Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 280: Protector

What is the most important thing in preaching?

One word - money!

The reason why Shengjiao develops so rapidly is because Li Wei continues to invest a lot of money!

With these lands and real estate, the holy religion may enter an internal cycle. Even without Li Wei's blood transfusion, it can maintain its own operation, and even enter a more rapid development track.

"Our current plan is to establish the provinces of Bissinia, Syria, Mesopotamia, Pontus, Armenia, Silesia, and Cappadocia. After the merger of several small countries, the province of Pamphylia was formed."

Li Wei said excitedly.

In this way, there are eight provinces, of course Bissinia is not counted, which was originally intended to be given to Rome by the king.

I have expanded so many provinces at once, and my achievements are simply the first in Rome.

You must know that Rome now has only 10 provinces.

"Ahem... isn't this too much, maybe we can regard the friendly forces in some of these areas as our Roman friends."

Luculus said.

He admitted that he was jealous that Rome had never expanded such a vast territory at one time, and would this cause great chaos for Rome.

"Not much, not much at all. I wouldn't mind one or two more if I could."

Levi said.

He turned his gaze to Palestine on the map. Now that Palestine is ruled by the Jewish Maccabees, how can it be justified to take Palestine over.

At this moment, Lucias walked in.

"Report to the general, the Parthian envoy is here."

"Let them come in, by the way, call Tigranis too."

Levi said.

Soon, several Parthians in long robes walked in. They had long beards and looked tired.

One of them, a middle-aged man in his forties, saw Li Wei with anger in his eyes.

Because Li Wei's guide took them around many detours, this made them rush here after Tigranis was captured.

This despicable and shameless fellow!

At this time, he found Tigranis in the crowd, which made his heart skip a beat.

Tigranis was captured, and his chances of completing his mission were all but nil.

"Hello, respected General Li Wei. I am Vajisis, the head of the Parthian Mission. May the great god Ahura Mazda bless you."

said the middle-aged man.

"Hello, Vajisis. I am Lucius Posius Liviamenianus Bendunus, may God bless you."

Levi said.

The corners of Varjisis' mouth twitched slightly, and Li Wei actually added the titles of Armenian Conqueror and Pontus Conqueror to his own name. This is really enviable and jealous.

Tigranis' face also turned dark, and he used his best efforts to calm down his excited mood.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, Varjisis got to the point.

"General Livi, Assassis is full of affection for Rome. But your behavior makes him very disturbed. Pontus and Armenia are our allies, and now you have defeated them and annexed them, which makes Assassis Very difficult."

Vajisis said.

Every king of Parthia was called Assassis, just like the pharaohs of Egypt, this time Assassis was named Herod.

"Is it because we interfered with your plan to annex Mesopotamia?"

Li Wei sneered and said that he didn't have much affection for these guys who mediate on the surface but fight behind the scenes.

"This... absolutely nothing."

Vajisis said quickly.

"My friend Tigranis has told me about your deal, and I am deeply shocked by it. But the Romans are tolerant, as long as you give up those unrealistic ideas, Rome is willing to treat you as friends."

Li Wei glanced at Tigranis and said.

"Well, I will convey your thoughts to Asassis, but can you really not withdraw from Armenia?"

Vajisis said.

"I voluntarily dedicate Armenia to the great Rome, and you don't have to interfere with this matter."

At this time Tigranis said.

Seeing that Tigranis has said that, what else can Vajisis say.

"Okay then, I understand, I'll go back and report to Asassis tomorrow."

Vajisis said.

In fact, after knowing that Tigranis had been captured, he knew that his mission would fail.

"Oh well."

Li Wei said with a smile, he didn't even bother to talk about the superficial retention.

The days that followed were extremely peaceful. After sending away the Parthian envoys, Li Wei still sent troops to hunt down Mithridates.

This old guy is too capable of making troubles. He is already thinking about invading Rome all day long. Li Wei can't feel at ease if he is not caught.

Parthia finally sent someone to express friendship, but rejected the request for an alliance.

Because friends of the Romans are forbidden to form alliances with other people, they can only form alliances with Rome, which is unacceptable to Parthia.

This also made Li Wei feel relieved, and then there is no need to worry about Parthia, as long as Mithrada is arrested with peace of mind.

In the palace of Tigranis, a bearded Armenian knelt on the ground respectfully, saying words of praise to Li Wei.

"Great Levi, you are as great as Mars, the god of war. Our tribe is willing to surrender to your feet, and I hope you can become the protector of our tribe."

After speaking, he kissed Li Wei's toes.

During this time, the war in Armenia had subsided, and Li Wei started the restoration work of Armenia.

In addition, he became the patron of a large number of Armenian tribes.

The Armenian cavalry is not said to be the best in the world, but it is definitely first-class in terms of frontal charge and cavalry.

They are natural cavalry, neither the Numidian cavalry nor the Galacian cavalry are their opponents, so he attaches great importance to this work.

"This is really great. I am willing to be the protector of your tribe. If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me, and I will help you solve all problems."

Li Wei said with a smile.

The bearded man also had a look of joy, and it was actually a good thing for them that Li Wei became the protector of their tribe.

At least they don't have to worry about their own safety, even ordinary Romans don't dare to do anything to them.

After the bearded man left, Li Wei came outside the palace.

It was already winter at this time, and the Roman army started the winter camp, and they finally had a chance to take a good rest.

In order to capture Mithridates, Livi has been ordering the army to march north, where he is said to be hiding among the Scythians.

For this reason, he fought countless battles with the Scythians, conquered countless tribes and kings of small countries, and he even reached the Caucasus Mountains.


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