Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 184 Speed ​​of Life and Death

Even though he was far enough away, Bob Eagle could still clearly feel the burning sensation coming from behind. This is still the feeling after MK2's adaptive armor blocking.

Not long after, he was swept into the wild currents and was thrown around. It took him a long time to regain his balance.

"This is worthy of SHIELD's salary. It seems that I still have to find a way to quit SHIELD. I am always assigned such threatening tasks. No matter how many lives I have, it is not enough."

Bob Eagle thought, regardless of the consequences of the nuclear torpedo detonating, he rushed directly towards the sea. After experiencing being discharged from the army due to disability and being treated like an experimental subject lying on the operating bed, he no longer prided himself on being a patriot.

The nuclear torpedo he dropped was dismantled from a retired Asrok anti-submarine missile. It was equipped with a W-44 nuclear warhead and had an explosive power equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT.

Tony Stark called the nuclear explosion data in the military database, simulated the detonation through Jarvis, and judged that the W-44 warhead should not destroy the main structure of Titan, and proposed this quite bold plan.

He needs to appear to attract the attention of the two Godzillas, and the task of releasing the nuclear torpedo is given to the captured Bob Eagle.

Only the MK2 worn by Tony Stark is equipped with the advanced artificial intelligence Jarvis. Relying on Jarvis's super computing power and fluid mechanics, he struggled upstream in the complex and changeable turbulence.

The nuclear bomb was extremely powerful after being detonated underwater, and the sonar was seriously interfered with in the turbulence. Tony Stark relied on Titan's radio signal to find its location in the chaos.


Titan was not seriously damaged in the nuclear explosion. The adaptive armor on its exterior has evolved to become harder than ever during the battle with Two-Headed Godzilla.

Tony Stark stuck the hook of the steel cable on the buckle of the Titan's fuselage, and sent the pulling command directly through the cable inside the steel cable.

Almost in an instant, the steel cable in the water suddenly straightened, and unparalleled force was transmitted along the steel cable, pulling the Titan rapidly upward towards the water.

Steve in the control cabin was silent for a moment.

"Thank you, Tony."

He knows how dangerous it is to dive into the deep sea and save people in front of two Godzillas.

"You don't think we have escaped, do you? That nuclear bomb cannot kill Godzilla at all. The nuclear radiation may make them stronger."

Tony Stark said angrily.

"We can only hope that those four turbine engines are powerful enough to prevent Godzilla from catching up with us."

Before he finished speaking, the sonar spotted two Godzillas approaching at an alarming speed. It wasn't long before the optoelectronic system also discovered them. They were not injured at all in the nuclear explosion, and even their original injuries were healed because they absorbed a large amount of nuclear radiation.

Although the injuries were healed, Norman Osborne and Winston were almost furious. They absolutely could not tolerate the duck flying out of their mouths. What's more, the Titans and Tony Stark are both on their must-kill list.

"This is really bad news."

The two Godzillas swam in the water faster than the turbine engines could drag them. Tony Stark only relied on mental calculations to estimate that they would catch up in three minutes.

This amount of time is definitely not enough for Titan to rise to the surface of the sea.

"Damn it!"

He overestimated the disruption that nuclear bomb could cause to the two Godzillas.

"Are there any weapons on Titan?"

Tony asked.

"No more. All weapons are destroyed."

Steve said bitterly.

Even if those weapons are still there, the Titan's broken body cannot pose any threat to Godzilla.

Tony Stark glanced at the Titan's body that was riddled with holes, and suddenly had a plan in his mind.

"No, Titan is the most powerful weapon." He suddenly had a plan, climbed on Titan's right leg, connected the maintenance interface on the right leg, and began to modify the control program of the right leg to repair the damaged plasma jet Thruster: "Sever the connection between the right leg and the theme structure later!"

Although Steve didn't know what Tony wanted to do, he obeyed Tony's orders.

"Quick! Cut off the connection!"

After Tony Stark used the welder on MK2 to barely repair a plasma jet thruster, he immediately yelled at Steve on the other end.

The floating speed of the heavy right leg suddenly dropped. Due to the inertia, it rose a certain distance and then began to sink.

The plasma jet thruster on the right leg had been completely destroyed before. Without the drag of the right leg, the Titan's ascending speed increased sharply.

"Haha, don't even think about escaping even if you throw away your armor!"

Norman Osborn screamed excitedly. His huge body was more flexible than a swimming fish in the water. He rushed forward and suddenly closed the distance with Titan.

Obsessed with the Titans and Tony Stark, he didn't pay the slightest attention to his abandoned right leg.

Just as he swam past the broken leg, the plasma jet thruster on the broken leg suddenly started, pushing the thruster towards him like an arrow from a string.

Norman Osborne was caught off guard and was hit by his right leg, pushing him firmly on his back. Even with a single plasma jet thruster, the thrust was still very fast, causing Norman Osborn to deviate from the direction.


Norman Osborne was furious, but he couldn't get rid of his right leg that was constantly adjusting its direction automatically.

"Get 'em, Winston!"

He roared angrily.

Winston accelerated violently and caught up with Titan who was running away like crazy. Just as he was about to bite him, he was kicked hard in the face by Titan with his remaining left leg.

The blow was so hard that Winston's body tilted violently. He stared angrily at the Titan, which was still struggling to death. He circled around and used his speed advantage to swim to the top of the Titan.

Although the steel cable set used to tow and transport Titan is as thick as a water tank and is made of multiple strands of carbon fiber reinforced steel cable braided and wound, and is very tough, it absolutely cannot withstand his bite.

Titan, who has lost most of his mobility, is absolutely unable to stop him from chewing through the steel cables.

As soon as the sharp teeth bite, strands of steel cables are cut off and fly out. Winston opened his mouth again, preparing to tear the entire steel cable directly.

Suddenly, a left leg flew from below, hitting his head hard like a battering ram, and pushed the huge Winston directly out.

With only its torso left, Titan almost climbed straight up to the sea next to him.

"Goodbye, you two idiots!"

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