Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 153 Japanese Actions

Eyewitness reports of several workers escaping from the Fukushima nuclear power plant have sent shockwaves through Japan's political circles. They notified the U.S. Forces Japan Headquarters at Yokota Air Base as soon as possible.

A high-altitude unmanned surveillance plane captured a clear picture of the monster that appeared in New York City destroying the outer buildings of the nuclear power plant and digging out the core of the reactor.

According to SHIELD's intelligence, after Norman Osborn swallows the radiation source, his strength and size will skyrocket. Therefore, the commander of the US military stationed in Japan immediately ordered an attack on it.

The Seventh Fleet stationed in Yokosuka Port has already set sail, and the F-15s and F-22s stationed at Yokota Air Base and Kadena Air Base have already taken off and headed for Fukuda airspace.

However, representatives of the Japanese government are strongly opposing it. The internal cores of the No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 reactors at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant have not yet been cleaned. If an attack is launched rashly, it is very likely that the radiation source in the core will enter. In the underground water veins. Groundwater veins are interconnected. If Fukushima's groundwater is contaminated, almost the entire Honshu island's water source will be threatened.

Honshu Island is the essence of Japan. Cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, and Kobe are all on Honshu Island. If a safe water supply source is lost due to water pollution, the entire Japanese economy will be hit hard.

"The reason why this happened is because your progress in cleaning up and repairing the power station is too slow. If Godzilla is allowed to grow in strength by devouring the reactor core, all mankind will face great danger."

Commander Angelella directly rejected the proposal of the Japanese representative.

While in New York, a tank detachment launched an attack on Norman Osborne, but depleted uranium armor-piercing rounds capable of penetrating the frontal armor of all active main battle tanks had no effect.

Norman Osborn must never be allowed to become stronger again, even if all water sources in Japan are polluted, it would not be a pity.

In order to kill him completely, a B1B strategic bomber has taken off from Hawaii, loaded with two GBU-57A/B ground-penetrating bombs. This heaviest earth-penetrating bomb was developed by Stark Industries. It uses a nickel-cobalt alloy shell and is dropped at an altitude of more than ten kilometers. It can penetrate a reinforced concrete layer of more than sixty meters and is then used by a new sensitive fuze. detonate.

Even Godzilla wouldn't be able to withstand one hit.

"The risk of using ground-penetrating bombs is too great." The Japanese representative took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweaty forehead: "It is very easy to penetrate the groundwater in Fukushima. Let a large amount of radioactive material enter the water veins."

Angelella was already very impatient. According to the analysis and judgment of the intelligence agency, after Norman Osborne has sufficient strength, his first target must be the United States.

On the mainland, it is inconvenient for the army to use some powerful weapons, but it is different in Japan. In fact, it was not just a B1B that took off from Hawaii, a B2 carrying a tactical nuclear bomb also took off at the same time. When the ground-penetrating bombs also fail, tactical nuclear bombs are directly used to launch an attack.

"This is a sacrifice for all mankind. I believe Japan can understand it, and after killing that monster, we will fully support Japan's reconstruction work."

Angelela said perfunctorily.

"Waiting for a moment, Mr. Angelella, we are willing to send forces to Fukushima first to try tentatively to see if we can deal with the monsters that appear there. You can wait until we fail before launching an attack."

The Japanese representative looked at Angelela's face and suggested cautiously.

"Just the civil servants in your Self-Defense Forces?" Angelela said with some disdain. He witnessed with his own eyes the poor performance of the Self-Defense Forces during the earthquake.

"Not the Self-Defense Forces, but some volunteer civilians."

The Japanese representative said.


Instead of being angry, Angelela looked thoughtful. During World War II, the U.S. military suffered a lot when dealing with martial arts masters among the Japanese army. If our own mutants were not equally powerful, the Pacific naval battle might have been even more difficult.

"Then I'll give you a chance. Our attack will be delayed for an hour. If you haven't defeated Godzilla after an hour, then we will directly take over the battlefield."

On a transport plane, the Japanese representative no longer looked as groveling as before, but sat upright on a hanging chair, full of aura.

"This operation is related to Japan's national destiny. I hope that everyone can work together to completely defeat the monster that appeared in Fukushima."

There were more than a dozen strong martial artists sitting in the cabin. They have a poor relationship with the authorities. The reason why they gathered under the official organization this time is because the stakes are really high.

"Mr. Shimizu, don't worry, I can deal with the monster that appeared in Fukushima by myself."

Kusanagi Kyo said confidently, the sun battle pattern on his back shining brightly. As the most talented heir of the Kusanagi family, he has always been so confident. Although he had suffered a lot for having such a personality, he had no intention of changing at all.

Although Representative Shimizu was very uneasy, there was no trace of it on his face and he nodded approvingly towards Kusanagi Kyo.

Other martial arts masters were also full of confidence in the martial arts they had cultivated for more than ten years, and they expressed their opinions one after another, saying that they would give the rice beasts who tried to bomb Fukushima a taste of the pain.

Almost the most powerful martial arts masters in Japan were gathered on this transport plane. Most of them were very optimistic and they could not imagine the possibility of failure.

Only a few people still maintain a high degree of vigilance. There is too little official information about the monster. There are only a few photos taken from high altitude, followed by some very simple descriptions, such as it has an extremely hard skin and can spit out high-temperature breath.

Iori Yagami sat alone in the corner, his face was very gloomy, and his whole body had a sense of keeping away from strangers. He looked askance at those confident martial artists without hiding his disdain.

But when he glanced at Daimon Goro, he was slightly startled.

Daimon Goro's whole body was tense, and his breath was about to explode at any time. He was actually more nervous than everyone else present.

Not long after, the transport plane arrived over Fukushima. The indicator light in the cabin changed from red to green, the cabin door slowly opened, and the turbulent airflow at high altitude stirred in the cabin.

Most of the people present were powerful martial artists, standing as steady as Mount Tai in the cabin.

Representative Qingshui stood up with difficulty in the strong wind and said to all the martial arts masters:

"I wish you all good luck in martial arts."

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