard with Upshaw's expectations and visions!

   While Link was thinking about life, his cell phone rang untimely. The caller ID was a strange number, but after the call was connected, Link heard Carl Jones' voice.

"Don't be stubborn, silly boy! Without me, you would have done nothing! Listen, I find out that the Golden State Warriors are very interested in signing you. If you continue to be obedient, I promise you will be there for more than ten days Go home with tens of thousands of dollars!"

   didn't even say hello, Carl Jones said straightforwardly as soon as he answered the phone.

   "You repeat the last sentence?" Linke wanted to hang up, but suddenly he had something to say to his former manager.

   "I said, Golden State Warriors..."

   "No," Link interrupted, "One more sentence."

   "Without me, you would do nothing!" Jones replied without showing weakness.

"Well, optimistic, you scumbag. Without you, I can live better than now. I can get a big contract, and I can win millions or even tens of millions of advertising endorsements. I don't have to go and **** it. You don’t have to go to any restaurant to try out the shooting machine in the park. Without you, I can do anything. And you can only be a liar in your life without me. Because from now on, you will lose me And the trust of everyone else."

   "Who do you think you are? You are just a junk player that no one wants..." Before Karl Jones was finished scolding, Link had hung up the phone.

   This kid will no longer trust a stranger so easily, and he will no longer be at the mercy of others. Of course, he also knew that he didn't need to be so friendly to everyone. What's more, it was someone who had deceived him.

   After hanging up, Link walked out of the house. Life will continue, and his NBA road has not been completely blocked.


  Originally, because he had just returned from the Rockets and had been waiting for Upshaw in the hospital for these two days, Conor wanted Link to rest for two days before training.

   But at this moment, Link didn't want to wait for a minute. He knew that he had to go forward!

   Therefore, when Conor saw Link on the training ground, he was very surprised.

   "Didn't I tell you to give you two days off?"

   "No, I don't need to rest, coach." Facing the question, Link answered categorically.

   "As far as I know, you have not slept for two nights. You know, I can't lose my players anymore!"

   "I slept well last night, coach. I just want to play, don't worry, I will make sure I will be full of energy tomorrow."

   Link still practiced on his own, without any intention of stopping.

   "He was right, boss. Besides, we really need him to play tomorrow."

   Just as the "negotiation" between Conor and Link reached a deadlock, a third person's voice suddenly intervened. Link turned his head and saw that it was his former rival, Joan Brockman.

"Tomorrow, our opponent is the Rio Grande Valley Vipers. If there is no Link, how should we deal with the head of the Viper forward DeMarre Carroll? Don't worry, he will go back today and have a good sleep tomorrow. You will be refreshed. Right? Link."

   Looking at Brockman who was smiling at him, Link was a little stunned. He didn't expect that Brockman would actually speak for himself.

"By the way, the Ogrande Valley Vipers are a team of the Houston Rockets. You don't want him to miss this game, boss. Houston abandoned him, and now they are here again. Let me Fight side by side with Link, let's give some color to those **** in Houston!"

"That's right!" Seeing Brockman's enthusiasm, Link hit the iron while it was hot, "Even for Zeke, we must never lose the next game! Let's use a big Send Zick away."

   Conor looked at the two forwards in front of him, also very surprised. Link would actually be on the same front with Joan Brockman, which made Conor a little unprepared.

   But I have to admit that he was convinced. The Vipers opponent is of great significance to Link, this is his opportunity to abandon his rocket to demonstrate.

   And Upshaw has just passed away, the team really needs a big win to boost morale. But if no one goes against the Viper star Demarre Carroll, the blue team will be very passive.

   "I will control your playing time. Also, after training today, you will go home early, and you are not allowed to stay to practice. If you can do it, I will let you play tomorrow."

   Conor finally made a roundabout compromise. Link did not answer yes or no. Instead, he went up to hug Conor and said softly in his ear, "Thank you."

   Then, Link and Brockman both glanced at each other.

"Don't get me wrong, Zike is also my teammate, and I am also very sad. So, I also want to offer him a victory. Of course, I hate those **** who look down on us just like you. The Rockets didn't sign you. , I must say, this is the stupidest operation in their team's history."

   Brockman spread his hand after speaking, then turned and left.

   Link looked at Brockman's back, picked up the basketball on the ground, gritted his teeth.

   Houston, the Rockets' subordinate team, Upshaw, and the star match... These keywords make Link unable to restrain the turmoil in his body.

   Tomorrow, the "venomous snake" will be slaughtered by the yellow-skinned "warriors" in Oklahoma!

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