Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 337 Outer Space

Earth, the original Las Vegas, the originally prosperous city has been abandoned. As a miracle in the desert, this city simply cannot survive without modern civilization.

First the food was cut off, then the power supply was cut off, and finally even the food was cut off completely. Most people who could afford to leave have simply left, and the entire city has almost become a ghost town.

A motorcade appeared on the deserted street.

Peter Parker looked a little confused as he looked at the corpses on the street. The deceased must have committed suicide by jumping down from a building. All the bones in his body were broken.

I don’t know how many people have died since the Cataclysm.

They built a settlement around the laboratory. After all, the laboratory has stable power supply and water supply.

After witnessing the earth-shaking changes in the outside world, the mutants chose to join forces with Peter Parker and his group. In such a dangerous situation, although they have some strength, it is still difficult to protect themselves.

One demon can easily kill all the mutants.

They came out of the laboratory at this time to look for possible survivors.

Because of the rampant mutant creatures, there are fewer and fewer survivors. Today's human beings simply cannot survive alone, and even small settlements of dozens of people will be destroyed by mutated creatures.

Those mutated creatures are becoming more and more powerful and cruel.

Peter Parker heard from a private radio station that a giant reticulated python more than twenty meters long attacked a medium-sized settlement of a thousand people, devoured about twenty people and then walked away.

"Let's go back."

He patted the roof of the car and said to the driver below. We have collected enough supplies this time. Since no survivors have been found, it is time to go back.

Otherwise, at night, even he would not be able to ensure the safety of everyone in the convoy.

On the way back, Peter Parker was thinking about the world's best martial arts tournament. Of course he wants to participate in the world's best martial arts conference. If he could get the Dragon Balls, he hoped that everything could go back to before that nightmare.

But he knew that if he persisted until the end, the possibility of obtaining the Dragon Ball was very low. There are so many powerful people in the entire universe, and he has a clear understanding of his own strength.

Suddenly, Peter Parker felt a strong uneasiness, which was exactly the same as the night when the devil came, no, even stronger. The intense fear and depression actually made his stomach start to twitch. He put his hand on the hilt of the magic sword and looked at the sky in surprise.

Another powerful being has come to Earth, and it is much more powerful than Veronica.


The Celestials who destroyed Xandar's prison appeared outside the Earth's atmosphere. At this time, he was holding a huge scepter in his hand, and the power gem he had taken from the prison was embedded in the scepter.

"Mortal Broly! Hand over the Dragon Ball in your hand! That is not a power that a mortal can control. If you dare to resist, then I will destroy the earth together with you!"

His voice sounded like thunder in the atmosphere. Under the influence of divine power, it rings in the ears of people all over the earth.

Peter Parker held the magic sword tightly. He hated this kind of behavior that threatened the entire earth at every turn, but now he was too weak and couldn't do anything at all.

Suddenly there was another burst of wild laughter in the sky, and Broly's figure turned into a golden light and flew into outer space.

Thanos and Ebony Maw followed behind in a small spaceship, broadcasting the battle live for the entire universe.

While still in mid-air, Broly circulated his Gang Qi and transformed into a giant with the same size as the God, and punched the God.

Even in outer space where the air is extremely thin, this punch still produced a roar that could shatter steel.


This punch was blocked by the god with the scepter in his hand.

The shock wave centered on the two of them and spread in all directions.

Even though they were far apart, the small spaceship the two Thanos were riding in still shook violently. They could even hear the slight twisting sound of the spacecraft's armor plates and keel being overwhelmed.

Ebony Maw used telekinesis to protect the spacecraft, and Thanos controlled the spacecraft to continue retreating.

"Let's start reporting."

Thanos said.

Ebony Throat smoothed his thin hair with difficulty and coughed:

"Today, there is an alien evil god who covets the Dragon Ball in King Broly's hand and brazenly attacks the earth, threatening all life on the earth. Such little gods are arrogant and arrogant, and lack the awareness of their own weakness. Bu. King Raleigh's iron fist will definitely crush his arrogant ambitions and deter other snoops."


There was a sudden loud noise on the battlefield, and the god's scepter suddenly burst out with dazzling purple light, violently knocking Broly away.

Broly's figure dragged a purple flame tail and disappeared beyond the range that the small spacecraft's photoelectric system could capture.

Ebony Throat immediately panicked and looked at Thanos involuntarily.

Thanos signaled Ebony Maw not to panic, he could sense that Broly was not using all his strength at all. I just want to play with this god.

"A stupid mortal actually took over the power of the Power Stone. The blow just now was enough to completely destroy a planet. It's a pity that he was killed before he could even ask where the Dragon Balls were."

The god focused his attention on the small spaceship where Thanos was.

"Do you know where the Dragon Balls are?"

Before he could fly towards the spaceship, Broly appeared behind him like teleporting. A fierce punch hit the side of his face.

The god let out a scream, and hit the moon like a meteor. Even if the huge impact was buffered, a huge crater was still formed on the moon's surface.

"If you can't block the next blow, you will die."

After speaking, Broly began to gather energy. Although he did not transform into a Super Saiyan, the terrifying energy was still surging in his body.

The god covered his cheek that was about to split. He was frightened and angry. He clenched the scepter in his hand with both hands and raised his hand with all his strength.

A purple beam of light that was far more powerful than before was blasted towards Broly in the universe.


The qigong wave and the purple light beam collided. In just a moment, the light beam retreated steadily and was pushed back by the qigong wave.


The god looked at the incoming Qigong waves in horror, and blocked the staff in front of him in vain. Just when the qigong wave was about to hit him, the qigong wave suddenly turned and flew diagonally into the vast universe.

"By the way, you can't destroy that gem. Number 18 should like it very much."

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