Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 194 Uninvited Guest

After completing the recruitment and barely recruiting seven engineers, Tessa Igor led them around the rented studio and agreed to start work officially next week.

She took out her notebook and flipped through the itinerary she had arranged before. There was also a previously booked party in the evening, with the theme being all kinds of newly produced agricultural products from the farm.

During this time, the quality of the ingredients on the farm has improved, and it is no longer appropriate to continue with the original price system. In order to justify the price increase, she plans to invite the heads of top restaurants in the United States, Europe and Japan to attend the party.

Sitting in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz Maybach, she held her forehead tiredly, rubbed her temples to cheer up, and then took out a copy of "Corporate Strategy: Enterprise Resources and Scope" from her handbag and started reading. A thick book that can be used as a brick to hit people, and a rough-edged book, filled with various annotations and notes.

Although she was only a high school student, she had to manage assets valued at more than 200 million US dollars, which really made her feel a little exhausted.

Balvino saw her tired look in the rearview mirror and deliberately slowed down the car and drove more smoothly so that Tessa could read more comfortably.

When we arrived at the villa that we had rented in advance, the makeup team we had arranged for arrived early. They brought Tessa into the dressing room with custom-made high-end dresses and makeup equipment, and started putting on makeup in a hurry.

Because the money given was enough, the makeup team hired by the party planning company was very professional.

"Miss Tessa, your figure and skin are perfect!"

The makeup artist praised Tessa while applying makeup. She flew here from New York and specializes in doing makeup for all kinds of celebrities. She has never seen anyone with better skin quality than Tessa.

Some glamorous celebrities and socialites have shockingly poor skin quality due to their lavish nightlife. They can hardly see anyone without a thick layer of makeup.

Tessa pursed her lips happily. Her skin was indeed much better than before. Those freckles were gone and could be broken by blows.

Since Broly sealed the weird sword into the stone, everyone's physical condition has improved. Even his father Cade and Professor Connors look much younger.

Putting on an expensive purple dress, Tessa spun around with satisfaction. Under the light, she was so beautiful that she seemed to glow, dazzling. No one would have thought that just three days ago, she was still wearing an apron and struggling in the kitchen to grill pieces of meat that were almost her own weight.

"If I were a man, I would be fascinated by you, Miss Tessa."

People around him complimented him one after another.

The stage in the courtyard has begun to warm up, and the band has begun to play a symphony. Some guests have already arrived. Top chefs on temporary loan use ingredients produced on the farm to prepare dishes on the spot.

The ingredients produced on the farm are not always available even in the best restaurants in Austin. Almost every dish is sold out as soon as it is prepared.

A maid from a party planning company came over and reminded:

"Miss Tessa, the Senator and the Governor are already here."

Tessa nodded slightly, indicating that she already knew. For a product as outrageous as the cage treadmill to be able to enter the supply chain of a sporting goods chain store, the governor also played a big role in it.

She stood up, holding a glass of soda in her hand, and walked into the party.

The party was very successful. The ingredients from the farm conquered almost everyone. All the restaurant leaders tried to get closer to Tessa so that their restaurants could have more shares.

Tessa moved among this group of shrewd businessmen with ease and was a good dancer. Even the few Japanese with very poor English didn't feel left out.

As for the most important issue of share, no word has been revealed at all.

"Recently, due to the need to experiment with new breeding technologies, the farm's output may be affected. Of course, after the new technology is stabilized, our output will reach a higher level, enough to allow everyone to use the farm's ingredients."

Broly's appetite is really too big, and recently he added Baya, who has an equally astonishing appetite, which has reduced the amount of ingredients the farm can sell. Tessa is already thinking about increasing production and trying to grow a wider variety of crops.

The existence of Baya makes it possible to cultivate those precious ingredients that are rare and difficult to mass-produce.

"Tessa, what have you been up to lately?"

The governor is concentrating on a plate of grilled steak. Although he is nearly sixty years old, he looks only in his forties. In order to please the voters of the state, he wears very ordinary clothes and has a kind face. Keeping a humble smile.

But Tessa knew that anyone who took that smile seriously would be in serious trouble. Through Matt's channels, she knew very well how ruthless the governor was towards his political opponents.

"Just some trivial business, Mr. Governor."

After accepting the business originally managed by her father, she weighed in and donated a lot of campaign funds to the governor's office.

"If those are small businesses, then Tony Stark is the only big business person in the United States. Tessa, let me introduce you to a young man, Les Garland, who is the son of a senator. You can communicate more.”

A well-dressed young man stretched out his hand, and Tessa shook his hand lightly. After introducing the two of them, the governor left, leaving only Les and Tessa.

Les was very funny, telling Tessa the interesting things he encountered at Harvard University, and also vaguely mentioned his intention to run for the federal House of Representatives next year.

Tessa spent a lot of energy before sending him away.

Balvino, who had been standing by, quietly made a gesture of cutting his throat.

"Are you going to kill this cock?"

"Don't do anything stupid, Bano!"

Tessa rubbed her brow with her fingers.

"Just a spoiled young master."

Before she finished speaking, a spot of light suddenly flashed across the darkened sky, and something was flying towards the villa at high speed.

"Careful! Miss!"

Balvino suddenly bowed and took Tessa to hide behind the flower bed in the courtyard. He pulled out the MP7 submachine gun hidden in his suit. He held his cell phone in his other hand, preparing to notify Broly.

The light spot suddenly stopped in the sky above the courtyard and slowly landed in the courtyard. It was a MK2 powered armor. MK2's mask opened, revealing Tony Stark's already well-known face.

"Forgive me for being unexpected. I found out about this party a little too late to get an invitation."

He snapped his fingers and said to the still shocked chef:

"Please make me a burger with more beef, thank you."

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