The old lady Ren was dizzy with anger: "Why do you say that the Ren family was defeated by us?"

In terms of volume, Liao believed that she would not lose to Old Madam Ren, and immediately snorted and said, "Isn't it because of your own affairs in the West Mansion that you have been imprisoned this time? Before, it was because I thought it was for the sake of a family." In the end, I don’t have a second opinion about our East Mansion contributing people and efforts, but you are too much! The Ren family’s family business is not solely owned by your West Mansion, so why do you say that half of it is used to save people and half is used to save people? Have you asked what we mean?"

Master Ren saw that she was an elder, so he could only calmly say: "Second Aunt, we always invite Second Brother over to discuss things."

Liao said angrily: "That's because you know my son is soft-hearted and easy to bully, so he can bully us vigorously! Let me tell you, with me here, no one can take advantage of us! This time This family is divided between us!"

Liao has been thinking about separating the family for decades, and this time is definitely a great opportunity. This time, it was the people from the West Mansion who made a wrong decision that led to the crisis of the Ren family. Naturally, she had to take this opportunity to separate out. Why should the people from the East Mansion have to accompany the people from the West Mansion to be unlucky.

The old lady Ren also remembered the letter from the second old master, and said angrily: "What do you mean this is something caused by our West Mansion? If it wasn't for the second uncle who wrote back to say that we should marry the Zeng family Are there so many troublesome things? Now you have the nerve to come and tell us that we did something wrong?"

Not to be outdone, Mrs. Liao said: "Didn't our second old man listen to uncle for everything these years? It has always been the uncle who said to go east, then go east, and when he said west, he went west. When will it be uncle's turn to listen to him? So I haven’t returned to Beijing all these years, isn’t it because of what my uncle said back then? This time he just mentioned it casually because he cares about the marriage of his grandniece. I don’t believe that it’s because of a letter from him. The one who agreed to the marriage with the Zeng family!"

It's not easy for Mrs. Ren to refute these words. In fact, Liao's words are not wrong. Mrs. Ren is really not the kind of person who will marry off her granddaughter just because of a word from her younger brother. It was Fang Yacun's letter that prompted the marriage between the Ren family and the Zeng family. And it was indeed the old master Ren who asked Ren Yongxiang to go to Kyoto.

Mrs. Liao and Mrs. Ren have been at odds since they were young, and no one has ever liked the other, and now they are even more tense.

It was still Fifth Master Ren who persuaded Liao: "Second Aunt, even if we want to separate the family, we have to wait until my father comes back first, right? You also know that my father decides on major family matters, so we juniors agree. If my father refuses to come back, you will not be able to separate. So there is no point in making noise here today."

The Ren family's money is indeed in the hands of Mrs. Ren. Even if they want to save him this time, the Ren family must first ask him what he means and let him make arrangements.

At this time, the second master also stood up to persuade his mother: "Mother, what the fifth brother said is correct, the most urgent task now is how to rescue the uncle, whether to separate the family or not, it is better to wait for the uncle to come out and talk about it. And the father and fourth brother are still in the capital. The separation of the family is of great importance and requires their consent."

Only then did Liao relax a bit: "I'm not saying that the division should be divided immediately, but at least we must make it clear first. I still say that, brothers and sisters will settle accounts clearly, and you will pay for the money to save uncle. You can't use the one that belongs to us!"

Mrs. Ren also knew that now was not the time to quarrel with Liao Shi. Otherwise, it would be over if the rescue of the old lady was delayed, so she didn't continue to quarrel with Liao, she just said: "Okay, let's discuss this matter after our old lady comes back, I can't make the decision anyway. It's not too early Now, you all go back and rest first. There are still many things to be busy tomorrow."

After thinking about it, Liao thought that it was almost the same level of trouble today, and she didn't want the old man to be unable to get out of prison. Just don't use their money to redeem people.

Afterwards, everyone withdrew from Old Madam Ren's Ronghua Courtyard.

After this day. Mr. Ren immediately started to save Mrs. Ren.

It is not easy for the Ren family to take out 1.5 million taels at once, but it is not a problem to take out 500,000 taels first. As for the coal mine and the coal warehouse, the government had already sent people to check the accounts early in the morning, so it was very convenient and convenient at the moment.

So after just three days, everything was arranged. Half a million vehicles of silver were released, and the accounts of the coal mines and coal warehouses in Yanbei were also handed over to the people sent by the government.

So it was noon that day. The members of the Ren family finally welcomed Mrs. Ren back.

The last time Mr. Ren came back, he was helped back, and Mr. Ren was almost brought back by someone.

Ren Yaoqi had also been waiting in Ronghuayuan early in the morning, but when she saw Mrs. Ren for the first time, she almost couldn't recognize him.

In just over a dozen days, Old Master Ren's originally black hair was already mottled and covered with silver threads, and his cheeks were sunken, as if he had suffered a serious illness. The lines on the face are also much deeper.

When old lady Ren saw him, she couldn't help covering her mouth and crying. The other female relatives also wiped away their tears.

Mr. Ren knelt down in front of Mrs. Ren, his voice choked with sobs, and said, "Father, are you sick again? My son hasn't seen you for a few days, why do you..." Mr. Ren felt that Mr. Ren was better than him The time I saw him before, he was much older and weaker.

But before, he obviously took care of Master Yang and asked him to hire a doctor for Mrs. Ren.

Old Master Ren waved his hand weakly, and was about to say something when he suddenly bent down and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and Ren Yaoyu who was standing in front screamed in fright because blood was sprayed on the tip of her shoe. Ren Yaoyu's cry made the atmosphere in the room panic.

The old lady Ren rushed over and wiped the blood from the corner of the old man Ren's mouth with shaking hands, crying: "Old man, what's wrong with you? Didn't Da Lang say that your illness is cured?"

Old Master Ren tilted his head and passed out.

The eldest wife immediately ran out and ordered someone to call the doctor into the mansion.

Ren Yaoqi looked at the old man's symptoms, and felt a little strange, why did he become so sick all of a sudden?

During this period of time, the doctor went to Ren's house almost every day, so this time the doctor came very quickly.

Mrs. Ren's illness cast a shadow over the hearts of everyone in the Ren family, and everyone's faces were filled with worry. The original joy of Mrs. Ren's return was also diluted.

The doctor quickly took the old man's pulse and concluded that he was coughing up blood because he had injured his lungs due to the cold. The doctor's long speech was so confusing that the old lady Ren couldn't understand, so she asked directly: "Doctor, just tell me if there is something wrong with him and how can he be cured."

The doctor said that there is nothing to worry about, but it is not always true if there is nothing to do. In a word, he should have a good rest, reduce mental and physical exertion, take medicine for recuperation and rest.

***************************************************** ******************************************* Minor Repair...****** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *

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