——Abyss! Abyss! Already! Arrival!

—Burn! Destroy! All! Spirits!

The extremely high-pitched BGM almost blew away the audience's heads!

Audiences around the world feel extremely transparent at this moment!

The entire brain is almost overwhelmed by the crazy secretion of dopamine at this time!

However, in the next moment, Gandalf's actions almost made them scream with excitement!

Gandalf's old and rickety figure stood between the Fellowship of the Ring and the giant Balrog, and he roared with such determination that it was deafening:


(Don’t even think about passing it!)

The old man in gray robe raised his staff high and sang loudly!

"I am a servant of the Yangyan Secret Fire, and I control the flames of Anor (the God of Creation)!"

"The fire of evil will not help you, Flame of Udun!"

Black and gold subtitles appeared faintly at the bottom of the screen!

Then, accompanied by Gandalf's sonorous and powerful singing, the spell subtitles were burned by golden and white flames from the middle to both ends!

Then a bright divine light shone!

It's as if there is really an extremely powerful power of light rolling in that spell!

Just with these unparalleled subtitles, audiences all over the world will get wet!

On the Kesadoum Bridge, the white light in the old man's staff became brighter and brighter with the chanting, tightly wrapping the old man's body in it!

The huge fire blade of the Balrog suddenly struck the old wizard's white light shield!

Then a huge sound of gold and iron erupted, echoing throughout the entire underground hall!

Everyone in Aragon stared closely at the hunched figure in the light shield, and their hearts tightened.

However, the eyes of the old man on the bridge were extremely sharp!

Staring at the tall flaming figure in front of him with contempt, he chanted domineeringly:


(Go back to the shadows!)

This contemptuous spell seemed to completely anger the extremely powerful ancient evil demon in front of him.

Its huge flaming hooves slammed onto the bridge, and while stepping towards Gandalf, it raised the flaming whip in its hand!

However, at this moment, the high-spirited music rose in vain!

It instantly replaced the Balrog exclusive BGM just now, and pushed Yinlang to another crazy peak again!

At the same time, Gandalf raised his staff with both hands and roared:


(You! Don’t even think about it!! Come here!!!!!)

Then the staff, accompanied by the sound of rolling thunder, slammed into the Bridge of Kesad-dûm!

Then the entire bridge collapsed in a huge thunder!

The huge body of the Balrog crushed the bridge under his feet on the spot, burning with blazing fire, and fell into the bottomless abyss.

This shocking scene stopped the global audience on the spot, staring at the tired old man on the bridge.

However, before they could cheer for him, Gandalf turned around and planned to follow his companions.

The falling Balrog threw a flaming whip from the abyss and wrapped it around Gandalf's calf, dragging him into the abyss on the spot!


Frodo cried out in grief.

Aragorn looked at this scene with complicated eyes.

After the Balrog fell into the abyss, the orc army appeared again, and arrows in the air had already taken the lead in attacking, flying towards the Fellowship of the Ring.

At this moment, as director Chen Luo, he can slow down everything, with the elegiac female voice whispering in the background.

It was a farewell to Gandalf.

And the Fellowship of the Ring, in this sad elegy, turned around and fled towards the ground with tears in their eyes.

It was not until this moment that the huge sadness in the hearts of the audience finally hit.

Gandalf is dead.

Those who have read the original novel will feel nervous, anxious and sad.

They didn't know whether Chen Luo would be faithful to his original work, because the scene of Gandalf's death was too shocking.

And the majority of people have never read the novel.

After all, most movie fans are busy working or studying, and not many people can spare time to read.

Although it seems that the sales of the three "Lord of the Rings" novels are very high, exceeding tens of millions of copies worldwide.

But compared with the huge base of billions of movie fans, they are still a minority after all.

After seeing Gandalf die in battle, these viewers were even more shocked!

Queen Elizabeth Windsor of Great Britain is one of them.

Gandalf was too brilliant and dazzling in the previous ten minutes of the plot.

The wise and slightly playful character, and the majestic back figure of dying to meet his fate were deeply imprinted in her eyes.

This is a great actor!

He's almost Gandalf himself!

The British Prime Minister Marvel next to him watched the Fellowship of the Ring leaving in slow motion, listening to the elf dirge coming to his ears, and remained silent for a long time like the Queen.

In another theater in Lundun, McClain, who plays Gandalf, dressed up and sat in the audience, quietly observing people's reactions.

The sadness flashing in the audience's eyes and the way they watched the movie attentively are the greatest recognition of his acting skills.

The old man was very pleased.

Thanks to fate, I was able to encounter such an epic script in my later years.

Director Chen Luo... What kind of person are you?

He can write such shocking works at such a young age, and there are more than one

In McLean's heart, there was only infinite admiration for Chen Luo.

That's right, it's admiration.

A young man in his early twenties completely impressed him.

In the British Royal Cinema, Luna held Chen Luo's hand tightly, her eyes never leaving the screen for a moment.

At this time, the Fellowship of the Ring had already left the underground Kingdom of Moria and came to another forest to seek the protection of the Elf Queen.

And here, the Ring Guard team, who had been nervous all the time, finally breathed a rare sigh of relief.

At the same time, the audience was shocked again.

Because the elf queen's majestic and beautiful temperament is as if she came out of the Middle Earth world!

Especially when she took the initiative to resist the temptation of the Lord of the Rings, she briefly showed her evil and terrifying side!

"On the throne of the Dark King, there will be a heroine!"

"Dark and beautiful, as terrifying as the dawn!"

"As unpredictable as the sea!"

"All living beings will love me desperately!"

When she was bewitched by the Lord of the Rings, her dark and terrifying, yet breathtakingly beautiful appearance was really impressive!

But the Queen stood the test.

When she regained her gentle, dignified and intelligent temperament, although her face looked a little embarrassed, it was even more difficult for the audience to admire her.

This queen deserves it!

At the same time, Frodo's high magic resistance was once again understood to a new level!

Saruman sent his own modified Orcs to pursue the Ring Bearer. (Zhao of Zhao)

The Ring Guard team also left the Elf Forest and embarked on the journey of their mission again.

Everyone also received a gift from the Elven Queen.

Especially the dwarf Gimli, who still misses the Elf Queen on the ship.

"The last time I saw the most beautiful face in the world..."

"From now on, I will not call anything 'beautiful' except her gift...

Legolas, who was rowing the boat, asked with a smile:

"What gift did she give you?"

Jinli looked at the water in a daze and murmured:

"I asked her for a golden hair."

Legolas: "Did she agree?"

"She gave me three."

Gimli said with a happy face.

This is the most generous and valuable gift he has ever received in his life!

Xiao Yezi couldn't help laughing when she looked at his entranced expression.

The audience was also amused by Jin Lei's appearance and covered their mouths with laughter.

This dwarf said a lot of bad things about the queen before entering the forest.

Sure enough, beautiful things are what people want!

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