Reverse Growth Superstar

: Three hundred and thirty-nine: French magician

The series was tied 1-1 by Link, and the Spurs lost home.

I thought that in the case of Gay's reimbursement for the season and Randolph's decline, the Spurs should be able to easily win the game if they encounter the Grizzlies this season.

As everyone knows, Link's rapid rise has made Popovich's wishes come to nothing. A guy who can blow Leonard's mentality, Popovich really doesn't know who else can hold him.

The series came to Memphis again, and fans here have been looking forward to this game for a long time.

In the last round of the series, the city gained home court advantage for the first time. And now, the playoffs are here again. The enthusiasm of the fans is very high, according to local news stations, the crime rate in Memphis has plummeted recently.

Everyone joked, "Several gangs announced a truce because they were watching the playoffs at night."

In short, Memphis, a city that was once inferior, has now become involved with the "Holy Land of Basketball."

Link has given the city of Memphis a lot of attention. In the past, people thought that a small city like this would never be able to host a competition. But now, the eyes of the whole world are gathered here.

Therefore, when Popovich and his players resisted Memphis, they were surprised to find that Link's popularity in the city was no less than what James used to be in Cleveland.

It is very difficult for small city teams to make stars, because most of the time, stars will be poached by big city teams as soon as they are trained. For example, the former "Bear King" Paul Gasol.

So as long as there is a decent star, the fans of the small city team will admire him incomparably. Last year, the city was still under Randolph's "rule". But now, Link is the real master of Memphis.

"The tenth link's huge poster, my god, you can see Link's poster in Memphis even if you go the wrong way. This guy is so popular here that he seems to be the ruler of this city. "Popovich looked out the window and chatted with the "French magician" Burris Dior next to him.

"He has become the business card of this city. Now when people think of Memphis, the first thing people think of is Link." Dior nodded slightly, not only the poster, but he also saw the street wearing Grizzlies No. 0. Jersey player.

"We are bravely rushing into the tiger's den. In Memphis, Link will be more excited to play. By the way, Dior, this afternoon's training, you play harder, I want to see the effect of the new strategy."

Dior nodded again, then put on his blindfold and went back to sleep.

Although the French always look lazy, there is always a smell of coffee. But Popovich knows that Burris Dior on the court rarely disappoints!

Popovich gave Dior a high tactical position in the next game. Since linking at the third position did not work, Popovich decided to find another way.

There are many ways to win, and there are also many players that the Spurs can make a difference.


Dior was holding a cup of coffee and dangling in the player aisle in the Federal Express Arena.

Coffee is Dior's favorite. Because he disliked the bad coffee provided by the Spurs, Dior simply got a coffee machine and went to the locker room. As a result, wherever the Spurs play, their locker room will be filled with a smell of coffee.

So Spurs players often joked, "Dior's influence on the Spurs, you can smell it with your nose."

Holding coffee, Dior wore slippers and walked into a training gym. But as soon as he opened the door, he found that all the Spurs players had disappeared.

Dior scratched his head, not to mention that the Spurs are a relatively old average age team, and the style of play is also quite "boring". But under the basketball court, these old guys are not dull at all, they can make any jokes.

For example, everyone pretends to disappear when Dior goes out to see how he reacts.

"Stop making trouble, come out, otherwise Pop should be angry again." Dior still wandered in the middle of the training hall holding coffee.

Then, a shirtless Asian player stared at Dior in surprise, and Dior discovered that there was someone in the training hall, and he was not a Spurs player.

He went to the wrong training hall.

"Lin, it's nice to meet you, I didn't mean to interrupt your training. God, I'm not very familiar with this place, you know, I played in the Eastern Conference almost a few years ago and rarely came here... ...." Dior shook his head, now embarrassed!

Since the Grizzlies’ training has not yet started, there is no one outside the training hall. Otherwise, there must be staff to prevent Spurs players from entering the Grizzlies training hall.

But having said that, before the training started, Link was already sweating, which really surprised Dior.

"It doesn't matter Burris, when Tim Duncan is playing here, he can't even tell which is the Spurs halftime. I've already said that this arena is too literary and complicated." Link shrugged at Dior. She shrugged and didn't look angry.

"Puff!" Dior almost didn't laugh. Link just complained about the fact that Duncan went to the Grizzlies to warm up at halftime in the regular season this year and then was left out in the cold.

He always thought that Link was a serious person, but he didn't expect that he would make cold jokes, just like the Spurs.

"Would you like some espresso? I made it myself. By the way, are there any famous cafes in Memphis that I can recommend? I want to make time to go." Seeing that Link didn't reject himself, Dior was in the training hall again Nei wandered around, of course, not forgetting to "sell" his coffee.

"Sorry Burriss, I don't have much research on coffee. By the way, I heard that when you were on the Suns, you used to wear slippers and beat Stoudemire on the heights?" Link looked at his belly bulging. Dior can't help thinking of a famous urban legend.

It is said that when Dior was in the sun one day, Dior wore flip flops and dangling in the training hall with a cup of cappuccino. Then he saw a high-touch machine and asked the trainer how to play this thing.

After learning how to use it Dior asked the Suns who jumped the highest. The trainer replied that Stoudemire, at that time, Stoudemire was still one of the most powerful forwards in the league.

Then, Dior took off his slippers without a hassle, put down the cappuccino, leaped forward, and touched the height of the machine on the machine to reach the same height as Stoudemire. He mumbled and dropped a sentence, "It's not difficult."

Dior put on the flip-flops again, picked up the cappuccino, and continued to wander around like an old man walking after a meal, hiding his merit and fame...

Link has known this joke for a long time, but never knows whether it is true or not. Today, when I met Dior in private, Link asked curiously.

"Hmm..." Dior looked down at the pork belly on his body, "I did jump higher than him back then, now...the horizontal development is too fast."

Dior didn't tell Link that there was even a weight loss clause in his contract with the Spurs... which stipulated that the weight could not be exceeded. Every day, Popovich is forcing him to lose weight...

"I really want to talk to you more, but I'm afraid I have to go back soon. Otherwise, Pop should be angry again. Hey, Link, how many things do you think you can worry about on the court?"

"What?" Link was puzzled by the question, the topic changed too quickly.

"It's nothing, just say it casually. Goodbye Link, see you on the battlefield tomorrow night." Dior waved his hand kindly, stepped on slippers with coffee, and wandered away from the entrance of the training hall.

Link didn't think much about it, and continued his training.

Now Link can't even think of killing him, this guy who is as fat as a ball and can't walk with a cup of coffee.

Tomorrow will bring the most deadly blow to the Grizzlies.

Spurs player, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

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