When the audience saw that Loki had reached a deal with the alien Chitauri and obtained the military power of the Chitauri army, and only had to activate the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to lead the alien army to invade the earth, everyone was faintly worried.

At the same time, they are even more looking forward to which hero will be the first to fight Loki!

Finally, that scene came!

When Loki appeared in Deutsche, he shouted to the crowd:


(Kneel down!)

Team America was the first to arrive on the scene!

After saving the people, he confronted Rocky head-on in anticipation of all the audience!

"Loki! Put down your weapons!"

While the American team was fighting with Rocky, agents Natasha and Phil arrived in a fighter plane and shouted at Rocky using the huge loudspeaker on the plane.

However, Loki, who got the Chitauri scepter, almost shot down the plane with a shock wave!

And just when the American team fell into a disadvantage, Loki held his scepter against his forehead and continued to shout out his wise words "Kneel!"

And Natasha on the fighter plane couldn't lock which time to attack because Loki had too many clones.

Inside Natasha's plane, there was a burst of crazy heavy metal rock music!

Immediately afterwards, Stark's cynical voice came at the same time:

"Hey Agent Natasha, did you goose me?"

The audience suddenly became more excited.

iron Man!

he came!

Hahahaha, he still looks like that foolish playboy!

Immediately afterwards, the crazy death rock sound became louder and louder.

Even the fighter plane's loudspeaker was hacked by Stark, and the huge death rock sound wave instantly filled the entire battle area, occupying the ears of everyone present!

The US team and Rocky, who were fighting hard, were all stunned for a moment.

what's the situation?

At the same time, a golden-red meteor flew quickly in the sky!

It dragged a bright tail flame, and drew an arc in the sky like a show, and then the moment it landed, it burst out with intense laser energy!

That blinding energy hit Loki hard in the chest.

Loki, who was invincible just now, was instantly knocked into the air by a powerful beam of energy light!

The scepter in his hand fell to the ground, and he himself turned several somersaults on the ground before finally stopping in embarrassment, lying on the ground dizzily, unable to get up again.


All this happened in the blink of an eye!

The moment Iron Man finished firing the beam of energy, he slammed into the ground in front of Loki with a bang, making a nice and touching sound of gold and iron.

Then he stood up handsomely, raised his hands and aimed at Loki.

The energy beam in his hand lit up again, and various miniature missiles and machine guns rose from the left and right shoulders at the same time, all locked on Loki who just got up!

Said arrogantly:

"Make a move, Bambi (mocking Loki's appearance)!"

Upon seeing this, Loki raised his hands and surrendered on the spot.

Iron Man said in a tone of praise for the baby:

"That's good~"

This crazy and cool way of appearance.

The explosive combat power of instant kills on the spot.

And a cynical and arrogant tone.

Let the audience feel like drinking a large glass of cold beer in the hot desert, shouting refreshed!

As expected of you!

Immediately afterwards, on the way back to the base, the fighter plane took the imprisoned Loki, the US team and Stark back to the base.

The audience was once again amused by Stark's remark that Captain was kept in ice and called him "Captain America Popsicles".

And at the same time when everyone was out of breath laughing, in the clear night sky, around the fighter plane, several thunderbolts of lightning suddenly came out!

Natasha, who was flying the plane, wondered, "Where is the lightning coming from?"

The audience who had a stomach ache from laughing just now raised their heads and widened their eyes.

No way no way?

Is he coming too!?

So fast???

Give me a chance to catch my breath!?

The US team looked anxious, and looked up at Loki who was lightning in the sky:

"Why, are you even afraid of lightning?"

Loki said with a face full of shit:

I just don't like guys who follow the lightning!"


He really is coming!

The audience is so nervous that they are about to pee out!

If you want to say who is the most powerful among the Marvel heroes, it must be Thor!

He is a god of thunder who can live thousands of years old!

As soon as Loki's voice fell, the screen camera suddenly turned to the sky above the fighter plane, as if it was someone's perspective, locked on the fighter plane, and quickly flew down towards the fighter plane!


Sure enough, amidst the thunder and lightning that filled the sky, a tall and mighty figure with a hammer in his hand and a red cloak rattling behind him slammed right above the fighter plane!

Stark immediately put on his helmet, opened the hatch, and wanted to go out to see what was going on.

As a result, the moment the hatch door opened, Thor slammed into the hatch, smashed Iron Man over with a hammer, then raised his hand to pick up Loki's collar like a chicken, and flew out with him !

All this happens in just (cecj) a few breaths.

Detective Phil, who was in charge of flying the plane, looked dumbfounded.

Stark, who was knocked over just now, couldn't hold his face anymore. He took off with his battle armor on the spot and chased him out!

I'm coming!

The two who love to pretend are about to fight!

Stark's mech, can it do Thor and his hammer?

The audience, who don't think it's a big deal to eat melons, couldn't restrain their excitement when they saw this scene.

And the American team in the plane...

He's opening his backpack and strapping himself a parachute

The audience couldn't hold back any longer when they saw this, and cheerful laughter spread throughout the theater!

Captain, let's forget about it!

Really not!

This is so embarrassing!

Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

When the camera turned again, Thor and Stark on the ground were already fighting.

The scene of the two fighting was simply hot, and the adrenaline of the audience soared!

And when Thor summoned the power of thunder to hit Stark, but inexplicably turned into a "power bank", the audience laughed again.

But everyone can see that Iron Man is still a little bit worse in actual combat.

Because Thor can dismantle Stark's mech bit by bit with his physical body alone.

Sure enough, humans are still unable to defeat the gods...

This thought flashed through the minds of all the audience.

Fortunately, they are comrades-in-arms on the same front.

It's just not familiar yet.

The audience continued to watch the movie with excitement.

And Chen Luo's eyes swept over the faces of every audience around him.

He can read their minds.

Because I thought so too.

After all, they are mortals and cannot compare to gods.

Cherish this wonderful time!

My fans.

I just hope that when you see the ending, you don't cry...

When the audience saw all the heroes gathered on the space carrier, they were only happy for a moment, but their hearts were gradually shrouded in gloom.

They read Loki's plot!

Loki was caught on purpose, he is using the scepter to influence the minds of all superheroes!

When they saw that Hawkeye led people to sneak up on the space carrier.

However, the heroes began to have conflicts, and when they quarreled, they became even more anxious.

Finally, in the midst of all the quarrels, the US team said the heart-wrenching words to Stark:

"You can only show your prestige in a mecha!"

"What are you apart from the iron skin?"

Stark said blankly:

"Super genius, billionaire, playboy, great philanthropist."

US team:

"I know many people who are ten times stronger than you without what you say!"

"You only care about yourself."

"You will not make sacrifices!"

"Will not crawl on barbed wire, let comrades crawl over!"

Stark: "I'd cut the barbed wire."

Captain America sneered, "You always have crooked ways."

"People like you, it's better not to be a hero!"

Stark: "Heroes? Like you?"

"You're just an experiment, Rogers.

"Everything you have is just given by a small bottle of serum.

After the audience saw this, they were all dumbfounded.

Dude, are you two really hurting each other?

People's eagle eyes are blocking the spring water!!!

At this time, the US team was already furious, and kept saying "put on the armor, let's fight".

Stark just didn't wear it, and said "I don't fight with old people".

Just when the two kept arguing.

Hawkeye, who was already lurking above the mothership, used his cool bow and arrow skills to shoot the engine of the mothership with one arrow, and then detonated it instantly!


The huge explosion knocked everyone to the ground in an instant!

enemy attack!!!

Everyone instantly understood what happened.

After struggling to get up, the US team said again: "Put on Zhanli!"

Stark: "Yeah!"

The two supported each other on the spot and rushed to the equipment room!

This scene made the nervous audience dumbfounded.

What did you two do just now!

Immediately afterwards, what worried all the audience most happened.

Dr. Banner is out of control!

Hulk has been unleashed!

When seeing the violent Hulk chasing Natasha.

Captain and Stark were working hard on the engine.

When Hawkeye brought people close to the core of the space carrier.

However, Thor, the strongest fighter in the Avengers, was beaten up by the out-of-control Hulk after saving Natasha.

All the audience went crazy.


It's not messy enough, is it?

But madness is madness.

But fighting on the space carrier is really exciting!

The captain, with a body of flesh and blood, flies and jumps at a height of 10,000 meters, and if he is not careful, he will fall down and die.

Although his fight scenes are the smallest, they are the most dangerous and make the audience empathize!

The whistling wind under his feet made everyone feel fear of heights, and their hearts hung in their throats!

The out-of-control Hulk is the most terrifying.

With only his terrifying jumping ability, he caught up with a flying fighter!

Then at an altitude of 10,000 meters, this F22 was dismantled alive!

Blown to nowhere by an exploding plane!

Thor was trapped in the container by Loki and dropped from the deep space of 10,000 meters!

In the end, Hawkeye was captured alive by Black Widow.

Loki fled calmly with the Rubik's Cube fully activated by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Iron Man, who was scolded by the captain as "selfish and would never sacrifice for others", risked being cut into pieces by the engine to save the entire space carrier.

And Agent Corson Fell of S.H.I.E.L.D. was killed!

All the audience stared blankly at this scene, so worried that it was hard to breathe.

Luna stared intently at the big screen with her blue eyes, and her lips were tightly pursed.

The slender left hand under the chair firmly grasped Chen Luo's broad right hand.

And Chen Luo's left hand was gently grasped by Hathaway, and never let go.

As for Lucy...  

She sat on Chen Luo's lap and hid in his arms, only revealing her small face with 3D eyes, staring at the big screen very seriously.

Agent Phil is dead!

This is almost a heavy blow to the audience who have known him from the first Iron Man.

And for Stark and the self-blaming US team, it was more like a punch, smashing into the hearts of the two!

"Is he married?"

Captain America asked.

"No, there is only one girlfriend, who is said to be a cellist."

Stark fell silent again after answering.

Negan, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., holds Phil's Relic: The Bloody Superhero Card.

Dejectedly said:

"Me and Phil had a plan."

"We want to bring together some very capable people and see if they can get stronger."

"See if they can fight side by side in critical moments and win wars that we can't win."

"Phil also named this organization, 'Avengers'. He said that even if mankind fails, this group of heroes will survive desperately and avenge mankind.

"He believed in it to the end of his life."

"He believed in heroes."

Negan gently placed the card on the table, "Maybe he was wrong."

"The concept of a hero is outdated."

When seeing this, the audience's eyes were all red, as if they were stuck in their throats.


Heroes never get old!

"Heroes will never be eliminated by the times!"

This sentence is what Chen Luo said to Stan Lee when he acquired Marvel, and it is also the sentence that Mr. Stan Lee said the most when he was interviewed by the media!

We have all heard it!!!

The audience shouted in their hearts.

And like them, Negan ignited his heart.

And those heroes!

They decide to take revenge!

In the exciting BGM of The-Avengers...

Hawkeye, who regained his sanity, put his bow and arrows on his back again.

Cap put on his battle suit and picked up his shield.

Stark urgently repaired his steel helmet.

Sol pulled out the hammer again, raised the hammer to the sky, attracted the power of thunder, and reshaped the god's clothes!

In the hot-blooded BGM, Chen Luo only felt that his two hands were pinched by two beauties, big and small, one left and one right, so painful!

Watching this scene, the audience was also filled with emotion:

Hero, our hero is back!


Wash your neck and wait for death!

With increasingly exciting background music.

Guessing that Loki will summon an alien army on his Stark Tower, Tony immediately drives the barely usable armor and flies towards his home first.

The US team, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, driving F22, followed closely behind.

And the modified space carrier also turned around and flew towards Twiyo!

The audience watched this passionate scene and knew that the war was coming!

But when Stark rushed back to the mansion, it was too late.

The machine that summons the wormhole has been activated, and the space energy of the Rubik's Cube can no longer be downloaded!

Alien army invasion is imminent!

All the audience watched this scene and clenched their fists!

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