Run Abroad To Make Movies, The Box Office Harvests The World

Chapter 238 Here Lies The King Of The Dwarves, Balin

In the epic background music, the nearly endless Moria mines come into view of the audience.

There is no sky above and no bottom below, just like an underground world of its own.

When he arrived at the center of the mine, Gandalf's dry palms groped for the small silver-white mineral veins winding on the rock wall and said:

"The most attractive wealth in the mines of Moria is neither gold nor jewels"

"But mithril."

As he spoke, the old wizard once again amplified the light on his staff.

The next moment, the vast mine began to glow with a dense silver light.

Dots of silver almost flooded the entire mine!

The silver light illuminated everyone, as if to tell the story of the past glory of this underground kingdom.

The brilliance unique to the dwarves!

"Bilbo has a piece of mithril armor, which was given to him by Thorin, the king under the mountain."

Gandalf led the way and told everyone his past adventure stories.

"Oh, that is truly a gift from a king! I have never heard of such a heavy gift!"

After hearing this, Jin Li was extremely shocked and said, "150".

Even the Elf Prince Greenleaf Legolas couldn't help but nod seriously in agreement.

Gandalf smiled and continued:

"I never told Bilbo that piece of mail was more valuable than the whole of the Shire."

Frodo, who was silent, suddenly opened his eyes in shock!

More valuable than the entire Shire!?

He quietly stroked the exquisitely patterned chainmail he wore on the lining.

This piece of soft armor, as light as cicada wings, actually has such a great background!?

The audience looked at the dumbfounded Frodo and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

This is ironclad proof of the mountain-like friendship between Bilbo and Thorin!

In the "Lord of the Rings" forums and forums, readers even affectionately call it a token of love between the two.

Thinking of this, the audience couldn't help but feel a hint of bitterness in their hearts.

Thorin Oakenshield.

The great king under the mountain!

They witnessed his growth, his stubbornness, and his bravery in the book!

However, it eventually became a legend in Gandalf's mouth...

How can this not be embarrassing?

Oh yes, there is also a lovely old Bahrain man!

This Moria mine is his territory!

Now it's fallen into the hands of orcs again, it's so damn irritating!

However, this emotion did not last long, when the Fellowship team passed through the mines and came to the real residence of the Moria dwarves, the ancient dwarf city-state, and the wealthy family of Moria.

In the passionate BMG and the holy male singing, this exquisite and magnificent dwarf kingdom slowly came into view!

The majestic stone pillars nearly 100 meters high support the towering dome!

This boundless underground palace shocked every viewer to the point of almost cardiac arrest!

——It’s so spectacular! Is this the dwarf kingdom of Moria?

——Lo God! My God!!! How did you manifest this underground ancient city???

————Worri! Damn it! I’m so fucked!!!

Every audience around the world was shocked by the scene in front of them.

Luna's bright eyes were fixed on the big screen, and she held Chen Luo's palm tightly with her right hand!

Even his breathing slowed down.

Chen Luo silently observed the reactions of the people around him and felt lighthearted.

The audience's reaction finally lived up to the hard work of him and the people in the special effects department.

When the Fellowship of the Ring passed the ajar door of the King's Hall, Metal suddenly shouted sadly:



Everyone followed the sound and saw corpses scattered around the gate. The almost rotten king's gate was filled with old arrows.

When Aragorn and his men chase Gimli into the King's Hall...

Jin Li was already holding his battle ax and kneeling sadly in front of a sarcophagus.

A ray of cold moonlight reflected from the ceiling and shone on the sarcophagus, allowing everyone to see clearly the dwarf civil servant carved on the sarcophagus:

“Bahrain sleeps here”

"Son of Findin"

"King of Moria"

Gandalf whispered in a hoarse voice.

This is....……

The coffin of an old friend.

The white-haired dwarf who had fought alongside him, Thorin, and Bilbo.

"So, he passed away."

Gandalf gently took off his hat.

This is the highest courtesy for wizards.

Judging from the long lifespan of the dwarves, Bahrain is by no means the end of his life.

The corpses lying around the sarcophagus and the various traces of battles that are still clearly visible even after decades [all prove that this place has experienced a brutal battle!

Gandalf put the staff and hat into Pippin's hand and walked to the sarcophagus.

The corpse of a dwarf in civil official attire lay leaning against the sarcophagus.

He also held a huge book in his arms, which was the history of the Kingdom of Rhea.

The dwarf who finally died in Balin's coffin was a historian.

"We have to leave quickly, we can't stay here!"

Legolas frowned and whispered.

His ears seemed to hear some kind of dangerous sound!

"They occupied the bridge and the second hall"

Gandalf read the contents of the last page of the history book in a low voice.

The audience could clearly see through the lens that it was covered with old dark brown blood.

"We barred the door, but it won't last long..."

Along with Gandalf's old and deep voice, an inaudible and dangerous BGM" quietly sounded in everyone's ears.

Let them experience the tragic and desperate battle decades ago as if they were actually there!

"The earth is shaking..."

Gandalf's strange voice echoed in the King's Hall, which was now a tomb.

Pippin swallowed his saliva and backed away nervously.


"There are ominous drum sounds coming from the ground..."

"He is coming..."

"We can't get out..."

There are shadows wandering in the darkness...

"We can't get out..."

The camera slowly moves from bottom to top, to Gandalf's extremely old face in the darkness!

Under the huge close-up of the face, the suffocating sense of oppression filled the hearts of every audience!

The whole mausoleum was so quiet that only Gandalf's voice was left!


Gandalf turned to the last page, and the sound of turning the pages was so loud that it made people's hearts tremble!

On the old page, there is only one sentence of despair...

Gandalf read:

"Here they come!"

The tense BGM reaches the climax just right!

At the same time, Pippin quietly retreated and accidentally knocked down an armor-clad corpse behind him!

The corpse was sitting on the edge of the dry well, with its head raised and falling into the middle!

Stopping at BMG, the whole place was silent for a moment!


The sound of the corpse hitting the well wall echoed throughout the audience!

Everyone suddenly turned to look at Pippin!

However, the dry well seemed to be bottomless, and the bodies in armor kept bumping back and forth against the walls of the well. The collisions between the armors and the well walls caused bursts of huge noises, which kept echoing throughout the quiet mine. !





Every loud noise seems to hit the audience's heart!

When the body finally hit the bottom of the well and no more noise was heard, the mine that had been quiet for decades finally returned to deathly silence.

Everyone stood nervously and listened for a long time with their ears perked up!

After realizing that there was finally no sound anymore, the Fellowship of the Ring breathed a sigh of relief.


Polo 4.0 Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead due to nervousness.

Gandalf put down the book and was about to scold Pippin angrily...


A heavy drum sound came from the ground beneath the well!

Gandalf's eyes suddenly shrank!

The hearts of the audience in the cinema suddenly tightened the moment the drums sounded!

Chen Luo could clearly see that the corners of their eyes were twitching slightly!


Then the second drum sound came from the ground!

It’s clearer and heavier than before!

Pee as much as you can...

The sound of drums, which became increasingly heavier and closer, began to come from all directions in the mine.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a rustling sound like a swarm of rats.

The rustling sound soon became clear!

It's footsteps!

Footsteps as dense as the tide!

The screams of the orcs mixed with excitement, from far to near!

Frodo drew out his needle sword, and a strong blue light shone on the sword!

"It's an orc!"

As soon as Legolas finished speaking, tense battle music suddenly sounded!.

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