
There was a loud noise in the room, and the refrigerator that had been standing quietly by the wall suddenly came to life and transformed into a robot filled with evil energy.

He dragged a battle ax and was eager to kill.

George Stacy held a shotgun and walked out of the bedroom warily. As the chief of the New York City Police Department, he is very vigilant and wary of possible retaliation.

He originally thought that the person who broke in would be a gang killer, but he was shocked when he saw the strange and ferocious demon robot.

When the demon robot saw George Stacey, he immediately swung his battle ax excitedly.


There was a gunshot, and the flying bullets shattered the demon robot's scales, and the projectiles hit it with arcs of electricity. In the emergency, George Stacy directly fired all the bullets in the magazine.

The demon robot let out a roar. Although its body was beaten to pieces, it still stubbornly held the battle ax towards George Stacey.

George Stacey had also seen the world, so he simply held the barrel of the gun and swung the shotgun hard at the demon robot.

After all, the demon robot was just a transformed refrigerator, and its head was smashed off.

"What the hell is this!"

George Stacey gasped and kicked the skull on the ground.

"Dad, bow your head!"

George Stacey shuddered and rolled on the spot, feeling only a gust of cold wind blowing from the top of his head. A mechanical leopard landed on the sofa in the living room. Its streamlined body and sharp claws directly tore the sofa apart.

The mechanical leopard opened its mouth and let out a demonstrative roar.


Gwen shot its head off.

George Stacey looked at the completely scrapped sofa, the missing TV series and the refrigerator, and twitched his lips. Then he took out his cell phone and prepared to call the New York City Police Department. But after dialing for a long time, there was still a busy signal on the other end of the phone.

Gwen pulled her father to the window and asked him to look outside.

I saw giant evil robots hunting people on the streets. These robots are far taller than those seen in Stacey's home, and the weapons they use are no longer limited to cold weapons. They can launch energy pulses and missiles with astonishing destructive power, and can even use the cold weapons in their hands to cut out sword energy.

Someone tried to escape by car, but he and the car were split in half. Some people brought firearms, but the hits on these robots caused little sparks and were not damaged at all.

When ordinary people face them, they have no power to resist at all. Almost as soon as they are discovered, they will die. Their life force was drained and they quickly turned into mummies.

The demon robot that hunted humans began to grow fleshy strands from its metal skeleton.

"What the hell happened."

He looked at the spaceship suspended over New York City in horror, and shrank back indoors.

A demon robot heard the gunshots coming from the room, with a grin on its face. It pierced the wall with its sharp claws and climbed towards the floor where Stacey's family was.

After killing all the pedestrians on the road, other robots also rushed into the building to hunt.

"What should we do, Dad? The guns we have cannot threaten the big guy who is about to climb up."

Gwen Stacy gritted her teeth and said.

Her mother, Helen Stacey, and brother were shaken. They witnessed with their own eyes the brutal appearance of the two strange machines as they attacked their father.

George Stacey, who usually commands tens of thousands of police officers, was at a loss what to do at this time. All the people below are those kind of weird robots, and communication has been completely interrupted.

The demon robot would not wait for them to slowly think about countermeasures, and quickly climbed to the corresponding floor.


He pushed directly through the outer window and climbed half of his body into the house. A pair of glowing red eyes scanned the four people in the room. Helen Stacey screamed and hid in the corner with her son in her arms. George Stacy tried to load the shotgun in his hand, but the previous blow twisted the entire shotgun and could not load the bullet at all. .

Only Gwen Stacy calmly held the gun and fired, aiming at the robot's head and shooting one after another. After being kidnapped by the lizard people, she joined the gun club and practiced marksmanship hard. Although these shots suffered from recoil, they still accurately hit the robot's head.

The splashing shotgun didn't hurt the robot at all, but instead completely angered him. He tore open the wall and stretched an arm in, trying to grab Gwen out of the house.

Gwen rolled on the spot, avoiding his claws.

The sharp claws scratched the marble floor and dug out five deep scratches. The missed catch made the demon robot a little angry. He raised the muzzle of the cannon, and the black demonic energy was charging. ,

Everyone in the room looked desperate. These robots that suddenly appeared were so powerful that they had no power to resist.

At this desperate moment, the demon robot's head suddenly tilted back, as if something was tearing him apart.

Gwen Stacy looked surprised, she knew who was coming.

An arm directly penetrated the head of the demon robot and gouged out both of his eyes. Peter Parker poked his head out from behind the robot and looked at Gwen with concern:

"Gwen, are you okay!"

He was afraid that he would be late and would only see corpses on the ground.

"I'm fine!"

Gwen Stacy didn't cry out until this moment.

The body of the demon robot slipped and fell from the high floor, smashing to pieces on the ground. Immediately, a group of relatively weak robots swarmed up, fighting each other for his heart.

Other powerful robots were attracted by Peter Parker and crawled towards the city.

"You're Spider-Man!"

George Stacey recognized Peter Parker's identity from his tights.

"What is your relationship with my daughter?!"

Gwen Stacy rolled her eyes.

"Dad, now is not the time to care about this, we must escape from here!"

Before she finished speaking, the spaceship in the sky suddenly moved, shooting out several streaks of magic light across New York.

George Stacey nodded hard.

"We can go to the police headquarters. The force there should be the most powerful. After the lizard man riot, SWAT is equipped with some new heavy weapons, which should be able to fight these damn robots."

"No! The headquarters should be the most dangerous place now. If I were the commander of these robots, it would be impossible not to concentrate our efforts to destroy it first! We should avoid all locations that may attract attacks and escape from New York."

Gwen Stacy said very firmly.

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