There were too few original Cybertronian words on the Fire Source fragments, and even Tony Stark could not analyze the information behind them from such a few words. But now, having obtained thousands of words and hundreds of millions of documents in one go, he suddenly had a focus.

"Jarvis, first record all the text columns that appear. In addition, search for me all recent monographs and papers on linguistics."

Tony Stark pinched his fingers enthusiastically.

"Let me see the secret behind you."

He planned to spend two days briefly learning linguistics, writing a language deciphering program, and working with the supercomputers of Stark Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D. to decipher the text of this mysterious civilization.

At this moment, Alexander Pierce opened the door and walked into the laboratory.

"I've made progress, Pierce, but I need more funding."

Almost every time Tony Stark meets Alexander Pierce, he will mention funding.

The muscles in Alexander Pierce's face trembled. In just a few days, Tony Stark has burned through more than one billion in funds, not counting the maintenance costs of Titan.

"There will be, but new funding will have to wait for a while. But you have to come and see this, the spy satellites captured something amazing."

He said, transmitting the footage captured by the satellite to the screen.

What was playing on the screen was the scene of Broly fighting the Decepticon robots. The reconnaissance system of this satellite is very advanced, and the images captured are of high definition.

In the battle, Broly showed amazing fighting prowess, but this is not the point, the point is the enemy he fights.

Alexander Pierce zooms in so that Optimus Prime takes up the entire frame.

"This robot is very similar to the one we found on the battlefield before. It can almost be concluded that they were created by the same technological civilization."

In the footage captured by the satellite, it is obvious that Optimus Prime has a close relationship with Broly, and is even very likely to be Broly's subordinate.

"It seems that this fragment is a creation of the Saiyans. They have been coveting the earth more than 20 years ago."

Tony Stark made a judgment that made him a little scared. It seems likely that the Saiyans have already set their sights on Earth. What exactly is the Green Goblin's intention? If he wants to rule the earth, force is enough. Using the fire source to create a large number of robots is enough to help him manage humans on the earth.

"Analysts from SHIELD think so too. They analyzed all the data after the appearance of the Green Goblin and found that his strength increased linearly in just eight months. When he first came to the earth, he was not so terrifying. .

These robots, which can transform into common vehicles on Earth, are indeed the most suitable agents to lurk in advance and collect local information. They should be responsible for protecting the Green Goblin, who has just arrived on Earth and is not yet so powerful. "

Alexander Pierce revealed SHIELD's speculation. He believed that although there was no concrete evidence for this speculation, it should be quite close to the truth.

"It seems we missed the most appropriate opportunity to deal with the Green Goblin."

Tony Stark shrugged. He knew that the big shots in the White House would never give up trying to kill the Green Goblin, even if it was very dangerous.

They are like crazy and cannot tolerate any existence that may threaten themselves. It's like holding a hammer in your hand and everything looks like a nail.

And according to existing intelligence, the Green Goblin does pose a huge threat to the earth.

"This is a completely different robot than the one we made using fragments. He obviously has the ability to have intelligence and communication. It seems that there are ways to use this fragment that we don't know about."

Tony became more and more interested in the parsed text, which might reveal the secrets of the Saiyans.

"I need a supercomputer. I just got a lot of Saiyan documents, but with the computing power of Stark Industries and SHIELD, it will take too long to decipher it. It will take at least a month."

Alexander Pierce's expression instantly became very excited. Hydra has always suffered from knowing too little about the Saiyans and has no way of starting.

He didn't believe that anything was truly invincible. As long as he found the Saiyan's weakness, even the Green Goblin could easily subdue him.

Hydra has always wanted to eliminate all disobedient humans and establish a hierarchical feudal social order in the old society. Then summon back the hive of the alien leader who was exiled on a distant alien planet. An existence like Broly is simply a big stain on the beautiful picture of the future.

They will never allow anyone to transcend Hydra.

"It's too late to build new supercomputers. SHIELD will use some of the idle supercomputer computing power within universities and research institutes."

Alexander was simply responsive to Tony Stark's requests at this time. He has been receiving Stark's research results for Hydra researchers to digest. But even though Tony Stark, the predecessor, had already paved the way, Hydra researchers were still very difficult to reproduce and made almost no progress.

If someone in the laboratory hadn't been monitoring him 24 hours a day, he would have even begun to suspect that Tony Stark was deliberately hiding his secrets.

With Alexander Pierce gone, Tony Stark focused all his attention on these words. It didn't take long for Jarvis to print out all the documents, pile them in a thick pile on the cart, and push them to Stark's side with a robotic arm.

After pouring himself a glass of juice, Tony took out a stack from the cart and quickly flipped through it.

As a well-known playboy, he spent no less time mastering new knowledge than any other researcher, but his learning efficiency was thousands of times higher than theirs.

In just two days, he became an expert in the field of linguistics. Using his powerful programming skills, he wrote a set of deciphering programs that could run perfectly on supercomputers.

He tried using the existing cuneiform characters. It took him just over half an hour to decipher all the cuneiform characters and discovered three errors in previous translations.


Tony Stark pounded the table excitedly. During this period, he conducted several more experiments and obtained a large number of Cybertronian texts.

Input all the text into the supercomputer program at one go and start the calculation.

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