———Shooting based on real history.

All the audience suddenly thought of the passage written on the poster next to them when they entered the theater to take the 3D glasses.

real history?

That is to say, the neon people really planned to do this in history!?

All the audience in the theater stared wide-eyed, looking at the big screen more seriously than ever before.

The eyes are getting more and more angry!

——Their high-level officials unanimously passed the decision to bomb the mainland of Magnesia on a large scale!

——And the most shameless thing is that in order to paralyze the United States, they deliberately released a signal of goodwill before the sneak attack, and even sent an ambassador to meet with President Roosevelt! Said that the differences will be peaceful forever!

——What bastard!

In the whole movie theater, it was eerily quiet.

All the spectators at the scene could only watch helplessly as the Japanese army practiced sneak attack tactics day and night. The eyes of every Japanese army showed "the eyes are fierce like wolves!

But their diplomats have repeatedly chatted and laughed happily with the high-level officials of the country, talking about the way of peace between the two countries!




The eyes of all Magnesium audiences are about to burst into flames!

They can't wait to rush into the screen and tell all the people of Magnesia to wake up! They are cunning wolves! We are in great trouble!

But they can't.

They can only watch helplessly as the danger gets closer and closer to their homeland.

The male and female protagonists, as well as all the Chinese people in the movie, don't know that a catastrophe is coming.

The relationship between them is so pure and sincere that everyone can't help but smile when they see it.

But the more that beauty moved the audience, the more their hearts began to ache.

It seems that the haze of the war is not shrouded in the movie, but shrouded in the hearts of all the magnesium people at the scene!

Finally the moment has come!

Sunday morning.

The sun has not risen yet.

All the American navy in Pearl Harbor were still asleep in their dreams.

Accompanied by a Japanese officer's chanting, an emotionally explosive war montage rushes towards every audience!

"Dear Father"

"Now I'm going to go on a mission and complete my mission"

"I will bring honor to the whole family"

"Even if I sacrifice my life, I will not hesitate to serve the country faithfully"

The moment when the Japanese chanting ends.

Accompanied by the Japanese army's murderous BGM "Attack" sounded.

Ten Japanese aircraft carriers adhering to the flag of the rising sun, appeared in the vast Pacific Ocean shrouded in black mist!

In the BGM full of war emotions, the Japanese troops on the deck put bombs on the planes in the early morning mist: the pilots are solemnly drinking wine; the naval commanders stand like eagles on the control tower The busy but orderly soldiers.

The eyes of all the Japanese soldiers are fierce like hungry wolves who choose to eat people!

If they saw this scene in the past, they would think it was cool!

The neon people are worthy of being a nation with the jade broken spirit deep in their bones, they are simply too handsome!

However, at this moment, each of them was oppressed and breathless!

Because this group of wild wolves who choose and devour people, it is their "self" who are about to rush up and bite!

Amidst the strong and passionate drumbeat, a Zero fighter plane took off, and every time a plane flew up, the hearts of the audience sank a little.

In the end, when the fleet of planes covering the sky broke through the morning fog and saw the land not far from the sea, everyone was stunned and their hearts were beating wildly!

Because that piece of land is where they live!

That's America!

From the moment the plane takes off, every frame the audience sees is a selection of shots taken by Chen Luo and several executive directors.

Whether it is the sense of oppression or the sense of beauty, it is the best in the world!

When the fleet finally rushed to that continent and flew over it, Lieutenant General Shino's fist was almost crushed.

And when the planes crossed the valley, flew over the residential area, and flew over the children who were playing baseball, Mark's eyes were already red!

The blood-pressure-soaring BGM suddenly changed, becoming extremely strange, with a hint of uneasiness in it.

At the same time, the movie screen went black.

When it lights up again, it is a huge close-up of the telegraph typewriter, and the typewriter is frantically translating the telegram.

A row of small white characters appeared on the screen: 30 minutes after the departure of the Japanese army.

And the movie screen is impressively Roosevelt played by Golan.

He was holding a telegram with his brow furrowed, it was the telegram declaring war just sent by the Neon Kingdom!

"Break the relationship and start the war!"

Golan's superb acting skills and oppressive temperament of the leader lifted everyone's spirits.

But at the same time, a monstrous anger surged in my heart!

Despicable Neon Man!

Obviously you have started the battle ahead of time, and the fighter plane took off 30 minutes ago!

The planes are flying over the mainland!

Now you declare war!?

Your mother is dead!!!

At this time, many viewers' hands were already trembling with anger!

The camera moves from bottom to top, and finally freezes on Roosevelt's gloomy face. He has always been calm, but at this moment, there is obviously suppressed anger on his face:

"Break ties, start war.

he murmured.

But in the blink of an eye, the anger on his face was gone, and it turned into deep worry:


The enemy has declared war, but at this moment, he doesn't know where the enemy is about to attack.

The next moment, the camera turned: over Pearl Harbor!

Everyone's hearts were raised in an instant!

In that shot, there was not a single enemy plane.

But they know that the enemy is coming!

Because that camera image is the first perspective of the plane!

The dormitories of US warships where snoring keeps coming and going;

Young children playing baseball in residential areas;

Sailors who spend leisurely weekends drinking beer on the pier;

These pictures flashed past again quickly.

The lens suddenly went black!

When it lights up again, it is the first perspective of a cannonball!

The cannonball slid out of the cabin, and then fell head-first, falling faster and faster in the bitter wind!


That cannonball exploded in everyone's heart!

Immediately afterwards, dense rain-like shells slanted down from the sky!

Unprepared, even the people of Magnesia, who are still asleep, can only let the mermaids run away amidst the huge explosions and machine gun fire!

They were blasted to blood by the massive explosion and aftermath!

The body was shattered under the powerful machine gun fire!

The bloody and broken limbs and arms almost filled every scene under the lens!

The audience in the theater can only stare with wide eyes!

Airplanes, warships, blasting, and Chen Luo are all shot in real scenes!

That real and bloody picture is enough to scare the courage of any adult man!

Under his huge scheduling ability, the fighter planes bombarded frantically in the sky, the warships constantly exploding on the sea, and the people on the deck and on the land who were bombed and strafed crying for their lives and died, all merged into one, and then they all worked together to smash them into pieces. Break the defense of every audience!

Their eyes were red, their breathing was short of breath, and they felt that their hearts were about to be crushed.

The eight-minute bombing of Pearl Harbor was Chen Luo's hard work and the most expensive part of the film.

For any movie fan in the world who loves big scenes and big productions, these eight minutes are a top audiovisual experience.

Except Magnesium Country!

These eight minutes of real and cruel scenes, to them, seemed to be executed!

It's like roasting them on an iron plate over a big fire!

They were so heartbroken that they could hardly bear to watch the cruel scene.

But they forced themselves again, opened their eyes wide, and watched without blinking!

They want to engrave every frame of the picture in their hearts!

Finally, after the air strike, Congress declared war on the Neon Nation in court!

Everyone's hearts were lifted instantly!

When President Roosevelt, played by Golan, staged the great "Roosevelt Speech" in history in the tragic BGM, the scenes in the camera, from the ruined Pearl Harbor, densely floating corpses on the sea, covered with blood Soak the deck in one stroke.

Make that shocking speech even more full of revenge!

Everyone is heartbroken and heartbroken!

Look at Golan in the picture intently!

"We will all mobilize and join the battle!"

"The people of Magnesium will uphold justice and win an all-round victory!"

"From now on, the United States of America declares war on Japan!"

When all the members of Congress in the movie stood up and applauded, all the audience in the entire movie theater also stood up at the same time, bursting into thunderous applause!

Mark and Sino couldn't help standing up and applauding wildly, both of them clapped their hands red but they didn't seem to realize it!

Chen Luo, who was sitting between the two of them, hurriedly stood up in embarrassment, and clapped lightly together.

If I don't stand up together at this time, I'm afraid I will be rushed over by the audience of the whole movie theater and beat me to death together.

Don't expect Mark and Shino to help.

If the two of them don't take advantage of the chaos and put their feet on their feet, they are considered loyal enough!

This moment of national hatred and family hatred is the most unreasonable time for a man.

Chen Luo grew up under the patriotic education of Longguo since he was a child, and Chen Luo knew this kind of thing all too well.

And when Roosevelt, played by Golan in the screen, still stood up to the opposition of the Congress and insisted on going down the plan to bomb Dongjing, the whole movie theater was full of excitement!

All the audience jumped up and raised their hands high, raising their arms and cheering!

Chen Luo could even hear the shouts erupting in the next door theater!

You must know that this is the top movie theater in Los Angeles, and the sound insulation equipment is the world's top.

Even the panoramic sound effect of the crazy bombing in the movie just now did not come from the next door.

But their cheers at this moment are transmitted here very clearly, one can imagine how crazy the countrymen are at this moment!

Chen Luo was once again thankful for how wise his decision to stand up and applaud was!

But the question before Roosevelt and the audience was:

Magnesia's navy and air force were almost completely lost in the Pearl Harbor incident.

All they had left was enough power to drop bombs on Dongjing, but the plane didn't have enough fuel to return.

But soon, history gave them the answer.

The U.S. military still decided to carry out the revenge plan without hesitation, and then after bombing Dongjing, they flew to Dongshan Province, Longguo to make an emergency landing!

But that place has been occupied by the Japanese army, so going there must be a narrow escape!

After hearing the news, all the people of Magnesium in the venue burst into tears.

Especially when the two protagonists played by Fran and Leonardo, as well as all the pilots, still decide to carry out the mission without hesitation after learning the news.

Chen Luo, who was sitting in the back row, could clearly see that half of the people in front were already secretly lowering their heads and wiping tears.

Finally, the plan to bomb Dongjing was launched.

In order to carry a few more bombs, all the planes removed almost all unnecessary guns and seats!

When the bomb-laden plane took off from the heavy rain and flew towards Dongjing without hesitation.

All the people of Magnesia stood up proudly.

At this moment, although they know that this is a movie, it is an irreversible history.

But they still put their hands together and silently prayed for the pilots.

When the first incendiary bomb exploded in Dongjing and quickly ignited the wooden buildings in Dongjing, all the audience were silent and just watched all this coldly!

When the entire Dongjing was blown into a sea of ​​flames, they did not cheer, but there was almost crazy joy in everyone's eyes!

But..... that's not enough!

Thinking of my own country, which obviously did nothing, did not offend anyone, but was inexplicably bombed by the Neon Country, and so many people were massacred!

An inexhaustible fire of hatred surged in their chests!

But they dare not criticize those heroes who risk their lives.

Most of those pilots (Li Zhaohao) will never return to the motherland and never see their relatives.

They stared at the plane, flying to that ancient country.

There was no airport for them, and they didn't even know where to land.

Ninety percent of the pilots died in the crash landing explosion.

Chen Luo's shooting technique is so real, cold and cruel.

Fran, one of the protagonists, also died on the spot in the explosion.

There is no beautification, and there is no deliberate attempt to keep the pilots alive in order to cater to the public.

That's not history.

In the terrible movie theater, only the sound of heavy breathing remained.

But there is always light in despair.

When the audience saw that the pilots who survived the serious injuries were rescued by the people of Longguo in the Japanese war zone, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before they could react, the Japanese fighter planes in the sky were chasing after the wreckage of the exploded plane, and frantically strafed the civilian area where their pilots were hidden!

- bastard!

Everyone was shocked suddenly.

-Isn't this a Japanese war zone? Aren't the civilians here under the jurisdiction of the Neon people!?

——Why do you want to shoot indiscriminately!!!

The audience at the scene watched this incomprehensible and angry scene, and they were so angry!

They watched those civilians die in the intensive gunfire.

Watching helplessly, the Longguo guerrillas who rescued the pilot, in order to cover their pilot, died in battle!

Those simple faces who were talking and laughing with Leonardo just now fell in a pool of blood one by one.

They say "~ run" to the pilots!

They say "to live" loudly!

They say, "Revenge...."

They are yellow and thin.

They are ragged.

Their weapons are poor.

But they're still shouting


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