Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 162 Undercurrent

The waves on the sea are rough, and from time to time there are mountain-like waves rising. The howling sea breeze blew the flags on the warships. The USS Paul Ignatius, a Burke-class destroyer, still bears traces of radioactive ray ablation—it is the only destroyer to survive being hit by a radioactive ray.

Nick Fury sat in the control room of the USS George Washington aircraft carrier, staring at the large screen of the combat command system, which displayed the underground fluctuations detected by seismic monitors installed around Fukushima.

On the night Norman Osborne showed up at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, he rushed from the United States to Japan and set up a command center on an aircraft carrier.

"Signs of Godzilla movement detected!"

An officer immediately marked Godzilla's movement trajectory on the combat command system. And immediately mobilized the drone in the air to monitor the abnormality at the location.

Not long after, footage captured by a drone high in the sky was streamed on the screen.

"It's Winston Jensen."

Nick Fury's face turned ugly. According to previous intelligence analysis, Freddy Rada and Winston Jansen have been temporarily separated from Norman Osborn. SHIELD has almost mobilized most of its forces to set up a dragnet to hunt for the two of them. Now Winston Janssen appears quietly at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, which is like a slap in the face.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and forced himself to calm down. There was no use being angry now. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s plan is to trap Godzilla on a Japanese island, delay it until Titan is truly completed, and then have a decisive battle on the Japanese mainland.

During this time, the US military and SHIELD monitored Godzilla's movements all the time, fearing that he would suddenly leave Japan. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Whether it is Titan or Godzilla, they are huge monsters with amazing destructive power. They can easily cause huge losses of life and property. If they do not fight on American soil, of course they will not get it.

They have selected several possible battlefields on Japanese soil, including nuclear power plants, nuclear waste storage plants and other locations with radioactive materials. The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is also one of them.

The Self-Defense Forces cleared the civilians in these locations. The previous battle in Fukushima allowed them to truly experience the power of Godzilla, and they were almost scared to the point of pissing their pants.

Martial arts masters who used to be strong enough to fight against modern heavy weapons were as weak as babies when facing Godzilla, and were defeated almost immediately.

"Do we need to launch an air strike?"

The surveillance drone is equipped with two Maverick anti-tank missiles. Although it is not painful for Godzilla, it should be enough to take out the weaker Winston Johnson.

Nick Fury hesitated for a moment before rejecting the tempting suggestion. Although Winston was a bloodthirsty man, now was not a good time to shoot him.

He was afraid of a situation like Norman Osborn going berserk over Winston's death. If Osborn is caused to return to the mainland and wreak havoc, even as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he cannot afford to take the blame.

Tony Stark held a bottle of chlorophyll in his hand and took a sip. The MK4 made of scraps was suspended in the air, flying around him like a satellite.

This MK4 is only the size of a basketball, powered by an Ark reactor and suspended in the air through a built-in turbine engine. MK4 has a wireless charging function and can charge the electromagnet on Tony Stark's chest within a range of fifty meters, finally allowing him to get rid of that huge and ugly battery.

After no longer having a shining Ark reactor on his chest, Tony Stark's physical condition improved rapidly, further accelerating the progress of the Titan project.

The weapons manufacturing workshop underneath the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters has been expanded again. The mountain-like Titan sat in the workshop, with dense scaffolding erected on its body, and little bits of welding light shining in it. Skilled workers from SHIELD and Stark Industries are installing the internal cables.

The main body of the Titan has been completed, and even the exterior composite armor has been cast as a whole and is just waiting to be installed.

The main weapon designed by Tony Stark for Titan is a 70-caliber 356 mm electromagnetic gun, which is powered by the Ark reactor in the electromagnetic gun. The entire electromagnetic gun has a modular design and is fixed to Titan's arms through locks. It carries 18 rounds of ammunition and can be replenished through the "Veronica" weapon station in suborbital space.

The electromagnetic gun can accelerate a 768-kilogram alloy projectile to seven times the speed of sound. The projectile's terrifying kinetic energy alone is enough to easily destroy most targets.

The battle between MK2, MK3 and Godzilla allowed Tony Stark to collect a large amount of data about Godzilla.

According to his calculations, if Godzilla's scale armor defense increases linearly with his body size, then even an adult can still be penetrated by this electromagnetic gun and severely damaged.

The secondary weapon is the plasma pulse cannon on the left and right arms, which can release plasma pulses of tens of thousands of degrees.

A total of 48 cruise missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and super-heavy armor-piercing projectiles were installed in the missile silo on Titan's chest.

Melee weapons include a chain sword connected to the nervous system at the waist and impact gloves mounted on both arms.

Almost all weapons are installed to restrain Godzilla. The chain sword, missile silo and impact gloves have been installed, but the missiles have not been installed yet.

"How about it?"

Tony Stark threw the chlorophyll in his hand into the trash can, crossed his shoulders and looked at Steve Rogers standing in front of him triumphantly.

Growing up, his father, Howard Stark, always talked about Steve Rogers and compared himself with him everywhere. This made Tony have a lot of opinions about Steve Rogers.

Steve Rogers let out a good sigh of relief at his feeble performance against Godzilla.

"It's amazing that if we had this 70 years ago, World War II would never have happened."

He raised his head and looked up at the Titan in front of him.

"It will only take about three days for Titan to be completely completed. At that time, we will transport it to the Chihuahuan Desert for testing. You need to become familiar with its operation as soon as possible."

Tony Stark said reluctantly.

Nick Fury chose Steve Rogers as the pilot of the Titan. This giant weapon that can fight Godzilla is so powerful that he can't trust anyone else. Only by handing it to the upright Steve Rogers to drive can it be foolproof.

The worst that can happen is building another one, Tony Stark thought to himself.

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