Run Abroad To Make Movies, The Box Office Harvests The World

Chapter 15 Music Director: Director, You Are In The Wrong Profession!

Chapter 15 Music Director: Director, you are in the wrong profession!

The filming of The Godfather was progressing very smoothly, and it was almost over in less than a month. There was only a scene where Mike Corleone fled to his hometown in Sicily, Italy, and the crew needed to fly to Europe to shoot.

So Chen Luo has already started to work on the post-production of the film, and one of the most important elements in the post-production is the soundtrack.

Chen Luo directed the editing team, first cut the finished film of the previous film, and at the same time connected with the soundtrack team.

Scarlett's beauty entertainment company not only has licenses for movies and TV series, but also licenses for producing music and written works.

Therefore, Chen Luo, the company's music team, used it directly, which is very convenient.

As soon as Chen Luo was ready to make a soundtrack, Scarlett immediately said that she would come along.

Ever since she heard Chen Luo sing by the lake, that unnamed song has been lingering in her mind, so when she heard that he was going to join the soundtrack, she immediately fell in love with it.

In the recording studio, Chen Luo handed the written simple score to the music director, and explained when the music director looked down at the score:

"In the previous section, you must use the trumpet solo, wait until the trumpet solo is over, and then enter the orchestral accompaniment, remember, I want the organ to follow up slowly when... At the same time, in this section, the cello starts ..."

Chen Luo explained to the music director while pointing to a certain section on the music score.

However, ever since the music director got the score, he has been in a state of half-ignorance.

Before coming here, he thought that Chen Luo came to him to discuss issues such as the style and tone of the soundtrack.

After all, when he made soundtracks for the film and television industry before, he always cooperated like this.

In any case, he never expected that Chen Luo would give him some sheet music as soon as he came up!

Moreover, he who has been in the industry for many years, just glanced at the score, and was very surprised.

The melodious style of this music score reveals darkness, like weeping and complaining, like an elegant epic elegy that is sad but not hurt.

Coupled with Chen Luo giving him a piece-by-piece analysis, where to enter what instrument, what style to use, etc., he can almost construct an advanced concert in his mind.

With Chen Luo's explanation and the imagination in his mind, he was almost insane.

After a long time, he finally came back to his senses.


"You are in the wrong line!"

The music director lamented and regretted: "With such musical talent, what kind of movie do you make!"

Scarlett looked confused.

For what Chen Luo said just now, she didn't understand at all because of the different rhythm.

Why, is this sheet music really that powerful?

You, the music director, didn't pretend to be just to flatter him, did you! ?

When Chen Luo was in college in his previous life, he learned the blues harmonica for several years in order to pick up girls.

Because this gadget not only has a melodious melody, but also is very convenient to carry. It is less than half the size of a palm. It can be taken out anytime and anywhere in your pocket to pretend to be cool. It is much better than learning guitar and piano.

Especially the Godfather's theme song, he is so familiar with it, because it is so suitable for pretending.

Chen Luo felt a little anxious for a while, and asked the music director: "Does your department have a blues harmonica?"

The music director immediately said, "Yes! I'll get it for you!"

Two minutes later, he held a brand new blues harmonica and handed it to Chen Luo.

Chen Luo in the recording studio played a few simple notes skillfully and nodded.

This is much better than the cheap ones I bought myself before.

Scarlett waved to the music director, and he immediately walked out of the recording studio with interest and closed the door gently.

"Are all devices turned on?"

she asked in a low voice.

"The radio and video are all turned on, and the tuner is on standby!"

The music director gestured OK to Scarlett and replied in a low voice.

The tuner also turned around and gave the boss a thumbs up, then turned around and put on the earphones, ready to make amends when Chen Luo went out of tune.

Chen Luo put the small harmonica on his lips, closed his eyes, and immediately blew the first note.

This song "The-Godfather", which has the same name as the movie, sounded melodiously in this parallel world for the first time.

The unique blues charm of the blues harmonica is very suitable for the style of this piece, but when each note rises gracefully from Chen Luo's lips, the three people outside the recording room suddenly fell silent.

The final destination of "The Godfather" is the loneliness of the high place, and this song The-Godfather vividly interprets that fateful loneliness.

Chen Luo came to this world alone, with a secret that he couldn't tell anyone, isn't it a kind of loneliness?

Chen Luo closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly, completely immersed in the mood of the music.

Finally, the song is over.

Chen Luo slowly opened his eyes.

Outside the transparent recording room, there are three faces with exactly the same expression.

The same two words were written on the faces of the three of them: Admiration.

Of course, because of the difference in appearance and gender, only Scarlett's admiration made Chen Luo secretly happy.

As for the expressions of the other two men, Chen Luo felt chills all over his body.

When Chen Luo walked out of the recording studio, he bumped into Scarlett's gentle hug.

She put her arms around Chen Luo for the first time, and said distressedly: "A genius like you must be very lonely?"

"Because a mortal like me is doomed to never truly understand your world."

This time, she completely fell under Chen Luo's powerful charm.

Chen Luo felt Scarlett's astonishing softness and said very much:

"No, Scarlett, with the comfort of your big heart, I will never feel alone!"


Scarlett was bewildered by Chen Luo's words, she immediately groaned, and hugged her even tighter with a blushing face.

I am envious of the two light bulbs next to me.

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