Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 228: Go straight in (please ask for a recommendation vote)

Because of the advanced vibranium civilization, Wakanda's air quality is excellent and visibility is very high. Almost half of the Wakanda people saw the Cybertron ship suddenly appearing outside the vibranium shield.

The dancing electric light tore open the hole in the shield, and the huge spaceship drove straight in.

They held their heads and looked at the sudden appearance of the enemy in collapse. Their previous sense of superiority melted away as quickly as ice cubes in summer.

Wakanda's fighter planes scrambled into the air in an attempt to maintain the airspace.

The volley of cannons flew out from the side, and two bomb nests popped out from under the wings. They instantly locked onto all the Wakanda fighter jets and destroyed all the missiles.

Due to flaws in Wakanda's industrial chain and technology tree, its fighter planes are only equipped with pulse cannons and not even thermal decoys to dodge missiles.

The missile left a white trail in the sky.

Amidst a series of explosions, most of the fighter planes were directly destroyed by missiles, and the only surviving fighter plane was torn apart by platoon artillery using the onboard cannon.

The spacecraft landed directly on the flat ground in front of the palace safely.

Heavily armed Autobots and killers filed out of the spaceship. The tape recorder played out all the tape robots. They transformed into birds and began searching based on T'Chaka's voice and appearance.

"Move! Move! Build a defense line to stop the Wakandans' attack!"

Optimus Prime stood in the center of everyone.

"T'Chaka's location has been found. Team 1, follow me!"

The first team heading in the direction of T'Chaka soon ran into the heavily armed female Royal Guards and T'Chaka.

They are riding a suspended boat and are trying to go to the five major tribes to gather the power of the five major tribes to resist the invaders.

"Long live Wakanda! Protect the King!"

As the most elite force in Wakanda, the Women's Royal Guard instantly activated the shield of the cloak and disembarked from the hovercraft in an orderly manner.

They let out a uniform war cry and raised their spears.


Optimus Prime directly pulled out a thermal ax and fired a shot at the Wakandan with a hand cannon.


The powerful hand cannon directly penetrated the vibranium barrier and blew away the female Royal Guards behind. Killers and robots armed with various heavy weapons rushed in through the gap.

Although the female Royal Guards tried their best to resist, due to the qualitative difference in strength, they collapsed immediately.

"King T'Chaka! You have a chance to reduce the casualties of your citizens, that is to surrender immediately."

Optimus Prime struck the ground next to T'Chaka with an axe. The indestructible thermal ax cut deeply into the ground. Even so, the remaining ax surface was almost as high as T'Chaka.

T'Chaka looked around sadly, and he understood where these enemies came from from the orcs.

"I will show you the wrath of the Wakandans!"

He struggled to raise his arms, and sharp claws popped out of the Black Panther suit.


Optimus Prime flicked his finger on T'Chaka's forehead, knocking him unconscious.

"The next target is Prince T'Challa. Without their leader and heir, the Wakandans will lose their will to resist."

"These Wakandans are too weak. I thought they were strong enough if they dared to challenge Broly. I didn't expect that they would break into pieces at the first touch."

Thor said with some dissatisfaction. So far, these Wakandans have been defeated without him taking any action.

"Don't be careless. Only by capturing T'Challa can we completely conquer Wakanda."

As a commander, Optimus Prime is very vigilant.

According to the news from the first and second teams, only the second team had sporadic exchanges of fire with the Wakandans, and the fighting quickly subsided. The strongest border tribe did not mobilize and remained quiet. This situation was very abnormal.

He immediately dispatched two tape robots vigilantly to investigate the movements of these Wakanda tribes.

Prince T'Challa was very vigilant. He seemed to have learned about his father's capture through some kind of communication system, and took his mother and sister to hide in the vibranium veins.

However, their traces could not be concealed by the powerful detection capabilities of the tape robot, and they were pulled out of the mine veins.

"Prince, you have completely failed. I hope you can immediately declare unconditional surrender to all Wakandans, so that this series of bad situations can be resolved satisfactorily."

Facing the Black Panther who took off his hood, Optimus Prime officially issued an ultimatum.

"This will minimize Wakanda's losses."

T'Challa spat on Optimus Prime.

"Wakanda has not yet failed. The five tribes still have powerful force! Even if all the royal families die, my friend Wakabi will avenge me. The noble anger of the Wakanda people will engulf you all. people."

Optimus Prime has received the intelligence detected by the tape robot through the data link. He looked at T'Challa with pitying eyes.

"Prince, the real situation may be different from what you imagined. I hope you can stay calm in the next time."

Optimus Prime asked the killers to press down on the four royal family members and ride on the hovercraft towards the front of the first team.

There, the tribe that had finally completed its assembly was confronting the first team. The huge rhinoceros snorted uneasily and dug its hooves into the soil.

The five major tribes formed neat square formations one after another. Different tribes wore different colored robes, making them very easy to identify.

Compared with the first team, which only had more than thirty people and robots, they had an overwhelming advantage in numbers.

"You are about to die! I will sacrifice myself for Wakanda!"

T'Challa looked at the assembled Wakanda army and felt excited. He was already looking for opportunities to commit suicide to prevent being used to coerce the army's attack.

"T'Challa, you need to look further."

Optimus Prime said as his palm projected a close-up view of the Wakanda army. T'Challa's blood froze in an instant, and the excitement on his face didn't have time to fade away, which was extremely funny. Princess Su Rui beside her burst into tears.

I saw the heads of the female royal guards hanging on the flags of these tribes. They were sent to assemble the armed forces of the five major tribes.

Okoye, who was hanging on the flag, was still in disbelief. Because the blood had been drained, her skin was extremely pale.

T'Challa clearly remembered that not long ago it was he who ordered Okoye to go to the border tribe to gather strength with Wakabi.

"This is why I did something wrong"

He just collapsed.

The Wakandans in the distance let out a uniform war cry. The roar that used to be heart-stirring seemed so cold at this moment.

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