Rise of Rurik

Chapter 274: Rurik the Conqueror

Twenty Rus's temporary job was to frantically throw the heads from the sleds into the wall, which Rurik said would fool the enemy and force them to surrender.

As many as 700 heads were thrown over, and these terrifying existences filled the high walls of the noisy mountain fort. Those women and children who did not know where to take refuge, how did they think that they would see so many hideous and miserable heads in their lifetime, and the entire gray squirrel tribe fell into a frantic scream.

Rurik, and his warriors on the front lines, heard the screams from a lot of women.

"This is the reinforcement you are looking forward to! This is the head of your reinforcement! You have failed completely! Surrender, be our slave, and you will not be killed. Otherwise, we will break through your walls and everyone will die."

Rurik spoke in the Old Sami language he had learned from Rumia, which of course the Kovins understood perfectly.

The mountain fort is full of hideous heads, Mechasta is already disheartened, including his ten-year-old son, all the warriors who intend to fight have now collapsed.

Rurik continued to roar: "The salmon-catching tribes have become our servants, and their clansmen have been treated well! Now, there are only two choices before you! Be our servants! Or be killed!"

Mechasta wondered, isn't that kid actually a Varangian? But a child of a tribe that served the Varyags?

He felt that the language Rurik spoke was a touch of kindness, but the content of the language was chilling.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Mechasta stood up resolutely.

The sudden appearance of a man attracted Yevlo's crossbowmen to aim their crosshairs at him.

Mechasta gathered his courage and shouted: "As long as we give up our resistance and be your slaves! Can my people continue to live?"

Rurik was delighted that the enemy was willing to cooperate, so he shouted: "I! Rurik! Heir to the chief of the Russ! One blessed by the great god Odin! The master of all deer-breeders! Catch one of the salmon tribes. Master! Who are you?!"

Mechasta's heart tensed, and he didn't expect that this child was not young, although he didn't understand some words at all. But Mechasta knows a little bit about the legends about the Rus people. He first knew the concept of "Russ people" and knew that the tribe belonged to the Varyag people. It's just that he never thought that Varyag's combat power was so crazy.

"I... my name is Mechasta. Chief of the Grey Squirrel tribe, this is our land,

You... why did you attack us? "

Why? A good but pointless question.

Rurik was a little off on this issue, but what's the use of talking about it now?

Rurik shouted: "People of the Grey Squirrel Tribe, this is your destiny! All Kovins will become slaves of our Rus people, this is your destiny. All of you! I belong to Rurik. Servants! I can swear to the gods here. You surrender! Be my servants! All men! Women! And children! Life is guaranteed! As long as you decide to give up resistance! You!"

Rurik pointed his hand at Mechasta: "You. Kneel in front of me and kiss my boots, swear to be my servants, and all of you will be guaranteed life. If you refuse! All of you will die."

Mechasta knows that these guys are definitely serious, and the worst thing is that he has no capital to continue fighting.

He had no choice, and finally hooked his head of struggle, and ordered his frightened clansmen to move out all the debris that blocked the gate.

Grey Squirrel Hill Fort, Kaesong surrenders!

This decision was of course opposed and questioned by some people, and many women knelt on the ground and begged the chief not to do it.

Mechasta's attitude was very decisive: "You all get up! The Rus people have sworn to their gods! As long as we open the city and surrender, everyone will still be alive. Otherwise, everyone will die."

Mechasta was still surrounded by some women, but other women had already begun to carry the debris that blocked the door.

More and more people are shaken, and they are pinning their chances of survival on the charity of the Rus.

Gradually, all the Rus people, including Rurik, noticed that the large wooden door that had been knocked to pieces was finally showing signs of opening.

The wooden door cracked open, and someone came out vigilantly. That person is none other than the man standing on the city wall before.

The wooden door gradually opened completely, causing a strong agitation in the Rusian army.

Otto ordered everyone to keep quiet and never attack rashly.

Behind Mechasta were hundreds of people who were in doubt, and he came to beg for surrender on behalf of all the living people.

Rurik stood arrogantly, and behind him were crossbowmen with crossbow bolts and majestic swordsmen and shields.

"Come! Servant. Prove your loyalty!" said Rurik, drawing his dagger.

Mechasta's face was solemn. When he was walking, he directly inserted the ancestral iron sword into the ground and opened his hands to prove that he had no weapons.

He approached Rurik, and suddenly knelt on the ground, without saying a word, he kissed Rurik's boots, and finally knelt up straight. A big man knelt down to a small child, Mechasta felt a sense of humiliation, and he could only do so for the possibility of the survival of the tribe.

"My master, will you keep your promise?" Mechasta asked cautiously.

Rurik smiled and said in a good mood: "Of course! I swear to the gods! As long as you surrender sincerely, I will keep my promise. Is your surrender sincere?"

Mechasta always felt that the Russ were easy to be provoked and regretted, and he hurriedly said: "We are sincere."

"That's good! Stand up, let all your clansmen come out, and you come to appease them. My people will enter your mountain fort. Remember, anyone who doesn't evacuate is a mortal enemy."

In this way, the people of the Grey Squirrel Tribe who are still alive, with extreme apprehension, supported each other, and walked out of the mountain fort that they had been holding for a long time with their bare hands.

A large number of Ross soldiers, they saw a large number of people coming out, and a fire appeared in their eyes.

The Rus people have no hatred for these mountain fort guards, because of Otto's pre-war agitation, everyone sees those people as a lot of treasure. If it wasn't for Otto's control of the situation, a large group would rush to grab their slaves with their own hands.

But no one dared to disobey the order, and everyone was unwilling to see those guards leave the mountain fort and get together again. Obviously, Rurik is now the master of those people.

After each slave is resold, it can be exchanged for a sum of money. It can be his own living expenses for half a year, or he can simply use the slaves to work and get his own income. Or simply upgrade a female slave to a wife.

Everyone regards slaves as a major resource, and Rurik has such an attitude.

Compared to his own clan, Rurik was at a very high level. Seeing that all the gray squirrel tribesmen had basically come out, Rurik also thought about the countermeasures to settle them.

A stringed crossbow was aimed at these terrified people, most of whom were sharp-eyed until this moment, and didn't know what the "horrible short arrow" was all about. The strange weapons in the hands of the strong men were short arrow launchers, and those hit by the arrows were killed immediately.

Mechasta, who surrendered, was in constant fear that the Rus would order a massacre.

However, everyone is already fat on the chopping board, and now they can only follow the arrangements of the Rus.

"Have all your people come out?" Rurik put on an arrogant gesture, but he was clearly a child, and he couldn't deter everyone here.

Mechasta hurriedly complimented: "All the living have come out, and now there are only the dead in our mountain fort."

Rurik narrowed his eyes and warned, "Really? My troops are about to enter the mountain fort. Those who are not evacuated are our enemies and must be executed. Do you know?!"

Mechasta hesitated, because a small group of seriously wounded people did not die. There was also a person imprisoned in the cellar, the Vajma Kashad who was related to the Varangians.

Up to now, he knows that he can only protect the remaining clansmen who can walk on their own.

"My lord, we all understand. We are your slaves, and we will do as you please."

"Is that so?" Rurik asked deliberately.

"Yes. We are your loyal servants."

Rurik shook his head: "No! You are all my slaves. Remember, your master is me, Rurik! What is your name?"

"I am Mechasta, leader of the tribe."

"You were defeated and became my slaves. I should have split you up and distributed them evenly to my clan."

Hearing this, Mechasta immediately showed panic. He knelt on the ground and begged bitterly: "Great Russ, I just ask you not to break us up. We... all of us, we will elect you as our leader now. "

"Oh?" Rurik thought it was very interesting, because even in the language of the ancient Finns, a leader and a slave owner were completely different concepts.

For Rurik, he didn't like the identity of "slave owner", and he naturally felt that the word was dirty. Although now his identity is clearly that of the slave owner, if he can have a more moderate identity, he will feel more comfortable in his heart.

"Be your leader? It's not impossible. However, I am your master. I can preserve your integrity and your life, but you must show loyalty."

"Yes! Great leader, I want to offer you a gift." In order to survive, Mechasta transformed into a hound, trying his best to cater to his new master.

He felt that he was helping the tribe find the most beneficial way to survive, and this noble man named Rurik was obviously more reasonable.

Mechasta quickly pulled his children out of the crowd.

Ten-year-old Telavis has been pouting reluctantly, eight-year-old Seporava's sluggish expression is like a leaf that goes with the flow.

Mechasta ordered the two children to kneel in front of Rurik and further ordered the two to kiss Rurik's boots.

"What do you mean?!"

How is Mechasta's heart willing? For the future safety of the majority of the clan, he felt that as the leader, he needed to make a lot of sacrifices. It would be appropriate to sacrifice two children in exchange for the safety of the entire tribe.

Mechasta complimented: "My master, these are my two children. My daughter can be a personal servant, and my son can fight for you."

What is this? and pro?

The little girl looked at her submissive appearance, she was clearly frightened and stupid, and Rurik felt pity for this mechanical kneeling posture.

But the boy who was a little shorter than himself, said to be ten years old, was clearly a stubborn calf.

Seeing that his son did not kneel, Mechasta panicked and immediately kicked his son's knee.

Telavis had a stubborn face. He fell and got up immediately, and then fell and got up again.

"He's stubborn..." With that, Rurik drew his dagger.

When Mechasta was shocked, he saw the ten-year-old Tyravis swooped towards Rurik, eager to fight with both hands. However, this move makes no sense to Rurik, who is proficient in wrestling.

Rurik was taken aback, and after a neat leg movement, he pressed the attacker under him, and Rurik's short sword directly touched the man's neck.

Yevluo didn't even react. Seeing that his master had solved the battle perfectly, he felt a little relieved, and at the same time, he immediately ordered his men to take three steps forward, and the crossbow he was holding was fired at any time.

Because of his youngest son's madness, Mechasta knelt on the ground with trembling all over. He begged bitterly: "My master! He is still a child! Please don't be impulsive, please forgive him."

"Why?! He is clearly attacking me."

At the same time, Otto had quietly appeared behind Rurik with all the soldiers in chainmail. Otto was deliberately delegating power, and he decided to be a spectator, watching Rurik take care of the conquest.

There was a little turbulence, and Rurik was in complete control of the situation. While Otto was at ease, he couldn't help but wonder if these people were still deliberately resisting.

Rurik quickly noticed the existence of his father. Those elites in armor are all here. I am afraid that once the father gives an order in anger, the surrenderers here will not be wiped out like melons and vegetables? That's not what you want.

Even in such a crisis, Tyravis, who was being held down, was stunned to find that he couldn't counterattack, and the sword that flashed coldly around his neck was terrifying.

Still unconvinced, Teravius ​​shouted: "You! I should have shot you with a bow! You escaped! Now I...I have no chance. You killed me."

Rurik was taken aback, and his hand gripping the hilt of the sword tightened. "What? Are you the archer?"

"It's me! You're lucky I didn't shoot you."

"My luck? No, that is fate. You are destined to be our servants."

"No! I'm not convinced!" Telavis tried his best to protest.

"You don't accept? You are defeated, you are losers. I can save your life if you are willing to be my slave. Trust me, this is your reward."

humiliation? sad? In fact, a real child of Telavis doesn't have so many ideas, and even his father Mechasta's priority is how to survive.

The only thought of Telavis was the desire to have a duel on equal terms with his opponent.

"I... I'm going to fight you. As long as you beat me, I'll be your servant. If I win, my people will be free."

The Rus army present, all those who knew the local language thought this son's words were too absurd.

Do the losers reason with the winners? What kind of system?

Instead, Rurik retracted his sword in public, and let go of the legs that had restrained Telavis from getting up.

"Since you're going to fight? Come on!" After that, Rurik unloaded his sword, dragged it to the chainmail, handed it to his father, and explained his thoughts.

"You don't need to duel with them. That kid can't beat you, why is that?" Otto asked all his soldiers to act as spectators while he had doubts.

Rurik's answer was also very subtle: "That child is somewhat similar to us. When encountering battles, we persevere to the end. You also appreciate this quality."

This remark speaks to Otto's heart, a test is possible, although the son must have won a big victory, that is to use the power of freedom as a bet, how can these losers claim that as long as the fight is won, he must regain his freedom?

But Rurik made a solemn promise by showing his identity.

On the one hand are the survivors of the grey squirrel tribe huddled together in obedience, and on the other are the arrogant Ross warriors in chainmail.

Rurik and Telavis stared at each other.

Rurik's eyes were burning, and his eyes were directed at his enemies: "I am the successor of the leader of the Ross tribe. You are the successor of the leader of the Grey Squirrel tribe. You and I both represent our respective tribes. Now, I will give you a chance. Your name is What's the name?"


"Okay! Terravis, this is our promise, and it is also a promise to be watched by God. I will keep my promise. And you, if you are still defeated, you must be my servant sincerely."

"I won't lose!" said Terravis firmly. "I'll break your front teeth, and you'll beg. But if I lose, I'll be your servant. I swear to our god."

"Very good. Come on then!" Rurik stretched out his right hand and made a provocative gesture, although he didn't think the other party understood the meaning of a middle finger.

After all, the provocation paid off, and the kid rushed over.

A fight is a fight, Rurik is indeed a little younger than Telavis, and Rurik is a complete victory in terms of overall quality. What's more, this North Germanic body is inherently more sturdy than the Finns.

Rurik seized the opportunity, first accurately interrupted Telavis's crumbling baby teeth with an elbow strike, and then used a few grappling techniques, and pressed it to the ground again. Rurik deliberately clenched Telavis's finger and had a tendency to break it.

Everything was expected. Seeing this scene, why did Otto feel so familiar?

"Pain! Pain! My master, I surrender!"

"Ah! Don't break it anymore."

"Have you surrendered? You admit defeat?" Rurik asked deliberately.

"Yes! I surrender, and I will be loyal to you."

At this moment Rurik was willing to believe it and let go.

Finally, the rebellious Terravis was finally tamed. He took the initiative to kneel down, and told his archery with a mouth that was open to the wind, and then expressed his submission.

"You're that archer? I really can't tell you're a master archer?!"

Kneeling Telavis recommended himself: "I can do many things for you, I am an excellent archer. As long as you can ensure the safety of my people."

"Of course, I'm an honest person, and I can be trusted by you." At this moment, Rurik's frantically spinning mind thought of Temujin's subduing Zhi Er Huo Ai, and then giving him the name Zhe Fae.

Rurik couldn't help but think so, because Jebe meant "arrow", and the name Telavis also had something to do with arrows.

"Okay! You appreciate your archery skills very much. As long as you truly surrender, I don't care about your archery to me. I will arrange some things for you, such as making you train a group of archers. You Fight for me, and you will be rewarded."

Rurik's words concealed his plans for the future of Terravis. What Rurik needs is a right-hand man, and he also needs some coaches in military training. This boy has excellent archery skills at a young age. I'm afraid he is not a genius like Zhebei?

Take it to the account as the right path.

There are also the survivors of these servants of the gray squirrel tribe, Rurik chose a brand new future for them, an arrangement that this group of squirrel-catching masters could never have imagined and had nothing to do with squirrel catching. That arrangement , but it is a major benefit to the Rus.

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